"Here we go again, when did Tian Lin replace the Pokemon?" Xiaoguang was not surprised that Tian Lin actually took out the Pokemon she didn't know about, although Tian Lin never I didn't explain it to her, but she didn't bother to explore, she just knew that she would never be wrong if she stood on Tianlin's side at any time.

"Then I'm about to start, Hippo beast, use flaming teeth!" Juye took the lead in attacking, and the scorching flames condensed in the hippo beast's mouth rushed towards the Lizard King.

The Hippo beast's attack power is very strong, but the speed is very weak. According to Tian Lin's observation, if the Lizard King fights with the hippo beast with speed, the odds of winning will be quite large.

But this time Tianlin doesn't plan to do so. It's rare to have such a good opportunity. It's not bad for the Lizard King to try a head-to-head battle. After all, it will always meet an opponent with the same speed as it. Believe in your own strength.

"Lizard King, use the blade!"

The Lizard King stretched out two sharp blades in his arms and directly greeted him.

"To actually choose to confront my power-type Pokémon head-on, I'm really confident." Kikuno believes in the power of Hippomon, and it won't lose to the Lizard King, which is far smaller in size.

Just as she thought, a strong collision caused the Lizard King to retreat again and again, and even almost fell unsteadily, while the hippo beast didn't move at all.

"How, Tianlin, if you don't use the speed that the Lizard King is good at against me, you have no chance of winning, Hippo, make an earthquake!" Kikuye is always the king of the ground type, and the earthquake can be said to be the best of all her Pokémon. The trick.

"Lizard King, use a blade on the ground!"

The Lizard King slashed across the ground, tearing the ground apart, hoping to block the fluctuations of the earthquake, but the Hippo beast's earthquake was too strong, and its spread far exceeded the battlefield, so it couldn't be stopped so easily.

Tianlin had to admit that in terms of strength, he was completely at a disadvantage, "In this case, I will upgrade my strength, Lizard King, mega evolution!"

Tianlin made the Lizard King evolve into a Super Lizard King, and his momentum suddenly increased greatly, but he was still not satisfied. This is at best equal to the opponent's gestures, and it is a little bit worse than the opponent. "Not enough, this is not enough, Lizard King, Sunshine Flame!"

"Huh? Sunshine flames under the sandstorm?" Kikuye was puzzled. The sunshine flames unleashed under the sandstorm were very weak and extremely slow to charge. What, but of course she won't let go of a great opportunity to attack, "Hippo beast, attack with your own life!"

In one breath, she showed the big trick of the general department, and Kikuye planned to decide the winner in one breath. Even her grandson-in-law, she didn't hold back at all.

Since the Lizard King couldn't move at all during the charging stage, he was directly hit by the hippo beast, and he kept retreating back and forth.

But the Lizard King's eyes were firm, and he had not given up hope.

"No, Tianlin's blazing sunshine is not an attack, he wants to..." Xiaoguang suddenly understood Tianlin's plan.

At this moment, the flames of sunlight finally finished charging, and the milky white light converged on the mouth of the Lizard King, and was about to shoot out. At this moment, Tian Lin shouted, "The Lizard King, eat it!"

Sure enough, Tianlin is not attacking, but using the same attribute to upgrade his power. Originally, the power of Sunshine Flame was too strong, and it was not suitable for this, but now Lizard King has undergone super evolution, and his physique has greatly increased by 343 Strong enough to withstand high-power skills. Second, because of the sandstorm weather, the power of the sun and flames is not as usual, which is the most suitable time to swallow.

In an instant, white streamers appeared on the green body of the Lizard King. The double enhancement of super-evolution and the flames of the sun made the Lizard King's aura so strong that he almost reached the level of a champion.

Kikuno was stunned and said, "It really gave me a surprise, there is such a way to increase power!"

Tian Lin smiled confidently, "Grandma, take the move, I'm going to decide the winner in one breath, Lizard King, Nine Stars!"

Back then, the Lizard King created the stunt of the seven-star slash with the skill of quickly slashing seven knives. Now, after continuous hard work and strength improvement, it has upgraded the seven-star to nine-star.

"Hippo beast, use the flaming teeth again!" Kikuye would never sit still, dealing with grass-type tricks, and naturally took out flame-type tricks to meet the enemy.

