Xiaoguang is also very smart. She knows that the level of the fireball mouse is much lower than that of the chrysanthemum blade. Even if she has attribute restraint, she may not be able to gain the upper hand in a head-to-head confrontation, so she chose an auxiliary skill.

The smoke screen is a move that can reduce the opponent's hit rate. The hit rate of the Flying Leaf Knife was originally dissatisfied. This time it was lowered again, and the launch angle deviates greatly. The fireball mouse and the round land shark hid behind the smoke screen. over all the leaves.

"Well done, Xiaoguang, then next, Round Land Shark, make a rockslide!"

All attacking tricks, not only the opponent, Tian Lin and the others also have them, and suddenly there are many huge rocks above the opponent's two Pokémon.

"Chrysanthemum leaves, use the reflection wall, Yicheng, the rest is up to you!" Qin Yin looked at Yicheng.

"Got it, Little Saw Crocodile, use the tile split!" Yicheng's order at this time was considered timely, barely keeping up with the sound of the piano. With a single shot, it shattered all the rocks with a fighting style.

"Nice cooperation!" Tian Lin nodded in admiration. Along the way, [*]% of Mo Tianlin's training has grown a lot. Although he is not a trainer to challenge the alliance, even a breeder is very interested in Pokémon battles. , nor can it be completely understood.

Xiaogang is a good example. The breeder has excellent abilities and extraordinary fighting ability. This is the qualified breeder of Pokémon. It seems that Yicheng has gradually moved towards this path.

"However, you are still too young, round land shark, dig a hole in the ground!" Taking advantage of the opponent's opportunity to smash the rock, Tianlin made the round land shark dive into the ground and quickly came directly below the opposite side.

However, the round land shark did not jump out to attack directly, but was accumulating strength. Until all the previous smokescreens dissipated and the rocks all turned into rubble, Tian Lin ordered, "The round land shark, quicksand hell!"

Suddenly, a huge deep pit appeared on the battlefield where Chrysanthemum Leaf and the Little Saw Crocodile were located. Countless quicksand restricted the movements of the two Pokémon. The round land shark had been accumulating power for so long. very broad.

"Oops, chrysanthemum leaves, hurry up and get out of there!"

"Little saw crocodile, you too!"

Qin Yin and Yicheng shouted, unfortunately, the power of these two Pokémon is still too small to escape the quicksand so easily.

"Good chance, Fireball Rat, make a vow of fire against that piece of quicksand hell!" Xiaoguang seized the excellent attack opportunity created by Tianlin.

The Fireball Rat used a hard-trained trick, and the fire pillars rushed towards the quicksand hell, covering the two Pokémon on the opposite side at the same time.

"What a powerful joint attack, these two 317 people are worthy of being partners who have traveled together for so long, and the cooperation is seamless!" Qin Yin said in shock, although she and Yicheng's progress was not small, but compared to the two opposites, as expected It's still a long way off.

The pillar of fire gradually disappeared, and under the quicksand, the chrysanthemum leaves had completely lost their ability to fight, while the little saw crocodile relied on its attributes and barely managed to survive, but it was still unable to escape.

"Come on, Little Saw Crocodile!" Yicheng had no other choice but to roar unwillingly. His encouragement was by no means useless. At this time, Little Saw Crocodile actually flashed the light of evolution, becoming a bigger and bigger body. Strong blue crocodile.

The strength of the blue crocodile has surpassed that of the round land shark. It punched the quicksand, freezing the surrounding area, and then using the ice as the focus, it finally escaped from the quicksand area in one fell swoop.

"Not bad, Yicheng actually made the little saw crocodile evolve at a critical moment. Unfortunately, the chrysanthemum grass has been defeated, and you are the only one left. Even if you evolve, there is no chance of winning." Tian Lin smiled lightly, "Do it, circle. Lu Shark!"

The round land shark suddenly emerged from the ground, and its burrowing trick has not been used yet. At this time, the blue crocodile had just escaped from the quicksand hell, and before he could react, it was knocked flying by the round land shark's sudden attack, although the evolution had recovered. It had a little physical strength, but compared to the damage it received before, it was far from enough. With this blow, it immediately followed in the footsteps of Chrysanthemum Leaf.

