"Because, the Rabbi is my partner at this time, not the Rabbi you were looking for!" Tian Lin walked over with a playful voice. On his shoulders, there was another Rabbi, look at it. At this point, Kou Tai finally understood that he was being played by Tianlin from start to finish.

There was just one more thing he couldn't figure out. The time ripple power on his body should not be exhausted. Why didn't he have any warning in such a bad situation.

Seeing Kou Tai's confusion, Tian Lin chuckled, "I don't understand, why did your time ripple suddenly disappear, that's because I don't want you to see it, in other words, to use the power of time ripple, just Get my permission, like this!"

Saying that, Tianlin operated the law of time ripples, Kou Tai's eyes gleamed, and he finally saw the picture of the future, but this picture was not good, the company went bankrupt, and he was imprisoned. The rest of his life will never see the light of day. place to spend.

"Ouch!" Kou Tai suddenly knelt on the ground and retched. As soon as he saw that kind of life, he felt a burst of despair, "No, it's impossible, even if I can't get the time ripple, I can still put all the Blame it on Zoroark, it won't end like this."

"I'm sorry, Mr. Kotai, you used Zoroark's evidence and we have all found it. I have blocked the way to blame it." The last straw that broke the camel's back came, it was Kou Ty's secretary Leoka and Dream.

"Leoka, you dare to betray me." Due to Tianlin's interference, the warnings Kou Tai had seen before were incomplete, and they were basically related to Tianlin, and the figures of the others did not appear at all. The identity of Leoka's undercover agent is still unknown.

"This is not a betrayal. I joined your company to investigate you from the very beginning. The big deal, just don't continue to pay me." Leoka said, "You don't know yet, you finally recovered. The Zoroark is actually a dream, this bear child not only demolished your house, but also drove everyone on your airship away, so that I can copy all the data on your computer calmly."

"What?" Kou Tai understood completely. No wonder his subordinates wanted to ask him for help. They were wrong from the beginning of the emotional fight. What they saw, such as the super-armored rhinoceros and fire-breathing dragon, were not phantoms at all, but It's a fantastic physical transformation, no wonder the phantom release bracelet is useless at all.

Kou Tai looked at Tianlin fiercely, "You did it again, right?"

He understands very well that since this man can control Shirabi, it is not impossible to control another dream.

"Yeah, I'm sorry, my two bear children have caused trouble for you." Tian Lin teased and apologized, but Dream and Shirabi flew back to him at this time to be pampered and praised. Feeling a little bit apologetic.

"Okay, I'll reward you later, I still have important things to do..." After the conversation changed, Tian Lin suddenly became serious, "Mr. Kou Tai, twenty years ago, You stole the Time Ripple without permission, causing the plants in the entire Crown City to wither. Today, 0 years later, you are ready to repeat the same trick, even more intensified, capturing Zoroja and threatening Zoroark to attack the city. One by one, all the evidence is conclusive, I am going to arrest you now as a high-ranking investigator of the Alliance, and I will capture you as soon as I can, if you continue to resist, I will bring you to justice on the spot!"

The powerful aura surged out with a strong murderous aura, and Kou Tai couldn't breathe. He finally accepted the reality and knelt down in front of Tian Lin. That look was very similar to the original Chi Ri. It was all about the world. Desperate expression.

Soon, Kurut and Leoka contacted Miss Junsha, and they also announced all the evidence to the citizens of Crown City through live broadcast. Row.

On the second day, Zoroark and Zoroja were picked up from the grandparents’ house. They can now go back to their hometown. Kurut and Leoka arranged a direct passenger ship to Hezhong. Today is the parting day.

"Tianlin, are you leaving?" Zoroja asked reluctantly.

Tianlin touched Roja's head and smiled, "Fool, it's not me who is leaving, it's you who are leaving, after returning to Hezhong, remember to take good care of yourself and your mother, one day, I will come to 4.0 Hezhong, let's meet again then, if you have become very independent by then and can leave your mother, how about I take you on a trip?"

"Really, then you must come, it's settled, I will wait for you!" Zoroya nodded heavily, it will definitely follow his MA to train well, wait for the next meeting, let Tianlin Meet a more mature self.

