Chapter [*] Freezing Rotom VS Heating Rotom

"Mr. Denji, I'll be rude to attack first, Tutai Turtle, and make an earthquake!"

The opening scene was a great trick of the ground system. However, this extremely restraining move was far from the ideal effect of Tianlin. I saw that the Roentgen cat only had an ugly face for a while, and then survived the earthquake's attack. The damage was far less than imagined.

"I see. Is this a Roentgen cat that has exercised endurance? In that case, its attack power should be slightly worse than my Roentgen cat. You can choose to attack it!" Tian Lin quickly judged that the electric time was against the Roentgen cat. Breeding of cats.

But what kind of role is Denji, how could he ignore the element of offense and spend energy to exercise defense, then of course he will find a way to make up for the lack of physical attack power, I saw him smile lightly, "Roentgen cat, make Fire ~ Teeth!"

"Is it a flame-type trick, Tutai Turtle, after taking the attack, use the ultimate suction-take!"

Defensive counterattack is to take the attack first, and then counterattack, and Tianlin can not only attack the enemy, but also greatly enhance the endurance of his side.

The roentgen cat bit on the tortoise shell of the tortoise, and the scorching high temperature inflicted heavy damage on the tortoise, but with its superior defensive power, it was not yet able to fight back. The vines, after tying up the Röntgen cat, began to absorb its stamina.

In this set of offense and defense, Tianlin obviously has the advantage, because he not only did the attack, but also the defense, but the result was not satisfactory. After the two Pokémon were separated, the Tutai Turtle was much more injured. .

"How is it possible, this attack power?" Tian Lin began to be a little horrified, and then he thought of something, "By the way, the attack power of my Tutai turtle was not affected by the intimidation of the Roentgen cat. In this way, the characteristic of this Roentgen cat is fighting spirit. !"

Fighting spirit, this characteristic is very two-sided. When encountering opponents of the same gender, it will ignite fighting spirit and strengthen its strength, while facing opponents of different genders, it will become weaker.

Dianci's roentgen cat, like Tianlin's tutai turtle, is male, and it is this fighting spirit that makes up for the lack of the roentgen cat's lack of attack power, thus causing huge damage to the tutai tortoise.

"Very good, use the Flaming Teeth again!" Once Dianji gained the upper hand, his offensive would strike like an overwhelming force. In the past, many challengers were defeated by his combo without the ability to fight back.

However, Tianlin is not the role he used to be, he has his own countermeasures, "Tutai turtle, use the shrinking shell!"

The Tutai Turtle retracted its head and four into the tortoise shell, and after a flash of blue light flashed all over its body, it improved its defense. Not only that, when the Roentgen Cat bit the Tutai Turtle, the flames in its mouth were gradually increasing. Extinguished, this Fire Element skill almost turned into an ordinary bite, which had no effect on the Turtle Turtle.

"Very good, the opportunity to counterattack has come, Tutai Turtle, make an earthquake."

The Tutai Turtle took the opportunity to stretch out its limbs and launched an earthquake with a face-to-face attack on the Roentgen cat. The Roentgen cat at the center of the earthquake was equivalent to being hit to the core.

"The Roentgen cat loses its fighting ability, and the Tutai Turtle wins!" Daye declared.

"What the hell is going on here?" Dianji was very puzzled. Even if the Tutai Turtle improved his defense, it wouldn't even eliminate the flames of the Röntgen cat, right?

"Mr. Dianji, have you forgotten that the trick of shrinking the shell only has the effect of increasing the first-order defense, but it is a water-type move!" Tian Lin explained with a smile.

"So that's the case, because the water-type move made the turtle's body become wet, right? It's really not easy to be able to use an ordinary defensive trick to put out the fire." He became even more excited after his strength, "Very good, what I want is this kind of battle, then the next one is it, see how you deal with it, go, freeze Rotom!"

