However, seeing the original power of the ivory pig on the field, the angle is actually crooked, and the vector directions of these two tricks can coincide at a certain point.

At that (aiea) moment, the original power hit the big character explosion, the two great tricks were successfully cancelled, Pachileiz was unscathed, and at this time, her cheeks began to flash, obviously, after such a long rest, it was Some power has been restored.

"Very good, Patchleys, just rush forward now, Ivory Pig, and use boulders to wrap Patchleys!"

Xiaoguang's hidden trick until now is finally about to show his power.

I saw that countless boulders formed a huge ice sphere to envelop Patch Liz. At the same time, Patch Liz moved forward while releasing lightning. A glittering and glamorous sparkling ice sphere was finally born. This is the ice crystal lamp.

"It's amazing, it's really a charming trick, it's worthy of a gorgeous and large-scale celebration!" Miss Bai'an couldn't help but exclaimed.

The ice ball rolled very fast, and in a flash, it came to the half of Ulala's side. After hitting two Pokémon, the ice ball completely exploded, entwined with the power of ice and electricity, with unparalleled power, Fang Lu Shark and Huo Yi Cloth was beaten to the ground on the spot.

Seeing this, Bai'an stopped the timer and directly declared, "Complete knockout. After a fierce competition in the first round, the coordinator trainer who advanced to the second round is Miss Xiaoguang!"

"Great, I won!" Xiaoguang jumped up happily. Although this game once made people sweat, but fortunately, there was no danger in the end.

"It's a wonderful game, it's full of ups and downs, from the fusion of fire dragons at the beginning, to the lightning prison that integrates offense and defense, to the thunder and lightning grimace, and finally the ice crystal lamp, all kinds of magical combination tricks I am dizzying. Everyone is a very high-level coordination trainer!" Mr. Conkenstein gave the two of them a positive evaluation at the same time, and even the defeated Ulala was enough to get his admiration.

At this time, the second game began, and Xiaoguang returned to the waiting area and saw Ulala sitting in the locker room with a lost face.

"Why, why can't I win against her even though I am so strong?"

"Yeah!" Xiaoguang walked behind her, "Ulala, you are really strong. Tian Lin said that although there is a difference between victory and defeat between me and you, there is no difference in strength!"

"Really, Lord Tianlin really said so!" Ulala stood up in surprise, as if she suddenly recovered her spirits, "Yes, I am very strong, even Lord Tianlin admits it, Miss Xiaoguang, You can beat me today, it must be because of good luck, one day I will completely defeat you and grab Lord Tianlin from you!"

After Ulala finished speaking, she carried her luggage and left. She didn't go to see Tianlin, because she felt that she was a loser now, and she didn't want her idol to see her embarrassed appearance. When she became stronger one day, she might not be able to. Will he come to Tianlin again?

--Dividing line

Following Group A, Group B, Group C and Group D all had gorgeous battles, and the contestants who could advance to the next round were also released one after another!

Except for Xiaoguang and Ulala, the rest of the people are very lucky. Xiaowang, Musashi, and Mr. Shangzhi are in different groups, which prevents them from meeting in advance.

And a few of them can be said to be unstoppable. During the next two days of competition, no one could stop them, and they all became stepping stones for them to reach the top.

In this way, the large-scale celebration came to the fourth day. After the semi-finals, the four trainers who advanced to the semi-finals have all been determined.

Miss Bai'an concluded, "The four players who made it to the semi-finals, in the second and third rounds, all beat their opponents with music, Mr. Shang Zhi, the Pokémon bard!"

"Miss Xiaowang who makes an impression with gorgeous battles that bring out the greatest charm of Pokémon!"

"It works seamlessly with the cute Pokémon. Will it surpass Miss Ayiko, the mother of a top coordination trainer, Miss Xiaoguang!"

"And the acting style of the whole body, no one can imitate the sweet Musashi Lina-san!"

"Starting tomorrow, the above four contestants will compete fiercely with each other to advance to the final stage, so stay tuned!"

The gorgeous large-scale celebration is finally about to reach its climax, and tomorrow's battle group has also been determined. In the first game, Xiao Wang and Shang Zhi, the two are equally strong and top-notch. It can be said that this is the actual final.

In the second game, Xiaoguang vs Musashi, the heroine vs the first female villain, this is the opponent destined by God, tomorrow will see whether Xiaoguang's heroine's halo is more dazzling, or Musashi's villain's halo is more dazzling! .

Chapter [*] Shangzhi VS Xiaowang Peak Gorgeous Showdown

At night by the lake, the lake reflects the bright moonlight, making it sparkle. Xiaoguang stood on the balcony of the Pokémon Center and looked up at the sky with Bogaman.

"Xiaoguang, what's the matter with you, standing here in a daze?" Tianlin came over and asked with concern.

Xiaoguang smiled embarrassedly, "Escape from reality a little bit, Tianlin, do you believe it, tomorrow is the semi-finals, and I actually became one of the 100 people left among more than 4 excellent coordination trainers, I always feel as if dreaming!"

