Chapter nine hundred and seventy-seventh subduing Xi Duolan

"Go, Sui-kun!"

Even if this Sidoran has no god status and has not grown to the peak, it still cannot change the fact that it is a second-level god. With gods as opponents, it is natural to send gods to fight.

The appearance of Suijun immediately attracted the attention of Sidoran, such a holy and powerful aura, the true North Wind incarnation of Suijun would not be wrong.

"Sidoran, my trainer, the legendary ruler needs your strength, if you are willing, please fight with me!" Suicune stepped forward.

Hearing the words, Xi Dulanen jumped down from the rock wall, his whole body rising with fighting spirit, and he accepted the challenge of Tianlin and Suijun.

"Wow, the Battle of the Divine Beasts, what an honor, even if I didn't complete the task of sending Sidoran to the reserve, it was a worthwhile trip!" Xia also stepped aside excitedly, ready to enjoy this scene to the fullest. battle.

"Suijun, preemptively, freeze the light!"

"Frozen light?" Xiaoguang was extremely puzzled by Tianlin's instructions. For Sidorlan, who was a fire-type and steel-type, the power of the ice-type trick was very small, and even if he wanted to bet on freezing, it was impossible. The high temperature on the surface of Isidoran's body was impossible to freeze.

"No, it's the right thing to do. Tianlin's goal is not Sidoranen, but..." Xia was indeed a high-ranking ranger, and he understood Tianlin's intentions at once.

I saw Sui Jun jumped, and the ice light shot out, but instead of attacking Sidoran, it hit the lava behind it.

Under the extremely powerful ice light of Shuijun, the magma was rapidly cooled, and the entire cave cooled down instantly, feeling a lot more comfortable.

"Fighting in this cave is too beneficial for Sidoran. It can continuously draw power from magma with its own ignition characteristics, so eliminating this disadvantage is the most important factor for Tianlin." Xia also explained road.

He understands it correctly, but it is not complete. In fact, Tianlin has another purpose for doing this. The flow of magma here is too active. If you want to take it out of here, it is natural to completely solve this worry.

Sidoran could understand the intentions of Tianlin and Suijun, and glanced at them gratefully, but fighting is fighting, and it would not let water out because of this. Suicune, this is its exclusive skill, Lava Storm!

This is not the first time Suijun has been exposed to this trick. In the original Arceus incident, it played against the ancient Sidoran. Compared with this, although this one's aptitude and potential are better, but In terms of current strength, it has not yet fully grown, but it is slightly insufficient.

"Suijun, water cannon!"

An incomparably powerful water cannon flew out, and the three flames were immediately defeated. With the suppression of attributes and absolute strength, Sidoran was powerless to fight back.

Washed by such a powerful water cannon, Sidoran retreated again and again, but his will was strong, and he buried his four feet directly in the ground to forcibly stabilize his body.

Then, at the moment when the Suicune water cannon ended, a highly poisonous counterattack was quickly thrown out.

"It's a good method. I know that Reckless Fighting is not Suijun's opponent, so I chose the poisonous consumption!" Tian Lin praised, and he could come up with this method without a trainer's command. Not bad.

"Supernatural power!"

When the toxin was approaching, Sui Jun suddenly released his mental power to block all the venom. It was absolutely impossible to deal with Sui Jun so easily.

"It's time to end this battle, Suicune, let's surf!"

Suijun suddenly set off a large-scale wave. In a small place like a cave, Sidoran had no place to hide at all, and because it had just buried its four legs in the ground, it completely restricted its own movement.

In a short while, Sidoran was completely engulfed by the waves and was severely damaged.

"Just now, go, Dark Ball!"

Since it is a Pokémon captured in a cave, it is natural to use a dark ball.

Xi Duo Lan En knows that he has been defeated, and it is also willing to recognize Tian Lin. He did not struggle too much, and the dark ball stabilized after a few flicks.

Tian Lin picked up the ball, and the picture book rang, because the number of Pokémon on him had reached seven excluding the few divine beasts, and now he urgently needed to send one back.

Tian Lin was a little puzzled about this. It was clear that when Suijun was dreaming, the rabbis could not be limited by the limit of six Pokémon.

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At this time, the system gave him an explanation, "The reason why the host, Suicune and the others can be unrestricted, is not because of their strength, but because they have the status of gods. Human technology cannot limit the real gods."

As it turned out, Tian Lin immediately understood. In the final analysis, even though Sidoran was honored as a second-level god, it was actually just an ordinary Pokémon that was much stronger than other Pokémon without a god position.

This is also understandable. If they can break through the limit with strength alone, then Zhulan or Dandi said that they can carry twelve Pokémon on their bodies.

After some consideration, Tian Lin sent Polygon Beast II back. Presumably, Dr. Damu has been greedy for this guy's data for a long time.

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"Tianlin, congratulations on subduing Xi Duolan!" Xia Ye and Xiaoguang stepped forward to congratulate him.