Saying goodbye to Zoroark's mother and son, Tianlin didn't urge Xiaoguang to leave immediately, but he still hasn't forgotten their official business when they first came to Crown City. He wants to accompany Xiaoguang to watch the Pokémon Foot Basket game. .

This is the last leisure time before the league competition. Shenao's journey is about to come to an end. In the last time, Tianlin wants to spend more time with Xiaoguang and do things she likes.

Chapter [*]: Meet Miss Ami and Jian Wu again

Tianlin and Xiaoguang stayed in the crown city for half a month, watching the Pokémon Baskets one after another, until they finally used the Magneto, the three-in-one Magneto and the Explosive Magneto evolution chain. After the triple crown satellite team won the championship, they left with satisfaction.

Arriving at the port of Wangguan City, from here, there is a direct ferry to Linglan Island, but unfortunately today's ship has already left, so the two of them have to book a ferry ticket for the morning of tomorrow, and then stay here for one more night.

Just as the two were about to return to the Pokémon Center, they suddenly heard a familiar voice, "Snorkeling Itachi, it's time to start!"

"Jianwu!" The two hurried over and saw that Jianwu seemed to be training a new combination trick, and beside him was a very beautiful big sister who was also an acquaintance of Tianlin, who was the gymnasium of the Shallow Onion Gym. Miss Ami, the trainer, is a girl who is known as the 'Bronze Wall' in the Chengdu area.

Ami seems to be helping to guide Jianwu's snorkeling Itachi, let it complete the combination of tidal vortex and water jet, and let the power of tidal vortex bless the water jet. Although it is simple, it is a very practical combination.

"The combined move of Tide Whirl and Water Jet 08 looks very good." Ami gave Jianwu a fairly pertinent evaluation, "Even if this move is not a performance, it can double the power of the ultimate move in ordinary battles!"

"Long time no see, Jian Wu, Miss Ami!" Tian Lin greeted him.

"It's Tianlin, hello, I haven't seen you for a long time, your temperament has become even more extraordinary, and you have a faint feeling of surpassing the Four Heavenly Kings!" Miss Ami smiled, then looked at Xiaoguang, "Is this your new travel partner? ?"

In Ami's memory, Nazi and Nana were the ones who traveled with Tianlin, and Nana even got a steel badge from her.

"Let me introduce her. She is my childhood sweetheart, Xiaoguang. She is also the champion of this gorgeous large-scale celebration in the Shenao region. She is the new top coordination trainer." Jian Wu grabbed in front of Tian Lin and introduced, there are two things he doesn't want Losing to anyone, one is a gorgeous contest, and the other is about Xiaoguang.

Xiaoguang bowed obediently, "Miss Ami, hello, are you also a coordinator?"

Seeing that Ami has been guiding Jianwu, she thought she was also an excellent coordination trainer.

Tianlin explained to her, "No, Miss Ami is a gym trainer, from the Chengdu area, but she can do all the tricks with one technique, and with her level of trainer, there is absolutely no way to instruct an ordinary coordinator trainer. questionable."

"Thank you for your compliment, Tianlin, but Xiaoguang is right. In order to make myself stronger, I want to learn all the skills that I can use, so I am also practicing for a gorgeous battle. "

Ami's statement made Tianlin very recognized. Indeed, the combination of many gorgeous competitions is not only very beautiful, but also powerful. If they can be used freely, even in ordinary battles, they can have miraculous effects.

Tianlin nodded, "As expected of Miss Ami, as the owner of the gym, instead of striving for stability, he constantly strives for perfection and strengthens himself. This is the best respect for the challengers who come to the gym."

"Since Tianlin, you approve of my approach, then as a greeting for the long-awaited reunion, how about we fight?" Ami suddenly ignited the fighting spirit. She went out to train herself, and now she is so strong against Tianlin. Opponents, there is absolutely no reason to let go.

"Okay, I can't ask for it." Tian Lin would not refuse the invitation to the battle, just as a warm-up before the competition.

After speaking, the two walked towards an open space, and Jian Wu and Xiaoguang followed.

On the way, Jianwu asked tentatively while walking, "Xiaoguang, what are you going to do next, Shenao's gorgeous competition is over, you shouldn't stop there? If you have decided where to go next, You can let me know."