"Dream?" Tian Lin nodded her forehead with a smile, and reminded, "This is a reality that can be replaced by falsehood. Be confident, Xiaoguang, there are still two games, so let's fight!"

"Well, no problem!" With the encouragement of Tianlin, Xiaoguang became high-spirited.

Thinking back to the past, when she said there was no problem, it was the time when she had the most problems. After a period of experience, her mantra gradually changed from no problem to very problematic. 's mantra has become no problem again, because now she says no problem, that is really no problem!

"After the night passed, the venue was already full of friends from the very beginning, and the semi-finals of the gorgeous large-scale celebration of moving and charming Pokémon!" Miss Bai'an was also full of interest and excitement for the competition for the semi-finals, "Please cheer the audience warmly, Letsgo!"

The voice fell, the lights were bright, and the semi-finals officially started. This was also a two-person battle. The first to play were Shang Zhi and Xiao Wang. They actually already possessed the strength of top coordination trainers.

"Dream Demon, Ye Yibu, go!" Xiaowang took the lead in sending out Pokémon, these two Pokémon are very elegant, the combination of leaves and streamers is very good, they should be able to play a good ~ cooperation.

Xiaoguang speculated that Mr. Shang Zhi should use insect-type or grass-type Pokémon, but unfortunately, she only guessed half right, Shang Zhi did use insect-type speaker crickets, but the second one was a normal-type- long-eared rabbit.

The speaker cricket, which is good at music, is Shang Zhi's soul Pokemon, and although the long-eared rabbit doesn't understand music, it is actually a Pokemon that matches Shang Zhi very well. After all, only music is too monotonous. The presence of Pokémon will definitely make his performance sublime.

"Ye Yibu, use the energy ball, the dream demon, the electric shock wave!" Xiao Wang preemptively attacked, opening the scene with a relatively simple combo, electric shock energy ball, slightly deducting Shang Zhi's points.

However, this straight-line attack is too simple, I am afraid that ordinary coordination trainers have a way to deal with it, let alone a strong man like Shang Zhi who also takes care of gym battles.

Deducting a few points was not enough to move Shang Zhi, he gently plucked the strings and ordered, "The long-eared rabbit, use the flying kick, the speaker cricket, use the insect call!"

The long-eared rabbit's movements are clean and neat, and its leg skills are also excellent. It kicked the electric shock energy ball and kicked it into the air.

Being able to touch an energy ball with such a violent energy and still keep it from exploding, this long-eared rabbit's control of its own power is indeed extremely subtle.

Then, the loudspeaker cricket broke out, and Ye Yibu was completely suppressed by the spreading sharp sound. Finally, the loudspeaker cricket gathered the power of the insects into a beam of light and hit the electric shock energy ball in mid-air. At one time, two unique tricks exploded. Sparkling effect like fireworks.

But amid the chirping of insects and the blooming fireworks, the long-eared rabbit began to dance gracefully.

The ripples produced by the chirping of insects are like a feather coat draped over the long-eared rabbit, which is elegant and charming, and the colorful fireworks are the best foil.

Dancer and performer, this is what only Mr. Shang Zhi can do, and it is also the most suitable performance for him.

Shang Zhi did not choose to fight head-on, this performance alone greatly reduced Xiao Wang's score.

In a gorgeous contest, you don't necessarily have to fight to win, and performance is also critical.

"Appeared, Mr. Shang Zhi's best audio-visual banquet performance, this is the best so far!" Miss Bai'an commented.

"As expected of Mr. Shang Zhi, but I also have my own way of acting!" Xiao Wang was at a disadvantage now, so she had to quickly pull back the situation, "Ye Yibu, Meng Yaomo, use a shadow clone!"

Xiaowang's two Pokémon stood side by side, and at the same time used a shadow clone trick to surround the long-eared rabbit and the speaker cricket, and they stood completely staggered, with a strong sense of contrast.

"This is really an excellent comparison, Long-eared Rabbit, using a blizzard!" Shang Zhi planned to sweep all the clones in one breath, and use a wide range of skills to sweep the army.

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 0

But at the moment when all the shadow clones were defeated, but because of the blizzard, they turned into ice crystals and drifted away, looking very beautiful, and Xiaowang even took advantage of the opponent's unique trick.

Through this ingenious operation, Xiaowang recovered some of his slump, and the two of them had a very tight score at this time, and it was really indistinguishable.

"Speaker Cricket, let's sing!"

As the time approached, Shang Zhi no longer had any reservations, and finally came up with the singing skills he was best at. This move could make the opponent fall into a deep sleep.

"You really used your singing to fight!" Xiao Wang had investigated Shang Zhi's battle, and naturally he was well prepared for his unique trick, and he had already prepared countermeasures, "Dream Demon, cast a lucky spell!"

...... 0

Lucky Spell, this is a spell to recite and pray to the sky to protect one's vitals. Generally speaking, this move has nothing to do with singing.

But don't forget, Xiaowang is a coordination trainer, and what she is best at is changing the way she uses her unique skills.

Shang Zhi can make the musical note materialize, and she can naturally force the lucky spell into a line.

