"Finally, make a gorgeous end!" Sharubia was also very able to cooperate with Pokkis's movements, she ordered while turning in a circle, "Use the air slash."

Pokkis spun in mid-air, and at the same time, countless air blades hit the surrounding wave missiles, and after they were completely cut into light waves, as Pokkis slowly descended, it was as beautiful as the aurora.

This move is really beautiful, and Pokkis’s elegance and power are set off just right. Tian Lin applauds and sincerely praises Sharubia who walked off the stage, “Your Highness Princess, you have done a great job. There is absolutely no problem trying to pass the first review."

"Thank you for your compliment, Lord Tianlin, the gorgeous contest is really interesting!"

Sharubia is completely enjoying it, but she is happy on her side, but miserable on Xiaoguang's side. Now she is performing her duties as a princess and receiving all kinds of guests, but how can she know the etiquette of a princess? For this reason, he was often reprimanded by the housekeeper who did not know the truth.

What made her even more desperate was that Fulijia said that there were still [*] groups of guests to receive, and asked her to hold on a little longer, Xiaoguang thought blankly, "His Royal Highness Princess, and Tianlin, you can be pitiful. Kill me!".

Chapter [*] The gift of Pokkis arrived at the lakeside

The Katakuri tournament venue, the first round of exhibition competitions has now ended, and after screening, the top eight coordinator trainers have been selected.

Princess Sharubia naturally ranked first, and this time without Musashi participating, she was even more powerful. In the first two games, the opponent's Pokémon were not even at the gym level, and they were defeated by Pokkis. The wave missile is easy to take down.

This disappointed Sharubia very much. She wanted to come here for a gorgeous battle, but those people didn't give her a chance to perform at all.

Fortunately, the person who entered the final stage had some strength, and he was able to fight against Dong Shimiao, who was the first-level Quasi-Tianwang. Although he was still pressed and beaten by Pokkis, he finally brought some trouble to Her Royal Highness.

Although Her Royal Highness the princess is inexperienced in battle, she has been waiting for this day for too long. For today, she does not know how much training she has done. In the end, she successfully defeated her opponent with various gorgeous methods of hard practice, and got the Katakuri Satin- With medal.

However, she did not give this ribbon medal as in the original book, but kept it, which will become her once-the best memory.

Back at the castle, Xiaoguang saw the two of them as if she had seen a savior, crying and she must change it back quickly, what kind of princess, she doesn't want to be a princess again in her life.

Putting back on his light little skirt, Xiaoguang finally breathed a sigh of relief, "It's better for me to return to my original appearance!"

"Thank you very much, Miss Xiaoguang, thanks to you, I can have such wonderful memories." Princess Sharubia sincerely thanked, "Besides, I have one more thing I want to ask you!"

"Can you please take this child away, it's my Pokkis!"

Princess Sharubia's words are amazing, such a powerful and rare Pokemon is actually ready to be sent directly.

"What, isn't Pokkis your best friend, is that all right?" Xiaoguang was surprised, she didn't understand Her Royal Highness's intention in making this decision.

But Tian Lin can understand her. From today's point of view, this Pokkis is also very eager to perform on the stage, but if you follow Her Royal Highness, I'm afraid it will be difficult to have such an opportunity again, such an excellent Pokémon can't Coming on stage again, both for the princess and for Pokkis himself, is a very big regret.

So Tian Lin patted Xiaoguang's shoulder and smiled, "Xiaoguang, you can accept it, Pokkis will become your strong partner, as long as you let it shine on the stage, it will not be regarded as disappointing Her Royal Highness. pain."

"Exactly!" Sharubia agreed.

"Well, thank you, Your Highness, Princess, I will definitely nurture it." Seeing that both of them said so, Xiaoguang no longer refused, and took Pokkis' Poké Ball from the princess.

With the new trump card in hand, Xiaoguang's strength suddenly increased greatly, and she is now more confident about the gorgeous large-scale celebration.

After saying goodbye to Her Royal Highness, the two left Katakuri Town, the venue of the large-scale celebration, Lizhi Lake, was already in sight.

In the past few days, Xiaoguang has been cultivating a tacit understanding with the newly acquired Porkis.

At first, Pokkis's habit of making moves made Xiaoguang very uncomfortable. It always likes to make some gorgeous moves before releasing unique moves, which is very different from those forbidden Pokémon.

Xiaoguangyuan wanted to correct it, but was blocked by Tianlin. This Pokkisian action seemed redundant, but in fact it was very suitable for the rhythm of the gorgeous competition. Her Royal Highness The princess is not weak and will never do useless work.

Each Pokémon has its own rhythm. Sometimes, it is not only necessary for the Pokémon to cooperate with the trainer, but the trainer also needs to adapt to the Pokémon. As long as Xiaoguang can fully integrate that action into his own fighting style, Pokkis will be the brightest star of the glamour contest.