But she still underestimated the power of the current Lizard King. The Flaming Fang only managed to dissolve two blade qi, and starting from the third, the continuous slashes hit its key point without any hindrance.

There are seven slashes in total, each of which is not inferior to a champion-level beginner's full-strength strike. The seven strikes are combined, and the power even exceeds the ultimate impact of Zhulan's fierce bite of a land shark. With attribute restraint, just one combo will kill the hippo. The beast fell to the ground completely.

Chapter [*]: The Four Heavenly Kings defeat the champion Zhulan and begin to act

"What a terrible attack, it feels like it's enough to tear any opponent apart!"

On the side, Xiaoguang and Yusic, who were watching the battle, were stunned. The Lizard King's combo just now had no aesthetic sense, but it was extremely vicious. A move born from battle.

"Hey, I admit defeat, come back, Hippo!" Juye sighed and took back his fainted Pokémon, "The Four Heavenly Kings of Shenao were all defeated by one person in the end, it is really a shame for Shenao!"

Although Kikuye has a weak temper and doesn't care about the fame and fortune of the so-called Four Heavenly Kings, this does not mean that she doesn't even care about the dignity of the Four Heavenly Kings. Fortunately, it was her grandson-in-law who defeated them. Shenao's face was lost, but her family's face grew.

"That, grandma, I'm sorry, I got serious before I knew it!" Tian Lin came back to his senses and felt that he was taking too much action. After all, he was the grandmother of Sundae, so he didn't want to have any quarrel with Kikuye because of this. .

But this time it was him who underestimated Kikuye. As a veteran of the Four Heavenly Kings, her heart is far from that of a guy like Kazuki, so she laughed and said, "Haha, why do you need to apologize, I am sighing for ourselves. My strength is not good, what does it have to do with you? On the contrary, you are very gratifying to me. After traveling for just a few years, I have gained power over the four kings. Except for Zhulan, we Shenao have no more your opponent!"

"Ms. Zhulan is really strong, and I really look forward to fighting her!" Tian Lin did not shy away from his ambitions, and sooner or later he would defeat even Zhulan.

"Very good determination, but before you challenge Zhulan, you still have one more level to pass!" Kikuye said meaningfully, as the Four Heavenly Kings of Shenao, she naturally knew the secret weapon prepared by Shenao Alliance, a very powerful divine beast Make.

The power of the six divine beasts has surpassed that of the Four Heavenly Kings, and he is the great enemy that Tian Lin is about to face.

Of course, Juye didn't tell Tianlin everything, she still needs to be clear about her public and private affairs, and it is not bad to remind Tianlin.

Tianlin didn't ask any further questions. In fact, Juye didn't say that he had some guesses. Although he had almost forgotten the anime plots in his previous life, there were always those people who could impress him so deeply that he could remember them for a lifetime. 'Water Storage', Alan, who defeated Ash, and the extremely disgusting Superman.

There is another one, the mysterious beast man who suddenly appeared who made the trip of the Xiaozhi Shenao alliance smash the halberd and sink into the sand. Juye should be this person. It seems that this guy should be quietly cultivated in the Shenao area, and then he has been keeping a low profile. Just wait for the right time to come out with the secret weapon that shocked the world.

Tian Lin smiled slightly, wanting to step on his title of the youngest king, but it's not that simple.

Saying goodbye to Juye and Yousic, Tianlin Xiaoguang continued on his way.

At the same time, the news that Tianlin defeated all the kings of Shenao has spread like wildfire, and I don't know who spread it out. Knock down and then hurry.

Even people such as Shinji, Shangzhi, and Kao Ping, although they have regarded Tianlin as friends, but as Shenao people, in order to win glory for the region, this time they have to gear up and prepare to fight Tianlin with all their strength.

Apart from these trainers who are somewhat confident in themselves, most of them are still very self-aware. After all, even the Four Heavenly Kings have all been defeated, so what's the point of them going up.

Therefore, under the pleas of many people, the Shenao Alliance had to ask Zhulan to come forward.

Although Zhulan is Tianlin's friend, and even because she has fought side by side again and again, she has long had an inexplicable affection for Tianlin, but she is also the champion of Shenao and the most admired Valkyrie by Shenao residents. , she had to stand up.