In fact, Jian Wu wanted to ask if Xiaoguang would be separated from Tianlin in the future. He really wanted to invite Xiaoguang to travel with him next. If she stayed with Tianlin all the time, he would probably have no chance in his life.

Xiaoguang didn't hear his voice and replied, "Of course, my journey is far from over, my dream now is to become a master of the gorgeous competition, and I will definitely go to the next area, but it will be in the sky. After Lin finishes the league competition, I have to put everything down and cheer for him first."

"That's great, if that's the case..." Before Jian Wu could finish speaking, Tian Lin and Miss Ami were already ready.

Xiaoguang ignored him directly and shouted, "Tianlin, come on!"

She only has Tianlin in her eyes now.

Tian Lin also smiled back at her, "Don't worry, I won't lose, let's go, Xidorlanen!"

"It's actually Sidoran, the legendary guardian of the volcano, this opponent is amazing!" Ami is indeed a goddess of steel, and she is not afraid to rejoice when she sees a powerful Pokémon, "Then, let's go, big steel snake! "

To deal with Fire-type Pokémon, Ami still sent a Steel-type, but she was actually the one with the dominant stats. The Big Steel Snake was also a Ground-type, and this stat was enough to restrain Sidolane four times.

Moreover, compared to the last time we met, the strength of the steel snake has improved a lot. It can be said that it is about to cross the threshold of the king level. The reason why Ami came out to experience at this time is to help the steel snake break through.

"Then, I'll strike first, Big Steel Snake, and use Iron Tail!" Ami took the lead in attacking, Iron Tail is the best move of Big Steel Snake, even if it didn't work well for Sidoran, She didn't hesitate to use it.

"Stop it!" Xi 357 Duo Lanen did not step back, and directly used his body to bear the iron tail of the big steel snake.

The difference in strength between the two sides is astonishing. After all, the big steel snake is still one step away from the heavenly king level, and Xi Duolan has already possessed the terrifying strength of the champion level.

"It's an amazing defense!" Ami was deeply impressed by Tianlin. Each of his Pokémon was very complicated. When we first met, she could still see the end of his strength, but now it is completely unfathomable. "Then next, resort to digging holes."

The big steel snake digs a hole into the ground, and finally uses the most restrained ground-based skills, but Tianlin still has no counterattack action, just issued a defensive command, "Use the iron wall."

The defensive power of Sidoran has been greatly increased again. Right in front, the big steel snake rushed out from the ground and bombarded Sidoran head-on, but the result was exactly the same as before. Sidoran was completely fine, the big steel snake Repulsed by the shock force.

"How is it possible that all of Miss Ami's instructions are completely useless?" Jian Wu was completely stunned. Tian Lin's strength was far more terrifying than he imagined.

At this time, Tianlin has almost completely understood the level of the big steel snake. At this point of the game, he is also ready to start counterattack! .

Chapter [*] Love Rivals Battle Tianlin VS Jianwu

"Big steel snake, use the earthquake!" Ami didn't intend to give up, and was doing her final resistance.

"Xidoran, unleash the lava storm!" Tian Lin made his move at this time, and it was an exclusive skill.

The surroundings of the earthquake shook unceasingly, but at the center of the epicenter, a flame shot up into the sky, but it seemed unusually stable and seemed completely unmoved.

The flames swept towards the big steel snake along with the storm. In an instant, it was trapped in the flame tornado. After a while, the big steel snake was burned to black, and suddenly fell to the ground and lost its ability to fight. .

"The game is over, thank you for your hard work, Sidoran." Tian Lin took back Sidoran, then took out berries and grapefruit from his arms and walked to Miss Ami, "Miss Ami, I'm sorry, It is the fruit of healing burns and restoring physical strength, you can serve it to the big steel snake, it will be fine in a while."

"Thank you, I really deserve to win all the four kings of Shenao. I have no power to fight back against you now." Ami didn't feel lost. In fact, before the battle started, she knew that she would lose. The purpose is to just hope that the big steel snake can feel the power of a higher level from Tianlin's Pokemon. This purpose has obviously been achieved.

It's just a little too much. Ami only hopes that the opponent is the king of the sky, and the one sent by Tianlin is not only a champion, but also a divine beast.