"Thank you, but for you, Xia Ye, I should say sorry for sabotaging your mission!" Tian Lin said apologetically.

Xia Ye smiled frankly, "It's nothing, in fact, my mission did not fail, the mission description is to send Xidorlan to a safe place for protection, so I chose the nature reserve, but the same is true for you. , I'm sure you can take good care of it."

"Of course!" Tianlin solemnly promised.

A few people left the cave, Xia Ye's mission was over, and now he was going to return to the Feilei area. Tianlin Xiaoguang said goodbye to him here. After watching him hunt a big bird, he turned around and left.

After getting Sidolanen, Tian Lin's harvest was pretty good. They never thought that within two days, they met another girl, and there was actually a Xie Mi in the basket on the girl's body.

This is really incredible. They have encountered two divine beasts in a row. It seems that their recent luck is really quite good.

But for this Xie Mi, Tian Lin has no idea of ​​catching it. Xie Mi usually has his own ethnic group, and they have to continue to pass on flowers. Tian Lin does not want to separate it and its partners.

So the two helped the girl to send Xie Mi to the rumored secret garden, where her companions were already waiting, where Gracietia flowers were blooming. Once again, I enjoyed the delivery towel of the flower.

Chapter [*]: The Last Four Heavenly Kings of Shenao, Juye, Appears

After several days of traveling, Xiaoguang Tianlin and the two are now getting closer and closer to the lakeside of Lizhi.

A grand and large-scale celebration is imminent. Even with Xiaoguang's optimism, he can't help but feel a little nervous at this time. He can only rely on training to vent his uneasy emotions. In this regard, Tianlin can't help her, at most he can only give her some performances. suggestion above.

Rainbow tricks, fist-returning shields, oath combos, flaming ice, icy crystal lamps, and swallowing tricks to strengthen herself, Xiaoguang is reviewing her skills over and over again. In fact, she already has amazing strength. It's these skills that are amazing enough.

No, a passing little boy was completely attracted, "Wow, big sister, you are so amazing, those tricks just now are really beautiful and powerful!"

"Have a vision, kid!" Tian Lin walked over with a smile, "This sister "Three Four Zeros" in front of you will soon become the new top coordination trainer this year!"

At this moment, the person who is more confident than Xiaoguang is Tianlin. The strength of Xiaoguang in the original book is enough to enter the finals of the large-scale celebration, but it is only slightly worse than Xiaowang. Now traveling with him is definitely much stronger than before.

"Really, it's amazing!" The little boy's eyes suddenly lit up, and the top coordination trainer's status in the Shenao area was very high, not inferior to the champion of the conference.

"Tianlin, don't talk nonsense, the game hasn't started yet!" Xiaoguang seemed embarrassed to be praised like this, "Little brother, don't listen to this big brother, what's your name?"

"My name is Yucic, may I play with your Pokémon, eldest sister?" Yusic looked at Xiaoguang hopefully, and could see that he really likes Pokémon.

For such a small request, Xiaoguang naturally has no reason to refuse, and the little boy did not play for too long, and returned with Xiaoguang's Pokémon in less than half an hour.

Very sensible, this is Tianlin's judgment on this child. After all, trainers who travel abroad often need to hurry up. Even if this child likes Pokemon again, he doesn't want to delay other people's journeys.

And Tianlin also noticed that among Xiaoguang's six Pokémon, the one who played the best with the boy Yousic was not the five cute little guys, but the strongest ivory pig.

In this case, either the child knows how to get along well with ivory pigs, or he is somewhat similar to Tianlin, preferring strong and mighty Pokémon over cute ones, or even a combination of these two reasons.

"Big sister, your ivory pig is too strong. I also have a little platypus. I really hope he can evolve into a platypus fire beast as soon as possible!" Sure enough, this child is also the type of trainer who pursues strength.

After playing with so many Pokémon for a while, Yusic was satisfied, and was about to say goodbye to the two of them when suddenly a majestic voice came from behind, "Yusic, what are you doing?"

The visitor was an old lady with gray hair, but she looked in good spirits. The important thing was that she exuded an extraordinary aura.

"Ms. Ju Aye! You are here, let me introduce you. These big brothers and big sisters are friends I just met. They are called Tianlin and Xiaoguang!" Yuxiqi seemed to respect this person very much, and trot over to help him She came over.

"Tianlin?" Hearing the name, Ju Aye immediately looked over, his eyes were like electricity, making Tianlin feel numb all over.

And Tian Lin really didn't dare to move at the moment, or he was sweating nervously, Ju Aye, this is obviously a pseudonym, how could he not recognize it, this old grandmother's real identity is clearly one of the four gods of Shenao. King Juye!

No wonder this little boy can play with the ivory pig so well. It is estimated that he has been with Kikuye for a long time, and naturally he knows how to get along with the ground-type Pokémon.

In fact, the identities of the four heavenly kings alone are not bad, and it will not make Tianlin nervous. After all, the three heavenly kings he met before have already been turned over by him, but the problem is that Juye still has an identity, the grandmother of Sundae. Totally can't afford to offend.