The second Pokémon of Dianxun is actually the King-level Frozen Rotom. This is the form after Rotom is attached to the refrigerator. It has the attributes of Electricity and Ice, and it has the characteristic of floating, so it is not afraid of the ground at all. Department skills.

The attribute of ice is indeed very suitable as a blind complement for the electric lineup of the electric class. In addition to the electric system itself, there are three kinds of attributes that are not afraid of electricity, namely grass, dragon and ground, and these three attributes are coincidental. Being restrained by the ice type, Tian Lin has also calculated the possibility that there will be someone who can use the ice type trick in the electric lineup, or that he can directly take out the ice type Pokémon.

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I touched a Poké Ball behind me. It was specially prepared to restrain the possible Ice Element, but the Pokémon in it was only at the peak level of the quasi-Tianwang, which was very far away from the Heavenly King. Attribute advantage, I am afraid that the odds of winning will not exceed [*]%.

"Then, I can only ask you to smooth this gap, Tutai Turtle, make a big sunny day!"

"Freeze Rotom, blizzard!"

Dianji really took out the ice-type big move. Under this fourfold restraint, the Tutai Turtle could not hide or carry it. Tian Lin had given up his resistance, but the moment before the Tutai Turtle fell, Da Qingtian finally succeeded. The dark clouds that had gathered in the sky were blown away, and a beam of sunlight shot down, illuminating the entire battlefield.


"Come back, you've worked so hard, Tutai Turtle, I'll leave it to you, Rotom!"

The Pokémon specially prepared by Tian Lin is also Rotom. The difference is that after entering the microwave oven, the Pokémon of the electric type and the fire type are added to the heating Rotom. This is his secret to dealing with ice-type Pokémon. arms.

"Oh, the same kind of Pokémon is a different form of civil war, it's interesting!" Daye said with interest, he hadn't seen this guy playing Dianji so much for a long time.

"Interesting, freeze Rotom, use discharge!"

The electricity was completely ignited, and the powerful Tianwang-level thunder and lightning ravaged the field. The discharge was originally a large-scale skill.

"It's a really good discharge, but I also have a way to deal with it, heating up Rotom, fighting back the shield, and using a super-heat trick!"

This time, Tian Lin actually used the super trick of overheating to deploy the anti-fist shield, which is extremely surprising.

The overheated pillar of fire was far thicker than ordinary jet flames, and the temperature was much higher than usual under the increase of sunny days. As Rotom's body rotated, wherever the pillar of fire touched, the thunder and lightning dissipated.

After a while, the discharge completely failed, and there was only one big net made of flames on the field, and Frozen Rotom was continuously swept by this flame net, gradually accumulating huge damage!towel.

Chapter [*]: Battle Electric Times Rotom Breakthrough

The flames completely locked the action route of Frozen Rotom, and on a sunny day, the power of overheating at this time can reach the level of the King of Heaven. Even if Rotom Frozen is also the King of Heaven, it is extremely difficult to escape under the suppression of attributes.

"This technique simply combines attack, defense and control into one, it's really brilliant!" Denji praised, "But don't think that you can completely trap me like this!"

"Freeze Rotom, use a stand-in!"

The electric warrior broke his wrist, and would rather take the initiative to cut a quarter of the stamina of Frozen Rotom, and forcibly get out of the overheated attack range. This is the correct decision. If he continues to be hit by the overheating, let alone a quarter of his stamina, I am afraid that Rotom will be burned and directly incapacitated.

Now it is only considered a serious injury, but there is definitely still the strength to fight.

In contrast, Tianlin's "Three Sans Seven" Rerotom's special attack ability has been greatly reduced due to the side effect of overheating. Even if the anti-fist shield is used again, it is by no means as tyrannical as the first time. .

"Have you seen the weakness of my Rotom's lack of hard power, so what, use it again to overheat!"

Tian Lin did not retreat at all, and once again took out the overheating force to attack.

