"It's so beautiful, Tian Lin deserves to be a top coordination trainer, this trick is really amazing~'!" Xiaoguang's eyes suddenly lit up, and now she still remembers complaining about Tianlin, her mind is full of letting Tianlin hand in after the game Give her the idea of ​​​​this trick, which will definitely be of great use in the gorgeous competition.

"It's not as simple as being beautiful. The snorkeling Itachi absorbs the power of the water's fluctuations, and the next blow will definitely increase its power." Experts see the doorway, and Dr. Damu can better understand the magic of this trick.

Tianlin also thought so, the next blow, the winner will be decided, "I'm coming, Mr. Sugarloaf, you are ready to take the trick!"

Feeling Tianlin's sudden surge in momentum, Sugarcane did not dare to be careless, and said alertly, "Come on, Tianlin."

"Okay, surging waves, rushing to the other side of the horizontal line, Z move, super water whirlpool!" Tianlin's means of pressing the bottom of the box is exactly Z move, the incomparably huge water flow begins to condense, this move is far more powerful than before

"It's actually Z, the super-armored rhinoceros, use the rock cannon!" Sugarcane is already mentally prepared, although he knows that Tianlin's next blow is bound to be extremely powerful, but he did not expect that it would be such a big trick as the Z move. .

"Go, snorkeling ferret!"

Tianlin shouted loudly, and the snorkeling Itachi threw out the super current whirlpool, and the huge water pressure instantly crushed the super-armored rhino's extremely powerful rock cannon into powder.

This blow has completely surpassed the level of the Heavenly King.

The super-armored mad rhino was covered by a huge vortex, and even with the characteristics of hard rock, it could not stop the blow. The super-armored mad rhino completely lost its fighting ability, and Tianlin won.

"Wow, what a fierce confrontation, that boy can actually defeat Mr. Sugarcane!" This wonderful offensive and defensive battle won the hearts of every Futaba Town resident, and they cheered for the two opponents together.

"Daddy's super-armored rhino actually lost, what is the Z move? It's so powerful that it requires a fine!" Ah Xun dared not believe it, he couldn't remember how long he hadn't seen his father defeated.

When he thought of the alliance competition, once he and Tian Lin faced off, he might have to take on this terrifying trick, even if he had a hearty personality, he couldn't help but have some lingering fears.

Looking at Tian Lin surrounded by the crowd, Dr. Damu showed a proud smile, "I didn't expect Tian Lin to even master Alora's Z move. It seems that he has gotten a lot of adventures recently!"

For the doctor, the more outstanding Tianlin is, the happier he is. After all, as a teacher, the happiest thing is that his disciples become talents. As for Tianlin's own luck, he will not go to the bottom of it.

"Tianlin, congratulations on your victory, I haven't met such a powerful trainer as you for a long time!" Julang came to Tianlin with the golden trophy in his hand, "'" The wonderful use of the water wave, and the Z move , all startled me, but I had a great time playing. "

"Actually, the method of swallowing the fluctuation of water to increase power is very tricky. Although it will greatly increase the power of Pokémon in a short period of time, it is an overloaded state and cannot be used continuously. It's too big, I don't usually use this tactic." Tian Lin explained.

"Well, but in any case, congratulations on your victory, please accept the trophy!" Sugar nut handed the trophy to Tianlin, and Tianlin handed it over to his sister. The honor of his journey has one more punishment. .

"By the way, Tianlin, have you decided on your final gym?" Sugar nut suddenly asked, "If you haven't decided yet, I recommend you go to the gym in Lakeside City to see if you can. Let the Gym trainer at the Lakeside Gym fire up the fighting spirit."

"Thank you for your suggestion. The Hubin Gym is known as the strongest Gym in Shenao. Mr. Dian (very good) is my goal this time!" Tian Lin said.

"Well, then I wish you well, today, enjoy the last night of the festival!" Sugar nut said, and left with a smile.

