Xiaoguang showed incomparable self-confidence, she had hidden until now, and the ultimate and strongest secret will be revealed soon! .

Chapter [*] The large-scale celebration ends, the new top coordination trainer Xiaoguang

"Xiaoguang, what does she seem to be preparing for?" Xiaowang suddenly felt a heart palpitation, that was because Xiaoguang's momentum was too strong at this time, and her last move must be very powerful, "Anyway, I must stop it."

"Elloredo, Charming Meow, use the lightning blade again!"

The combination of mental sharp blade and [*] volts is Xiaowang's strongest stunt right now. If this move can't defeat the opponent, then she can only stop there.

"Pokkis, come and see me, Bogaman, let's do it, our last mystery!"

Xiaoguang's last most trusted partner was indeed Bogaman, and she would bet all her efforts over the past year on Bogaman.

Look at me from Pokkis, and successfully attracted Xiaowang's combination trick. In this way, Pogaman can calmly complete all his preparations.

I saw Bogaman take a deep breath, as before, using the bubble light trick to create a huge rainbow-colored bubble, this time it did not release, but directly swallowed it.

The skill of swallowing the trick appeared again, and what was even more amazing was that because this time it was a rainbow trick, Pogaman also had a rainbow-colored light on his body.

"The 353rd step is completed, and the rainbow Pogaman has greatly increased his strength, then the next is the last blow, Pogaman, the anti-fist shield is opened, and the water cannon is used!"

The power of the water cannon is extremely powerful. Generally, this kind of big move cannot use the rainbow technique, but now, the rainbow Bogaman itself is a colorful color. This water cannon does not need other skills, and it naturally becomes a colorful water column.

What is even more surprising is that when Pogaman jumps and spins, where the water column crosses, it will leave a colorful beam of light, which is beautiful.

"Oh my God, this is so beautiful. If Miss Xiaoguang's universe five-layered light just created a small multicolored space on the field of play, then the current water cannon is simply pulling the entire field of competition into a colorful space. In the world." Bai'an sincerely praised, as expected of the final stage of the large-scale celebration, there will be such an incredible trick.

"Success, this is my last secret, and it's called the Rainbow Great World!" Xiaoguang combined the three secrets of the rainbow technique, the anti-fist shield, and the ultimate swallowing technique, and finally created this unprecedented super gorgeous move.

And this rainbow light world is not just beautiful. At the same time that Pokkis was hit by Xiaowang's combination trick, Eluledo and Charming Meow were also swept away by the rainbow-colored water cannon.

They seem to be completely deprived of their ability to move now, and they can only involuntarily be hit by the revolving water cannons and fly all over the sky. The actions of life are under her free control.

"What a powerful and beautiful trick, Xiaoguang has completely surpassed me in the creative ability of gorgeous tricks!" Miss Caizi's eyes were hazy, the daughter on the stage was really outstanding, the 'no problem' girl from before has disappeared, replaced by Yes, a new generation of top coordination trainers.

"The game is over!" Miss Bai'an made her final judgment at this time.

Although the time has not ended, Xiaowang's Pokémon has not lost the ability to fight, but her score was cut down in the last rainbow world.

Xiaoguang's ultimate meaning actually cut almost half of Xiaowang's total score in one go.From before to now, there has never been such a big trick of deducting points.



At the end of the battle, Xiaoguang's two Pokémon fell down at the same time. Pokkis was already unable to fight. Xiaowang's lightning blade was also an amazing combination skill. That's right, as for Bogaman, it has continuously used the three profound meanings, and its physical strength is also on the verge of its limit.

Xiaoguang quickly stepped forward to help them up, "Thank you, Pogaman, Pokkis, we won!"

"Congratulations, Xiaoguang, you won the championship!" Xiaowang stepped forward and stretched out a hand towards Xiaoguang, "The last Hongguang World is really amazing (aiea), I am convinced that I lost!"

"Thank you, Xiaowang!" Xiaoguang reached out and shook hands with Xiaowang. The battle between their rivals finally came to an end.

clap clap clap!Tianlin stood up, plucked up his palms, and was led by him, the whole venue burst into applause. This game was exciting enough to be worthy of the final stage of a large-scale celebration.

Both sides gave their best, no matter who wins, there is no regret.

"Now, Mr. Conkenstein, director of the Gorgeous Competition Bureau, will present a ribbon trophy to Miss Xiaoguang!"

Conkenstein came to Xiaoguang holding the trophy, "Xiaoguang, you have done a good job, not inferior to your mother at all, congratulations on becoming the new top coordination trainer!"

"Thank you!" Xiaoguang took over the trophy. Her efforts over the past year were not in vain, and she finally fulfilled her dream.

Looking at her contented expression, Conkenstein smiled, "What's the matter, is this enough, Xiaoguang, you should have bigger goals!"

"Yes, of course, the top coordination trainer is just the first step. My ultimate dream is to become a master of the gorgeous competition!" Xiaoguang said solemnly.

