"Well, of course." Xiaoguang gently hugged the Fireball Mouse, "Fireball Mouse, we will be partners in the future, I am Xiaoguang, please give me more advice!"

After finishing speaking, Fireball Rat unceremoniously ignited the fire of fighting spirit on his back, and Xiaoguang's whole hair curled up. It seems that this is another naughty little guy.

"It's so hot!" Xiaoguang said dully.

Hearing this, everyone couldn't help laughing.

The Chengdu special exhibition came to an end with such laughter and laughter.

Chapter [-]: The very fierce and strong round land shark debuts

After a special exhibition in Chengdu, the team of the two has grown a lot. Not only did they join the lovely new partner Fireball Rat, but also two additional trainers who accompanied the group.

Qin Yin and Yi Cheng, new trainers from Chengdu, temporarily joined Tian Lin's team.

In order to take care of the newborn fireball mouse, Xiaoguang temporarily sent the Fiona in his hand back to the Yamanashi Research Institute. The growth of Pokémon is indeed much faster than that of humans. The little guy is not only very healthy, but also in a few days. You can eat Pokémon food normally without the need to drink the large milk jar specially prepared by Qinyin.

"Come on, Fireball Mouse, eat it, this is the Pokemon food specially made by Tianlin for you!"

Every Pokemon's diet is different. Tian Lin specially added a little spicy tree fruit to the fireball rat's food, which can strengthen the burning of its fighting spirit.

However, in the past few days, both Tianlin and Xiaoguang's thoughts were all on the Fireball Rat, which made Pogaman very upset and full of jealousy. This guy was like a small child who directly competed with the Fireball Rat for favor. When they got up, it was really incompatible with each other, but it was a way of getting along that belonged to them.

On the other hand, the cauliflower monkey, as one of the three 'true' royal families in the grass family in the Hezhong area, is also a new born child. Suddenly, there is a playmate of the fireball mouse, and he is very happy. He soon became a good friend with the fireball mouse. friend.

Now that the three families of water, fire, 'grass', and the three royal families have been assembled, Xiaoguang can finally completely complete the tactics of arranging and combining various oath skills at will during her two-person battle.

In the past few days, Xiaoguang has been training Fireball Rats to learn the ultimate trick of the Pledge of Fire, while continuing to move towards Water Lily Town according to the plan.

At noon, they arrived at the town closest to Water Lily Town, and planned to go to the Pokémon Center to rest for a while.

As soon as I entered the door, I saw several young trainers following in a panic, all of them holding incompetent Pokémon in their arms, "Miss Joey, please, help me heal~'!"

Tian Lin raised his brows, and suddenly there were so many downed Pokémon, and it was in such a small town without a gym, so there were generally only two situations.

Or, there is a very powerful trainer in the town, who is challenging every trainer passing by, such as Maggie, the girl who used the armored bird in Chengdu.

Otherwise, there is a wild Pokémon with amazing strength, and they all failed in the subjugation battle.

As expected, he only heard Miss Joy ask, "You guys, are you going to the back mountain?"

"Yes, because we really want to subdue it!" The boy and girl lowered their heads, blaming themselves for being overly self-sufficient and hurting their own Pokémon, but there was no way, that Pokémon was too attractive.

Tian Lin hurriedly stepped forward and asked, "Excuse me, what kind of Pokemon is that?"

"It's a round land shark with strong strength and a somewhat violent personality. You'd better take a detour when you leave Water Lily Town, and don't provoke it!" Miss Joy told the truth, she didn't seem to agree that anyone would go looking for it again. The round land shark was afraid that more Pokémon would be injured because of it.

"Shenao quasi-god, no wonder!" Tian Lin was surprised. In this small place, there is actually a Shenao quasi-god round land shark. Ordinary trainers have a very small chance of obtaining a quasi-god. It is rare to meet them. They are not crazy. Strange.

No matter how Miss Joey stops it, it will definitely not stop every trainer's eager heart, because the round land shark has finally evolved, and the strength of biting the land shark is too attractive.

Not to mention other people, even Tian Lin was heartbroken at this moment, "Yuan Lu Shark, that's great, I didn't encounter one along the way, I didn't expect to encounter one here, there's no reason to let it go!"

Hearing the meaning of Tianlin's words, Miss Joy said anxiously, "This boy, do you want to conquer it too? Look at these downed Pokémon, that round land shark is really strong and very strong. Fierce, I suggest that it is better not to provoke it."

"It's very strong and fierce, isn't it? That's exactly what I want!" Tian Lin smiled confidently. As a Dragon-type Pokémon, if he didn't have the arrogance and dominance of the Dragon-type, he would be dissatisfied.

After speaking, Tian Lin turned around and left the Pokémon Center. Yi Cheng looked at Tian Lin and hesitated. In fact, he also wanted to try to subdue the Yuan Lu Shark, but he was weak at this time. Say it out.