"Does Tianlin want to use the method he used to deal with Miss Xiaosong last time to win?" Xiaoguang had some guesses, but he quickly denied it. Electric times were obviously much stronger than Xiaosong. The same method estimated him. does not work.

Naturally, Tian Lin didn't learn the method from the last time. His intention was to force out a trick of Frozen Rotom, and the chance was only this time. If Tian Lin used the trick that Tian Lin wanted, then this The winner of the round is Tianlin, and if Dianci chooses to attack, then it will be a lose-lose situation, but Tianlin's side will be even more disadvantaged because of the gap in hard power, and the ending is probably a serious injury and a defeat.

"Mr. Dianji, don't let me down!" Tian Lin looked forward silently.

The reason why he dared to gamble is because Dianji is strong enough, and he is not as reckless as Xiao Zhi. He believes that Dianji will not choose to lose both sides, so even if he wins, he may not be able to receive Tianlin's next treasure. A trick of the dream.

Sure enough, just as Tianlin expected, he only listened to the order of Dianchi, "Freeze Rotom, use charging!"

Charging is a move that strengthens its own special defense and greatly increases the power of the next electric attack. Electricity chose to decide the next match and gave up the chance to fight this time.

The second overheating hit the front, but with the improved special defense, the Frozen Rotom managed to survive without any risk, and he still had spare power. On the contrary, Tianlin's Heating Rotom was completely useless.

But at this moment, Tian Lin showed a smile, "Haha, very good, Mr. Dianji, you didn't disappoint me, but I won this game!"

Tian Lin said very lightly, Dianji didn't hear what he said, he just felt that he was in control, and planned to decide the winner in the next blow, "Freeze Rotom, use [*] volts!"

The power of [*] volts after charging is really amazing, not inferior to the overheating that just heated Rotom. Even if there is attribute resistance, I am afraid that it will be difficult to resist such a powerful move.

Of course, in the face of this situation, Tian Lin was well prepared, "Right now, heat up Rotom and use self-suggestion!"

"What?" Dianji was taken aback by this order. With his level, at the moment when Tianlin gave the order, he could judge Tianlin's tactics and knew that he was caught in Tianlin's pace.

The self-suggestion trick can cancel the change of one's own ability and copy the ability change of the opponent.

That is to say, the Tier [*] special attack dropped by Heating Rotom has recovered, and it also replicates the special defense raised by Frozen Rotom. With this increased special defense, it is enough to resist [*] volts.

"It's over, heat up Rotom, and use the overheating shield again!"

The most powerful anti-fist shield reappeared. At this moment, Frozen Rotom was seriously injured, and he no longer had the energy to use a substitute, and finally fell in front of Tianlin.

At this moment, the sunny weather came to an end, and the sky became cloudy again. This was a coincidence. If the weather had ended ten seconds earlier, the result would have been rewritten.

With the weak defeating the strong, Tianlin's Rotom seems to have gained a lot of experience. Although the injuries on his body are still there, his aura is constantly improving, and he is about to cross the threshold of the heavenly king level.

"Haha, thank you very much, Mr. Denji, because of your pressure, my Rotom seems to have an opportunity to break through!" Tian Lin laughed loudly.  …

"Well, it's our gym trainer's job to help challengers grow up. Congratulations, Tianlin, you need another Heavenly King-level Pokémon, but our game isn't over yet, my last partner. That's it, go, Raichu!"

Denji's trump card finally appeared. The Pokémon Raichu, who was on par with Daye's Flaming Monkey, was also Denji's initial Pokémon, and his current strength has reached the peak of the King of Heaven. Even if Raichu can't fully reach the level of the flame monkey, at least it should be no problem to ensure that he is a champion.

"Raichu, come back to Rotom!" Tian Lin took back Rotom, which had just broken through the first-level of the Heavenly King, and the strength gap with Raichu was too great. Raichu prepared evenly matched Pokémon, "In the end, it's you, Dark Night Demon!"