The Master of the Gorgeous Competition is equivalent to the Pokémon Master among ordinary trainers. This is a great dream of the same level as Tianlin Xiaozhi and others.

In today's world, there is only one person who has really won this title, and that is Hoenn Champion Mikuri. Even Xiaoguang's mother Caiko or Mikri's master Adam are only the ones who claim to be the closest to the Master of the Gorgeous Competition. This honor.

"Master of the Gorgeous Competition, what a great tone, Miss Xiaoguang, I will definitely become the master of the Gorgeous Competition one step ahead of you!" In the auditorium, Ulala turned and left the venue, because of Xiaoguang's final meaning, she was very concerned about Xiaoguang has nothing to be unconvinced about winning the championship, but it doesn't mean that she is reconciled. Her ill-fated relationship with Xiaoguang seems to continue.

"Xiaoguang, my dream is also this, wait, when I complete a move that is more beautiful than your rainbow world, I will challenge you again!" Xiaowang is still full of confidence, but now Xiaoguang is already at the top Coordinated the trainer, so now, she is the back of her chasing Xiaoguang.

The large-scale celebration was over, Xiaoguang changed his clothes and walked out the door, only to see Tianlin and Caizi standing side by side outside the door waiting for her.

The two people in front of her are her most admired objects, but from now on, she does not need to chase them anymore, because she has obtained the qualification to walk side by side with them.

"Mom, give this back to you!" Xiaoguang took out a ribbon from his arms, "This is the amulet you gave me on the day I traveled from Futaba Town, this ribbon medal has always been given to me Lots of support, but I'm fine now because I have five ribbons of my own, this championship trophy, and the wonderful guys who have been with me, and that's all I've worked so hard on so far!"

Caizi smiled and took back the ribbon medal. She was really happy and relieved when her daughter said such a handsome thing.

Chapter [*]: The Phantom Overlord Zoroark

Xiaoguang's first gorgeous large-scale celebration is over. All her accumulations have turned into the most wonderful performance, helping her to get the honor of the top coordination trainer. It can be said that she has surpassed the final dream of the gorgeous competition master. stride.

Tian Lin thinks that she is enough to be on her own. Even if she is allowed to travel alone now, there will be no problem at all. Of course, Xiaoguang will not leave so soon now. The mysterious journey of the two came to a perfect end.

There is still almost a month before the Shenao League starts. Tian Lin has already collected all eight badges anyway. With enough time, the two of them rushed towards the venue of the conference, Linglan Island.

On this day, the two came to a Pokémon center and were attracted by the show on TV.

"Now, the two teams are fiercely competing for the ball on the field. Although they both want to find opportunities to score, both sides are desperately blocking-blocking the opponent!"

This is a very interesting broadcast of a competitive game called Pokémon Football. Two teams of three Pokémon each compete for a football on the field, and then hit the ball into the field continuously. One side of the moving triangle hoop scores, it's like a new sport that combines basketball and football.

The game that Tianlin and Xiaoguang are watching at the moment is the electric shock monster team against the iron dumbbell team, that is, the team formed by the combination of the electric shock monster and the iron dumbbell's respective evolutionary chains, which is very enjoyable to watch.

"The Shock Monster has shot!" In the picture, with the cooperation of the Electric Shock Beast and the Electric Shock Monster, the Electric Shock Monster successfully got rid of the entanglement of the opponent's iron dumbbells, and then kicked the ball into the triangular basket.

"Score! The electric shock monsters shot explosively, congratulations to the electric shock monster team for winning!" The whistle sounded, and the electric shock monster team successfully won.

"It's really interesting competition, I really want to watch it at the scene!" Xiaoguang said still, now that her large-scale celebration has ended, she is worried about nothing to do!

"Okay, look at the screen, it seems to be introducing the news of the next game!" Tian Lin pointed to the TV screen, and sure enough, a game introduction was being played above. Starting from the day after tomorrow, the World Cup will be held in Wangguan City not far away. This is just a warm-up match for the competition.

At this time, the screen turned, showing a magnificent arena, and a sign with the number '2' could be seen, which should mean the countdown of two days.

"All the teams are ready to go. Among them, the most eye-catching is the team composed of the three legendary Pokémon, Entei, Lei Gong, and Suicune, led by Mr. Clinks Kotai from Raven City. Raven Legends!"

A middle-aged man who looked very uncomfortable appeared on the screen. A person like him could actually control the legendary Three Holy Beasts. It was really unbelievable. You must know that even Tianlin is only one of them. One Suizun.

Of course, Tianlin's Suijun is different from ordinary Suijun. He is a god who truly possesses the position of the North Wind. Even two or three ordinary Suijun can't beat it.

On the TV screen, Cotai gave an order, "actionstart"

The three divine beasts started to move at the same time, Suijun jumped up, as the most beautiful and elegant existence among the three holy beasts, he first grabbed the ball, then passed it to Lei Gong, Lei Gong passed it to the most powerful Yan Emperor, and finally Yan Emperor took a head The ball hit the triangle basket.