"Tianlin, this name sounds to me like thunder, but we should actually meet for the first time!" Kikuye said slowly.

"Yes, it's an honor to meet you. After I came to Shenao, I should have come to visit you long ago. It's so rude!" Tian Lin seemed a little flustered, but this made Xiaoguang beside him very curious. Tian Lin has always been in the chest, even if there are such existences as Arceus and Giratina in front of him, he has never shown a trace of panic.

"Uh, Xiaoguang, I haven't had time to introduce you yet. This lady Ju Aye's real name is Ju Ye. She is one of the Four Heavenly Kings of Shenao and the grandmother of your sister Sundae!"

Tianlin accentuated the three words pro-grandmother. This was a reminder, and it also let Xiaoguang know the reason for his nervousness. When meeting his girlfriend's elders for the first time, nervousness was inevitable, and he was afraid to stay. Make a bad impression!

"You don't have to be nervous, and you don't need to call me the Four Heavenly Kings and Four Heavenly Kings. If you want, just call me grandma like a sundae!" Juye smiled kindly. She is completely different from her elder sister, Juzi. If Juzi is stern, then She is amiable 0 ........

This look can make Tian Lin and Xiaoguang feel at ease a lot.

"Okay, grandma!" For the elders' words, the two of them were naturally more respectful than obedient.

Juye walked to a stone and sat down, saying, "Tianlin, since you came to Shenao, I have been hearing your name. Zhulan, Wusong, Aliu, and Daye all mentioned it to me. past you."

"Before, the battle between the time and space gods in Baiyang Town, and the incident of the disintegration of the Galaxy Group, everyone else only knew that it was Zhulan's credit, but I know that the real hero should be you, right?"

Tianlin nodded, "Yes, but Miss Zhulan's contribution is also huge. Those events would not have been completed so smoothly without anyone else."

"Well, it's good not to take credit for arrogance. Now a teenager like you should travel freely. If you care too much about fame and fortune, it will only stop your strength." Juye's attitude towards Tianlin Very satisfied, "Such a temperament is worthy of being my future granddaughter-in-law!"


Juye is not an unidentified old lady, she is very satisfied with Tianlin, what Tianlin has achieved so far is enough to make anyone look at him, he is definitely worthy of his granddaughter, and besides, the sundae is actually obtained from Tianlin. There is also a lot of help. If there is no Tianlin, today's Sundae will never have the powerful strength it is now.

"You've won the prize, I'm still young, it's the time when I need more guidance from an old senior like you!" Today's Tianlin is indescribably humble, not at all arrogant.

Unexpectedly, when he heard Tianlin's words, Juye stood up directly, "Well, then come on!"

"What do you mean?" Tian Lin was confused.

"Don't you want to give advice, then take advantage of now, right here, and fight with me immediately!" Kikuno naturally walked to an open space, and was ready for the battle.

Chapter [*] Win!The mighty Lizard King

Looking at Ju Ye, who was walking to the side, Tian Lin didn't expect that the old lady looked kind and acted so resolutely. field.

The so-called arrow has to be sent on the string, and looking at Juye's posture, Tian Lin can't escape today. "Okay, grandma, I'll ask you for more advice today!"

"Go to the Pokémon Center, I want you to show your real strength to fight with me, don't use those children you won until Shenao!" Kikuye was very serious.

She really likes Tianlin, the grandson-in-law, that's right, but since she learned that he has lost the other three heavenly kings in a row, she has long thought that she will be the first genius. As for Tianlin's real strength, this is also a god. The stubbornness of the last remaining king in Austria.

The so-called enemy, the more serious I am, the more serious I am. In the face of Juye like this, Tianlin doesn't care about the identity of Grandma Sundae, and it is the retaliation for her to do everything in her power, "No need, grandma, I have a very suitable for you Fighting Pokémon, please enlighten me!"

"Okay!" Seeing Tianlin's sudden change in momentum, Juye nodded in admiration. The 08 she was worried about before was because Tianlin was concerned about her elder's identity and released water. Now it seems that she underestimated Tianlin. "Then let me start first, go, Hippo!"

One of Kikuno's most trusted Pokémon, the Hippomon of the high-ranking Heavenly King appeared, and the pressing aura shocked Xiaoguang and Yusic to the side to retreat, and at the same time, they stretched out their hands to cover their faces, because of the characteristics of the hippomon. It has been activated, and the originally empty lawn is suddenly covered with sandstorms.

"Then I am it, please, Lizard King!" Tian Lin used the battle box to exchange the Lizard King. Although the Lizard King is not Tianlin's strongest Pokémon, it is definitely his most trusted Pokémon.

"Oh, it's actually your original Pokemon, I didn't expect you to bring it with you!" Juye saw the hunting heart, and he had heard of the strength of Tianlin, the Lizard King. Now that he has seen it with his own eyes, his Its aura is no less than that of the hippo beast, and it is even better than the rumors.

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