The two interpret what is called the impermanence of water.

At this point in the performance, Jian Wu is about to finish the action. What he wants to show is the big trick he told Xiao Guang yesterday.

The snorkeling Itachi made a tidal vortex, and then the emperor Nabo used a steel-type cannon to hit the center of the vortex. Immediately, a beautiful colorful brilliance overflowed. It was indeed a combination of gorgeousness and power, as long as Keep it up, I want to come to Jianwu's score will be abnormally high.

It is a pity that just before the end, Emperor Nabo made a 08 error and failed to control the power of the cannon light cannon, and suddenly knocked the snorkeling Itachi away.

Tian Lin sighed, Jian Wu was finished, and the final failure became the fatal injury to his performance. This can be judged as an unfinished performance at all, how can it be possible to get a high score?

Xiao Guang, who is about to walk on the blue stage, also knows this, but now there is no time for her to feel sorry for Kenwu, and the challenge that belongs to her is about to begin.

Xiaoguang packed up her mood and stood at the center of the stage with the best attitude.

"Then, here is Miss Xiaoguang from Futaba Town, please start performing!"

"Fireball Rat, Curly Ears, Charm!"

Xiaoguang chose two cute little guys and appeared under the capsule ball with bow effect.

Her performance is always inseparable from two words, one is cute and the other is happy. Tianlin once warned her that these two words are the most suitable performance center for her.

"It's started, curl your ears, and use the freezing light!"

At the beginning of the scene, Curly Er used the freezing light to set up an undulating ice arch bridge on the venue. Two Pokémon jumped on it and glide freely, like a roller coaster.

"Fireball rat, use the flame wheel!"

The Fireball Rat further sublimated the performance. It relied on the flame wheel to clear the way in front, turning the ice arch bridge into an ice slide, and curling ears happily played behind it.

Looking at the two cute guys who were playing extremely happily, the audience in the venue seemed to be infected, and the cheerful atmosphere suddenly spread throughout the auditorium.

Soon, the curling ears and the fireball mouse slid to the top of the arch bridge. At this time, Xiaoguang gave the order again, "curling the ears, use another freezing relationship, the fireball mouse, use the smoke screen!"

The thick black fog enveloped the two Pokémon, which made Ulala in the waiting room feel dissatisfied, because this was not the same mistake as before. The protagonist of the gorgeous performance is Pokémon, look Without them, there is no point. What she wants is to defeat Xiaoguang head-on, but if Xiaoguang can't even pass the first round of review, how can she achieve her goal.

Of course, the current Xiaoguang is not what it used to be, and she will never make the same mistake. The purpose of this black fog is not to hide the two Pokémon, but to foreshadow the surprise.

"It's now, Fireball Rat!"

Xiaoguang captured the moment when the audience was most curious. The Fireball Rat suddenly spread out a pair of flame wings to disperse the smoke. At the same time, under it, was an ice-made Pokeball, and the curled ears graced the ice ball. The audience gave a lady's salute!

"This is really spectacular. The ice elf ball and the flaming flame wings are really the art of fire and ice!" Miss Joy from Shuijing City gave a very high evaluation Xiaoguang's performance gave the name of art.

Tian Lin smiled and nodded, Xiaoguang's performance was very satisfactory to him, the degree of completion was extremely high, and the degree of flamboyance and happiness was also among the best in the audience. It can be said that Xiaoguang's performance is the culmination of all the performances so far. This time there is absolutely no problem. Now, she must have a place on the second round list.

"Okay, through the first review conducted simultaneously on three stages, all the contestants' performances come to an end. Please rest for a while before the results of the first review are announced."

The coordinating trainers returned to the waiting area. At this moment, it was the most tense moment in their lives. Even if he was as calm as Mr. Shangzhi, he could not stop plucking the strings with his fingers to release his inner unease. Musashi was even more anxious. Cold sweat flowed.

"No problem, it must be fine!" Xiaoguang hugged Bogaman tightly and kept cheering for himself.

At this time, the big screen began to flash, and Baian announced, "Now the results of the first review are published. After a strict and fair review, the 32 coordinating trainers who can advance to the second round of the gorgeous battle are the ones who participated in the above. By!"

The voice fell, and one by one avatars jumped out on the big screen. Among the crowd, Ulala came out first, followed by Shang Zhi, Xiaowang, and then Musashi and Xiaoguang. Everyone basically passed, and saw their avatars. Everyone showed a look of joy.

However, until the 32nd avatar popped out, he still didn't see Jianwu's figure. He was very dismal and lost, but no one can blame anyone, it was his own performance that made mistakes.

The schedule of the large-scale celebration is not as tight as the ordinary gorgeous competition. The 347 match is tomorrow, and today will leave enough time for the coordination trainers to fully prepare.

Under the setting sun, determined to be by the lake, Jian Wu had already packed his bags and was about to leave. He was a loser, and there was no need to stay.

After all, he was a childhood sweetheart, and Xiaoguang brought Tianlin over to see him off.

"Jianwu, it's really a pity for the final fusion trick. If it is successful, you will definitely pass the first round of review!" Tian Lin regretted.

