
Bogaman suddenly warned that Tian Lin also felt an unusual wave guide, and quickly stepped forward. After passing through a small jungle, there was a cliff. You could see a black strange little fox on the cliff being caught by a A large group of hyperactive apes besieged.

Tianlin Xiaoguang wanted to save it immediately, but the next scene surprised them. They saw the little fox dodging and turned into a hyperactive ape, which made many hyperactive apes look at each other in dismay. It's a little guy who doesn't know each other, how can they suddenly become their kin.

But then, the little fox changed back on his own. Just now, because the sky was too dark, Tian Lin didn't see the Pokemon clearly. Now that he got close, he realized that it was actually Zoroja in the Hezhong area. !

"Zoroa? Why does this kind of Pokémon appear here?" Tian Lin had doubts in his heart, but the top priority was that he had to save the little guy first, "Please, Sidoran!"

The second-level god Sidolan stood in front of the little guy, and the powerful coercion directly shook the hyperactive apes back. Only then did Tianlin and Xiaoguang step forward and ask, "Little guy, are you alright?"

"Of course it's fine, in fact, I don't need your help, those guys, I can defeat them by myself!" Zoroja said disdainfully.

"What a big talk, if Tianlin didn't save you, you would be miserable." Xiaoguang retorted, suddenly noticed something, "Wait, you can talk, it's telepathy!"

"Oops, I accidentally slipped my tongue. Although MA has said that you can't talk to humans, but there's nothing you can do!" This Zoroja seemed to be completely resigned to the situation, but it was very cute.

Xiaoguang was completely shocked, "This is the first time I saw this kind of Pokémon, and there is no information in the picture book, Tianlin, do you recognize it, can use telepathy, is it a kind of divine beast?"

Tianlin shook his head, "No, it's not a divine beast, it's just a rare Pokémon from the Hezhong area, named Zoroya, but Zoroa, who can use telepathy, don't talk about you, I've never heard of it. Said!"

Tianlin subconsciously called out the system to inquire about this unusual Zoroya information.

Zoroja, evil fox Pokémon, evil type, characteristic hallucination, naive personality (acceleration reduction special defense), height 0.8m, weight 12.8kg, king qualification, super champion potential, current strength elite high-level, with skills : Catch, chase, fake cry, provocation, deceit, supernatural power, raid, imitate, remarks: Special Zoroja with some divine beast genes in his body has mastered the special ability of telepathy since birth, and his aptitude potential is extremely amazing.

He is really an amazing kid. Tian Lin stepped forward and squatted down and touched Soloja's head. Perhaps he felt the affinity on Tian Lin's body, but he did not resist.

Tian Lin smiled and said, "Little guy, why are you here? You should be from Hezhong, right?"

"Yes, MA and I were both brought here by the bad guys from our hometown..." Soraya walked to the edge of the cliff and looked at a brightly lit city in the distance, that is the crown City, "I'm going there now and rescue my MA!"

Although Zoroa fell from the airship, with its innate wisdom, it knew exactly where the airship was heading.

"The MA you're talking about, is it your evolutionary Zoroark? It's in Crown City?" Tian Lin asked.

"That's right!" Zoroya nodded, "MA was caught by the bad guys to protect me!"

Zoroja explained to Tianlin the whole story, including how they were caught, how they escaped, how Zoroark was forced to do bad things, etc.

After hearing this, Tian Lin made up his mind, caressed Soraya's body and smiled, "It's really hard, in that case, let me wish you a helping hand, I won't let anyone use the power of Pokémon to do bad things at will. of."

"Thank you, the breath on your body makes me very comfortable, and I think MA will definitely like you." Soraya jumped on Tianlin's shoulders, and accepted Tianlin's help.

So, the two of them drove Zoroya overnight, preparing to arrive at Crown City as soon as possible.