In this regard, even Tianlin Qinyin, who could see his thoughts a little, didn't say much. After all, there is no need to say much about the preciousness of a quasi-god like Yuanlu Shark. How can people who don't know how to win are qualified to have it.

Following the guidance of the young and young girls just now, Tianlin came to the mountain behind the Water Lily Town. He soon discovered that there was a slender ravine on the ground, as if something had left behind.

The round land shark, as the name suggests, is a shark on land, and this gully should be caused by the fins on its head.

The crowd went all the way along the ravine until they stopped on a small hillside. On the top of the hill, a round land shark was basking in the sun and nibbling fruit. When they saw Tianlin and a few others, they immediately started fighting again. situation.

"'" Oh, very alert, not bad! "Tian Lin smiled admiringly, and then called up the system detection data.

Round land shark, land shark Pokémon, male, dragon type plus ground type, characteristic rough skin, cheerful personality (acceleration reduction special attack), supreme qualification, super champion level potential, current strength gym-level intermediate level, with skills: dragon Fury, Dragon Claw, Burrowing, Quicksand Hell, Strange Force, Rockfall, Iron Head.

As expected of a quasi-god, like Porkby, he has gym-level strength without evolving once.

The round land shark bulged its muscles, used a strange trick to lift a huge rock (very good) on the side of the road, and then smashed it directly at the crowd.

Attacking the trainer directly, as Miss Joy said, this is a very strong and fierce guy.

"Are you very energetic, go, Porkby, use your mental strength!"

Tianlin calmly dispatched Porkby, and then used its super energy skills to control the smashed boulder, and smashed the stone back.

At this time, the round land shark flashed silver light and smashed the stone with its head. It also inherited the steel-type skill, the iron head.

"Yes, I want to subdue you more, Porkby, the magic shines!"

To deal with dragon-type Pokémon, it is natural to use fairy-type skills. The magic flash's attack range is extremely wide. Seeing that he can't avoid it, Yuanlu Shark directly uses his iron head to come over.

Its combat IQ also looks very good, even if there is no trainer's command, it knows that it needs to use the steel type to deal with the goblin type.

Chapter [-] The Round Land Shark has arrived!

In the head-to-head battle, the iron head of the round land shark directly slammed into the pink light emitted by Porkby. Even if it uses a steel-type move, it is still a dragon-type Pokemon after all, and it is serious to face the fairy-type skills. Iron head.

However, this round land shark is not reckless. The purpose of its iron head is not to attack, but to defend. With the help of the steel system's suppressing power on the fairy system, it can reduce the power of the magic flash as much as possible, so as to make Minimize your own damage.

Now, after the sprint just now, Porkby was approached by a round land shark. This round land shark is very smart. It knows that it is not good at special attacks, and only close combat has a chance of victory.

Tianlin praised, "The idea is good, but unfortunately, you are only a Pokémon after all, if you have a good trainer, you can bring your talents to the extreme, so come to me, Porkby , act charming!"

Porkby is indeed not good at melee combat, but it also has a way to deal with melee combat. Charming is a very effective method.

The closer this move is, the more difficult it is to dodge. Porkby threw a wink at the round land shark, and immediately wrapped it with hearts, the round land shark succeeded in the move and was completely fascinated by Porkby.

In this state, the chance of it making a unique move is extremely low.

"Very good, below is the angel's kiss!" 313

Charming and angel kiss, these two tricks are used together, after all, what boy can refuse a kiss from his goddess.

The round land shark, who was already fascinated, didn't say dodge, but took the initiative to lean his face up, Porkby kissed lightly, and the second state was sent in confusion.

At this moment, Yuan Lu Sha was both fascinated and self-mutilating, just like a diaosi who confessed to the goddess and then was rejected.

"It's not enough, I'm going to add another fire, Porkby, and use continuous jet flames!"

The burning and spraying flames from the goddess are extremely small for the round land shark. Due to the double blockade of chaos and fascination, it has no chance at all.

"Tianlin, it's too cruel, this is deceiving Yuan Lu Shark's feelings!"

"That's right, why don't you give Yuan Lu Sha a pleasure!"

On the side, Xiaoguang and Qinyin couldn't stand the two girls who were more emotional. Instead of playing with Yuan Lu Shark like this, it would be better to knock them down directly, otherwise Yuan Lu Shark would look too pitiful.

"No hurry, I think it will be soon!" Tian Lin smiled, he seemed to be waiting for something.

Suddenly, a red light flashed on the round land shark (aiea), and it was burnt. This is what Tian Lin has been waiting for. Porkby's characteristic is called Tianen, which can increase the chance of triggering the additional effect of the ultimate move.