The red line formed by the incantation knocked down all the notes of the speaker cricket, and the singing trick was declared broken.

"Mr. Shang Zhi, ever since I knew I was going to play against you in the semifinals, I wanted to use the Dream Demon!" Xiao Wang smiled confidently, her tactics were very successful.

"The confrontation between the beautiful notes and the strange spell is really a high-level duel!" Even Tianlin greatly appreciated such a wonderful offensive and defensive battle.

There is no distinction between the two sides. Shang Zhi's audio-visual feast performance is excellent, but Xiao Wangjian's tricks are not too much. The time has passed, and now there are only less than 30 seconds left, both of them are ready at this time. Come up with the last trick.

"Long-eared rabbits, blizzards, speaker crickets, silver whirlwinds!"

This time it was a combination of a silver whirlwind and a blizzard. The two skills were shot into the air. The blizzard condensed the scale powder in the silver whirlwind into ice, and turned them into hexagonal snowflakes.

This is Shang Zhi's last performance, he stares at Xiao Wang, ready to see how she responds!towel.

Chapter [*] The heroine Musashi and Xiaoguang once again hit the female villain

"It's so beautiful!" Xiao Wang sighed while looking at the falling snow, "Then, I'm going to get on too!"

"Dream Demon, use phantom light, Ye Yibu, Yan Hui!"

Xiaowang also took out the combination move of pressing the bottom of the box. Ye Yibu flew up and rushed towards the speaker cricket in a dive, and the phantom light was wrapped around its back, turning into a pair of energy Wings are incredible.

"Wow! The phantom light of the dream demon formed wings of light on Ibrahimovic's body!" Bai'an was so excited that Xiao Wang was no less than Shang Zhi, and she couldn't help applauding.

"As expected of a super power system skill, that's how you can do whatever you want!" In Tian Lin's opinion, super power system skills are undoubtedly very suitable for gorgeous competitions.

This type of skill relies on the spiritual power of Pokémon, which is impermanent. As long as the "three-five-zero" elephant power is rich enough, it can be transformed into any form of existence.

"It's wonderful, Miss Xiaowang, it's great to be able to play against you, then, you also take my last blow! Speaker Cricket, use the scissors cross punch!"

Shang Zhi and Xiao Wang started their final collision, and time stopped at this moment. This evenly matched game finally ushered in the crucial moment of victory and defeat.

Everyone looked at the big screen. The scores of the two were so tight that they were almost indistinguishable with the naked eye. However, after computer calculations, Xiaowang was still slightly higher than Xiaowang. After a fierce battle of offense and defense, she finally won the victory. qualified for the final stage.

In the audience, there was thunderous applause, this game was really great, no one would be surprised to win, and Xiao Wang was just lucky in the end.

"Okay, then in the second match of the semi-finals, contestant Tiantian Musashi Lina, against Miss Xiaoguang, who will be the next contestant who can make it to the final stage?" , immediately announced the start of the second game.

Xiaoguang stood on the stage, "Tianlin and Xiaowang are watching me, I just need to trust my partner!"

"Cauliflower Monkey, Fireball Mouse, the charms are here!" Xiaoguang made a rather bold decision and sent out the two smallest Pokémon in the team.

Of course, their strength is also the weakest. The cauliflower monkey is only at the elite level, and the fireball mouse is more talented. One foot has stepped into the gym level, but this is of little significance, because the Musashi side is really strong. many.

The Rice Spoon Snake and the Fang Cage have already entered the threshold of the quasi-Tianwang first-level, just like the difference in strength. If it is a normal battle, Xiaoguang has almost no chance of winning, but this time is different, because they are gorgeous Battle match!

Four Pokémon appeared from the capsule ball, and Tian Lin noticed that this time Xiaoguang also carried a prop for the Cauliflower Monkey, which seemed to be a tree fruit.

"Xiaoguang, what is she going to do?" Even Tianlin couldn't see her tactics this time. Perhaps, she had already reached the level where she could be on her own.

Musashi looked at the two baby Pokémon with disdain, "Hey, two little guys, what's the use, the rice spoon snake, throwing flames on the cauliflower monkey, the fangcage, you can go too, use the bite bite!"

"It's coming, Fireball Rat, use the smoke screen!" Xiaoguang knew that the head-to-head battle must not be Musashi's opponent, so in this game, she will do her best to avoid direct confrontation.

The smoke screen spread, blocking the sight of Musashi's side, and the jet flame of the rice spoon snake was sprayed into the air, but the fangcage was a melee attack, but it quickly passed the range of the smoke screen with the speed of the quasi-celestial king. He opened his mouth to the cauliflower monkey.

As everyone knows, this is in the middle of Xiaoguang's arms, "It's now, Cauliflower Monkey, use a throwing trick!"

It turns out that the tree fruit carried by the cauliflower monkey is not for eating, but for throwing.

Throwing this trick belongs to the type of indeterminate power, it all depends on what is thrown out, throwing fruit, the power is pitifully low, not even half of the impact.

Then Xiaoguang chose to cast the fruit, so there must be other ideas.

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