"Then, now, let's start the first review. A single Pokémon will perform the ultimate trick performance stage. The first contestant, please come on stage!"

It was Xiaoguang who appeared first, "I'm going, Patchleys, Charm is here!"

"Using a discharge trick!"

For the control of its own electricity, today's Pachiritz has already reached the realm of perfection. Its electro-optic performance is very good. The current spreads around like a branch, and when it collapses in the air, it blooms like a flower. This move is really gorgeous. , which makes good use of the characteristics of electricity.

"Then use the angel's kiss!"

In the end, Pachi Liz adorably blew kisses, wafting out one by one hearts and flying into the air.

These two tricks are well used, and the performances are very satisfactory. One trick shows the power of Pachileitz's electricity, and the other one highlights its cute appearance. Tianlin wants to come, Xiaoguang's score should not be low, even if he can't get it. The first few passed the first round of review without any problem.

Next is the performance of Kojiro and Miaomiao. Unlike other trainers who use capsule balls with special effects, Miaomiao jumped out directly from behind Kojiro. This way of appearing is also considered a novelty in the gorgeous competition.

Moreover, the performance styles of Kojiro and Miaomiao are very different from Musashi. Miaomiao even made three bowls of knife-cut noodles with crazy scratches on the stage, and also gave the noodles to three judges to taste.

The length and thickness of each noodles are basically the same, and the taste is excellent. Kojiro can actually come up with this method to show the charm of Meow's crazy scratching, which is really a performance that subverts the common sense of the gorgeous competition.

There are only two results in this novel performance method, either a complete rollover and elimination, or a brilliant performance and a high score pass. Obviously, Kojiro is a success, and the three judges have given him a very high evaluation. .

"Wow, everyone is amazing!" It was the first time Qin Yin watched the Gorgeous Contest, and she immediately understood the charm of the Gorgeous Contest.

After all, the Gorgeous Competition is underway, and there is not much time left for the large-scale celebration. Most of the coordination trainers may have given up, and those who can insist on staying are mostly coordination training with three or even four ribbon medals in their hands. Home, the standard will naturally not be low.

"Okay, all the contestants in the first review have finished their performances. Please rest a little before the results are announced."

After Bai An finished speaking, all the coordinator trainers came to the waiting area to wait. Qin Yin squatted in front of Pachi Liz who was nibbling on Baofen and smiled, "Pachi Liz, are you good!"

"There is still light, the gorgeous contest is really interesting, but the time to wait for the results to be published is really frightening!"

"Yeah, I'm super nervous every time at this time." Xiaoguang agreed very much.

On the other side, Kojiro was hiding in the corner with Miaomiao all the time because he was worried about being discovered. The two whispered, "It feels so good to have a gorgeous contest. The applause is still in my ears!"

"Yes, meow, really happy meow!"

"Dear guests, let's keep everyone waiting for a long time, successfully passed the first review, and advanced to the second round are the above eight contestants!"

The big screen flickered, and the portraits jumped out one by one. Xiaoguang and Kojiro pretended to be sweet Musashi Lina, and Kotoin said happily, "Guangguang, you passed, congratulations!"

"Well, but the next step is the key to victory!" Xiaoguang's fighting spirit became vigorous, "This time, we must win the fifth ribbon medal. Come on, Ivory Pig!"

According to the arrangement of the gorgeous battle, this time Xiaoguang is the first to appear, and her opponent is a handsome young man named Mobuu.

"The second round of reviewing the gorgeous battle match, the time limit is five minutes, how to use the trick in the most beautiful way and successfully reduce the opponent's score, please look forward to the combination performance of the trainer and the Pokémon, then now, the competition start!"

Bai An's voice fell, and the two people on the field threw the Poke Ball at the same time. Xiaoguang's side was naturally an ivory pig, and the one opposite her was a Blue Emperor.

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 0

King Bruce is a big dog with a very ferocious appearance. He is also a fairy, with huge canine teeth. This face shows its characteristics very well, intimidating.

However, the strength gap between the two sides is huge. Although the first-order attack power has been reduced, the ivory pig does not take it seriously.

On the field, Mobuu took the lead in issuing the attack order, "Emperor Blu, use flaming teeth!"

The raging fire was condensed on the sharp fangs of Emperor Bruce, which was very imposing, and indeed lowered Xiaoguang's score a little.

This made Qinyin very puzzled. Xiaoguang was deducted points before he clearly hit the opponent.

Tianlin explained to her, "Although gorgeous battles are also battles, they are very different from regular gym battles. The way to use the tricks and the dodging moves for the opponent's tricks will become very important. As long as If you can show charm here, you can deduct points from your opponent!"


"So, the gorgeous contest is really not easy!" Qin Yin sighed.

Facing the flaming teeth rushing towards him, Xiaoguang and Ivory Pig didn't care, "Ivory Pig, use boulders!"

The ivory pig condensed a moderately sized boulder according to the strength it mastered during training, but it did not release it, but swallowed it directly.

