Tianlin naturally has no reason to refuse such a sincere request from the Four Heavenly Kings, and even if he does not say it, Tianlin will not give up. He must let Dianji see the vastness of the world.

At this time, the door of the store opened, and Dianji walked in, still with the same decadent face, "Boss, it's the same."

Seeing his appearance, Daye, who was already hot-tempered, couldn't help it, grabbed his collar and said, "Dianci, what the hell is going on with you? Where have you been?"

"I'm not the same as when I was a child. You should have grown up too, right?" Dianji didn't look back, as if he didn't care about Daye at all.

"Mr. Dianji, I'm going to ask you for a battle again." Tian Lin suddenly came over, and before Dianji could speak, he continued, "Don't be too busy to refuse, don't you just feel the challenge of coming here? If you don't have any skills, can you not be interested in you at all? Then, I will fight Mr. Daye first to prove my strength. If you still don't want to fight me, then I will give up and stop bothering you. "

"This is a good idea, Dianji, you haven't watched Daye's battle for a long time, right? Tianlin is very strong, he may be able to rekindle your passion!" The store manager agreed, he had heard the sky Lin's name is famous, and he knows his power well.

"Forget it, whatever you want, but I don't think that anyone can challenge the Four Heavenly Kings. It's a waste of time." Contrary to the store manager, he hasn't paid attention to Pokemon affairs for a long time, and he doesn't know Tianlin at all. For him, this is yet another challenger beyond his own power.

"Do you want to fight against Tianlin? It's very interesting!" Daye's blood boiled, and he had been looking forward to Tianlin who defeated Wu Song and A Liu for a long time.

Everyone came to the Hubin Gym as a stage for the battle against 333.

"Tianlin, how about this three-on-three match?" Daye suggested.

Tian Lin shook his head, "No, one-on-one!"

"What?" The electrician in the audience was startled, and then he showed a disdainful smile, "Sure enough, he is another guy who is beyond his own power!"

One-on-one with the Four Heavenly Kings is indeed too arrogant for ordinary trainers.

Even if ordinary people get the chance to challenge the champion of heaven, they will choose three to three or even six to six as usual, but their purpose is not to really beat them.

Instead, they want to rely on wheel battles and use all members to defeat the king or champion one or two Pokémon. This is enough to prove their strength and make them famous throughout the region. Just like when Shinji challenged Zhulan, it is not enough. In order to win, just to defeat a fierce biting land shark.

But one-on-one also means that if you lose, it's over. People won't even know the name of the challenger.

"That's not it, Tianlin is different from others, he will never lose to anyone." Hearing Dianji's sigh, Xiaoguang was immediately dissatisfied.

Tian Lin glanced at the audience, "Mr. Denji, just sit there and watch, today, I must awaken your enthusiasm for fighting!".

Chapter [*]: Battle of Flames Tianlin VS Four Heavenly King Daye

"Four Heavenly Kings Daye will fight against Tianlin of Zhenxin Town. There is only one Pokémon that can be used by both sides, and the game begins!"

The referee robot is already in place. In such a high-tech city, there is no need for a real person to adjudicate.

"Then, let's go Flaming Monkey!" As the King of Heaven, Daye took the initiative to dispatch Pokémon first.

"Using the Flaming Monkey?" Dianji frowned. In a one-on-one situation, Daye would actually show his trump card. He knew very well how strong the Flaming Monkey was. For an ordinary challenger, it was necessary to do so. Seriously?

Tianlin was very happy to see Daye's attitude, "Is this the strongest flame monkey in the world, the strength of the champion middle-level peak, very good, this is interesting, so please, old spray!"

If Daye's choice is confusing, then Tianlin is even more surprising. With the Fire King as his opponent, not only did he not send Water-type Pokémon, he also chose to fight fire with fire. How confident is this in himself? .

More importantly, the breath of this fire-breathing dragon is almost the same as that of the flaming monkey. This completely aroused Dianji's interest. He realized now that Tianlin is not the boring trainer he used to be, but a trainer. A top powerhouse.