Xiaoguang listened to Tianlin's advice and worked hard to make his pace with Pokkis become more and more coordinated. In such a relationship, the two finally arrived at the lakeside of Lizhi Lake the day before the opening of the gorgeous competition.

Tonight happened to be the welcome reception. All the excellent coordination trainers who gathered five ribbons gathered here to catch the wind and dust, adjust their state, and welcome the large-scale celebration with the strongest attitude.

"Mr. Shangzhi, please give a testimonial!" Such a grand event as a grand and large-scale celebration will never be without media coverage. Now they are interviewing each coordination trainer, and it is Shangzhi's turn now.

"Whether it's Pokemon or myself, I'm looking forward to this day, so please all the audience look forward to the new performance content we bring." Shang Zhi replied in a singing way.

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 0

After Shang Zhi finished the interview, Tianlin Xiaoguang walked over and greeted him, "Long time no see, Mr. Shang Zhi!"

"Hello, two people, in retrospect, when I was hesitating whether to go to the gymnasium or the gorgeous competition, it was you who let me know the fun of these two paths, and I am very grateful for this incredible encounter! "

Tian Lin smiled and said, "It feels good to move forward with the two roads, so what about your gym competition, how was the result?"

Shang Zhi heard the words and opened the badge collection box, "As you can see, there are now 7 badges, and if you want to play in the Shenao League, you only need one!"

Tianlin nodded, "It's very efficient to challenge both sides at the same time, but Mr. Shang Zhi, it's not long before the Shenao League competition, after the big celebration, you have to speed up your pace, I'm looking forward to working with you. You meet at the competition!"


For Tianlin's invitation to fight, Shang Zhi readily agreed.

At this time, someone patted Xiaoguang on the shoulder, turned around and saw that it was her childhood sweetheart, Jian Wu, "Hey, Xiaoguang, I will use a very powerful fit trick to win this large-scale celebration. , you just look forward to it, two lights!"

Jian Wu revealed Xiaoguang's dark history again, but Xiaoguang has already overcome her psychological shadow since she defeated Ulala's positive and negative beat in Shallow Town. She replied calmly, "I will look forward to your performance."

"Strange, didn't you say 'my name is Xiaoguang' this time?" Jianwu was surprised, she never thought that the shadow she had had since she was a child could be overcome so quickly. After nearly a year of travel, Xiaoguang really has great growth.

"The two-light me has been in the past for a long time, and now I'm not afraid of the positive electric pat and the negative electric pat!" Xiaoguang said proudly, but just as she finished speaking, suddenly, the two small pats It landed on top of her head, and the electric light flashed, causing her hair to stand up again.

Xiaoguang hurriedly arranged her hair, "Look, don't be afraid of them at all!"

But these two pats, Tian Lin felt a little familiar, and when he looked at the person who came, it turned out to be Ulala, and she also got her fifth ribbon medal after the last time!towel.

Chapter nine hundred and eighty third large-scale celebrations show their magical powers

"These two Xiao Paipai are mine, do you have any opinion?" Ulala raised her head proudly, "Miss Xiaoguang, I will also ask you to be my foil this time!"

"And Lord Tianlin, if I win the large-scale celebration championship this time, can you come with me when you travel to the next region next year?" Ulala looked at Tianlin expectantly.

"Then please work hard, come on!" Tian Lin neither refused nor agreed positively, because he was afraid that refusal would affect Ulala's state.

Of course, he couldn't agree, not to mention that it would be very difficult for Ulala to beat the current Xiaoguang to win the championship. Besides, his next area is likely to be Hezhong, where only battles are popular, and gorgeous competitions are not yet popular. It would be a shame to let such an excellent coordination trainer go to that kind of place.

Without rejecting, "Three Four Seven" and with the encouragement from her idol, Ulala became more confident. After she left for a while, Xiao Wang also arrived.

For Xiaoguang, Xiaowang is her biggest rival. The two made a promise to meet on the final stage just like the first celebration.

So far, all the rivals have gathered together, and the grand and large-scale celebration finally ushered in the opening ceremony on the second day.

Fireworks are blooming in the sky. In addition to the alliance competition, the large-scale celebration is the second largest event of Shenao, and the lakeside is already full of people.

Miss Bai'an stood at the center of the stage, and all the spotlights shone on her.

"The Shenao place, the biggest festival for coordinating trainers, the magnificent large-scale celebration of the Pokémon Gorgeous Avenue. This is a total of 108 players who have collected five ribbon medals and are proud of each other's Pokémon partners. The final stage of the competition!"

"All the competitions are in the form of double performances, and the winner will receive the title of top coordination trainer and the championship trophy of the conference!"

"The judges of the conference are the well-known Mr. Conkenstein, Mr. Suki Sa, and Ms. Joy from Suijing City, who was specially invited from the Hoenn area, the birthplace of the gorgeous contest."

Shuijing City, this is the place where Michael and Adam, two gorgeous masters of the competition, were born, and Miss Joy who came out from there is definitely enough.