Chapter [*]: Meow Meow Seriously Injured The Galaxy Group Launches Action

After the battle with Qinyin Yicheng, the two went to the nearest town and flew back to the Chengdu area. For them, this trip to Shenao was very rewarding, and they had no regrets. Qinyin also said that one day , I want to meet Tianlin in the alliance competition, and then start a fierce battle.

In this regard, Tianlin of course expressed his willingness to accompany him. The more opponents he competes with, the better.

Farewell to the two of them, Tianlin and Xiaoguang heard another news at the Pokémon Center. The venue for the next gorgeous contest is in Shallow Town, just as they were on their way to Lakeside City. Xiaoguang immediately decided to put the This is the goal of the next challenge.

After making the decision, the two immediately set off on the road, but just a few days after they were on their way, they encountered a Miaomiao who fell to the ground and was covered in bruises.

There are so many Miaomiao in the world, they only thought it was a wild Pokémon at first, and they immediately healed it without thinking much, but when Miaomiao opened her eyes and saw the two of them, she suddenly exclaimed, "It's amazing. Little devil, gorgeous little girl? Am I dreaming meow?"

"You can speak human words, so, you are the meow of the Rockets, how could you be hurt like this?" Xiaoguang wondered.

"Miaomiao, what happened, what happened to Musashi and Kojiro?" Tian Lin also asked worriedly, Miaomiao was injured so badly, I'm afraid Musashi Kojiro will not be better at this time.

"It's made by people dressed in trendy clothes." The three Rockets have always called it the Galaxy Group. "As usual, when we were chasing Little Guitou and Pikachu, we met their helicopter, Meow!"

"Then we followed, and if we guessed correctly, the place we went to was their secret base, so we sneaked in. At that time, we happened to see a blue-haired cadre dressed in trendy clothes with a handsome guy with the code name. The international police and Xiao Guitou confronted each other~'."

"The enemy of the enemy is a friend. We plan to sell them a favor and help them deal with the Galaxy Group. However, the strength of the Galaxy Group is too strong. Even Musashi Kojiro was taken away, but I was the only one who was beaten and fled away meow!”

Miaomiao cried while talking, it was not because of the pain of the injury, but just worried about Musashi Kojiro and even Xiaozhi.

What Tian Lin didn't expect was that even a powerful trainer like Xiao Zhi was defeated. I'm afraid it should be Zhen Xing who shot. As for the purpose of capturing Xiao Zhi Xiaogang, it was because they resonated with the gods of the lake. the reason.

In the plan of the galaxy group, the gods of the lake are indispensable and important existences. Seeing this, Tianlin glanced at Xiaoguang next to him. In this case, it is impossible for them to let her go.

But with him around, whoever wants to move Xiaoguang must first weigh his own weight. Besides, both Xiaozhi Xiaogang and Musashi Kojiro are his friends, and Mr. Handsome is barely his companion. If this is the case, then he will naturally not sit idly by.

"Miaomiao, let's cooperate with the positive and negative alliances again. You want to save Musashi Kojiro, right? It just so happens that I also want to rescue Xiaozhi and the others. This time, I will take you as the captain and obey your dispatch!" Tianlin knows that Miaomiao and the others are very concerned about them. How much he values ​​his lovely and charming villain, if he speaks to help him with a decent identity, I'm afraid he won't appreciate it, so he said it more euphemistically.

Sure enough, when she heard this, Miaomiao said proudly, "I'm the leader, meow, super powerful little devil, with your strength, you can be considered qualified to be a member of the Rockets, in this case, Miaomiao will temporarily appoint you. As a temporary non-staff member of Team Rocket, come with Meow!"

Saying that, Miaomiao walked ahead like a leader. Before, she was still half-dead. The change in the style of the painting really made Tianlin stunned. Also, he just wanted to cooperate, but he was so inexplicable. was added to the Rockets.

"I actually became a member of the evil organization!" Tian Lin smiled helplessly, while Xiao Guang covered his mouth, looking like he wanted to laugh but held back.

The two followed Miaomiao into the depths of the forest, where there was a large abandoned factory, which was regarded as the secret base of the Galaxy Group by the Rockets trio. It was actually called the Dodoro Iron Factory. The large factory known for the highest production in Austria gradually declined due to aging equipment. Now there is no one here, and it is indeed suitable as a temporary base for the Galaxy Group.

At this time, deep in the factory, Zhenxing looked up at the red chain connected by bright red gemstones in front of him, "It's a beautiful color, the meteorite full of impurities in Curtain City can be reshaped to be so beautiful!"

