"Crack!" Dianci snapped his fingers and laughed, "Tianlin, thank you for your inspiration, I created a new trick, how about calling it Crazy Thunder Sky Prison!"

"Very cool name!" Tian Lin nodded, it was a really powerful trick, but it was also very restrictive.

First, this trick can only be used in rainy days, otherwise the hit rate of thunder is not so accurate, and it can form a perfect encirclement. Second, this trick is not suitable for any Pokémon below the king level, they are not suitable for their own electricity. , it is impossible to use it so superbly.

"Unfortunately, if Raichu's opponent is not my Dark Night Demon, this Thunder Sky Prison is enough to destroy any opponent's body." Tian Lin's face was not flustered at all, as if he had made up his mind, "Night Demon Spirit, show resentment! "

Resentment, this is a move that reduces the number of times the opponent's ultimate move is used. If Raichu wants to continue to control this thunder and lightning, he must continue to use thunder. Once it reaches its limit, then this crazy thunder prison will naturally be self-defeating.

"Do you use this method, unfortunately, my Raichu has been trained and can use the number of thunderstorms to a very high level. Once resentment, it can't completely resolve its electricity!" Dianji said to himself.

"Really!" Tian Lin smiled slightly, "Mr. Denji, take a good look at your Raichu's condition and talk about it!"

"What?" When Dianji heard the words, he immediately looked towards Raichu and found that he was sweating profusely. Obviously, his physical strength was exhausted, and the power was still weakening, as if he was under some huge pressure.

"Is this, a sense of oppression!" Dianji finally remembered that the characteristic of the night demon, the characteristic called sense of oppression, can greatly reduce the number of times the opponent uses a move.

Originally, there were not many opportunities for this feature to be effective, but now, when Raichu needs to use thunder a lot, this feature has become a very fatal factor.

At this moment, there was a 'zizzing' sound on Raichu's body, the power was exhausted, it was no longer able to make a thundering trick, and the thunderfield that spread all over Tianlin's half also disappeared at the same moment.

"It's over, Dark Night Demon, Shadow Fist!" Tian Lin ordered, Leiqiu was completely immobile, and there was no suspense in the outcome.

Just before the magic space disappeared, the Night Demon appeared right in front of Raichu with a flash, punched him in the face, and knocked Raichu to the ground.

"Raichu lost his ability to fight, and the Dark Night Demon won, so the winner of this game is the challenger Tian Lin!" Daye made the final verdict. Tian Lin finally won the final gym battle in Shenao. .

"I lost, but 340 has no loss of defeat at all, only the excitement of playing a good match, it's been a long time since I've played so easily!" Dianji clenched his fists with both hands, as if he was still unfinished. More important than winning or losing, that is to let him completely find himself.

Dianji came to Tianlin, "Come on, Tianlin, this is the lighthouse badge, this time you can accept it properly, congratulations!"

"Of course, I will keep it well. This badge was obtained by you who defeated the four Heavenly Kings Daye and the strongest pavilion master in a row. It is of great significance!" Tian Lin gratefully took the badge and put it into the badge. box.

Seeing the eight badges lined up in the badge box, Tian Lin was very happy, he finally got the right to participate in the Shenao League Competition.

"Tianlin, cheer up on the Shenao Alliance. Thanks to you, I have found the joy of the battle. I will always support you here until the day you become a Pokémon master!" Dianji and Tianlin Handshake thank you.

"Yes, I will do my best!" Tian Lin smiled slightly, he still has a lot of unfinished journey, and it will continue continuously.

Saying goodbye to Mr. Daye and Mr. Dianji, Tianlin and Xiaoguang left the Hubin Gym, and the badges have been obtained. Then, the next challenge is Xiaoguang's final challenge, a gorgeous large-scale celebration on the lakeside of Lizhi. They are going to The place is there.

Chapter [*]: Xiaoguang's New Trick Bing Can Crystal Lamp

Lakeside Town, a town not far from Lakeside City.

Yesterday, after Tianlin got his eighth badge, he was going to leave immediately, but they suddenly received a contact from Xiaoguang's mother, Miss Caizi, asking them to join her in this small town.