The gatekeeper of the underworld, the Night Demon, has appeared, and the same peak strength of the King of Heaven is the real opponent of Raichu.

"The momentum is comparable to that of Raichu. Has this young man reached the point where he can take out such a powerful Pokémon at will?" Dianci was shocked. In this game, Tianlin didn't use the one that defeated Daye yesterday. Fire-breathing dragon, if that guy makes a move, I am afraid that he has already been defeated. Even so, he is at a disadvantage now.

"As expected, I've been immersed in my own world for too long, and I didn't even know that such a powerful genius trainer appeared in 4.0. It's great to be able to use today's battle as my return battle, Raichu, use [*] volt!"

"Dark Night Demon, Thunder Fist!"

The two sides politely started the final game with an electric trick. Raichu's [*] volts was considered astonishingly powerful, but under the fist of the night demon wrapped in thunder and lightning, it couldn't get any cheaper. Both sides are evenly matched.

"Go on, Dark Night Demon, use the trick space!"

Tianlin still implements the tactics that are most suitable for the night demon, and only in the trick space can it fully exert its strength!

"This space is very bad, I have to find a way to drag it over, Raichu, use the digging hole!" Denji wanted to delay the time, so Raichu hid in the ground.

Chapter [*] Win and collect all eight badges!

"Don't even think about running away, the demon of the night, make an earthquake!"

Tian Lin had already prepared for Raichu's various skills. The earthquake skill machine he had won from Ah Yin was used on the Dark Night Demon this time.

"It's not good Raichu, come out quickly!" Dianji suddenly became anxious, the damage of the Pokémon digging holes in the earthquake is doubled, plus the attributes are counteracted, this earthquake will have four times the damage, just rely on the thunder Qiuna's small body, he didn't dare to think about the result.

It's a pity that although his order was very fast, it was a step too late. Don't forget, the space is still there. Originally, Raichu's speed was excellent, but now he is so slow.

It didn't even have time to get out of the ground, and it was hit by the earthquake in an all-round way.


Leiqiu screamed and escaped from the ground with all his injuries. Fortunately, it didn't lose its ability to fight directly because of its Heavenly King-level endurance, but now it is no different from Candle in the Wind.

However, there is always a turning point in everything. At this moment, a drop of water fell on the face of 08 Tianlin. When he looked up, it was raining lightly in the sky.

Today's weather was not good. The sunny day that had just relied on the Tutai Turtle was temporarily forcibly changed for a while. Now that it has returned to the original state, it is not abrupt that it starts to rain.

The original closed gym, because of the fierce battle between Tianlin and Daye yesterday, destroyed the ceiling, and now it has become an open-air battlefield. Unexpectedly, it has also become an opportunity for electric counterattacks.

"Is it raining, good chance, Raichu, let the other party see it, your best lightning strike!" Dianji suddenly changed his tactics, from quick attack to stance output, which was very important to him now. The right choice, because in rainy days, thunder is sure to hit, so he doesn't need to consider Raichu's position and the distance from the Dark Night Demon!

The thunder in the rainy day did not come directly from Leiqiu, but Leiqiu shot his electricity to the clouds, and then controlled the dark clouds, calling for thunder to fall from the sky.

Powerful lightning strikes the body of the Dark Night Demon constantly, and even with its defense, it is difficult to withstand such an attack continuously.

"Dark Night Demon, rush out of this minefield and cast a shadow fist on Leiqiu!" Tian Lin knew that Leiqiu was already at the end of the fight, and as long as he continued to punch it, it would be enough to win.

However, the experienced Dianji didn't seem to intend to give Tianlin this chance, "Raichu, control the dark clouds to spin, and block all the escape routes of the night demons!"

Dianji issued an order, and Raichu could actually control the lightning to rotate around the Dark Night Demon, eventually forming a circle, like a prison cell.

"This, this, the anti-fist shield?" Tian Lin was shocked. Did Dianji learn the anti-fist shield? Not only that, but it seemed to have been strengthened a little.

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