Behind him, Pluto came over and corrected, "'" This is not a reorganization, but a resurrection. The most commendable thing is that it was me, the supreme genius scientist, Pluto, Jie Jie Jie Tuo! "

Zhen Xing showed a look of disgust, "Stop your ugly laughter, what are you going to do with that Interpol and those two children?"

"They are still useful, especially those two little guys, they are human beings recognized by Kexi and Aknorm, and they may still be of great use!" Hades stopped his gloomy laughter, but the tone of his speech was different getting weirder.

On the other side, on Tianguan Mountain, headed by Chi Ri, the Galaxy Group spent all the manpower and material resources, and finally found the legendary pillar of the spear. Since Suixing was arrested by the Alliance, the efficiency of the Galaxy Group was much weaker at this time. , Although he also reluctantly promoted two new cadres, with quasi-king-level strength, but they are much worse than Zhenxing, which also led to many things (good) Chi Ri had to do it himself.

"Sure enough, it is the pillar of the gun. I finally found it. Immediately mobilize all the staff of the Galaxy Group to block the surrounding area!"

The plan is about to reach its climax. The practice of retaining strength is completely unnecessary. The Galaxy Group finally came out of the nest. The skinny camel is bigger than the horse. The large-scale team of the team fully launched the action.

"When everything is ready, it's time to go there. The new world of my dreams is waiting for me!" Chi Ri smiled hideously.

Zhen Xing and Pluto also learned the news of finding the spear post, and said excitedly, "Have you found the spear post? Well, it's finally about to begin!"

At this moment, the men of the Galaxy Group came down to report, "Lord Zhenxing, Lord Pluto, found a flying object approaching here!".

Chapter [*]: The person recognized by the gods of the lake

"Aircraft? Could it be?" Zhen Xing thought of something, and immediately led a team of subordinates to rush out.

On Team Rocket's hot air balloon, Tianlin Xiaoguang followed Miaomiao to the place at the fastest speed. They had no plans to hide at all, but chose to attack directly.

Of course, this also made their actions very easy to detect. Sure enough, before they got close, they saw a lot of big-mouthed bats killed.

"Do you want to stop us, please, Rotom, use the discharge!"

With preparations in advance, Tianlin has turned Rotom into Heated Rotom, which has a great improvement in special attack compared to the regular form.

The discharge was another large-scale attack, and in an instant, it swept away a large number of big-mouthed bats.

However, there is also a very powerful existence on the roof, that is Zhen Xing, and his two king-level ace cards, Bronze Bell and Poison Skull Frog.

"Bronze Bell, knock them down and use the cannon!"

"Heating Rotom, use overheating!" In the face of the huge gap in strength, Tian Lin did not care about it, he took out the fire-type big move, relying on the power of the light cannon far exceeding that of the cannon, and the fire-type versus the steel-type Attribute restraint, this time the two sides barely matched a tie.

For Tianlin, this was enough. Taking this opportunity, 320 Miaomiao controlled the hot air balloon to land quickly and came to the roof of the factory.

At this moment, the two sides are facing each other head-on. Tian Lin does not take Zhen Xing as a defeated general. "Long time no see Zhen Xing, you are the only one left of the three cadres of the Galaxy Group. Do you think you can stop me?"

"Tianlin, you really came, but unfortunately, I don't want to fight you." Zhen Xing snorted coldly, turned to Xiaoguang, and called out a name, "Emlido!"

Hearing the name, Xiaoguang was startled, and remembered the scene of seeing Amrido's soul on the day he traveled.

Zhen Xing continued, "And the previous Aknom, Yukxi, why are you guys. The ones who should have been chosen by the gods of the lake should be the three leaders of our Galaxy Group. "

Xiaoguang was at a loss when he heard it, but Tianlin understood. It turned out that this guy was jealous, and immediately laughed, "What's so strange about this, Xiaozhi is firm-willed, Xiaogang is wise and calm, and Xiaoguang is full of emotions. Isn't it normal that three people will be chosen by the gods of the lake?"

"We have these things too!" Zhenxing retorted loudly.

"The essence is completely different!!!" He shouted, Tian Lin was louder than him, "Xiao Zhi's will is firm, no matter what setbacks and challenges he faces, he can move forward firmly for his dreams and never give up , even if you fail ten times and a hundred times, you will never back down. Xiaogang's wisdom is to make suggestions for friends, to help Pokémon grow up healthily, and to help them become better. Xiaoguang's feelings are no matter who he faces, She can reciprocate with kindness."