After waiting for a while, I saw Caizi beckoning and walking towards them, "Tianlin Xiaoguang, you guys look very energetic, how about you, have you got the fifth ribbon and the eighth badge?"

"Of course, we are all going well!" Xiaoguang said proudly, she was about to go to the gorgeous and large-scale celebration, and now she is one step closer to her mother.

"However, why did you suddenly invite us to this town?" The three walked to a cafe and sat down. Tian Lin asked why he suddenly found them.

"It's like this, I often go to different towns to hold lectures for beginner coordination trainers. Those students are all children who have not yet embarked on the journey. It is expected that starting tomorrow, a coordination training will be held here. The trainer training academy has started, and Xiaoguang is also a coordinator with five ribbons, so she can help her!" Caizi explained with a smile.

As a veteran top coordination trainer, Caiko no longer participates in the competition. Her main job now is to vigorously promote the gorgeous competition and cultivate coordination trainers. It is because of the efforts of these seniors.

After a few people sat down and chatted for a long time, Caizi suddenly received a call, and when she came back, she looked worried.

"What's wrong?" Xiaoguang asked worriedly when he saw his mother's appearance.

"It's nerve-racking, in this neighboring town, there will be a gorgeous contest tomorrow, but Miss Joey there has to take care of the sick Pokémon, so there is one less judge, so Mr. Conkenstein wants me to help!"

Caizi was on schedule, just when she was worried, Xiaoguang volunteered, "Mom, you can go to the neighboring town, just leave it to us, don't forget, except for me, who has five ribbons. In addition to the coordinator, there is also a top coordinator trainer who once dominated the large-scale festivals in Kanto~'!"

Caizi's eyes lit up and looked at Tianlin, "Yes, I almost forgot, you are also one of the top coordination trainers, Tianlin, so can I trouble you?"

"Well, it's still some time before Xiaoguang's large-scale celebration and my alliance competition. I'll leave it to me and Xiaoguang, no problem." Tianlin learned Xiaoguang's mantra and will teach newcomers the task of took over.

Neighboring Town is still a long way from here. In order to ensure the time, Caizi left that night. In the early morning of the next day, the two came to the Seaside Academy and saw a group of naughty bear children.

"Hello, I'm Xiao Guang who came to the Coordination Trainer training course in place of my mother."

Xiaoguang greeted enthusiastically, but she herself was too young, and was soon questioned by a little kid, "Can you really teach us well, you are too young, there is a ribbon for a gorgeous contest Medal?"

"Don't worry, don't look at me like this, I have already collected five ribbon medals!" Xiaoguang opened the medal collection box, and she was very proud of this.

Tian Lin smiled and continued, "I don't have a ribbon medal for the time being, but I am a trainer who is aiming for the league competition and I have already collected eight medals."

The children looked at the two boxes, and they were all filled to the brim. The kid who had some doubts just now admitted the two of them, "Hmph, it's not bad, I'll reluctantly approve you!"

Tianlin glanced at the child, every class would have problem students, it seems that he is not wrong in this class.

"Okay, then at the beginning, let everyone get in touch with Pokémon first!" Xiaoguang pushed Bogaman out first.

The children immediately gathered around and said hello to Bogaman, but the little boy just heard him disdain, "Isn't it a Pokemon, what's so strange."

After he finished speaking, he came up and pulled Rabogaman's cheek hard, and the painful Bogaman jumped up.

"No, you can't do this, you have to be more gentle with Pokemon!" Xiaoguang educated, "What's your name?"

"Ah Qiao!" The bear boy replied.

"Ah Qiao, you don't like being teased either, you have to think more about your Pokémon's mood!" Xiaoguang is quite a teacher, and is gentle and patient with children who are in trouble.

A Bogaman was obviously not enough for the children to play with, so Tian Lin proposed to release all the Pokémon on them.

On Xiaoguang's side, Pogaman, Pachiritz, Curly-eared, Fireball Rat, Cauliflower Monkey, and Ivory Pig, except for the Ivory Pig, all of them are cute and fit the coordinator's lineup.

