At the award ceremony, Mr. Conkenstein handed the medal to Xiaoguang and said, "Congratulations, this seems to be your fifth ribbon medal. Compared to when you first debuted, your level is at least a bit better now. Bei, I'm finally going to participate in a large-scale celebration, and I look forward to your performance!"

"Yes, thank you for your encouragement, I will do my best!" Xiaoguang happily took over the ribbon, "It's no problem to get the Onion Ribbon Medal!"

Backstage, Ulala looked at her with a bad look, "Miss Xiaoguang, I will give you the ribbon medal this time, I admit that this time you won't win by luck, but by despicable tactics, wait until In the gorgeous competition, I will never be defeated by your methods again!"

"Okay, see you at the big celebration!" Because of the ribbon medal, Xiaoguang was in a very good mood and didn't mind her attitude at this time.

As if she had hit cotton with a punch, Ulala left with a sullen face. I think she couldn't sleep well recently, and she lost so much. But if she can turn grief and anger into motivation, maybe at large-scale celebrations, she can really can become an unimaginable formidable enemy for Xiaoguang.

Xiaoguang changed her clothes and walked out of the venue, Tianlin was already waiting for her at the gate. "Tianlin, it's your eighth badge next, the Hubin Gym Tournament, come on!"

"Of course, I won't lose!" Tian Lin said to himself.

This trip to Shallow Town was perfect, but the next step was the focus. In order to rush to Lakeside City as soon as possible, the two returned to the route that was determined at the beginning.

After a day's journey, they were not far from Lakeside City. Today, they passed another town, and they happened to encounter a battle in the town park. Many trainers gathered together, and the cheers were very lively.

And the trainer who was fighting and the two guys who were watching the game also knew each other.

"It's Ah Thun, and Xiao Zhi Xiaogang!"

Tian Lin didn't expect to see Ah Tung in such a small place. As for Xiao Zhi, he was not surprised, because they both had the same goal, both in Lakeside City, and since Musashi participated in the Shallow Onion Conference before, then Xiao Zhi must be nearby. Tian Lin had expected this.

Tianlin stepped forward and said hello, "Hey, Xiaozhi, did you travel very fast this time, and you actually walked in front of me!"

"Tianlin, hello, it's not that I'm fast, but you have to accompany Xiaoguang to participate in the gorgeous competition, otherwise with your speed, I'm afraid you've already arrived at Lakeside City!" This guy Xiaozhi is self-aware.

Tian Lin smiled, raised his head and said, "But I didn't expect Ah Tun to be there, just in time, let me see his current level!"

"Emperor Nabo, use the cannon water cannon!" He looked high-spirited to Ah Hun on the battlefield, and the opening was a big move that knocked out the opponent's Gentleman Moth 330.

The gentleman moth immediately used the signal light to counterattack. At this time, due to the side effect of the cannon light cannon, the emperor Nabo couldn't move, and could only raise his arm to defend, but after it blocked the counter move, it appeared unscathed.

"Almost uninjured, this Emperor Nabo's level is much higher than the Gentleman Moth!" Xiao Gang could see that Ah Tung must have gone through a lot of battles, whether it was himself or his Pokémon, In terms of combat experience, it is no longer the same as before.

"Okay, Emperor Nabo, use steel wings to defeat the opponent!" Soon, Emperor Nabo's stagnation time passed, and Ah Tun seized the opportunity to make Emperor Nabo charge directly, and after flashing a silver whirlwind from the opponent, Easily won the game.

There were bursts of applause all around, and the strength of Ah Thun and Emperor Nabo conquered everyone present.

"Thank you, thank you everyone, and please give your applause to the fighting gentleman moth!" Ah Thun really grew up a lot, and also learned to respect the opponent who fights with all his strength.

The trainer of the gentleman moth stepped forward and said gratefully, "Thank you for your advice!"

After enjoying the applause of victory, Ah Tun finally noticed Tian Lin and Xiao Zhi in the crowd, and ran over happily, "How is it, Xiao Zhi, Tian Lin, you just saw my strength, didn't you? become stronger?".

Chapter nine hundred and sixty-fifth the news of the holding of a large-scale celebration of rivals gathering

"Yeah, you have made great progress. It seems that you are working very hard, Ah Tun!" Tian Lin praised generously.

