The luxury ball successfully subdued Porkby, and Tianlin sent the steel armored crow back. After all, this naughty child can't be disciplined without staying by his side now.

Tianlin released Porkby, relieved the burn for it, and performed simple treatment. When Porkby woke up, he realized that he had been subdued.

The very unwilling little guy spit fire directly at Tianlin, but it was very measured, and the fire he spit out was not very powerful.

It can be seen that this little guy is just very naughty and mischievous. If he really wants to say bad, it is not that serious. He will be fine with discipline after that.

Tianlin used his superpower to open the shield to block the flames, and Xiaoguang said, "This child is really bad. It's the first time I've seen a Pokémon that attacked its owner as soon as it was subdued. "

... . . .

Tian Lin smiled indifferently, "Every Pokémon has a different personality, this is normal, isn't it our trainer's duty to guide our Pokémon on the right path!"

"Come on, Porkby, it's the first time we meet, I'll give you a small gift!"

Tianlin hung a string of bells on Porkby's body. It was a bell of appeasement. When Tianlin won the prize for the champion of the doubles competition, it was very suitable for Porkby to carry.

Porkby shook the bell, and the crisp and pleasant voice calmed his mood, and then Tianlin gave him a taste of the Pokémon food he made.

Seeing that the master treated him so well, and gave gifts and food, Porkby finally let go of his obsession and admitted Tianlin, but the child's personality did not change, and he was still very naughty. It seems that after a while, Tianlin has busy.

Without the trouble of Porkby, Xiaoguang can finally train with peace of mind. After an afternoon of practice, Ivory Pig finally completely mastered the method of swallowing the trick.

After a night of rest in the forest, the two continued on their way.

Leaving the forest, the two came to a town and were on their way to the Pokémon Center, but they happened to encounter a Marilou stuck in a crack in the wall.

"It seems to be stuck and can't move, we have to help it!" The warm-hearted Xiaoguang naturally wouldn't sit idly by, grabbing Marylou's foot and pulling it outward, the pain made Marylou cry.

Chapter [*]: The Music of the Chengdu Special Exhibition debuts

"Xiaoguang, you can't do this. If you only use brute force, you will break Marylou's body!" Tian Lin couldn't stand it any longer.

Hearing this, Xiaoguang also quickly let go of his hand, "Then what should we do, we can't destroy the wall and save it!"

"That's not necessary, just rely on it." Tian Lin lowered his body and said softly, "Marylu, use your water gun trick with all your strength, and use the reaction force to rush out."

When Marilou in the wall heard the words, she immediately did as she did, and used the water cannon with all her strength as thrust to forcibly escape from the crack in the wall. This was indeed a very effective idea.

"Lilu!" Mary Lu, who managed to escape, ran to Tianlin to express her gratitude. Tianlin checked its body, but luckily it wasn't injured.

"Yeah, I found it!" At this time, a girl wearing a white beret approached "Three One Three", who was about the same age as Tianlin Xiaoguang, "Marylou, so you are here, I'm looking for you. How long have you been?"

It turned out that this girl was Marylou's trainer. She took out the Poke Ball and took Marylou back. She bowed to the two of them and said, "I'm so sorry, this child often disappears all at once. Thank you so much for your help!"

After speaking, the girl raised her head and her eyes lit up when she saw Tian Lin, "Hello, that, you are Mr. Tian Lin, right?"

"Yes, do you know me?" Tian Lin nodded.

"It's amazing, I didn't expect to see me in Shenao!" The girl jumped up and down excitedly, and then immediately introduced herself, "Hello, I'm Qin Yin, a Pokémon trainer from Chengdu, Mr. Tian Lin. , I am your fan, when you won the championship in Chengdu and defeated the Four Heavenly Kings, I was sitting in the audience, it was just after watching your wonderful battle that I decided to travel and become an excellent trainer."

"It turned out to be a fan of Tianlin, hello, my name is Xiaoguang!" Xiaoguang said with a smile, she is also very fond of people who worship Tianlin, does she love Wu and Wu?

"Chengdu place, I really miss it!" Tianlin recalled many memories of his time in Chengdu, and said, "So, you should have just traveled not long ago, why did you come to this Shenao as a newcomer trainer? , instead of challenging the alliance in Chengdu?"

"What I am challenging is the alliance in Chengdu. There are some things in Shenao, so let's take you to a good place, let's go, Tianlin, Xiaoguangguang!"

Qin Yin brought the two of them to the square in the center of the town, which was crowded with people and seemed extraordinarily lively.

"Now a special exhibition in Chengdu is being held here!" Qin Yin introduced, Tian Lin noticed it, and sure enough, the things sold here are very characteristic of Chengdu, such as big milk jars of fresh milk ice cream, and the special product of Lake of Wrath, Wrath. Bread, etc.

On the big screen, the introduction video of Qin Yin was also playing. It seems that she came to the Shenao area specially as a staff member of this exhibition.

