The fierce fire monkey rushed forward again, this time it was a sonic punch. Its fierce fire was strengthened in all directions. Not only the fire-type tricks, but also the fighting-type tricks had been upgraded for the first time in history. This fist was fast and fierce. He knocked the emperor Nabo down to the ground.

The game should be decided here, but the Fire Monkey has completely lost his mind, and he wants to attack the fallen emperor Nabo again.

Chapter nine hundred and sixty seventh outbreak of evolutionary flame monkey

"Fire Monkey, stop it!" Seeing the action of Fire Monkey, Xiao Zhi immediately stopped him, but Fire Monkey remained unmoved. Seeing this, Xiao Zhi took out the Poke Ball, "Come back, Fire Monkey!"

This is the most correct way to do it at the moment, but at this moment, the flames on the Fire Monkey's body are burning again. It actually relies on the flames on its body to block the light of the Poké Ball's retraction, and then it uses the flame wheel again to rush towards Emperor Naples.

"Electric shock beast, use it to defend!"

At the critical moment, Shinji actually shot one step earlier than Tianlin. After the Electric Shock Monster opened its shield to block the attack, Shinji shouted angrily to Ah Tun, who was still in shock, "What are you waiting for, take back your Emperor Nabo quickly. go!"

"Yes, come back, Emperor Nabo!" Ah Tung came back to his senses and was relieved after taking back Emperor Nabo. He was really stunned just now.

"Hey, Fire Monkey is now your Pokémon, you can find a way to stop it, didn't you keep telling me that as a trainer, you are responsible for your own Pokémon?" Shinji raised a rare education. With Xiaozhi, his change is indeed great, "Come on, the electric shock monster won't last long!"

Under the fierce flames, the shield made by the Electric Shock Monster gradually formed cracks one after another, directly breaking the defending defense. This was something that could only be done by Regilock of the Age of Gods last time. Unexpectedly, the fierce fire monkey's The flame was so strong.

"Aren't you going to take action yet?" Shinji glanced at Tian Lin, wondering why he was unmoved.

"Wait a minute, this may be a good opportunity, you have to believe in Xiaozhi!" Tian Lin resisted the urge to take action, he knew that Xiaozhi would definitely be able to save the fire monkey. Perhaps, the incomparably powerful fire could be turned into today In this way, Xiao Zhi's strength will be greatly improved, and he can't destroy such a good opportunity.

"Stop it for me, Fire Monkey!" Xiao Zhi lived up to Tianlin's expectations. Even in the face of this amazing flame, he rushed over without any fear and hugged the Fire Monkey.

"Fire Monkey, you said that you want to gain power with me to become stronger, but you are like a slave of power now, remember, you have to control power, not power - you!"

"All your anger, vent on me!"

The clothes on Xiao Zhi's body gradually became pitch-black. Under such fire, even if he is a super real rookie, he will inevitably not be injured.

However, every word he said reached the ears of the fire monkey, and the fire monkey seemed to calm down gradually.

"It's almost there, let's go Elluiduo, use the healing wave!" Tian Lin knew that Xiao Zhi had completed his task, and his shot was just right at this time, and his method was neither attack nor defense, but treat.

The initiating factor of the fierce fire is due to the lack of physical strength, so the opposite is true. As long as the physical strength of the fierce fire monkey recovers, the fierce fire will naturally be dispelled automatically.

As the pink light was introduced into the Fire Monkey's body, the flame on its body began to restrain itself, and it was sucked into the body by the Fire Monkey a little bit. At the same time, it flashed an amazing light of evolution.

The body of the flaming monkey began to change drastically. Originally, its individual was much larger than the ordinary one. Now it has grown even further. It has grown to about 1.7m, far exceeding the 1.2m of the ordinary flaming monkey. pressing.

The flame monkey opened its eyes, and it has completely recovered. At the last moment, the power of fierce fire was transformed into the power of evolution, making it transformed.

The flame monkey, whose strength has increased greatly, feels that even if it enters the state of fierce fire again, it may be able to control it now. If this feels right, even if its overall strength is still only the quasi-king, it may not be able to compete with the king or even the champion level. Pokémon confrontation.