The group came to sit under the tree in the park and chatted. Ah Thun mentioned that the newly captured Orb Shark was training the Meteor Swarm not long ago, but it had no effect.

Sure enough, the person that Granny Long mentioned was Xiao Zhi, and there was no deviation from the original. Even if the time was slightly different, the main pet that should have met still met.

Tianlin instructed Xiaozhi to nurture it well. After all, the round land shark is a quasi-god, and its final evolution, the fierce biting land shark, is also the best among all quasi-gods. What a pity.

"By the way, Xiaozhi Tianlin, you haven't collected all the badges yet, I have already surpassed you!" Ah Thun suddenly showed off and took out the badge box. Sure enough, it was full of eight badges.

Tian Lin didn't expect that Ah Tung, who had been behind him and Xiao Zhi all along, came to the fore. Although the Galaxy Group and the Gorgeous Tournament took a lot of time for the two of them during this period, it still reflected Ah Tung's behavior. The results of a period of hard work.

"That, is the lighthouse badge?" Tian Lin saw an unseen badge in the box, but its shape was somewhat similar to the lighthouse, so he guessed.

Ah Tung nodded, "Yes, this is the lighthouse badge issued by the Hubin Gym, which is known as the strongest gymnasium in Shenao, and it is also my eighth badge. That's it, now Ah Thun from Futaba Town, wants to show her gratitude to Shenao. The Alliance Conference is on its way!"

"Tianlin Xiaozhi, hurry up and go to the Hubin Gym, this guy is waiting for you!" Ah Tun took out the lighthouse badge, and looked very proud, and said, "The Hubin Gym is really the best way. The pavilion is over!"

"It seems that the Hubin Gym is really powerful!" Xiaozhi's interest was completely hooked. I have always heard that the trainer of the Hubin Gym is the strongest gym owner of Shenao, whose strength is no less than that of the Four Heavenly Kings. Having said that, he is looking forward to the Hubin Gym more and more.

At noon, everyone came to the Pokémon Center, where they met another acquaintance, Xiaoguang patted Tianlin's shoulder, "Tianlin, look, it's Shinji~'!"

Tian Lin saw that the arrogant figure was none other than Shinji. That's right, such a small town has gathered powerful rivals. It's a pity that Xiao Mao is not here, otherwise it would be lively today.

When Ah Thun heard Shinji's name, he immediately ran over excitedly, almost forgetting that this guy is Shinji's fanboy. "Hey, you're Shinji from Curtain City, right? I've finally seen you. I'm Ah Thun from Futaba Town. I'm about to challenge the Shenao Alliance. I've already got eight badges. Can you come with me? A Pokémon battle? I heard that your Pokémon are trained very well, and I have always wanted to see them!"

"I'm sorry, I refuse. Now my Pokémon are adjusting their state for the Shenao Alliance. I don't want to disrupt their adjusted state for fearless battles. If you must fight, the two over there One is fine, but I advise you not to choose Tianlin, you will be beaten to the point of doubting your life!"

"I admit that Xiaozhi Tianlin is good, but now they only have seven badges in their hands, and the level has been opened by us. I just want to play against stronger people!" Tianlin Xiaozhi made him a little complacent.

Shinji looked at Ah Hun with the same eyes as a fool, and actually said that he had surpassed Tian Lin, where did he get his confidence, just with an extra badge?Even if it were me, I wouldn't dare to say that.

"Ah Tun is floating!" Xiao Gang shook his head, this guy had no idea how strong Xiao Zhi and Tian Lin were, even if the Four Heavenly Kings faced them.

"Ah Tun, don't be complacent, Tian Lin and Xiao Zhi will soon get the badge of the Hubin Gym." Xiao Guang stepped forward and said dissatisfied.

"Hubin Gym?" Hearing this, Shinji turned his head to look at the two of them, "You are going there, I advise you not to go there for nothing, it is the most rubbish gym, and it is a waste of time to go there. "

"What are you talking about, that's the best gym!" Ah Thun retorted immediately.

"In short, I don't admit that kind of garbage gym!" Shinji said angrily. It seems that he really disdains the lakeside gym. Even when he faced the curtain gymnasium that he easily solved last time, he never showed such a thing. expression.

Xiaozhi and the others looked puzzled. The evaluation of Ah Thun and Shinji was too different. One said it was the best and the other said it was the worst. Is the polarization so serious?