"Hello, all guests, welcome to the Chengdu special exhibition! When we talk about the Chengdu area, we will think of the city of Yuanzhu, where the legend of Fengwang is preserved. In the Burnt Tower, let the ancient legends and stories imagined in the hearts of humans and Pokémon run freely. After that, how about a Pokémon battle with the beautiful and cute Kabuki sisters?"

"Then, if you want to play to your heart's content, you must not miss Manjin City. There are other places such as Onion City, which is famous for its lighthouse Pokémon, Yanmo City, where the sacred Dragon Gym is located. , Chengdu is full of surprises, and of course there is abundant nature, everyone, please come to Chengdu to play!"

The places she introduced were all the places Tian Lin had been to, and they were full of his memories.

Later, under the leadership of Qin Yin, Tianlin Xiaoguang came to a booth. The owner of the shop was a boy with glasses, and an enthusiastic uncle stood in front of the door, "Hello, boys and girls, welcome to the Chengdu Special Exhibition. !"


A small saw crocodile stuck its head out from the booth, and Xiaoguang suddenly said in surprise, "Wow, it's a small saw crocodile!"

Tianlin once also cultivated the three water-system royal families in the Chengdu area. Now he is a powerful crocodile, close to the king of heaven. Now, seeing this little saw crocodile, I can't help but feel a love in my heart.

Xiaoguang wanted to reach out to touch it, but Tianlin immediately stopped him, "Xiaoguang, you can't reach out and touch it directly, the little saw crocodile has the habit of biting objects, let alone strangers, even trainers, they will sometimes bite on them. One bite!"

"That's it, but it looks really cute!" Xiaoguang withdrew his hand reluctantly ........

Tianlin smiled and said, "Who hasn't had a bear child yet, when it evolves into a strong crocodile, this bad habit will be changed, and it will become a mature and stable man, and a good helper for the trainer."

"Sir, you really know the little crocodile!" The glasses boy said with emotion, "Hello, I'm Yicheng, and my little crocodile doesn't know what's going on. I haven't eaten well recently. I'm worried, can you take a look at it for me?"

It seemed that the young man was very troubled. Tian Lin took a piece of the Pokémon food he made and tasted it. "It seems that the astringency is not enough. Do you have astringent chestnuts?"

"Yes!" The young man nodded, took out a succulent chestnut and handed it to Tianlin.

Tianlin smashed the astringent chestnut into powder, sprinkled it on the Pokémon food, and then brought the food to the little saw crocodile. The little saw crocodile smelled it with his nose. stand up.

"It's amazing, you look like a Pokémon trainer, I'm a so-called breeder that's far worse than you!" Yicheng scratched his head, admiring and embarrassed.

Qin Yin puffed out his chest very proudly, "Hey, how's it going, he is the number one young trainer in the league today, and I brought it here!"

It was rare to see such enthusiastic fans, and Tian Lin also seemed a little embarrassed, "Well, in fact, you don't need to exaggerate, I am no different from you now, just an ordinary person who simply challenged the alliance with 4.0!"

"Speaking of the challenge alliance, Tian Lin, how many badges do you have now?" Qin Yin asked with great interest.


"Wow, as expected of you, I only have two!" As she spoke, Kotone showed her badge box, "It's the flying wing badge of the Kikyo Gym and the insect badge of the Hinoki Gym, what about Xiaoguangguang? ?"

"I'm a Pokémon coordinator trainer. In order to participate in the gorgeous and large-scale celebration, I am now preparing to go to Water Lily Town to win my fifth ribbon medal!" Xiaoguang replied with a smile.

"So, I'm a trainer specializing in Pokémon battles, and this is the first time I've met a coordinator trainer!" Qinyin and Xiaoguang seemed to know each other at first sight, and they soon became best friends.

The ninth and forty-fourth chapter of the showdown at the special exhibition, Xiaoguang gets the fireball mouse

"Hello, all the guests of Shenao!" After a while, Qinyin stood on the stage in the center of the square, and the special exhibition entered the most important stage of performance.

"I'm a Chengdu rookie trainer from Ruoye Town. My name is Qin Yin. A rookie trainer in Chengdu will first get one of the chrysanthemum leaves, the small saw crocodile and the fireball mouse, all of which are in the Shenao place. A rare Pokémon!" Qin Yin introduced the three Imperial families in Chengdu, which indeed made Shenao's trainers exclaimed.

But how can the picture on the big screen compare to the real thing? As she said that, Qin Yin called out her Pokémon, "Chrysanthemum Leaf, go!"

The cute little chrysanthemum leaves appeared, exactly the same as Nana's at the beginning, extremely cute.

"This is Chrysanthemum Leaf, then, let's have a battle, the one with Pogaman over there!" Qin Yin suddenly invited Xiaoguang, "I want to invite you and my Chrysanthemum Leaf One game, please come to the stage if you can!"

Xiaoguang was still a little surprised, Tianlin pushed her who didn't come back to her senses, "Just go, Xiaoguang, isn't this very interesting!"

"Yeah!" Xiaoguang nodded and stood on the stage confidently.

Qin Yin continued, "If you beat my chrysanthemum leaves, we will give you a great gift as a souvenir!"

