The cauliflower monkey accurately threw the tree fruit into the Fangcage's mouth, the Fangcage swallowed it subconsciously, and his physical strength increased rapidly.

"Oh my God, what is Miss Xiaoguang doing, why do you want to help the opponent's Pokémon recover?" Just as Miss Bai'an explained in doubt, the Fangcage suddenly changed.

I saw that its eyes were bloodshot, and it suddenly spewed out a mouthful of flames. Of course, this was not because it had learned the trick of spraying flames, it was purely hot.

"So that's the case, don't have flowers and fruits!" Seeing this, Tian Lin finally fully understood 0 ........

Wuhuaguo, also known as Spicy Cherry Blossoms!The effect is very simple. It restores one-third of the Pokémon's stamina, but if this Pokémon doesn't like spicy flavors, it will fall into chaos. Fang Fang is a grass-type Pokémon, so how can it adapt to a fire-type Pokémon? what about the taste?

"What's the matter with you, Fang Fang, calm down for me!" Musashi's knowledge level is far less than Tianlin's, and he is still a little confused at this time.

Seeing Fang Fang starting to self-harm, she finally got a little anxious, but Musashi still didn't think she would lose, because even if Fang Fang was disobedient, a rice spoon snake was enough to fight two, so Musashi resumed his action, "Damn, In that case, Rice Spoon Snake, go and deal with the two little guys on the opposite side and use the poisonous tail!"

"Fireball Mouse, please, use the flame wheel to block it, Cauliflower Monkey, use recycling!"

Xiaoguang's instructions are also very fast. Fireball Rat has close to gym-level strength. Even if it is not an opponent of Rice Spoon Snake, it can still be used to block one or two blows from the opposite side.

Just when the flame wheel blocked the poisonous tail, the Cauliflower Monkey made a trick of recycling. This is a trick to regenerate the used props. Soon, another Wuhuaguo appeared in the hands of the Cauliflower Monkey. .

"Very good, throw it again!"

The Cauliflower Monkey jumped up and threw the fruit in his hand into the mouth of the Rice Spoon Snake. Although the Rice Spoon Snake has a fire-type trick, it is still a Poison-type Pokémon, and 4.0 and snakes are cold-blooded animals, how can they like spicy food Taste, so it quickly followed the footsteps of Fang Fang.

"It's over, Miss Musashi Lina's two Pokémon are all messed up, this is terrible." Bai An was anxious for Musashi. This was the worst time for a gorgeous match.

On the big screen, Musashi's score plummeted like a roller coaster.

Seeing this, Xiaoguang is already winning, but she is not careless, because confusion does not mean that she can't use her skills at all. As long as Musashi is given a chance to counterattack, with the huge gap in strength, she is still very likely to turn defeat into victory.

Like Xiaowang and Shangzhi, Xiaoguang has of course prepared her final nirvana. At this moment, she no longer needs to hold back, and plans to score the outcome in one go.

Chapter [*] Xiaoguang's thrilling victory in the great future of Musashi

"Get ready, go, Fireball Rat, Pledge of Fire, Cauliflower Monkey, Pledge of Grass!"

Xiaoguang's order was issued, and the last oath combo finally appeared.

When grass and fire are combined with each other, it is an amazingly powerful flame-type skill. The target of the attack is the rice spoon snake, which inflicts great damage in one breath, and because the leaves are burned by the flames, it triggers a powerful additional effect, the sea of ​​fire!

A Pokémon in a sea of ​​fire will lose a quarter of its stamina every once in a while.

More importantly, Xiaoguang used the sea of ​​fire to block the Pokémon on both sides. At this moment, the Snake Snake and the Fangcage could not cross the sea of ​​fire to attack Xiaoguang. Then there is no doubt that there is only one target of attack, that is, the other party.

"My God, Miss Musashi Lina's Pokémon has actually started a civil war." Bai An exclaimed, presided over the gorgeous competition for so long, this is the first time she has seen such a situation.