"Yeah, but I won't give up, I will try my best to practice that move again, and then continue to dance in the next gorgeous competition!" Jian Wu kept his spirits high, he didn't want to show his gaffe in front of his sweetheart Xiaoguang and rival Tianlin .

"It's good to have this determination. I'll give you a suggestion. The reason you failed is because the two Pokémon have insufficient control over the power of the ultimate move. Try to do more ordinary battles. The more intense the battle, the more It can promote the growth of Pokémon!"

This is the suggestion from the top coordination trainer plus the champion of the conference, Jian Wu immediately nodded, "Thank you, Tian Lin, I will refer to it!"

"And Xiaoguang, come on in the gorgeous competition, you must win!" Jian Wu turned and left after saying that, disappearing into the sunset.

Only the winner can stay, and the loser can only leave. This is a grand and large-scale celebration! .

Chapter [*] The battle of the old enemy The final showdown between Ulala and Xiaoguang

On the second day of the big celebration, the second review is about to begin.

Today, the list of players for the first round of the match has come out. In the first round of the first round, Xiaoguang played against Ulala, and it was inevitable that the old enemy would meet.

Ulala and Xiaoguang went to the battlefield face to face, Ulala naturally provocatively said, "Aiya, isn't the opposite Miss Xiaoguang."

"I have carefully watched your performance yesterday. It seems that you are still complacent that you entered the second round of review by luck! But with your little bit of strength, it is impossible to beat me, and even more so. Don't talk about winning!"

From the first time they met, Ulala was full of grudges against Xiaoguang, perhaps because she was dissatisfied with Xiaoguang's victory in the Michaelis Cup, or maybe she was jealous of her being able to travel with Tianlin. Put an end to the long-term relationship between the two.

"Come on, Ulala, I won't lose to you!" Xiaoguang said not to be outdone.

The game has not yet started, and the field is already full of gunpowder.

Bai'an felt the tit-for-tat atmosphere and announced, "It seems that the two coordinating trainers are ready, then the second round of the Pokémon Grand Celebration review, the gorgeous battle match officially begins!"

The 5-minute timer started, and the two girls threw Poke Balls at the same time.

"Ivory Pig, Patch Liz, the charm is here!"

"Fantooth land shark, Fire Ibrahimovic, go!"

With countless hearts on one side and fire on the other, the two used completely different capsule balls to call out their partners.

"Let's start, the fangtooth land shark, use the dragon's wrath, fire Ibrahimovic, spray flames, and attack the ivory pig at the same time!" Ulala preemptively attacked the ivory pig at the same time, she knew very well that the ice and ground attributes possessed by the ivory pig can be Restraining the fangtooth land shark and fire Ibrahimovic, must be her big enemy in this game.

The combination of dragon rage and jet flames turned into an amazing fire dragon. The opening was a combination skill, which made a good start for the large-scale celebration.

Xiaoguang's score dropped a little, but she didn't care at all, this move seemed fierce, but it didn't make her panic, "Pachiritz, turn around and use discharge~'!"

Patchleys began to discharge indiscriminately and on a large scale. Just when Tian Lin thought that Xiaoguang was going to use his return fist shield, Patchleys suddenly changed his movements, shrinking all the lightning, like a prison, and the whole ivory pig. blocked.

The fire dragon slammed into the lightning prison and completely dissipated into nothingness. This defense was much stronger than the return fist shield.

"Oh, it's amazing, Xiaoguang actually further strengthened the protective shield of the return fist created by Tianlin!" In the waiting room, Xiaowang said with surprise.

At this time, it was Tian Lin who was more surprised than her, "This, this trick is the Crazy Thunder Heaven Prison that Dianji used to deal with me, when did this fellow Xiaoguang steal such advanced skills that even I didn't master? Learned!"

However, this is just a simplified version of the Thunder Prison. No matter the ability to control the enemy or the ability to attack, it cannot be compared with the Thunder Prison made by Denzna Raichu, but the advantage is that it is easier to control. Strength can also be used barely.

Because of this wonderful defensive method, Xiaoguang's score quickly overtook.

"Very good, counterattacked, Ivory Pig, used a slamming trick on Huoyibu, Pachiliz maintained the thunder and lightning!"

The fierce counterattack of the ivory pig began, and the huge body suddenly rushed towards Hueybu with thunder and lightning. This Crazy Thunder Heaven Prison was originally a double-edged sword. While protecting the Pokémon in the prison, it is also very likely to restrict Its actions even cause great damage.

But this ivory pig has no effect, who calls it a ground system!

In the face of the ivory pig that was charging straight forward, Huo Yibu and the fangtooth land shark pushed up together. However, the combination of thunder and lightning and the ivory pig's power was so powerful that they were at a disadvantage in an instant, and the fangtooth land shark was still Well, after all, it also belongs to the ground system, but Huo Yibu was miserable. After being hit so hard, while his physical strength was greatly reduced, an even worse thing happened.

When Huo Yibu came back to his senses from the slam, he found that it was surrounded by thunder and lightning, and the prison of thunder turned from the ivory pig to himself.