"As for you guys, the gangster's feelings are only for the leader of the galaxy group. For him, no matter how many innocent people are hurt, he will not hesitate to hurt more innocent people. Suixing's wisdom is all kinds of conspiracy and tricks. As for you, your will is indeed firm. , but also to fulfill your selfish ambitions."

"Will, wisdom, and feelings, if you use the wrong direction, you might as well not have them. The gods of the lake are good at distinguishing between them. Compared with them, you lack the most crucial kindness. Therefore, don't look at yourself. Gold is posted!"

Tian Lin spoke ruthlessly, and Zhen Xing, who was also embarrassed, had nothing to say.

Miaomiao thought to the side with lingering fears, "I didn't expect that the super-powerful little ghost is not only powerful, but also so powerful in his mouth. In the future, we have to tell Kojiro and the others, don't talk about this guy!"

Zhen Xing's face was ugly, "Forget it, say whatever you want, since this world doesn't recognize our galaxy group, then we don't mind destroying it!"

"Poison Skull Frog, use the poison!"

The Poison Skull Frog released an unimaginably wide range of highly poisonous poison. The poison-type Pokémon used this move to be sure to hit. In addition, with the strength of an aiea, in just a short moment, Tian Lin and the others were filled with poisonous mist.

Tianlin put out a super-power shield to protect Xiaoguang and Miaomiao. At this time, Zhenxing jumped out of the building and took a helicopter to leave. It seems that the Galaxy Group has already made preparations for retreat.

"Did he run away, forget it, it's important to save people!" Tian Lin didn't care so much, he rushed to the cell immediately, and he saw Xiao Zhi, Mr. Handsome and Team Rocket.

"Ash, Kojiro, are you all right?"

"Boss Tianlin!" Hearing this voice, Kojiro instantly became excited, and they knew that they were saved.

"Tianlin, don't worry, we're fine, but this door is too hard, even Pikachu's iron tail can't be split open, and it's full of electricity, so we can't get out for the time being." Xiaogang stepped forward.

Miaomiao was originally a little expert at unlocking, but since the door was electrified, it naturally couldn't go up to help.

"It seems that this is a special metal made by the Galaxy Group, Xiaozhi, listen, no matter how hard the metal is, once it encounters the continuous attack of fire, water and ice, it will definitely be broken, fire and water. I'll leave it to you, you can try to attack from the inside!" Tian Lin reminded.

"Okay, I understand, let's go Fire Monkey, Swimming Qi Weasel!" Xiao Zhi decisively threw out the Poké Ball, "Rapid Fire Monkey, use a jet of flame, Swimming Qi Itachi, water pistol!"

"Go, Polygon II, use the freezing light!" Tian Lin also exerted his strength outside. Under the constant alternation of cold and heat, the originally sturdy door became more and more fragile. In the end, Xiao Zhi took out Scorpio King, a scissors cross fist completely smashed the door. It is a ground-type Pokemon, and it is not afraid of the current on the door.

"Finally came out, thank you Tianlin, I was rescued by you again!" Xiaozhi said gratefully.

On the side, Miaomiao, who was hugging with Musashi Kojiro with tears in her eyes, heard the words and came over, "Little Guitou, this time you should thank me, if I hadn't promised the super-powerful little Guitou to be a non-staff member of my Rocket Team. , and personally designed this rescue plan, you won't be saved so easily, meow!"

Xiaozhi Xiaogang was startled, "Tianlin, you joined the Rockets?"

"Cough cough, I have to, this is just an expedient measure, and I was voluntary." Tian Lin blushed and coughed, "Anyway, the task has been completed, and my non-staff member should also be laid off, meow. Captain Meow!"

"Well, you did a good job this time, then, we're going back!" After Miaomiao finished speaking, she fled here with Kojiro and the others, but Tianlin didn't think they were afraid of escaping. With their personalities, they would definitely think about it. Looking for the galaxy group to avenge today's revenge.

Chapter [*] The Galaxy Group and J start action

Mr. Handsome is worthy of being an Interpol. During the time he was arrested, not only did he not panic, but the first time he was rescued, he did not want to leave here, but to collect information.

"You can come in so easily. It seems that the Galaxy Group has abandoned this factory. I'm going to search to see if I can find any clues!"

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