At this time, Jian Wu stood in front of Xiaoguang, ready to finish what he had not said just now, "Xiaoguang, wait a minute, I will also challenge Tianlin, if I can beat him..."

Jian Wu paused, and finally, summoned up his courage, "If I win, I hope that in the next area, you can travel with me!"

This sentence is already equivalent to a confession, although it is a bit arrogant, but this is the mood of Jianwu at this time.

No matter how slow Xiaoguang is, she will not be able to hear it. She is very entangled. She has always regarded Jianwu as a good friend and never had any other ideas. She wanted to try to reject Jianwu, but Jianwu didn't even have the chance. For her, he has already walked up to Tian Lin, "Tian Lin, please have a fight with me too~'!"

"You want to fight too? Well, I don't mind, anyway, the battle just now didn't cost me any energy!" Tian Lin nodded, he didn't know what Jian Wu and Xiaoguang said. Anyway, since the opponent stood in front of him, That's it!

"Okay, then let's go, Emperor Nabo!"

"Go to battle, Elleido."

Jian Wu took out his strongest Pokémon Emperor, Nabo, but he was a coordinating trainer after all, and the power of Pokémon couldn't be compared with Ami.

Therefore, Tianlin no longer needs to use high-level characters like Sidolane, Elluiduo is enough to deal with him, and even mega evolution does not need to be used.

"What are you thinking about?" Ami who ended the battle became gentle again, and she quickly noticed Xiaoguang who was absent-minded.

"That, it's actually not a big deal!" Xiaoguang looked a little embarrassed, but still told Ami what Jianwu had just said to her.

Ami was not surprised when she heard the words, but smiled, "So that's the case, this is a battle of rivals, I didn't expect Jian Wu to have such courage. During the training with me, I heard from him the most often. The name of the person I heard was you, I already knew he liked you, the question is, what do you think about yourself?"

"Myself? I'm pretty sure, I only regard Jianwu as a friend, but I'm afraid of hurting him, so I don't know what to say!" Xiaoguang's expression was firm. Obviously, she didn't have any thoughts of wavering between the two men. It's just out of kindness that I can't bear to directly reject it.

"That's enough. Although it's a bit cruel to Jianwu, how to choose your own future is only up to you." Ami gently persuaded, "Also, you don't have to worry about how to respond to Jianwu, because he won Not Tianlin's."

Ami told the truth. In fact, Xiaoguang's initial worries were meaningless. After all, the strength gap between Jianwu and Tianlin was too great.

At this point, the two were already fighting together. The Jianwu Emperor, Nabo, was obviously not as good at fighting as Ah Thun's, both in speed and strength.

The three consecutive water cannons were easily dodged by Eluledo with the simplest movements.

Tianlin's Elluiduo battle never pays attention to any aesthetic feeling. It is a natural warrior. How to solve the opponent most efficiently is the subject of its research.

"Damn, since this is the case, use the water cannon!"

In desperation, Jian Wu finally came up with Emperor Nabo's strongest trick.

"Elloredo, use the sword dance, and then use the blade!"

Elluiduo suddenly began to rotate in place, and around, a strong tornado rolled up to form a wind barrier, and for a while, the hydroelectric cannon was firmly blocked from the outside.

However, this can only be prevented for a while. After all, Sword Dance is not a real defensive trick. Soon, the barrier was broken through, but Elluiduo's purpose of delaying time was achieved.

Its real purpose is to complete the sword dance and greatly increase its attack power.

After the strength increased, Elu Leiduo used the grass-type ultimate move, the blade, and split the hydroelectric cannon in half with one move.

"'" Elluiduo, taking advantage of the situation to counterattack, close fist! "

After splitting the hydroelectric cannon, Eluledo's movements did not stagnate, and he continued to charge forward, and in an instant he arrived in front of Emperor Nabo. After a violent beating, Emperor Nabo, who was restrained by the fighting system, was directly beaten to the ground. rise.

Seeing this, Miss Ami couldn't help but exclaimed, "From defense, strengthening, counterattack, to the final kill, this Eluledo's movements are fast and precise, just like a Pokémon born for battle. , it is too disadvantageous for the Pokémon participating in the (good Li Zhao) gorgeous contest to encounter it."

"Okay, Jian Wu, I won!" Tian Lin said with a smile.

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