The previous two states, whether fascinated or confused, can only limit the action of the round land shark, but cannot increase the capture rate. Among the tricks Porkby currently masters, only burns have this effect.

"Okay, let's go, Healing Ball!"

At this time, the capture rate is already very high, Tianlin doesn't need to use the advanced ball or the like, but threw the healing ball.

The healing ball swayed slightly three times, and it quickly stabilized. This round land shark with extremely high combat literacy finally came to Tian Lin. He had coveted Shenao Zhun God for a long time, but it was a bit late to conquer it, I don't know. Before the league competition, it was too late to cultivate it into a fierce bite land shark.

Returning to the Pokémon Center, Tianlin explained the situation to Miss Joey, and asked her to inform the trainers that Yuanlu Shark had been subdued by him, and they didn't need to go to the back mountain anymore.

Upon hearing this news, the trainers at the Pokémon Center showed their unwilling and envious expressions. Unfortunately, there was no way. Pokémon like Yuanlu Shark can be met with no luck. Whoever starts first is the best. .

Tianlin also replaced the Pokémon lineup on his body by the way. Recently, he has subdued two little guys, which must be carried on him. In addition, in order to cope with the upcoming challenge of the Binhai Gym, he also has to prepare countermeasures in advance.

After all, the Hubin Gym is known as the No. [-] Gym in Shenao, even Tian Lin would not dare to be careless.

In the final thought, in addition to the round land shark and Pocobi, Tian Lin also brought four Pokémons: Tutai Turtle, Rotom, Polygon II, and Eluledo on his body.

Tutai Turtle has the advantage of attributes, Eludor has a strong output, and Rotom and Polygon can fight and resist. They are Tianlin's best lineup against Lakeside Gym.

After a night of rest, everyone continued on their way the next day. Water Lily Town was not far from here, and before noon, everyone successfully arrived.

"I've finally arrived at Water Lily Town. This time, I must get the fifth ribbon medal!" Xiaoguang looked full of fighting spirit, and threw the ivory pig's elf ball, "Ivory pig, the charm is here!"

"Ivory Pig, today is your debut battle. Let's show all the results of our hard work together before today!"

The main pets seem to be full of momentum. The ivory pig has been waiting for this day for a long time. In fact, it has always wanted to show itself on the stage, but it was reluctant to express it because of its arrogance.

Suddenly, the Poké Ball of the Fireball Mouse on Xiaoguang's body opened automatically, and it actually ran out by itself.

"What's wrong, Fireball Rat?" Xiaoguang asked gently, because it was a newborn child, Xiaoguang loved it very much.

The Fireball Mouse ran to Xiaoguang, tried his best to stimulate the flame of fighting spirit on his back, and controlled it, as if he had spread out a pair of small wings of flame.

"Oh, what a good performance!" Tian Lin gave the little guy a thumbs up.

It can be seen that this little guy also wants to perform on stage, but Xiaoguang picked it up and comforted him, "I'm sorry, Fireball Rat, you are still too young, let's watch our stage performance first, this time it's ivory Pig's home, I promise you, when the big celebration, I will let you on stage!"

Xiaoguang has already prepared a strategy for the Water Lily Conference. The experienced Bogaman or Pachiritz will complete the first review first, and then let the powerful Ivory Pig conduct the second review. This time, only the Fireball Rat can be wronged. for a second.

Go to the Pokémon Center to complete the registration, and in the afternoon, the Water Lily Contest of the Gorgeous Contest finally started.

"From the day you met and conquered, let's move forward hand in hand with Pokémon, shine on the stage with bright stars, dance, and gorgeous contest!"

Taking advantage of Miss Bai An's opening remarks, Tian Lin brought Qin Yin Yi Cheng to the backstage.

Seeing the exquisite dress that Xiaoguang put on and the carefully dressed makeup, Qin Yin immediately praised, "Wow, Guangguang is really super beautiful!"

Tianlin smiled and nodded, "That's natural, Xiaoguang, don't worry too much about the fifth medal this time, just enjoy the gorgeous competition, you are the brightest star!"

"Well, I will definitely work hard!" Xiaoguang said solemnly.

Looking at the two people who supported each other, Qin Yin suddenly felt that they were really full of CP! .

The ninth and forty-seventh chapter gorgeous battle against Xiaoguang's ice porcupine

Just when Kotoin was cheering for Xiaoguang, Tianlin also noticed 'Miss Sweet Musashi Lina', who was clearly pretended by Xiaojiro, who is indeed the Rocket Team, a drag master, even in such an important game as the Gorgeous Tournament. can replace.

In fact, this is already a form of cheating, but as long as Kojiro can complete the game in an open and honest manner, Tianlin will not dismantle them because of this trivial matter. After all, he is not the organizing committee of the game, and he does not have so many obligations.

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