Soon, a news came out from the league headquarters that the players who won the championship of this league competition can play a three-on-three friendly match with the champion Miss Zhulan, and get advice from the regional champion.

At the moment when Tianlin defeated the Four Heavenly Kings, such news was suddenly released, and anyone with a discerning eye could see that it was obviously aimed at Tianlin.

As for why it is necessary to win the championship in order to challenge Zhulan, it is naturally because of Zhulan's high status, it is too cheap to directly challenge Tianlin, and if Tianlin loses in the alliance competition, it means that there are already people. Helping God Ao is embarrassed, and naturally there is no need to ask Zhulan to take action. This arrangement is just right.

At this moment, Zhulan, who was staying in Shenhe Town, was a little uneasy. She sent such a message at the request of everyone. She was worried that it would cause Tianlin to misunderstand and think that she was deliberately targeting him.

Looking at Zhulan, who was walking around, unable to find peace for a moment, Dr. mustard smiled bitterly, "'"You, don't think too much, he can become such a powerful trainer, and his will is naturally very strong, sure. I won't hate you for this little thing. Besides, if he only has this little heart, you won't like him, will you~'? "

"Who likes him, it's just that he's my friend, I don't want him to misunderstand," Zhulan defended with a blushing face. To make sure her grandma believed it, she added in a more serious tone, "Well, that's all, really!"

As everyone knows, this kind of performance is tantamount to wanting to cover up, but as mustard seedlan said, Zhulan really underestimated Tianlin this time.

Tianlin has also learned the news through the news broadcast on the navigator. With his temperament, of course he will not be angry at all. The four gods of Shenao have all been defeated by him. As the champion of Shenao, Zhulan must It's a matter of course and right to stand up.

On the contrary, he is very happy. He has defeated the Four Heavenly Kings a lot (alright, good), but he has never really competed with a champion-level master. Now he not only has a chance, but he is one of the best players like Zhulan. , he really wanted it.

With more and more expectations for the Shenao Alliance, the two speeded up their pace, and soon, they arrived at a small town called Katakuri Town, where a gorgeous Pokémon contest was being held, and it was the last game before the large-scale celebration. Xiaoguang has already gathered five medals, and she does not need to participate in this competition.

So the two of them were going to go straight through the town, but unexpectedly, an intellectual big sister suddenly came to the two of them and bowed gently, "Excuse me, are you two Mr. Tianlin and Miss Xiaoguang? I'm already there. I've been waiting for this for a long time, West!"

"That's right, it's us, who are you?" Tianlin and Xiaoguang had never seen this person before, so they didn't know why she was looking for them. .

Chapter [*] Xiaoguang becomes Princess Pokkis and dances

The little sister confirmed the identities of the two and bowed again. She was very polite, and it seemed that she came from a noble family.

"My name is Fulijia, and I came here to welcome you to invite Miss Xiaoguang to become Her Royal Highness!"

your Highness!

This title surprised Tianlin Xiaoguang. There are indeed many large and small countries in the Pokémon world, such as the Mirazu Kingdom in the Hoenn region, which believes in Pokobi, and the city of Orudelang in Kanto. If Xiaoguang really To become a princess, it is a veritable palace of light!

Tianlin expressed his interest in this, and before Xiaoguang could decide, he agreed instead of her, and followed the elder sister to a luxurious castle with great interest.

This is indeed a place where nobles can live, and there is indeed a princess living in it, but you don't know if you don't see it, but when you look at it, you are startled, this princess and Xiaoguang are simply carved out of the same mold.

"Hey, Xiaoguang, do you have twin sisters?" Tian Lin asked blankly.

"Of course not, my mother is my daughter." Xiaoguang firmly denied it.

However, although the two look exactly the same, their temperament is very different. If Xiaoguang is cheerful and optimistic, with a positive personality, but the princess in front of her is quiet and elegant, full of etiquette, I saw her walking slowly 343 , Although they were a little excited to see the two, they still did not lose the slightest gaffe.

"It's like a dream. I can actually see the top coordination trainer Tian Lin, and Miss Xiaoguang who shines in the Mikkori Cup. I have always been a fan of you!"