On Tianlin's side, Tianlin once again replaced the Pokémon on his body after the gym competition. Now it is Tutai Turtle, Elluiduo, Rotom, Polygon II, Round Land Shark, and Pocobi, except for the last one. The two little fellows, the other four simply wrote the word "powerful" on their faces, which aroused the children's amazement!

"'" Wow, that's great! Ah Qiao was also attracted, but when Tian Lin looked at him, he immediately turned his head away with a look of disinterest. It seemed that he was not only a arrogant boy, but also a very arrogant guy.

The children played with the two Pokémon for a while, except for Ah Qiao who painted Pogaman's face, the atmosphere was not bad, Xiaoguang sighed, she really can't do anything about this child .

And Tianlin didn't want to care at all, he had no problem in teaching others knowledge, but if you want to say that it's better to discipline bear children, he doesn't have that spare time.

"Okay, then next, I'll show you the combination trick."

To say that the best part of the Gorgeous Contest is naturally the combination move. Xiaoguang (alright) showed all his previous performances in the Gorgeous Contest to the children.

She even wanted to temporarily create a trick for the children to watch. For the large-scale celebration, she had already thought of a series of plans, one of which was a wonderful trick called Bingcan Crystal Lamp.

Let the ivory pig use the ice to wrap Pachiritz, and then Pachiritz runs in the ice hockey and releases lightning, making the trick sparkle, which is really gorgeous.

It's a pity that this trick has not been completely completed. The ivory pig's grasp of the strength of the ice is not perfect, and the ice hockey will shatter after a while.

But in just such an instant, she has completely captured the hearts of the children. Not to mention whether she taught the children any useful knowledge today, but it did arouse the children's interest in the gorgeous contest, presumably after today , there will be a few of these kids who are targeting coordination trainers! .

Chapter [*]: The Pokémon Ranger Reappears The Volcano Pokémon Sidoran

In the evening, after a day of teaching, Tianlin and Xiaoguang returned to the cafe again.

Xiaoguang is very satisfied today, her icy crystal lantern has made a lot of progress, and that child named Aqiao, although she was very rude at first, but finally realized her mistake and told Bogaman. Apologize, and said that he has been bullying Bogaman, but in fact it is because he likes it.

Of course, the actual reason is not that simple. The so-called use evil to defeat evil. To deal with a bear child, you must rely on another bear child. Just when Xiaoguang was performing for other children, Tianlin quietly found Porkby.

He, Porkby, is an extremely black-bellied girl, and Tianlin has recently discovered another characteristic of her, that is, extreme protection. Pogaman recognized it as the eldest sister.

The younger brother is in trouble, how can the elder sister stand by, so Porkby took out [*]% of his skills, such as using his mental strength to control Ah Qiao to float, and then using jet flames to burn his ass and so on.

After an inhumane 'education', Ah Qiao voluntarily admitted his mistake.

But these Xiaoguang didn't need to know, she just had to remember that it was because of her gentle and patient education that Ah Qiao had changed her mind.

On the other hand, Caizi also came back, and she also brought the latest information on the Hua 340 Li contest. The last news broadcast said that there were seven games left before the grand grand celebration.

This Neighborhood Conference is the third. The winners of the first two are Ulala and Kengo, and the one who won the ribbon today is Tiantian Musashi Lina. This is also Musashi's fifth ribbon. She is indeed better than the original. Stronger, and obtained the right to participate in large-scale celebrations in advance.

These three people plus Xiaoguang, and Xiaowang and Mr. Shang Zhi who have already received five ribbons, it seems that the rivals who are going to participate in the magnificent and large-scale celebration will all gather together.

"Xiaoguang, in addition to the information about the large-scale celebration, I have one more thing to give you, this is it!" Said, Caizi took out a box, which contained a beautiful dress, "This is made by my mother, gorgeous large-scale Celebration dress!"

As Xiaoguang's memorable first gorgeous large-scale celebration, Caizi attaches great importance to it. She hopes that Xiaoguang can participate in the competition with the most perfect attitude.