"Have you finally become a senior brother? That's interesting." Tian Lin was very satisfied. Xiao Zhi's Shenao handle was finally in place, which was interesting. He couldn't wait to compete with this beautiful monkey on Shenao Alliance. Wang had a good fight.

The senior brother gratefully glanced at Tianlin and Elleido. It knew that it would have been miserable if Elleido hadn't helped it treat it in time. At the same time, it also felt Elleido's powerful strength. Fighting-type Pokémon naturally want to compete, and Elu Reido is also quite interested in the terrifying fire just now. At this moment, it seems that another pair of rivals who are both enemies and friends has been born.

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"Thank you, Shinji, Tianlin, I owe you a favor!"

"And me, Shinji, thank you for saving Emperor Nabo!"

Xiao Zhi and Ah Thun also stepped forward and thanked them one after another.

Tianlin waved his hand, "It's nothing, Xiaozhi, if you really want to thank me, just take your blazing monkey's super fire in the league competition and compete with me!"

"My brother, he seems to want to see another full-scale battle between you and me, right on the stage of the Shenao Alliance!" Shinji turned and left arrogantly.

In the Pokémon Center, Emperor Nabo and the Flaming Monkey have been pushed by Miss Joy to be treated. Although the healing fluctuations of Elluiduo have made the Flaming Monkey's injury not so serious, the fire it just broke out was too severe. It is very powerful, and it is afraid of leaving any dark wounds, and systematic treatment is very necessary.

... ... ...

Therefore, Xiaozhi Xiaogang needs to stay in this town for one more day, and Tianlin Xiaoguang said goodbye to the two and set off first. It is very close to Hubin City, and Tianlin does not want to continue to waste time.

--Dividing line

Lakeside City is a town located by the sea, and it is a high-tech town not inferior to La Ruz City. There are escalators all over the city, and solar generators are arranged on the roofs of every household.

"Finally here, the town where my eighth badge is!"

Shinji, Ah Tun, and Nana have all collected eight badges, but Tian Lin doesn't want to be too far behind them.

"Tianlin, don't be careless. Although I don't challenge the gym, I have heard of the gym trainers in the lakeside gym. I once heard Ah Thun's father say that if Shenao sets up a fifth heavenly king , then it must be the trainer of the Hubin Gym, this is definitely Shenao's No.1 Gym!" Xiaoguang reminded that even if she had more confidence in Tianlin, she didn't want him to underestimate the Hubin Gym.

"Don't worry, no matter who my opponent is, I won't be careless." Tian Lin touched Xiaoguang's head and smiled.

Not to mention that he was only close to the Four Heavenly Kings, even if the four Heavenly Kings were really face to face, he didn't think he would lose.

After making all the preparations, the two rushed to the place where the Hubin Gym was located.

The nine hundred and sixty-eighth chapter debut!Fire Element Heavenly King Daye's Strongest Pavilion Master Electric Times

It is very simple to find the Hubin Gym, just follow the landmark buildings of Hubin City, the Hubin Tower, and the Gym is nearby.

After passing through a few automatic passages, the two of them stood in front of the Hubin Gym. As a high-tech Gym, there is no need for a real person to receive them. They just listened to the electronic robot on the door asking, "Welcome to the Hubin Gym. What's the matter?"

"I'm Tianlin from Zhenxin Town. In order to participate in the Shenao Alliance and come to challenge the Hubin Gym, please accept my challenge, Mr. Dianci!" Tianlin told bluntly.

"Understood!" The mechanical voice replied, just when the two thought it would open the door, it opened an electronic box next to the door, which was actually full of lighthouse badges, exactly the same as Ah Tung's.

Mechanic continued, "Please take the challenger from the box, our gym "Three Three Three" omits the battle process for the challenger, and instead adopts the method of direct gift!"

And this kind of operation?Tianlin Xiaoguang understood what was going on with the polarized evaluation of Shinji Ah Tung. With Shinji's arrogant character, he would definitely not accept the badge obtained in this way, while Ah Tung prefers to be opportunistic. He was very happy to be able to get the badge in such an easy way.