"I didn't expect you to have such a strong Fire-type Pokémon. It's so interesting, Flaming Monkey, use a jet of flame!" Daye saw that he was happy, but he took the lead in attacking.

"Fire-breathing dragon, we also use fire-breathing!"

Tianlin didn't want to escape, so he chose to fight against each other outright. Both sides were champion-level Pokémon. In an instant, the entire gym was like being roasted by a stove, and the temperature rose sharply and became red.

The two sides are at a stalemate, but it can be seen that the fire-breathing dragon has a slight disadvantage. After all, it is only the first-level champion, and it is still a little worse than the flame monkey.

"Sure enough, it's a bit inferior, in this case, mega evolution!" With the king as the opponent, Tian Lin naturally won't hold back at all, the fire-breathing dragon still completed the mega evolution while maintaining the flames, and the fiery red flames evolved with the evolution It turned into a deeper purple, and its power greatly increased for a while, reaching the level of being completely equal to that of the flaming monkey.

The flames on both sides exploded in the center of the field, and the scattered sparks almost caused a fire. At this time, it was the coffee shop owner who took action and sent his Heluga to take over all the scattered flames with the help of ignition characteristics.

"Just let go of your full strength and fight, I'll be fine with the gym~'!" The manager of the store, Heluga, actually has the strength of a heavenly king or above. Sure enough, this guy is not a simple role, in fact, he is The poacher that Denji and Daya teamed up to defeat.

After being defeated by the two, this guy turned his back on his wrongdoing, opened a cafe in Hubin City, and became a good friend of the two.

"Thank you, old man, with you here, I can take action with confidence, Flaming Monkey, use melee punch!" Daye gave up the flame competition, because he knew that no matter what, it would be difficult to decide the outcome, but Flaming Monkey In addition to flames, what he also possesses is tyrannical fighting skills.

"Fire-breathing dragon, dragon claw!" Tian Lin did not retreat at all, so that the fire-breathing dragon greeted him.

He also had the idea of ​​melee combat for a long time. Compared with special attack, X spray is undoubtedly better at physical attack. Its characteristics are hard claws, which can greatly improve its melee combat ability.

Therefore, under the intersection of fists and claws, the two sides are still tied. Although the speed of the melee punches is faster than lightning, every claw of the fire-breathing dragon can be caught impartially.

"What an amazing battle, Tian Lin can actually use a Fire-type Pokémon to fight against Mr. Daye!" Xiaoguang suddenly became excited.

But Dianji next to him put forward a different opinion, "No, it's not a win or lose, Daye, he has already begun to fall into a disadvantage!"

As a Heavenly King-level trainer, his eyes are naturally much longer than Xiaoguang's. Although both sides have used melee skills, the melee punch is much more powerful than the dragon's claws. , the advantages and disadvantages are already obvious.

More importantly, the so-called strong moves must be self-defeating, such a continuous fight, I am afraid that the flame monkey has accumulated a lot of side effects caused by close fists.

As he expected, Tian Lin and the fire-breathing dragon saw that the time had come, and began to change their moves. Although the ultimate move was still the dragon's claw, they did not continue to attack the flame monkey. , a paw on the chest of the flame monkey.

The two sides began to exchange tricks. The difference is that the fire-breathing dragon only took three steps back slightly, but the flaming monkey not only took seven or eight steps back, but finally fell to the ground uncontrollably.

"Hehe, although the attack power is still between the two, but the difference in defense power is gradually showing!" Tian Lin smiled, because of the continuous use of melee punches, the flame monkey's defense power at this moment was as fragile as paper. Next, he will start to attack continuously, "Fire-breathing dragon, attack with wings!"

"`" Flying skill, then use the Thunder Fist! "

In fact, the flame monkey also has the skills of electricity. If it is the original fire-breathing dragon, this move is quite a threat. Unfortunately, in the face of the X-spray of the dragon type and the fire type, the effect is greatly reduced. Da Ye used it only to resist. Attack with flying attributes.