"Thank you, Mom!" Xiaoguang happily took the dress and put on the dress made by her mother herself, her fighting spirit must be even higher.

The next day, the two said goodbye to Caizi, and after planning the nearest route to (aiea) Lizhi Lake, they set off immediately.

On the way, when they were preparing for lunch, they suddenly saw a person floating in the lake. Judging by his costume and the hunting cursor on his hand, it should be a Pokémon forest ranger!

After Tianlin rescued him, he introduced himself. His name is Xia Ye, and he belongs to a senior forest ranger. The purpose of appearing here this time is to help a Sidoran and send it to the reserve!

According to him, that Sidoran is very special. It can use fire-breathing tricks that ordinary Sidorans cannot learn. It is extremely powerful. The reason why he fell into the river was because he failed to hunt and was beaten down by it. .

"I didn't expect that there would be Xidolan in such a place, Xia Ye, I don't know if we can go with you. My name is Tianlin, I wonder if you have heard of me?" Tianlin asked.

"Tianlin, you are Tianlin!" Hearing the name, Xia Ye immediately became excited, "I know you, you have helped us a lot, Ajie, Hyuga, and Chuangyi have all told me about you. ."

"Of course it's fine if you want to go with me to find Sidoran, but do you want to subdue it?"

"That's natural. Sidoran is also a member of the mythical beasts, and his strength is tyrannical and extremely rare. If there is a wild one here, of course there is no reason not to try it." Tian Lin said bluntly, but he was also worried. "Will this bother you, and if I capture it, will the ranger judge you to fail the mission?"

"Haha, don't worry, the duty of our forest rangers is to protect Pokémon from being persecuted by the wicked. As long as you challenge it with integrity, and the other party is willing to fight, then we have no reason to stop it." Xia also said with a smile that he still recognized Tianlin's character, not only did not refuse, but promised to take the initiative to lead the way for Tianlin.

Xia is indeed a high-level ranger. Even if he has lost his way, he still has a way to determine the approximate location of Sidoran.

Looking at Xia Ye who was lying on the ground after walking for a while, Xiaoguang wondered, "What is he doing?"

"He is feeling the surface temperature. Sidoran is classified as a crater Pokémon, and its body surface temperature is extremely high. Wherever it walks, the surface of that large area will be exceedingly hot." Tian Lin explained.

After walking for a period of time, the three gradually came to a hill, and this time Xiaoguang could also clearly feel the temperature rise around him.

Ahead, is a dark cave, the biggest hot breath is coming from it, and it is close to ten, Xidolan should be right there.

Stepping into the cave, even through the boots, you can feel the high temperature from the ground. If you are barefoot, I am afraid that no one will be scalded.

When I came to the depths of the cave, there was actually a piece of magma inside, no wonder the temperature was so high.

"It's so spectacular, it's like a lava lake!" Xiaoguang covered her mouth and said in surprise. At this moment, her eyes seemed to catch something, "Tianlin, look there!"

Tian Linxia also looked in the direction she was pointing, and saw a fiery red Pokémon lying on the ground on all fours being adsorbed on the rock wall, and at the same time, bursts of light flashed from its body. "It's Sidoran, it's accumulating magma energy by igniting its properties!"

Sidoran, Crater Pokémon, Fire-type plus Steel-type, fire-type characteristics, restrained personality (adding special attack and reducing physical attack), height 2.2m, weight 480kg, excellent qualifications, super champion potential, current strength champion Rank, with skills: Earth Power, Cannon Light Cannon, Fire Spit, Lava Storm, Primal Power, Poisonous, Invisible Rock, Roar, Remarks: Legendary Pokémon, one of the second-level gods, no gods, and A lot of potential has not been developed, and it is recommended that the host fully capture it.

Sidolane is the legendary god who suppressed volcanoes, but only one of the tribes truly inherits the title of the god of volcanoes.Just like the Suijun of Tianlin, the other Suijuns are only rare legendary Pokémon, and only he is the real god in charge of the North Wind.

But the real volcano god is obviously not the guy in front of him, so no matter who conquers it, there is no problem for nature.

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