"Okay, then let's go, let's go, Bogaman!" Xiaoguang sent Bogaman as a matter of course, this is the battle between Shenao and Chengdu's Yu Sanjia.

In terms of attributes, Qinyin is naturally dominant, but Qinyin is still a rookie trainer after all. Compared with Xiaoguangxiang who has been traveling for a while, there is a slight gap in battle experience and Pokémon level.

"Then it's time to start, Ju Cao Ye, use the Flying Leaf Knife!" Qin Yin took the lead in attacking, Ju Cao Ye took a step forward, waved the leaves above his head, and hit a lot of sharp leaves.

Bogaman didn't pay attention to speed cultivation, so he couldn't dodge the attack and was successfully hit. Fortunately, it had a high level and took it down. Then Xiaoguang immediately launched a counterattack, "Bogaman, use the bubble light!"

"Chrysanthemum leaves, use up the wall!" The piano tone became calm, and quickly set up a defensive position.

The light wall blocked half of the power of the foam light, and the attribute resistance was reduced by half. This water attack was no different from a shower to Chrysanthemum Leaf.

But Xiaoguang also knew this trick very well, "Good chance, Bogaman, make a peck!"

The wall of light only reduces the damage of special attacks, but it has no effect on physical attacks. It breaks through the wall of light at once and successfully hits the chrysanthemum leaves. This is an attack with outstanding effects, but it is not as easy to deal with as before.

"Very good, Pogaman, one more peck!"

Xiaoguang planned to take advantage of the victory to pursue, and Bogaman rushed forward again. This time the peck seemed to be slightly different from the previous one. Not only was it sharper, but Bogaman's entire body spun.

With just one blow, the chrysanthemum leaves were completely defeated.

"This is not a peck, but a more powerful peck drill, Bogaman, is his level already so high!" Tian Lin said with a smile.

"Peck drill!" Xiaoguang also noticed the change in Bogaman, and said with joy, "Great, Bogaman, you have learned a new trick."

"Boga!" Bogaman patted his chest, his face full of pride.

The strength of this guy has become much stronger, but his personality that is easy to get carried away has not changed at all.

Qin Yin took back the chrysanthemum leaves, "I'm so sorry, chrysanthemum leaves, my order was wrong, but you did a great job!"

After finishing speaking, Qin Yin came to Xiaoguang with a box, "Congratulations, Xiaoguangguang, come, this is the gift promised to you before the game, open it and take a look!"

"Thank you Qinyin!" Xiaoguang took the gift box and opened it. There was actually an egg inside, a Pokemon egg with a red round spot on a blue background.

"I don't know what Pokémon this egg will hatch, it's really exciting!" Qin Yin laughed.

"This is obviously the egg of the Fireball Rat!" Tianlin below shook his head. Qin Yin probably didn't know it. After all, the pattern is exactly the same as the Fireball Rat's back, and Chengdu Yusanjia, the small saw crocodile and the chrysanthemum grass have already appeared. , Fireball rat can't be absent.

Qin Yin actually didn't want to tell Xiaoguang so early. After all, expecting something to hatch from the egg is a great pleasure in itself.

The Chengdu special exhibition ended in the evening, but Qin Yin didn't want to go back to Chengdu so soon, so he asked Yicheng's father, "Uncle, can I stay for a few more days? It's hard to see me. The idol Tianlin and Xiaoguangguang have become good friends. I heard that they are going to the Water Lily Town to participate in the gorgeous competition, and I want to see it too!"

"Dad, I want to go too, Tian Lin has so much knowledge about Pokémon, I want to learn more from him!" Yicheng also pleaded beside him.

It seems that the two of them have very strong wishes. Yicheng's father looked at Tianlin Xiaoguang, "Tianlin, are you willing to take the two of them with you?"

"Of course you can." Tianlin Xiaoguang readily agreed, and it was more interesting to travel with more people.

Especially Xiaoguang, she could not get along with Qinyin for a while longer.

Now that the two agreed, Yicheng's father had no reason to refuse. He just told them to come back early. Just as everyone cheered, the Pokémon eggs that Xiaoguang had just obtained began to sparkle.

The egg has been in the accelerating incubator and has long reached the brink of hatching.

Xiaoguang hurriedly opened the box and waited quietly. Finally, the 313 rays of light disappeared, revealing the true face of the Pokémon. A little fireball rat became Xiaoguang's new partner.

This is one of the main forces of Xiaoguang in the future. In order to better understand it, Tianlin used the system to detect its data.

Fireball Rat, Fire Rat Pokémon, Fire Element, Male, Fierce Fire, Introverted Personality (Adds Special Attack and Reduces Physical Attack), Height 0.5m, Weight 7.9kg, Excellent Qualification, Heavenly King-level Potential, Current Strength Novice-level Intermediate, Possess Skills: Impact, Gaze, Smoke Screen, Spark, Fire Wheel, Force of Nature.

As expected of the Pokémon eggs carefully selected for the Chengdu special exhibition, the hatched eggs are ten times better than those used by the Pokémon Company for step counting.

Tianlin said with satisfaction, "Very nice little guy, Xiaoguang, you have to take good care of him!"

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