At this moment, Huo Yibu couldn't advance, and he couldn't retreat. At the same time, he was constantly attacked by thunder and lightning, and he fell into a huge crisis for a while.

"Oops, fangtooth land shark, cut off the thunder and lightning, and rescue the fire Ibrahimovic!"

The ivory pig rushed forward, intending to cut off the lightning from the middle. As long as the transmission point is destroyed, the cell will naturally be self-destructed.

But Xiaoguang won't let her succeed so easily. At this moment, she has to deal with Huoyi with all her strength, "Ivory Pig, cover Pachiritz, and use the boulder trick!"

The ivory pig released countless boulders on the only path of the fangtooth land shark, which scared the fangtooth land shark to quickly retreat and dodge, just kidding, ice-type skills, but four times restraint against it, just take one move and it will be over.

"Miss Xiaoguang, is it okay? You can suppress me to such an extent, but I won't sit still!" At this moment, Ulala had to admire Xiaoguang's strength, which is not the level of luck.

"'" I'm going to borrow this mine too, Hueybu, make a face! "

Ulala is indeed an excellent coordinator who made it to the second round. She asked Huo Yibu to use this thunderbolt in turn. Suddenly, the shape of the thunderbolt was changed by Huoyibu, forming a terrifying giant thunderbolt face, which is more terrifying than the original. The Sand Grimace is even more terrifying.

Pachi Liz was so frightened that he immediately stopped outputting, and Huo Yibu got out of trouble. What's worse, at this time, Pachi Liz began to gasp continuously. It's no small challenge, and exhaustion came to Pachiliz like a mountain.

Seeing the change in Pachiliz's state, Ulala smiled slightly, and it seemed that it was time for her to fight back. "Good chance, fangtooth land shark, fire Ibrahimovic, flank Patch Liz!"

The fangtooth land shark waved its dragon claws, and Huoyi turned into a flame wheel, and launched a double attack again.

"Pachiritz, hide behind the ivory pig to restore power, ivory pig, protect Pachiritz, use the power of awakening (okay Zhao)!"

The Awakening Power of Ivory Pig is very aimed at Ulala's Pokémon. Its attribute is Dragon, it restrains the Fang Lu Shark, and resists Fire Ibrahimovic. Of course, with one against two, this attribute advantage is not enough to reverse the world.

But Xiaoguang's purpose is not to attack, just want to reduce the strength of the opponent's attack as much as possible, and then use the excellent durability of the ivory pig to block the opponent's attack, so as to delay the time.

The awakening power resisted for a while, but was quickly broken by the dragon claw and the flame wheel, and the last two attacks all hit the ivory pig.

Although the ivory pig was severely injured, its eyes were still firm. It was no longer the guy who was always on fire and uncontrollable. Today, before Pachiritz recovers, it is bound to be its hardest shield.

"Come on, Ivory Pig, as long as Pachiritz recovers some of the power, he can use that trick, I believe you!" Xiaoguang gritted her teeth and silently cheered for her partner.

Chapter nine hundred and eighty-six large-scale celebration top four released

Xiaoguang gritted her teeth and insisted, which made everyone nervous, and anyone with a discerning eye could see what she was preparing for.

The key to victory or defeat is whether Pachiliz can restore power in time. If he can't restore power before the ivory pig falls, then everything must be over, because no matter how powerful Xiaoguang's tactics are, he cannot escape the two. In the field of performance, it is impossible to turn the tide with just one Pachiritz.

"Miss Xiaoguang, what do you seem to be planning, then let me see if your ivory pig can take over all my attacks, Fang Lu shark, use shadow clone, Huo Yibu, big character explosion!"

The fangtooth land shark separated countless clones, and while disrupting the ivory pig's sight, it surrounded it. Then, Huo Yibu jumped right above and fired an amazing explosion of big characters.

"Fire-type tricks must be dealt with with rock-type tricks, ivory pigs, primordial power!" Xiaoguang didn't want to dodge, so he turned back directly.

At this time, the corner of Ulala's mouth showed a successful conspiracy smile, her target was not an ivory pig.

I saw that after the large-character explosion was released, the angle was actually inclined.

"Obviously it was a trick released from directly above 350, but the angle was so deviated?" Xiao Wang suddenly had a bad premonition, "No, Ulala's real goal is Pachiritz!"

That's right, Ulala just wants to knock down Pachiritz. She is using human's conventional thinking in turn. Usually, at this time, you should completely knock down the ivory pig, but the ivory pig will definitely not wait to die, and will definitely resist with all her strength. It's time to get twice the result with half the effort.

In this case, why not take the opportunity to kill the fully rested, defenseless Patch Liz?

"Ulala, you are indeed very powerful. While disturbing me with the help of shadow clones, you will then raid Pachilidz. However, I have seen too much of this unexpected tactic, you can't fool me!" Xiaoguang suddenly raised his voice. Glancing at the audience, Tian Lin nodded at her.

Seeing through Ulala's tactics, Xiaoguang has already won this game.

"What?" Ulala was startled, she finally realized that something was wrong.

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