At this time, Ko Tai on the airship also learned the news of Zoroya's escape, but he didn't care at all. Anyway, he had Zoroya's video data in his hand, which can be played to Zoroark at any time. After 4.0 After this period of time, even if Zoroark discovered the truth, it was too late. At that time, it was just an abandoned child thrown by Kotai.

Koo Tai stared at the night sky and muttered to himself, "The time ripple will disappear on that day. Before that, I must get it!"

The moment he spoke, another Shirabi flew in the woods in Crown City, and at the same time, the ripples of time washed up in the park, but soon disappeared without a trace.

In the early morning of the second day, in order to welcome the upcoming World Cup, the people of Wangguan City cheered for the teams they support, and everyone's faces were filled with anticipation.

But at this moment, Kou Tai arrived. He pointed to the city and said, "Zoroark, get ready to start fighting. Become Lei Gong, Yan Emperor, and Sui Jun, and turn this city upside down!" .

Chapter [*]: Shocked by the Three Holy Beasts ravaging Crown City

Kotai's order made Zoroark very upset. Although it looks ferocious, it is not that kind of really evil Pokémon. Usually it is the limit to deceive people, and now it is required to harm and terrorize those innocent citizens. , it really can't be done.

However, looking at the shivering Zoroja image on the screen in front of him, no matter how much he was unwilling, he could only compromise, obediently obeying Ko Tai's order.

Then, Zoroark jumped and jumped into the originally peaceful and peaceful city.

Koo Tai released a broadcast camera to capture Zoroark's every move, which was a very crucial part of his plan.

At this time, Tian Lin and the others brought Zoroja to Crown City. In order not to attract others' attention, Zoroya changed to the shape of Bogaman. Now Tianlin and Xiaoguang have one on each shoulder. Bogaman, a discerning person sees it, like a pair of boyfriends and girlfriends with a couple of Pokemon.

"What a beautiful town, the air is so fresh!" Before Xiaoguang entered the town, he smelled the fragrance of flowers all over the city of 08.

Crown City is described as a city where water and greenery, ancient streets and modern buildings are perfectly harmonious. It is said that this city often attracts Shirabbi to visit.

But a very unfortunate thing happened here. Twenty years ago, a disaster of unknown origin caused all the plants in Crown City to wither. Since then, people have never seen Shirabi again. In order to welcome Shirabi back, the people of this city, together with Pokémon, worked hard to rejuvenate the city.

Effort is the last thing that will let people down. In fact, everyone's intentions have already moved Shirabi. It has come back back then, and it is even rumored that some people in the city have seen it.

It's a pity that every happiest moment has some kind of guy who spoils the mood.

I saw that a thunderbolt appeared on the tallest building in the center of the town. Accompanied by its roar, a dark and terrifying thundercloud began to fill the entire city, and a sense of fear suddenly enveloped the hearts of the citizens.

In the next second, Lei Gong disappeared in a single jump. On the street, Sui Jun came out of nowhere. Wherever he passed, there was a flood. Everyone shouted and ran as fast as they could, fearing that they would be washed away by the flood.

Finally, there is Emperor Yan, and every step will cause a fire.

The current situation is reminiscent of the disaster [*] years ago, and it seems to be reappearing.

Because everyone was just escaping for their lives, no one noticed at the moment, whether it was Duke Lei or Emperor Shui Junyan, when they ran, there was a small camera behind them.

In fact, the thunderclouds, floods, and fires they saw were all fake. These were all illusions created by Zoroark, and they did not have the ability to materialize the illusions.

Therefore, as long as everyone calms down afterwards, it can be found that there were no casualties in this incident at all.

Just as Zoroark was raging, the large and small screens in the entire Crown City suddenly began to play a video of Ko Tai and his secretary.

"Citizens of Crown City, this is an urgent notice! Kotai Internet World is here to publish a major news, which will be announced by our president, Mr. Clinks Kotay!" After the secretary said, she moved away and turned to the camera. To Cotai.