One of the two of them simply changed to a gym to challenge, and the other took it and left, but for Tianlin, the gym badge is not only a certificate to participate in the conference, but also a testimony of his travels all the way.

Lakeside City is also a part of his journey. He is known as the strongest gym trainer. He has no reason to let it go. Therefore, he will neither directly change the challenge like Shinji, nor feel at ease like Ah Thun. Take the badge and leave. Today, he must find this guy Dianji.

"Let's go, Xiaoguang, even if you turn over Hubin City today, you have to find this guy Dianji to fight with me. I won't just take this badge, and I won't allow him to escape me!" Tian Lin said solemnly. .

"Haha, well said, that's how it should be, worthy of being the first genius Tianlin who is famous in the world, he is full of energy!" At this moment, a bold voice came, and behind the two, a fiery red The young man with hair walked slowly and leisurely with arrogant steps.

Just by looking at this guy's appearance, he knew that he must be a trainer with a personality like fire.

When Xiaoguang saw this person, something suddenly came to his mind, "Hey, where did I seem to have seen this person's dress?"

"Of course you have!" Tian Lin smiled and walked forward, "Mr. Daye, the Fire King, one of the Four Heavenly Kings of Shen'ao, I am honored to see you here, please give me more advice!"

Tian Lin was instantly happy when he saw this person. Unexpectedly, when he came here, he didn't see the training appliances in the gym. Instead, he saw the real Four Heavenly Kings, the Four Heavenly Kings of Shenao. After the super energy type and the insect type, the fire type This one finally appeared. Hearing that his flaming monkey is known as the strongest flaming monkey in the world, Tian Lin really wanted to see it.

Although Xiaozhi's is good and has a lot of potential, it is still too tender after all, and it can't be compared with Da Ye's ace.

"It turns out that you are Mr. Daye, no wonder I feel familiar, I'm sorry, because I am a coordination trainer specializing in gorgeous competitions, so I don't pay much attention to ordinary battles!" Even the king of his own area can't recognize it, Xiaoguang is a little confused. Kindly said.

"Haha, it's nothing, it's said to be the Four Heavenly Kings, but it's just four slightly more powerful trainers. If you don't say anything else, the master of the gym in front of you has the strength to not lose to us at all." Ye pointed to the lakeside gymnasium and said.

"Then why doesn't he fight against people, and he does this inexplicable operation of giving badges?" Tian Lin was puzzled. With such a high rating, shouldn't he be the kind of person who avoids and doesn't fight?

"Hey, let's talk about this when you see him, come with me, I'll take you to find him!"

Daye was a little disappointed when he talked about Dianji, and Tianlin also wanted to see the irresponsible trainer with his own eyes.

The two followed Daye to the Lakeside Tower in the center of the city, "That guy is my best friend, and now he's in this tower!"

Everyone took the sightseeing elevator to the top of the tower. Taking advantage of this time, Daye explained, "The electricity in Lakeside City comes from the solar power generation system. The person who built this whole system is Dianji!"

From Daye's introduction, Tianlin can tell that Dianji is indeed a genius, and a person who has made great contributions to the league. His invention has benefited the whole city ........

Therefore, even if the Alliance knew what he had done, but because of his tyrannical strength and great credit, he did not ban him from the post of Gym Master, but sent his friend Daye, hoping Can persuade him to get back on his feet.

The elevator stopped at the top of the tower, and when everyone stepped out of the elevator, they saw a Leiqiu staring at them vigilantly, the electric airbags on his cheeks crackling, and it didn't let down its hostility until it noticed Da Ye.

"Haha, Raichu, how are you?" Daye stepped forward to say hello, and Raichu happily jumped into his arms, he touched Raichu's head and smiled, "Well, it's been a long time, you Are you still in good spirits?"

At this time, the door in front of everyone opened, and a dejected young man walked out, with yellow hair and a handsome face, much like the fourth Hokage of a ninja anime in Tianlin's memory.

The difference is that he does not have the confidence and sunshine of the fourth generation, but is extremely decadent, as if he is not interested in everything.

"Daye, you are here, who are these two children?" This person is Dianji, and looking at that, Tianlin understands the reason why he gave away the badge for free. He is so decadent, how can he still have the heart to fight ah?