"In addition to her, the organizing committee also invited Miss Joy from Wetland City and Zhuqing City."

"And we also invited Shenao's top coordinating trainer, Miss Melissa, a gym trainer in Yuanzhi City, to serve as a special judge for this competition!"

The last person to appear was Melissa, who was closed again. The league competition is approaching, but she is still doing this kind of thing. Tian Lin can imagine that going to her challenger trainer, I'm afraid she can cry.

The gorgeously dressed Melissa walked into the spotlight and said enthusiastically, "Hello, all coordination trainers, beautiful Pokémon, cute Pokémon, and handsome Pokémon, please show me as much as possible. Bar!"

A total of six judges were in place. The exhibition competition was divided into three stages and started at the same time. There were two judges on each stage. Among the 108 contestants, only 32 could stand out and stand on the stage of the gorgeous competition.

On Melissa's stage, the first to appear was Xiao Guang's old rival, Ulala.

"It's time to play, Ibrahimovic!"

Ulala actually dispatched two Ibrahimovic, using the same Pokémon to achieve less changes, she made a very unexpected decision.

But what was even more surprising was that Ulala threw two evolution stones at the same time, the water stone and the fire stone, and completed the evolution of Ibrahimovic on the spot.

Even Tian Lin saw such an amazing performance for the first time. When he first saw Ulala, he knew that she must be a rich lady, and now he is completely real.

But I have to say that her performance is quite exciting. Ibrahimovic's classification is evolutionary Pokémon. To make evolutionary Pokémon show the greatest charm, there is no better idea than evolution. Ulala must be able to pass the first One round, after all, the wealth and wealth alone are very comparable.

"Lord Tianlin, watch, this time I will win!" After Ulala finished her performance, her eyes were all on Tianlin in the audience. When she saw Tianlin's admiring eyes, she became more confident. Full.

In the waiting area, Xiaoguang, Jianwu, Xiaowang and others were also discussing this performance, Xiaowang said, "Although it is a decisive battle, it is very interesting, it clearly shows the charm of Ibrahimovic, and the evaluation should be It's very high!"

"Everyone, the green stage is doing an amazing performance!" Bai An drew everyone's attention back. On the green stage, Mr. Shang Zhi was using the Qixi Blue Bird and Master Yuan to perform 0 ........

"Qixi Blue Bird, use the song of death, and Master Yuan will play along with it!"

Mr. Shang Zhi's strongest performance style, called audio-visual banquet performance, has now swept Shenao.

When his two Pokémon play together, mysterious and gorgeous notes will spread across the entire stage, allowing all audiences to enjoy both visual and auditory enjoyment at the same time.

Later, when Shang Zhi's performance was over, the audio-visual feast was replaced by another performance style that was as famous as it was. With a full-body performance, Musashi appeared.

For her, she is also a part of the performance. I am afraid that no one can match her enthusiasm for the gorgeous competition.

"The blue stage has been switched to the water stage, and here is Miss Xiaowang from Chiefeng City!"

Finally, it was Xiaowang's turn to take the stage. The Pokémon she used were Neon Fish and Manatee. Both of the original two little guys have evolved and become stronger.

"Use the water ring!" The neon fish controls the water flow to form three rings in the air, and then jumps lightly.

"The manatee, the waves of water!" The manatee used the waves of the water to control the three rings to float on the water surface. The next moment, three stable water columns rose into the sky, Xiaowang jumped, and the manatee and Ni The 4.0 rainbow fish stands firmly on the water column and is very expressive.

This is a performance that uses water from beginning to end, which is very suitable for this stage, because this was the place where Micoly, the master of the gorgeous competition, held the Micoly Cup. Xiaowang means a little tribute, which is similar to the original Xiaoguang Using Fiona while in Mutong is similar in purpose.

Today is really eye-opening. It is indeed a gorgeous and large-scale celebration. There is no weak person at all. The strength of each player is extremely outstanding.

Evolution performances, audio-visual feast performances, full-body performances, water tribute performances, all kinds of excellent performances are really dazzling.

Under such circumstances, it undoubtedly brought a huge sense of pressure to the players who came out later.

Under great pressure, the only two remaining people, Jianwu and Xiaoguang, stepped onto the red and blue stages respectively.

Chapter 32 The top [*] announced that Jianwu was unsuccessful

On the red stage, Xiaoguang's childhood sweetheart Jianwu took the lead in performing. He used two water-type Pokémon, Emperor Nabo and Snorkeling Itachi.

The snorkeling Weasel first used a trick to spray the water column, and then the emperor Nabo also used the water system to assist, further enhancing the power of the water column. When the water column accumulated to the maximum, the snorkeling Itachi used the water surrounded by Whirlwind knife.

The powerful knife gas combined with the water flow turned into a huge water blade and spread to the entire stage, which was extremely spectacular.

It is also a performance that relies entirely on water, but Jianwu and Xiaowang are completely different. Xiaowang shows the softness of water, while Jianwu shows the surging of water.

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