On the screen, Kou Tai had his hands behind his back, and with a heavy expression on his face, he slowly said, "I have to be here, and solemnly apologize to everyone for this matter. I brought the money I brought to participate in the Pokémon Foot Basket. The three Pokémon, Entei, Lei Gong, and Suijun, were manipulated by an evil Pokémon, Zoroark, and are now making a riot!"

With that said, he revealed the image of Zoroark to everyone. Seriously, from the appearance alone, Zoroark does not look like a good thing.

But not everyone judges people by their appearance. If there is a Dr. Pokémon in Crown City, his lies will have nowhere to hide. He just draws on the ignorance of the citizens.

"We are currently carrying out recycling operations, please evacuate as soon as possible, and immediately seek refuge outside the town. As for the loss of this city, our company will compensate them one by one, please don't worry!"

Kou Tai spoke very sincerely. After listening to his explanation, the citizens who didn't know anything also forgave him and rushed out of the city with their luggage. All the hatred was concentrated on Zoroark.

"So that's the case, the purpose is this!" Tian Lin was also looking at the TV screen, but he discovered Kou Tai's purpose from it. His real purpose was to drive out all the residents of the town, so that he could stay here. what to do?

"Let me see, what's in here?"

Tianlin spread all his spiritual power and swept the entire city immediately. Even Zoroark's phantom couldn't escape his waveguide, but he has no interest in Zoroark now. Ever since he met Zoroja, he has Knowing that Kou Tai's so-called three holy beasts are all fake.

At this time, Tianlin swept a small figure, "This is, Shirabi, there are sometimes Rabbis in this city!"

"I understand, Kou Tai, your purpose is Shirabi, or more precisely, the power of time ripples!" Tian Lin understood all at once.

No wonder all the plants in this city withered [*] years ago. There is a high probability that someone forcibly plundered the power of the forest god, and that person was probably Ko Tai.

The time ripple power obtained through plundering is limited, and it will be exhausted sooner or later. Tian Lin speculates that 353, [*] years is just about to be exhausted, so Kou Tai once again hit the idea of ​​Shila in order to get the power again. than the body.

As for whether the city will become desolate again because of this, it has nothing to do with him. This is all done by the evil Pokémon Zoroark. At most, he just pays some money for the place destroyed by the three holy beasts. , Kootai network company has a great business, and this expenditure is no different from drizzle.

"If you want to move the time ripple, you want to be beautiful!" Tian Lin was determined to stop it.

"It's MA, that's my MA!" Zoroja couldn't hold back when he saw Zoroark, "MA must have escaped from the bad guy, I'm going to find MA!"

"Don't worry, Zoroya, I'll go with you." Tian Lin picked up Zoroya and took it and Xiaoguang to the entrance of the city.

A Miss Junsha stopped him immediately, "Stop, little brother, little sister, haven't you watched Mr. Kotai's broadcast, now there is Zoroark in this city, it's very dangerous, you can't go in Oh!"

"MA is not bad..." Hearing Jun Sha say that, Soroada couldn't help but want to refute, but thanks to Xiaoguang's quick hand, he covered its mouth, knowing that Zoroark's image is not good now, Zoroya is now the image of Bogaman, so it has not attracted attention.

Chapter [*] Rescue Zoroark

Tian Lin glanced at the little guy speechlessly, and sure enough, although it was different from ordinary Zoroja, it had divine beast genes, but he was still a reckless child and didn't notice his situation with Zoroark at all.

Tianlin patted its little head, motioned it to be quiet, and then took out his certificate from his arms.

Jun Sha took a look and said, "You are actually a high-ranking investigator of the alliance, what a disrespect!"

High-level investigators have at least the strength of the quasi-king level, and then they will be the top-level investigators who can only be at the level of the champion of the heavenly king.

Relying on this identification, Tianlin successfully entered the town in the name of helping to stop the three holy beasts. Next, he was going to find Kou Tai.