For a while, the two Pokémon fought in the air again. Although the flame monkey can't fly, its excellent jumping ability is enough to make up for the shortcomings.

It was obviously two Fire-type Pokémon, but at this time, a scene of howling wind and thunder and lightning raged.

Dianji stared blankly at the flaming monkey's fist wrapped in thunder and lightning, and an illusion occurred in his head. If at this time it was his Raichu who made this move, and the person behind Raichu was not Da Ye, but himself, That would be great. He couldn't remember how long he hadn't experienced such a bloody, evenly matched battle.

"Fight well, Daye, give me all your strength, I won't spare you if I lose!"

Dianji suddenly stood up and roared loudly. This look seemed to let Daye see the past lakeside thunder, "Dianji, are you finally back?"

"Yeah, I'm back, sorry for keeping you waiting!" Denji raised a confident smile, completely different from the decadent attitude just now.

"Haha, that's great. Sure enough, fighting Tianlin is the right choice." Daye also laughed with satisfaction.

At this time, Tian Lin, who was puzzled by the style, interrupted the pair of good friends, "Mr. Daye, it doesn't matter how Mr. Denji is now, the person in front of you is me, let's decide the outcome! "

"Okay, Tianlin, out of gratitude to you, I will use the most powerful trick of the Flaming Monkey to defeat you, Flaming Charge!"

"Is it the strongest trick, then I will take it with gratitude, old spray, flash charge!"

At the same time, both sides used a fire-type ultimate move, preparing for a decisive victory!machine.

The ninth and seventy-first chapter finally begins the battle of Shenao's final gymnasium

The final collision between the two champion-level Pokémon, the sky-high flames directly overturned the roof of the gymnasium, and the entire venue was lit in flames.

Even if the black ruga has the property of igniting, it cannot completely absorb such a strong flame, which is beyond the limit it can withstand.

On the field, both Pokémon were seriously injured, but neither of them fell down, watching each other quietly.

Daye sighed and smiled indifferently, "I lost, as expected of someone Zhulan likes, his strength is beyond imagination."

He could see that even if both sides were seriously injured, the fire-breathing dragon's condition was much better than that of the flaming monkey. After all, its defensive power had never dropped, and it had the dual attributes of dragon and fire, and it was more resistant to fire than it was. Flaming monkeys are taller.

When the strength is close, it is normal for such a situation to occur. A large part of the reason why the flaming monkey is at a disadvantage this time is due to attributes, not lack of strength.

"Mr. Daye, we haven't completely decided the winner, are you going to give up now?" Tian Lin laughed.

"It is also the trainer's responsibility to judge the situation. I can see that your fire-breathing dragon still has some power left, but my flaming monkey is about to reach its limit. There is no need for it to hold on, so I admit defeat." Daye walked to the side of the flame monkey with relief, "Thank you for your hard work, flame monkey, then rest well!"

 337 Tianlin nodded, also withdrew the fire-breathing dragon, and looked at the fairy fairway, "You have worked hard too, your performance is really good, old spray!"

"Wonderful battle, Tianlin, thank you, you are really strong, and it reminds me of the blood of the battle. In the future, as a gym trainer, I will let the souls of all the challengers who come here be released. Ma!" Denji has recovered completely, does this have the same demeanor as the fourth-generation Hokage who looks the same.

"Haha, now you know how powerful Tianlin is, he didn't just beat me, Wu Song and Aliu have both been defeated by him before, not only that, even Kazuki of Chengdu, Fengyuan's Mr. Genji, he was once a defeated general under his command! If you look down on him, even Dianji is not qualified to do so!" Seeing Dianji's recovery, Daye could taunt him mercilessly. Ways to communicate with your best friend.

"What, why didn't you say it earlier? I thought it was just an ordinary trainer who won the championship. If I had known this earlier, maybe I would not have refused to fight at the beginning. After all, I am also looking forward to one A good opponent." Dianji was immediately dissatisfied, he felt that Daye was deliberately trying to see his jokes.