For a time, icicles stood up on the back of the ivory pig, turning into an ice porcupine.

Such a trick greatly increased the charm of the ivory pig, and the opponent's score was deducted by nearly half all at once.

"Oh my God, the ivory pig actually swallowed the boulders. It's amazing. The icicles on the ivory pig's back are like wearing a suit of ice armor. It's really dreamy!" The timely explanation of the lady made the performance of Xiaoguang and Ivory Pig sublime a lot.

Xiaoguang's performance was completed, and his confidence increased greatly, "Okay, it's about to start, Ivory Pig, make a slam!"

Wearing the armor of ice, the strength of the ivory pig has greatly increased, and it directly hit the flaming teeth of Emperor Blu with its body. Under the huge power gap, Emperor Bruce was undoubtedly knocked out directly and completely lost his fighting ability.

Baian immediately issued a verdict.

"Completely knocked out, the one who advances to the next round is Miss Xiaoguang!" Jin.

Chapter [*] The Fifth Ribbon Medal of the Ivory Pig Runaway

Back in the waiting area, Xiaoguang, who had won the victory, looked rather gloomy.

"What's the matter with you, Guangguang, didn't you win? Why do you look so unhappy?" Qin Yin asked suspiciously.

"I'm just a little unwilling!" Xiaoguang sighed.

"Not reconciled? Why, the ivory pig clearly won, you are so weird!" Qin Yin didn't quite understand her feelings. For a pure trainer like her, winning her opponent was enough.

"There are many ways to win the gorgeous competition. The ivory pig is charming, but it's just the beginning. The most important part of the battle is over with a slam. Xiaoguang feels a little bit. Not very satisfied!" Tian Lin, as one of the top coordination trainers, understood her very well.

However, although there are regrets, it is an indisputable fact that we won the first round but "three-one-seven". To get the ribbon medal, there are still two games to play. To show the charm, there are opportunities, and the important thing is , Before the game is completely over, there must be no carelessness.

While everyone was talking, the first round and the second match was over. The winner was the sweet Musashi Lina pretending to be Kojiro. He won very easily. Perhaps in terms of showing splendor and charm, Kojiro is a little worse than Musashi, but he must. Speaking of combat strength, he is much stronger than Musashi.

In gorgeous battles, it is the most effective way to directly knock down the opponent without deducting points. Kojiro knows how to make use of his strengths and circumvent weaknesses. He doesn’t play tricks with his opponents. He goes all out and wins quickly. The above attainments have reached a certain level, and it seems that Tianlin's original suggestion has been listened to.

In short, Kojiro, who is winning now, is Komitsu's next opponent.

"In the first match of the semi-finals, Miss Hikaru will play against Miss Tiantian Musashi Rina. Now Miss Hikaru has four ribbon medals, while Miss Rina Musashi has three. The two are quite close in strength. Who will be able to advance to the final stage?"

At the start of the five-minute timer, the ivory pig and the tusk cage both appeared on the stage. In terms of attributes, ice grass, grass can be ground, and the attributes of the tusk cage and ivory pig are just restrained by each other. The Pokémon themselves are also equally powerful. Tian Lin is also looking forward to what kind of battle the two can play.

"Ivory pig, use boulders!"

At the beginning of the game, Xiaoguang couldn't wait to show the shape of the ice porcupine again, but this kind of trick works best the first time, but the second time, once the opponent is prepared, it will be greatly reduced.

The boulders of the ivory pig had just condensed, and before he had time to swallow them, Kojiro ordered Fang Fang to use the vine whip trick to grab the boulders.

"Wow, the ivory pig's trick was interrupted, and its power could not be upgraded. The fangcage's attack was really fast, and the boulders were captured in one fell swoop!" Miss Bai'an said excitedly, Xiaoguang's tactics were amazing, but instantly Its broken Kojiro is not at all let down.

Due to the broken tactics, Xiaoguang's score began to decrease. Fang Fang kept throwing the boulders he grabbed and deliberately mocked the ivory pig, and finally smashed the boulder directly on the ivory pig's head.

This time, the ivory pig was completely angry.

It is already grumpy, and Xiaoguang's control over it is far from perfect, and the next battle will be bad.

Ivory Pig's sturdy legs slammed on the ground, completely ignoring Xiaoguang's vigorous shouting behind him, "Ivory Pig, calm down!", and rushed towards Fang Fang Cage on his own.

"It's troublesome now, the ivory pig is completely out of control, and it acts without waiting for Xiaoguang's instructions. This is a taboo in the gorgeous competition!" Tian Lin worried.

Fang Fang's agility is much higher than Ivory Pig's, and this kind of straight-line attack without a trainer's command is really easy to dodge, I saw Fang Fang jumped up slightly, and easily avoided the attack, like this The elegant dodging movements also allowed Kojiro to get a high score.

Xiaoguang's score began to drop sharply, and the rate of decrease was very fast. Of course, this was due to Kojiro's factor, but more of it was the ivory pig himself. Such an unruly attack was completely contrary to the charm of Pokémon that the Gorgeous Competition emphasized. , the deduction is a matter of course.