"Mr. Denji, I'm Tian Lin from True 4.0 New Town, please fight with me in a gym!" No matter what, Tian Lin still tried to challenge him.

But Dianji was still like that, and answered without any motivation, "Isn't the badge already placed at the door, you can just take it if you want!"

"I'm not interested in such badges. I heard that you are known as the strongest gym trainer in Shenao, the first person under the Four Heavenly Kings, and I have also won several conference championships and have the title of the first three-star town in Zhenxin Town. My trainer, do you think I will accept alms?" Tian Lin said angrily.

Hearing that Tianlin had won several conference championships, Dianji seemed to be moved, but after a while, he still lowered his head, "What about winning the conference championship? It's not that I have never seen such a challenger, but, Just as boring!".

Chapter nine hundred and sixty-ninth the fetters of rivals Da Ye and Denji

Looking at the electricity times that the oil and salt are not entering, Daye, who is a good friend, sighed deeply.

In desperation, Tianlin had to follow Daye out of the Lakeside Tower. Under Daye's leadership, they came to a cafe.

"Come on, Tianlin Xiaoguang, you're welcome, just drink it, I'll treat you this time!" Daye seemed to be very familiar with this place, so he ordered the signature coffee for the two of them.

And the boss seemed to be Daye's friend too. Seeing that Daye brought people, he took the initiative to take out a delicious sandwich to entertain the two of them.

However, even in the face of this mellow coffee and delicious food, Tian Lin has no appetite at all. Xiaoguang noticed this and asked doubtfully, "Tian Lin, don't you drink it, you are still thinking about Mr. Dianci. matter?"

Tianlin stood up and said unhappily, "I really can't accept it. He is known as the fifth heavenly king of Shenao, the strongest gym training appliance, and he is such a decadent guy."

"Actually, Denji was not such a person before. In the past, he was so strong that he was called the Thunder of Lakeside, and he could make people numb like a spark." Daye recalled his past with Denji.

At that time, he was not the Four Heavenly Kings today. 08 was just a trainer who lived in Hubin City, looking for people to fight everywhere. However, since he was a child, he was an invincible existence. appeared in front of him.

The rolling thunder faced the raging fire, and the two fought several times. The results were evenly matched, and they became a good enemy for common progress. Later, in a battle with the poachers, the two worked together, not only to defeat the poachers, but also to fight against the poachers. Turn enemies into friends and become best friends.

For some reason, hearing the past of these two people, Tian Lin subconsciously thought of himself and Tou Ye Ah Yin, as well as Xiao Zhi and Xiao Mao, who are both enemies and friends.

"Then why did Mr. Denji become like this now, what happened?" Xiaoguang asked subconsciously.

"It's up to me to explain what happens next." The store manager said at this time, "That was when Daye was twenty years old. In order to reach a higher realm, he embarked on a journey of cultivation as a warrior. Denji stayed in the city and took over as the owner of the Hubin Gym."

"The paths of the two people diverged at this time. After continuous efforts, Daye became one of the four world-renowned Shenno Kings, while Denji gradually lost his motivation to compete with the challenger in the gym and began to invest in it. In mechanical engineering, he was already very interested."

"He built a solar power generation system in the city, and also completed a lakeside tower that can control all of this, so that the entire city can be controlled by electricity, but after completing these works, the boy of Dianji seems to be burning It's almost exhausted, maybe in his heart he thinks that he has completed all his missions."

Hearing this, Tian Lin understands a little, because the electricity is too strong, few of the challengers who come here are his enemies, even the so-called guy who has won the championship is the same, every time he is with the weak. The battle made him completely unable to lift up his energy, and slowly, he lost the blood of the battle.

Actually, this guy is a blind eye. Dianji is indeed strong, but he is far from invincible. Especially for Tianlin, Dianji wants to underestimate himself, it is still [-] years too early!

"Tianlin, to be honest, I really want to pull a phone like that. When I see you, I know that the opportunity to wake up the phone is coming, please don't give up, even if you force it, let the phone be with you. Fight with all your strength!" Daye sincerely pleaded.

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