Xiao Zhi just wanted to ask, but Tian Lin grabbed him, "Xiao Zhi, it's better not to know too much now. If you want to understand the secrets of the Hubin Gym, I think it's best to experience it yourself!"

"You're right, but after they said that, I became more curious. I really want to hurry up to the Hubin Gym!" Xiao Zhi thought about it and stopped asking.

At this moment, a news broadcast began to broadcast above the lobby of the Pokémon Center, attracting everyone's attention, "'" Pokémon Gorgeous Contest Gorgeous Large-scale Celebration Special Report! "

"Friends who like the Gorgeous Contest, the grand opening day of the Pokémon Gorgeous Contest is finally here!" On the screen, Miss Bai'an also seemed very excited.

"The place that will be the stage for this gorgeous and large-scale celebration has been determined. It is the lakeside resort located on the shore of Lizhi Lake, which is also the venue for the Mikkeli Cup!"

"Also, for the coordinator trainers who feel that it is impossible to collect all five ribbon medals before the grand ceremony and want to give up, there is also good news to tell you that there will be seven more times before the grand ceremony opens. Gorgeous competition, the trainer who thinks that the opportunity belongs to me, please don't give up, I will be waiting for you at the competition venue (well, well)!"

Hearing that there are seven more times, the coordination trainers who are holding more than three ribbons on the field suddenly become geared up. They can get so many medals, and they are naturally very good trainers. They will never let go of these last opportunity.

In the corner to the side, there were three bad boys sitting in the air. Others couldn't recognize them, but their waveguides couldn't deceive Tianlin. It was the Rockets trio.

"There are still seven times. As long as I win one of them, I can participate in the large-scale celebration. No matter what, I must win a game!" Musashi said excitedly.

In fact, she also really loves the gorgeous contest, Kojiro understood this, and encouraged by the side, "No problem Musashi, I will accompany you to train well in the next days, even if you let the kid and Pikachu temporarily, I will help you. Take your last chance!"

"That's it, meow!" Ya.

Chapter nine hundred and sixty-six fire erupts out of control fire monkey

The news of the Gorgeous Contest continued to be broadcast on TV, and Ash and Ah Thun seemed to be completely uninterested in the Gorgeous Contest. Because Shinji refused to accept the challenge, Ah Thun had to settle for the next best thing and chose Ash.

Of course, Xiao Zhi will not refuse. He just wants to prove that although his current number of badges is one less than theirs, his strength will not be half a point.

As the referee, Xiaogang walked over with him.

"Then, Ah Tung, let's send out Pokémon at the same time, how about one-on-one?" Ash suggested.

"Of course no problem, then go to Emperor Nabo!"

"It's up to you, Fierce Fire Monkey!"

Knowing that Ah Tung will have a high probability of playing the ace Emperor Nabo, Xiao Zhi still took out the Fire Monkey of the flame element to fight. The nickname of the master of the reverse attribute is really not for nothing.

"This guy is still like this, he just rushes forward regardless of the quality of his attributes!" Shinji said that he was not interested, but his body was very honest, so he couldn't help but come to watch the battle.

Seeing this, Tian Lin walked up to him and said with a smile, "That's not necessarily true, don't forget, Emperor Nabo also has the attributes of the steel type, while the Fire Monkey is the fighting type, and Xiaozhi also has the attribute advantage, except for evolution. The difference in stage and strength, just looking at the 333 attributes, in fact, they are evenly matched!"

"It also makes sense, then let me see, what kind of battle can these two people play?"

"Then, I'm welcome, Emperor Nabo, use the cannon water cannon!" Ah Thun is still the same, he worships Shinji on the surface, but his fighting style is more inclined to Xiaozhi. When he comes up, it is the biggest trick of the water element, and he doesn't understand it at all. Save the strength!

"Fire Monkey, it's coming, avoid it and use the sonic punch!" Xiao Zhi is too familiar with quick-attack tactics, who can match him in this regard.

The speed of the fierce fire monkey was amazing, and it avoided the attack with a dexterous jump, and accelerated again with the help of the preemptive trick Sonic Fist, and rushed to the front of Emperor Nabo in one breath, knocking him back a large distance with one punch.

"What are you doing, what are you doing, the speed of this Fire Monkey is too fast!" Ah Hun has always paid great attention to the cultivation of speed for his Pokémon, but now compared to this Fire Monkey, Emperor Nabo is really Not even close.