"Let me introduce the two of you again!" Miss Fulijia stepped forward and introduced to the two of them, "The one in front of you is Her Royal Highness Princess Sharubia, and she is the one who invited you to come here."

Princess Sharubia gently lifted her long dress and gave a court ceremony, "Lord Tianlin, Miss Xiaoguang, how are you!"

Tianlin is very familiar with such a scene. Of course, it is not that he has experienced it, but his super-ancient genetic memory tells him that in the super-ancient period, there are countless princesses who salute him like this.

So he put his left hand on his back and his right hand on his stomach, bent down slightly, and returned the noble salute, "His Royal Highness Princess Sharubia, it is an honor to meet you! I just don't know that you are looking for me and Xiaoguang to the end. What's the reason?"

Seeing this, Sharubia and Furija were a little surprised. Although Tianlin had achieved extraordinary achievements, he was only born as an ordinary person, but he did not expect that he also studied court etiquette.

"Let me explain to Mr. Tianlin. In fact, Princess Sharubia visited this town today as a goodwill ambassador. It happened that a gorgeous contest was going to be held here. Her Royal Highness said that no matter what. It's her dream to try it out!"

"Participate in the Gorgeous Contest?" Xiaoguang was a little puzzled, what's so difficult about that? In an ordinary Gorgeous Contest, anyone can participate as long as they sign up.

Seeing Xiaoguang's doubts, Miss Fulijia explained again, "However, Her Royal Highness is very busy with official duties, and there is really no time for that."

"So, your idea is to let Xiaoguang become the princess instead of you, and you will participate in the gorgeous contest as Xiaoguang, right?" Looking at the identical faces of the two, Tian Lin roughly guessed the princess' plan.

"Yes, I implore Miss Xiaoguang to agree to take the place of the princess for a day and fulfill the princess's dream!" Fulijia stepped forward and asked. As a princess, Sharubia cannot lose her identity, so she can only come here as a maid.

Tianlin patted Xiaoguang on the shoulder and smiled, "Xiaoguang, this is a great opportunity, why don't you experience what it's like to be a princess!"

"Well, okay!" Tian Lin said so, of course Xiaoguang would not refuse.

Although she agreed a little reluctantly, when she changed her clothes, she immediately slapped her face, "Wow, the real princess dress, it's great, I've wanted to try it on for a long time!"

This time Xiaoguang and Sharubia are wearing the same dress, and the two are more similar. Except for their temperament, there is no difference in appearance at all, it is like a clone technique.

"Then, Your Highness Princess, please change your clothes too!" Furija took the plain clothes that Xiaoguang changed and handed it to Princess Sharubi (Aiea).

After she changed, Xiaoguang exclaimed that it was like looking in a mirror, but because Xiaoguang's skirt was too short, it made Sharubia very embarrassed.

----Dividing line

"Let everyone wait for a long time, the Pokémon Gorgeous Contest Katari Conference is officially launched now, this time in this green town, Katari Town is held for everyone, and this is the last gorgeous contest before the big celebration, please everyone. We must use all our strength and seize the last chance!"

At the beginning of the gorgeous contest, Princess Sharubia came to the stage with Tianlin as Xiaoguang.

"It's about to start, I feel a little nervous!" Princess Sharubia got what she wanted, looking nervous and excited, and more of a look forward to going on stage.

She was the first to perform, and she gracefully threw the Pokeball, "Come out, Pokkis!"

It turns out that her Pokémon is Porkkis, the final evolution of Porkby. Rare and elegant coexist, it is indeed a Pokémon worthy of her princess status.

What is even more surprising is that the strength of this Pokkis is also very extraordinary. It has reached the high-level quasi-king, and it is worthy of being the Pokemon of the royal family. It must have been nurtured by the best. After one round of performances, the subsequent battles can basically be pushed evenly.

"Pokkis, we are training hard for this day, let's work together, let's use the wave missile first!"

Pokkis slammed a wave of missiles into the sky, and then another blow of the divine bird with just the right power dissipated the energy of the wave missiles and turned them into five wavelet missiles.

Whether it is the control of the ultimate trick or the elegance of flying, Pokkis has mastered it very well.

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