This has to be said that Xiaoguang is smart. If the target of the oath combo just now is the Fangcage, he might be able to knock it down directly, but in this way, the Rice Spoon Snake can only see the Fire 08 Ball Mouse and Cauliflower Monkey, in the face of the crazy quasi-king's attack, Xiaoguang may not be able to withstand it.

But now, Rice Spoon Snake is facing Fang Fang Cage. Although the attribute is dominant, it is seriously damaged. The two Pokémon are on the same level, and it is difficult to distinguish the winner for a while.

Xiaoguang does not need to rely on any other actions, and he can win almost steadily.

Of course, Xiaoguang is also very cautious now. She didn't waste the current opportunity to do nothing, but let the Cauliflower Monkey use the recycling trick to get back the Wuhuaguo again.

Then, the Cauliflower Monkey threw the Wuhuaguo to the Fireball Mouse, which helped the Fireball Mouse fully recover its physical strength. The Fire-type Fireball Mouse was not afraid of spicy taste at all, and this fruit had no negative effects on it.

"Xiaoguang, he's really strong, and his whole body is covered with the shadow of Tianlin!" In the house of Shuangye Town, Caizi couldn't help but sighed when she saw such Xiaoguang, this kind of fighting was not taught by her, only It may be that Xiaoguang has been watching Tianlin's battle and learned it involuntarily.

"Damn, how could this happen, am I going to lose?" Musashi roared unwillingly, she didn't want to lose, at least, she didn't want to lose so weakly.

"Boom!" Musashi used the characteristics of a humanoid Pokémon, she actually punched the ground directly, punching a small hole in the ground, and then angrily said, "You bastards, calm me down!"

The two Pokémon that were fighting suddenly stopped moving, and Gu Shi looked at Musashi with a look of fear on his face.

They are usually oppressed by Musashi, especially the Rice Spoon Snake. In the past, it was only subdued after being knocked out by Musashi, and for a while, the terrifying memory flooded into my heart.

Really putting on a full-body performance, Musashi actually used intimidation to forcibly relieve the chaos of the two Pokémon.

"Offensive, rice spoon snake, jet flame, fang cage, seed machine gun!"

"No way!" Xiaoguang was really caught off guard by Musashi's miraculous operation. There is actually such a way to relieve the chaos in the world.

The flame and seed machine guns broke through the sea of ​​​​fire and hit Xiaoguang's cauliflower monkey and fireball mouse respectively. With just one blow, the cauliflower monkey was burned by the flames and lost its ability to fight, and the fireball mouse, fortunately, had just recovered his stamina. The upper attribute resistance barely survived, all thanks to Xiaoguang's prudence!

"Oops!" The situation suddenly reversed, and Xiaoguang fell into an absolute disadvantage. Once the cauliflower monkey fell, it meant that she could no longer use her tree fruit and recycling tactics, or the combination of vows. now,

There are two quasi-celestial kings on the opposite side, and on her side there is a fireball rat that is only gym-level and half-crippled. If it is an ordinary battle, the outcome is already obvious.

But fortunately, this is a gorgeous battle. In addition to defeating the opposite Pokemon and deducting the opposite score, there is also a limitation, that is time.

'Ding! ' sounded, just at this moment, the five-minute countdown actually ended.

"The time is up, I announce that the trainer who won the semi-final is Miss Xiaoguang!" Bai'an pronounced the sentence.

Because of the huge difference in the first half, Xiaoguang's current score is far higher than Musashi. She really relied on luck to win this time. If the time is extended by ten seconds, she will definitely lose.

"Huh, what a risk!" Xiaoguang finally breathed a sigh of relief, but she continued to pat her chest. She was really scared. In order to fight Xiaowang next, she had to save her strength in the semi-finals, and almost overturned.

Sure enough, Musashi Lina is also a very strong coordination trainer. Although Xiaoguang has gained a little advantage in the early stage with her peculiar tactics, it is still not so easy to win the opponent completely. This time, she is a little underestimated.

Musashi walked in front of Xiaoguang fiercely, murderous, "Damn little girl, actually ruined my dream of a top coordination trainer!"