But this time Tianlin is going to defend Mr. Daye, "Mr. Dianji, you have misunderstood Mr. Daye, if he doesn't say it's correct, he won't really wake you up, even if you agree to fight against me, It's useless, when the time comes, how much strength can you show, and for me, the badges you get when you are not in the state are as meaningless as giving them away."

"Maybe what you said is right, don't worry, I will fight you seriously and I won't let you down." Dianji nodded and said with awe.

"That's great, since that's the case, Tianlin, you should go to rest tonight. I will help Dianzun repair the site today. In the morning tomorrow, I promise you to see the power of Lakeside Thunder!" The return of the best friend made Daye Very excited, took the initiative to stay to help repair the site.

Because of the championship-level battle, the Hubin Gym was badly damaged, and Dianji's great business didn't care about this loss, but it would take at least some time to fight.

With Da Ye's help, it's no problem to repair a venue overnight, but the ceiling cannot be repaired today, and it looks like it will be an open-air battle tomorrow.

Back at the Pokémon Center, Tianlin re-transmitted the fire-breathing dragon back to the fire-breathing dragon valley, and he did not need it to fight against Denji.

When Tianlin saw that Raichu today, he noticed that Dianji's current strength should be one step worse than that of Daye, after all, it has been abandoned for so long.

The strength of his ace Raichu is not even that of the high-ranking Heavenly King. I just don't know if Dianji will use it tomorrow, but no matter what, Tianlin must be prepared.

Originally, he wanted Yuan Lu Shark to practice his skills in this gym, but now it seems that with Shenao's strongest gym owner as his opponent, he still thought it was too simple.

After thinking about it, Tianlin replaced his team again and used the most suitable lineup to face Dianji.

The next morning, Tianlin and Xiaoguang made full preparations and went out early.

The weather outside today is a bit gloomy. Although it hasn't rained yet, the sun hasn't come out either. There may be dark clouds blowing over at any time.

"The weather is really not suitable for me!" Tian Lin said with emotion, it is easy to rain in such weather, and then it will be the world of water-type and electric-type Pokémon.

Bad luck can't do anything, this problem is not enough to stop Tianlin's footsteps, they hurried to the lakeside gymnasium, Dianji and Daye have been waiting there for a long time.

"Welcome, Tianlin, I've been waiting for you all night!" Dianji seemed very excited, perhaps because he was about to experience the long-lost bloody battle again, which made him overly excited.

"I am the same, Mr. Denji, then, let's start our battle immediately!" Yesterday's battle with the Fire Element Heavenly King, Tian Lin was still not satisfied, and the rest of his emotions were just vented on the strongest pavilion owner.

Everyone came to the gym, as expected of Daye, the Four Heavenly Kings. In just one night, the venue was restored to its original state, and there was no trace of half-burning. Unfortunately, the referee robot had been killed by two champion-level Pokémon yesterday. The high temperature has melted, and the new one has not been done yet, so this time, Mr. Oye can only serve as the referee.

"Then from now on, in the game against the challenger Tianlin, the main power of the lakeside gymnasium will have three Pokémon available to both sides. Change Pokémon!"

With a trainer of the level of the Four Heavenly Kings as the referee, Tianlin was very satisfied with the style of Shenao's last gym.

"Okay, let's go, Roentgen cat!"

Dianci's first Pokémon is the Roentgen Cat, whose strength is at the peak of the King of Heaven. In the past, when facing ordinary challengers, he usually used the Roentgen Cat as the finale, but now it has become the first starter. It can be seen that Dianci attaches great importance to Tianlin. , Needless to say, his remaining two Pokémon must all have the strength above the king level.

"If you're dealing with Electric-type Pokémon, you're perfect, please, Tutai Turtle!"

Tianlin sent a Tutai Turtle with grass on the ground. The strength is currently slightly worse than the Roentgen Cat, but the attribute advantage is huge.

The preparations for both sides are completed, and Tianlin's final gym battle in Shenao is about to start! .

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