"Ivory Pig, please, keep an eye on your opponent!" Seeing Ivory Pig getting more and more angry, Xiaoguang also became anxious. Sure enough, her own experience is not enough. Although she has been admitted by Ivory Pig, she must be fully in control. For a Pokémon of the Heavenly King class, she still has some distance to go.

When the competition reached this level, Tianlin has completely judged the result. The debut battle of Ivory Pig was a complete failure, but this is not necessarily a bad thing. Like this kind of arrogant child, it will not be true if he is not beaten hard. of growing up 0 ........

On the field, seeing that the ivory pig became out of breath due to the continuous attack, Kojiro started to take the initiative to attack, taking advantage of the opportunity of the ivory pig to charge again, he responded calmly. fangs!"

Fangfang Cage actually used a rattan whip to use a trick of four or two thousand pounds, and threw it out with the momentum of the ivory pig.

Quite a clever skill, Kojiro's score is much higher than that of Komitsu. As time passed, Komitsu once again passed by his fifth ribbon medal.

At this time, the ivory pig, which was smashed to pieces, finally recovered, knowing that he had been defeated, and it rarely showed an expression of disappointment, sadness and self-blame.

But Xiaoguang didn't blame it, instead he came to it and encouraged it gently, "Cheer up, Ivory Pig, let's cheer together next time!"

Back at the waiting area, Qin Yin immediately greeted him, "Are you all right, Guangguang, sure enough, it would be better to send Bogaman and them to the gorgeous battle."

"No problem, the battle is like this. If you don't officially play, you won't know what's going to happen. Today's battle has taught me what I and Ivory Pig will work on after. Tianlin, I still need your help!" Xiaoguang smiled lightly. She was no longer the 4.0 rookie who cried when she lost. Now she can face her failure calmly and work hard for it.

Seeing such a small light, Tian Lin said with great satisfaction, "I'm very happy!"

"Obviously lost, Guangguang's attitude is very positive!" Qin Yin looked at the relieved Xiaoguang and felt a little admiration.

At this time, the finals on the field were also over. As expected, Kojiro won the championship and got the fourth ribbon medal for Musashi. Now, Musashi's progress has completely caught up with Xiaoguang and the others.

Now, in addition to Xiaoguang and Musashi, Xiaowang, Ulala, Mr. Shangzhi and others also have four ribbon medals. There is a battle of dragons and tigers.

Chapter [*] Doubles vs. Tianlin Xiaoguang VS Qinyin Yicheng

Leaving the gorgeous competition venue, although Xiaoguang missed the fifth ribbon medal once again, her mentality was very good at this time. Also a considerable improvement.

Next, in order to make up for the regret of today's loss, several people decided to have a doubles battle. This water lily town is a good place.

The Water Lily Colosseum is a famous relic of Water Lily Town. The auditorium carved from slate is full of cracks and full of vicissitudes. It is said that this is a holy place with great commemorative significance.

It is said that even the Shenao champion Zhulan has exercised in this place. Standing here, Qin Yin felt an uplifting emotion, "The place where the champion stayed, then if I also train here, I will definitely get the third badge. It's not a problem!"

With the end of the Water Lily Conference, her and Yicheng's stay in Shenao has come to an end. Today is the last day, and soon, they will return to Chengdu.

"On the last day of Shenao, I hope I can leave a good memory!" Yicheng was also very moved to come here. Although he is a breeder, he can't be as excited about 08 here as Qinyin, but compared to the first time, he has seen After Tianlin and Xiaoguang fought, he also became more confident than before.

This is the encounter between people and the growth that can be obtained during travel.

"Then, let's play doubles immediately. I can't wait to compete with my idol and Guangguang." Qin Yin's character is hot, and she can't wait to pull Yi Cheng to the opposite side of the battlefield.

Seeing this, Xiaoguang and Tianlin took the initiative to walk to the other side. The battle before farewell was about to start.

The four of them took out their own Pokemon at the same time, and the sound of the piano was naturally their initial Pokemon, Little Saw Crocodile and Chrysanthemum Leaf, while Xiaoguang and Tianlin took out Fireball Mouse and Yuanlu respectively. shark.

The levels of the four Pokémon are not too high. There are two elite level on the opposite side. Here is a novice level and a gym level. The average strength is between the same.

"Fireball rat, come on, this is your first battle!"

With Xiaoguang's encouragement, the Fireball Rat immediately ignited the fire of fighting spirit on its back. It is very different from Xiaozhi's at the beginning. Even if the other two are stronger than it, it is not afraid of fighting at all.

"What a great fighting spirit, it really deserves to be the Pokémon I sent." Seeing that Fireball Mouse is so outstanding, Qin Yin is also honored, "Then, I will take the first attack without courtesy, Ju Cao Ye, use Fei Ye Quick knife!"

The opening is a full attack, and the sound of the piano has the style of a battle-type Pokémon trainer.

"Fireball Rat, use a smokescreen!"

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