Musashi stretched out her hand, and when Kojiro and the others thought she was going to do something irrational, she just pulled Xiaoguang's cheek and threatened viciously, "Since you won me, then you must take it. To the champion, or I won't spare you!"

It turned out that she didn't come to fight, but to cheer up. Seeing this, Tian Lin smiled slightly. Musashi standing on the stage was not a villain, but an excellent coordination trainer. It was just a defeat in a game, she could afford to lose!

"Thank you, Miss Rina Musashi, I was lucky to win this time, so I'm looking forward to another chance to make 350 hands next time!" Hikaru bowed, for a trainer like Musashi who never gave up until the end. , she admired from the bottom of her heart.

"Humph!" Musashi didn't answer, he turned and left with a cold snort.

At the exit of the player passage, two familiar figures were waiting here. Seeing these two, Musashi finally couldn't help shedding tears.

In front of Kojiro and Miaomiao, she doesn't need to pretend to be strong, she can vent her unwillingness at will.

"Musashi, this time your magnificent grand celebration is over, but I know that your road to the magnificent competition is not over yet. On the contrary, this is just the beginning, right?" Kojiro stepped forward and patted Musashi on the shoulder with a smile.

"Next, let's settle down for a while, meow, first catch the little devil Pikachu, and then you will make a comeback. I believe that the future master of the gorgeous competition must be you, meow!" Miaomiao is also full of confidence in Musashi.

With their encouragement, Musashi quickly regained his energy, "Okay, the goal is the master of the gorgeous contest, before that, let's get the little devil's Pikachu!"

In the dark corner of the passage, Tian Lin left silently. He was a little worried about Musashi and came to see it, but now it seems that he thinks too much. With Kojiro and Miaomiao around, Musashi doesn't need him to encourage him.

Then, the gorgeous large-scale celebration is finally about to usher in the final battle! .

Chapter [*] The agreed final stage battle

"The day of destiny has finally come!"

"The final stage of the gorgeous and large-scale celebration of the Pokémon Gorgeous Contest. When the beautiful wins, this winning trophy, and the title of the top coordination trainer, will fall into the hands at the same time!"

On the table beside Bai'an, there is a huge golden trophy, which is the highest honor of the gorgeous large-scale celebration. Obtaining it means becoming a member of the top coordinators.

"These two are going to fight on the final stage, Miss Xiaowang from Chiefeng City, and Miss Xiaoguang from Futaba Town, the time limit is five minutes, please start the game!" Bai'an exited the stage, and the final battle finally At first, everyone's attention was focused.

Xiaoguang and Xiaowang have become rivals since their debut. They once made a verbal agreement that they must meet on the final stage of the large-scale celebration, and this goal was finally achieved today.

The relatives and friends of the two are silently cheering for them, and those who are far away, such as Xiaozhi Xiaogang who has arrived in Linglan City, or Xiaosong who is far away in Qifeng City, are watching TV for the two of them. Come on, and those who are close, even made a special trip here, such as Xiaoguang's mother Caizi, who was sitting in the audience with Tianlin at this time.

"Bogaman, Pokkis, the charms are here!"

"Charming Meow, Eluledo, readygo!"

In the final stage, both of them came up with the strongest combination, and it happened to be their original Pokémon plus the newly acquired secret weapon.

"It's evenly matched!" Caizi glanced at it. The two sides were on the same level in terms of trainer strength and Pokémon strength. Even her, a senior top coordinator, couldn't judge the odds of winning for both sides at this time.

"It doesn't matter, Xiaoguang has a slight advantage!" Tian Lin laughed.

In the original book, it is indeed evenly matched, but now it is different. Xiaowang has no idea of ​​the depth of Pokkis, while Xiaoguang has a certain understanding of Elu Leido. After all, she has seen many Tianlin's Ailu. In Leido's battle, he had a good idea of ​​the skills that Elu Leido could learn.

"Go on, Pogaman, use bubble rays, Pokkis, wave missiles~'!"

Xiaoguang used the combination trick at the beginning. The bubble light surrounded the wave missile and rushed towards Xiaowang. This is not an advanced skill, and it is probably just a test.