As expected of the three great beasts, their movements are neat and tidy.

"However, are these three divine beasts real?" Tian Lin frowned, because this was a recorded video, he couldn't see anything, and he couldn't use the system to detect the data against the video.

But one thing, as one of the divine beast messengers, he couldn't feel the temperament of the three divine beasts at all, and he didn't feel aloof at all.

"Wow, the three holy beasts, I didn't expect that there are other people besides Tian Lin. Tian Lin, let's go and have a look, shall we?" Xiaoguang didn't think about it so much, she was completely attracted by Shui Junyan Emperor With his eyes, he kept waving Tianlin's arm in a coquettish plea.

"Okay, anyway, it's still a while before the competition, I'm not in a hurry, just in time, I also want to see the strength of the other two holy beasts!" Tian Lin smiled and nodded, the authenticity of the three holy beasts, just Let him personally go to the scene to verify it!

The two left the Pokémon Center and headed for the Crown City. They didn't know that, at the moment not far from them, a huge airship was flying towards the Crown City.

In an iron cage on the airship, a black fox-shaped Pokémon woke up leisurely, and a sleepy little fox emerged from the soft fur on its back.

This is United's famous Pokémon, Zoroark, and its predecessor, Zoroya!

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 0

This Pokémon is full of mysteries, and it is extremely rare even in the Hezhong area, let alone in this mysterious place, which is almost unheard of by many people.

Because their family has the ability to transform and create illusory scenes, sometimes, even if it is standing in front of you, you cannot recognize it.

Zoroark looked at his child lovingly, but unfortunately, this warm scene was quickly broken by an uninvited guest.

I saw the lights were bright, and the door of the room closed with the iron cage slowly rose. Standing in front of the door were the three sacred beasts just now, and behind the glass windows behind the three Pokémon, it was Clinks. Cotai, and his secretary.

Kou Tai looked at the mother and son with a grim smile, and his secretary reported, "Mr. Kou Tai, you are ready to make the final adjustments!"


"Okay, action!"

Kotai issued an action order, and the three mythical beasts roared again and again. Seeing this, Zoroark immediately protected Zoroya behind him.

"Zoroark, do you attach so much importance to Zoroja?" Kota asked using the radio.

Hearing this, Zoroark showed an enlightened look, and then answered him with action, only to see that it moved and turned into a Thunder Lord.

This is not a transformation trick, but its characteristic, called hallucination, which can change into the appearance of anyone or anything, but unlike transformation, this feature only changes the appearance, ability value, learned tricks, attributes, etc. Or Zoroark's own.

However, he saw Zoroark's transformed Lei Gong flashing terrifying electric lights all over his body, and a terrifying thunder cloud rose from the airship. Kou Tai raised the device on his wrist. Under the red light flashing, everything was restored to its original state. Everything about it is fake, including the three holy beasts, it's just an illusion created by Zoroark.

And since Kota was able to successfully capture Zoroark, he was naturally ready to deal with this illusion.

On the other hand, the secretary was a little frightened, "I'm really sorry, even though I already wore the Phantom Removal Bracelet, I was still taken aback."

Kou Tai didn't care, but looked at the monitor above. Zoroark's illusion can not only deceive people, but also deceive machines. The picture just captured by the monitor is also the image of Lei Gong, this is Kou Tai Desired result!towel.

Chapter nine hundred and ninety-three Zoroja with divine beast genes

Kou Tai's three mythical beasts are just phantoms, no wonder Tian Lin thought they had no temperament before.

As the phantom dissipated, Zoroja seemed to know that the crisis was temporarily lifted, and timidly stuck his head out from behind his mother.

"The training is over, and you're doing well, Zoroark!" Koo Tai praised him with satisfaction, but he didn't do it so well, only to see an iron-faced ninja suddenly appear and take Soroyak away. Roja, Zoroark was pointed at by many weapons and did not dare to act rashly.

"If you don't want Zoroja to get hurt, continue to obey me honestly!" Kotai didn't subdue Zoroark at all, he was threatening Zoroja to help him.

And that will definitely not be a good thing. If it is subdued, the Alliance will be able to find Kotai through the information of the Pokeball, and as long as Zoroark is always in the wild state, "Three Five Three" then no matter what it does, it will be It has nothing to do with Cotai.

He thought very beautifully, but people are never better than heaven. He never dreamed that Zoroja, who was taken away by the Iron Mask Ninja, would escape by himself, and even found a vent and jumped from the airship.

That is to say, the child was lucky. On the way down, he happened to meet the shuttlecock who was riding the wind, so that he was not injured and landed safely.

Although Zoroya managed to escape, but from Hezhong, it is really unfamiliar with Shenao, and his mother was taken away. He could only walk around aimlessly, and unknowingly came to the depths of the forest. .

At this time, Tianlin and Xiaoguang also happened to be walking in this forest. They were not sleepy and planned to travel more at night.

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