On the last night of the festival, there were no other activities, just carnivals. Tian Lin danced with Xiaoguang, and Ah Tun started singing inexplicably just like before. This was completely freeing himself.

Early the next morning, Dr. Damu and Jun Shalan were about to leave. Jun Shalan reluctantly held Xiaoguang's hand and explained that it was nothing more than that if Tianlin bullied her, she would sue her at any time. .

The doctor told Tianlin not to be careless because of the progress of his strength, but to understand that there is no limit to learning, which is indeed a teaching that is very consistent with the status of a teacher.

Soon, after Tianlin Xiaoguang watched the doctor and sister leave in the car, they also said goodbye to Miss Caizi and continued their journey.

Chapter [-]: The Evil Porkpie Appears

Starting from Futaba Town again, Tianlin and Xiaoguang's purpose this time is to go to Waterlily Town to participate in the upcoming gorgeous competition there. They have to take a little detour, but this is not a big deal.

In the past few days, Xiaoguang has been practicing the devouring trick that Tianlin showed before to strengthen his strength. To achieve this level, the Pokémon's physique must be strong enough.

That is to say, if the hard power is enough, what Xiaoguang's team can do is currently only an ivory pig, and the way for the ivory pig to increase its strength is to swallow the boulder trick.

At noon, Tianlin was cooking lunch as usual, while Xiaoguang continued to train hard.

To achieve Tianlin's step, it's not just talking about it, Pokémon has a perfect control of its own unique power, otherwise the cohesion power is too small, it will be useless to swallow, and it will hurt itself if it is too large.

After a period of familiarity, the ivory pig has gradually mastered it.

"Ivory Pig, one more boulder!"

The ivory pig tried his best to control his strength, and when the boulders condensed to a certain size, Xiaoguang hurriedly ordered, "Okay, that's it, swallow the boulders now."

This is the most perfect boulder so far. Next, as long as the ivory pig remembers this feeling, the move will be completed. Unfortunately, when the ivory pig was just about to take the last step, a flame suddenly spewed out of the grass, not only smashing the ice The gravel melted completely and burned the ivory pig.

Xiaoguang ran forward anxiously, "Ivory Pig, are you alright!"

The ivory pig shook his head. Although the move just now was a fire-type attack, it didn't seem to be very powerful, and it was no big deal. Seeing this, Xiaoguang breathed a sigh of relief, and then said angrily, "Damn, who is the flame just now? Squirting, the ivory pig has a hard time finding the right feeling!"

Xiaoguang pushed aside the grass angrily, only to see a very cute Porkby looking at her with aggrieved expression, and pointing to a small shaking grass not far away.

There seemed to be something in the grass, but when Xiaoguang stepped forward to check it, there was nothing.

"Porkby, have you seen the murderer who just sprayed flames, did he bully you?" Xiaoguang picked up Porkby, she speculated that something in the grass just attacked the ivory pig with flames, and was killed by Porkby. When Bi saw it, the guy bullied Porkby and ran away.

"Correct!" Porkby nodded his head with tears in his eyes. With that aggrieved look and cute face, Xiaoguang broke the defense instantly, which was extremely distressing.

"Xiaoguang, what happened?" Hearing the movement, Tian Lin also came over, and of course also noticed the little guy in Xiaoguang's arms, "What's going on with Porkby?"

"Is such that......."

Xiaoguang told Tianlin what happened, and suddenly the unknown Pokémon that attacked her with jet flames disappeared instantly after bullying Porkby.

Tian Lin wanted to break his head, but he couldn't think of who such a Pokémon would be. To say that it disappeared without a trace, it should be a super power-type trick to teleport, but among Pokémon that can use teleportation, it seems that There is no existence that is small and can learn to spray flames. It can't be a dream, or is it some new species that has not been discovered?

"Forget it, I guess it's some naughty little guy. Anyway, my side and Porkby are all right. You can continue to work. I'm going to retrain." Xiaoguang waved his hand, not wanting to pursue further investigations, God Seeing this, Lin temporarily put down the doubts in his heart.