Sure enough, Xiaowang broke her moves easily, "Charming Meow, Shadow Claw, Elleido, Spiritual Blade!"

The Shadow Claw cut the wave missile in half, and the blade swept away all the bubbles like a thousand troops. The scores of both sides began to decrease at the same time. Xiaowang scored a little higher.

"Xiaoguang, it's time for us to fight back, Elleido, use a vacuum wave on Pokkis, Charm Meow, cover Elleido!"

Elleido's vacuum wave shot out in the form of a tornado. Bogaman stepped forward and was about to block the attack, but was intercepted by Charming Meow.

Fortunately, Pokkis' movements were light and agile, easily dodging Elleido's attack, and instantly counterattacked with an air slash.

Elluiduo evaded the attack with a few backflips, and the two sides clashed several times, all of which were comparable.

"This Pokkis' movement is more flexible than I imagined, and it's completely different from Xiaoguang's previous pace. My Pokémon can't fly. It's really difficult!" Xiaowang looked at Pokkisi. It feels very uncomfortable.

At the beginning, Tianlin's suggestion to Xiaoguang worked. It was not Pokkisi who adapted to Xiaoguang, but Xiaoguang in turn matched Pokkisi's movements. In this way, opponents who were used to Xiaoguang's fighting style would be This sudden change caught me off guard.

"Then, solve it first, Charming Meow, [*] Volts, Eluledo, Spiritual Blade!"

Xiaowang took out the combination trick again. The [*]-volt electric current was attached to Elurado's spiritual blade, and the golden lightning blade flew out. This threat is not small for the flight department Pokkis.

And this move is not as easy to dodge as before, because the mental blade is a super power-type trick, and it is controlled by Elurado's mental power. At this moment, it is like locking Pokkis.

Xiaoguang smiled confidently, "Xiaowang is really good, but I won't lose, Bogaman, get ready to use the rainbow technique to condense the foam light!"

In the final game, Xiaoguang naturally had to do everything he could. The rainbow technique that he hadn't seen for a long time reappeared. Pogaman changed the usage of the foam light, instead of spraying it directly, he gathered his strength in his mouth. Finally, A giant rainbow bubble formed.

The rainbow bubble blocked in front of Pokkis like a shield, defending all the lightning blades, but the bubble itself was also destroyed. At the moment of breaking, the rainbow-colored light scattered like aurora.

"'" Right now, Pokkis, rush into this light and make a magic spark! "

It is another unique combination trick created by Xiaoguang, and she is already fully capable of acting alone.

And the beauty of this combination technique, even Tian Lin couldn't help but marvel. The magic flashing trick, which was originally just a pink light, turned into a colorful color after being attached to the multicolored aurora, and this was a large-scale attack trick. The entire venue seemed to fall into It is a wonderful space of colorful colors.

"Successful, this is the fifth light of the universe!" Xiaoguang was very happy to name this new combination trick.

"This is too dreamy, Miss Xiaoguang's five-layered light of the universe, I have never seen such a beautiful combination trick!" Miss Bai'an exclaimed.

Xiaowang was also fascinated by this beautiful trick and hesitated a little. Her Eluledo and Charming Meow were hit by the fifth light at the same time. They were seriously injured, and the score dropped to less than half in one breath.

"There is actually such a move, I forgot that there is still a rainbow skill, Xiaoguang's (good Li's) guy traveled with Tianlin all the way, and he must have used all his skills for himself. "What Xiaowang is most afraid of at this moment is Xiaoguang's endless special skills, which are almost impossible to guard against.

In addition to the rainbow technique, Xiaoguang also has an anti-fist shield, and the two tricks of swallowing and strengthening himself are useless.

Xiaoguang glanced at the auditorium, where her two most important people were sitting, one was her mother and the other was someone she liked, "Mom, thank you for bringing me into the glamour contest, I really really love glamour. Performing and becoming a coordinator trainer is the happiest thing for me!"

"And Tianlin, thank you for your support along the way. Next, I will combine all the skills you gave me. Look at it, this is the masterpiece of my gorgeous battle!"

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