"Speed ​​is power, the speed of the Fire Monkey is already superior, and with the further multiplication of Sonic Fist, the strength of this forward thrust has been greatly increased, and the aeea of ​​Sonic Fist has also increased. Is there a set!" Shinji glanced at Xiaozhi in surprise, but he didn't expect that Xiaozhi had made some progress compared to the last time he fought against him.

"Okay, since you want to use your fighting skills to deal with me, then Emperor Nabo, use the punch!" Ah Thun is also very good at tricks and tricks. In the face of fighting skills, you must use the flying class to come. .

But Xiaozhi is not easy. If you attack from the sky, then I will hide in the ground, "Fierce Fire Monkey, make a burrow!"

"Damn, you're actually hiding, Xiaozhi, you're going to be fined!" Ah Xun jumped up and down anxiously.

"This is not hiding, but looking for an opportunity to prepare for the next wave of attacks, go, Fire Monkey!"

Emperor Nabo's punching drill was empty, and just as it fell to the ground, the Fire Monkey suddenly rushed out of the ground, hitting Emperor Nabo's chin with a punch.

The ground-based trick, for Emperor Nabo, is also a very effective move. Who said that Xiaozhi doesn't pay attention to attributes, this is not a trick that relies on restraint, does Emperor Nabo accumulate damage little by little, fierce fire monkey It has gradually started to gain the upper hand.

"Unfortunately, although Xiao Zhi has the upper hand, the one with a higher chance of winning is still Ah Tun." Tian Lin suddenly sighed.

Between the Fire Monkey and the Emperor Nabo, although there is no difference in level or attributes, there is still a decisive difference between them, and that is the evolutionary stage.

Emperor Nabo is always the final evolutionary type, and its racial ability is far superior to the Fire Monkey, which also makes it superior in both offensive and defensive capabilities and durability at the same level. As long as Ah Xun finds a chance to fight back, the situation will instantly change. Turn around!

"Emperor Naboo, use the cannon!"

As Tian Lin expected, the continuous onslaught consumed a great deal of the Fire Monkey's stamina. During one attack, its action had a brief stagnation. After all, Ah Xun was a trainer who got eight badges, so he had a good grasp of it. Lived this opportunity.

The water cannon, the biggest move of the water system, successfully hit the cannon. The damage caused by this blow was more than the sum of the damage caused by the Fire Monkey just now. The Fire Monkey was even sent flying into the woods outside the venue.

"Oops, I seem to be hitting too hard!" Ah Thun was also a little surprised, but he didn't expect that Emperor Nabo's counterattack would be so ruthless.

After waiting for a while, the fire monkey hadn't returned to the field. Xiao Zhi was a little worried. He didn't know if it had lost its ability to fight. It made the surroundings hotter.

The fierce fire monkey wrapped flames and returned to the battlefield, but at this time it was in a very different state, its eyes were blood red, and it seemed to be completely out of control.

Seeing this, Xiaogang became anxious, "No, the fire of the fire monkey has broken out, and this battle must be stopped!"

Ah Tung was very puzzled, "What are you talking about, isn't raging fire just a regular feature of raging fire monkeys, it's just to increase the power of the fire trick, for my emperor Naboo, it's not worth mentioning at all!"

"No, Xiao Zhi's fire monkey's fire is completely different from ordinary fire. Once it erupts, no one can control it..."

Xiaogang was explaining, but the Fire Monkey wouldn't wait for him to finish, wrapping the flame wheel and rushing straight towards Emperor Naboo.

"Have you called, Xiaogang, I don't have time to listen to you now. Since I can't control it, then it's no problem to defeat the fire monkey, Emperor Nabo, use the water cannon again!" The trick, Ah Thun is still very confident.

However, the result this time completely slapped him in the face. The water cannon was far more powerful than the Fire Wheel's water cannon. In addition to the suppression of attributes, not only did he not repel the Fire Monkey, but the water cannon was damaged by the high temperature of the Fire Monkey. completely evaporated.

Emperor Nabo was hit by the flame wheel, and his entire body was burned in pitch black.

"What, this kind of power is going too far!" Ah Xun didn't dare to believe it. He now completely understood the reason why Xiaogang wanted to interrupt the game. This fierce fire was really terrifying to the extreme.

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