Just as he and Xiaoguang entered the town, Ko Tai on the aircraft just had a sense, his eyes flashed a green light, and soon, scenes of images came into his mind.

This is the power of the time ripple, which allows him to see things in the future. It is with this power that he can do everything well, and then develop his Kotai Network Company into an international large group. Therefore, , he would never be willing to lose such a great power.

However, his time ripple is different from Tianlin's. It seems to be a passive attack. He doesn't know when he can see the future. At this time, he sees two scenes, one is the time when the time ripple appears. , the other is Tianlin standing in front of him.

"Sure enough, the image became more and more blurred. The countdown was counted down. Is that the time when the time ripple appeared? Who is this person?"

Kou Tai has been relying on Time Ripple to seek good luck and avoid evil. Although he doesn't know Tianlin, he can guess by instinct that this person must be the enemy who prevents him from obtaining Time Ripple.

Walking on the deserted street, Tian Lin suddenly raised his head, "Hoho, it's really hard to find a place to break through the iron shoes. It took no effort to get it. I was trying to find you, but you jumped out on your own~" !"

That's right, Tianlin also sensed the time ripple, and he completely mastered this power. What Kou Tai saw, he could see it all, and even more, he was now able to use the time ripple in turn to control Kou. Tai's every move can be said to be completely invincible.

For example, now, he can see everything Kotai is in front of, and his new order to his subordinates, recover Zoroark.

This is right in Tianlin's arms. He immediately rushed to the place where Zoroark was about to appear according to the instructions given by Ko Tai.

Zoroark was still running around in the city, but suddenly, a Zoroja ran in front of it. Under the joy, it ran over without any doubts. As everyone knows, the Zoroja was just Kotai using a machine. produced images.It's nothing more than a trap that draws it past.

Before taking a few steps, a mechanical flying saucer flew out of nowhere, and a grid stretched out to trap it.

A chariot drove out from the corner with a big man, followed by two giant mantises and three iron-faced ninjas.

"Successful recovery of Zoroark, transport to the airship now!" Dahan reported the situation to Kou Tai on the airship, then turned off the walkie-talkie and started the recovery work.

At this time, a hand patted his shoulder, "Hello, the task has been completed, it's really hard for you!"

"What, who are you? How could there be anyone else in this city?" The big man turned around in surprise and saw Tian Lin who was sitting in the back seat of the car, smiling and looking at him, "Damn, how did you come up, Where's my giant pincer mantis, and the iron-faced ninja?"

"Don't worry, they're fine, they just need to lie there for a while!" Tian Lin pointed to the back of the car and saw that the two giant pincer mantises were burnt to black and fell at the feet of Sidoran, and the three iron-faced ninjas , it was frozen into ice cubes and fell around Suicune.

The two divine beasts shot at the same time, and in an instant, they quietly took all his Pokémon.

"Next, it's your turn!" In the terrified eyes of the big man, Tian Lin put his palm on his forehead, and it didn't take long before he saw him staring at Tian Lin with blank eyes. "Very good, the hypnosis is successful, listen, next, you release Zoroark first."

"Yes!" Dahan mechanically completed the order.

The power grid was turned on, and Zoroya couldn't help rushing over, "MA, I miss you so much!"

Mother and son are connected, Zoroark is very sure that the Zoroja in front of him is no longer an illusion, but its child.

Zoroark picked it up, and this time it was really anxious.

"Well, I'm sorry to disturb your mother-son reunion, but we can't relax now. The bad guy Kotai is still there. If he doesn't receive Zoroark, he will definitely be alert." Tian Lin finished , took out a Poké Ball, "I'll leave it to you, Xiao Meng, you'll become Zoroark, follow this guy back to Kota's, remember, there must be something in the airship. There is a lot of evidence, try to collect it, after that, demolish his house for me!"

"'" Hmmmm! ! "Dream nodded, prank or something, it liked it the most, and then changed into Zoroark's appearance, and walked into the power grid by himself, and the big man obediently took Dream back to cross.

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