Xiaoguang put Porkby next to the grass, "You have to be good, wait for Tianlin's lunch to be ready, I will take you to eat together, now my sister is going to train, you can rest here!"

"Correct!" Porkby nodded obediently, and that look made Xiaoguang so cute.

"Okay, Ivory Pig, let's retrain and use boulders!"

The ivory pig once again condensed the boulders, trying to regain the feeling just now. The boulders took shape again, and the size was moderate. At this time, another jet of flame hit, completely melting the ice.

This broke Xiao Guangqi, and it seemed that someone was deliberately making trouble.

"Correct!" Porkby called out again, pointing at a piece of grass (aiea), and Xiaoguang looked at it, and sure enough, there was something in the grass, and it was shaking very much, and a little figure could still be seen, but when Xiaoguang pushed away the grass again, but still didn't see anything, and the thing disappeared in an instant.

"Damn, it's teleportation again, it must be some super-type Pokémon!" Xiaoguang complained.

Tianlin came over again and said, "No, Xiaoguang, it's not a super power-type Pokémon. I have been paying attention to the surroundings just now. After the Pokémon uses teleportation, the space will vibrate slightly, and this shock will definitely escape. But my perception."

"It's not a super-type Pokémon, so what is it?" Xiaoguang suddenly became puzzled. Except for teleportation, she really couldn't think of any other tricks that could disappear without a trace in an instant.

"Perhaps, the murderer never left here at all, right, Porkby, I remember that you can learn the trick of spraying flames!" Tian Lin looked at Porkby and smiled.

"Correction!" When Porkby heard Tianlin doubt it, he cried without saying a word, which is called a grievance.

"Don't cry, don't cry!" Xiaoguang hurriedly picked him up to comfort him, "Tianlin, what nonsense are you talking about, when I was attacked just now, Porkby and the escaped Pokémon were in two completely different places. , how could it be the murderer?"

"Maybe, Porkby has a unique trick that can create a physical clone, a stand-in, if I guess correctly, every time Porkby attacks you, he will create a stand-in in the grass to attract your attention. , when you go to check it, it will immediately eliminate the substitute to create its own alibi." Tian Lin speculated.

"And I also have the evidence. That is Porkby's state. Don't you think that Porkby looks very tired compared to just now?"

Hearing Tianlin's words, Xiaoguang noticed that at this time, Porkby was gasping for breath, which meant that his physical strength had been consumed just now. Skill.

With so many coincidences and Tianlin's analysis, Xiaoguang finally began to doubt, "Porkby, it's not really you, is it?"

"Correct!" Porkby raised his head, and at this time it stopped pretending, showing a bad smile.

This smile is creepy. Tianlin has never seen such a Porkby before. Porkby introduced it in the illustrated book, but it can turn warmth and joy into happiness. Pokémon, its smile is always so innocent Evil, just like Xiaoxia's back then.

But this guy, full of bad-boy vibes, is simply an outlier in Porkby.

Chapter [-]: Conquering Porkby

Porkby, Fairy type, female, Pinball Pokémon, characteristic of grace, bold personality (plus defense minus attack), height 0.4m, weight 1.8kg, excellent qualifications, champion-level potential, current strength gym-level entry level , with skills: Command, Angel's Kiss, Morning Light, Charming, Magical Shine, Spiritual Intent, Jet Fire, Stand-in, Primal Power.

Tianlin looked at the data of this Porkby in surprise. It is indeed the most evil Porkby in the beginning. The potential of aptitude is amazing. He has not evolved once, but his strength has reached the level of a gym.

"I didn't expect you to be a bad boy!" Xiaoguang crossed his hips and looked at Porkby with dissatisfaction, "Let's see how I teach you, Ivory Pig, make a slam!"

With anger, the ivory pig swooped away, but this Porkby was extremely dexterous. It once again used a substitute trick, leaving a substitute in place and was hit by the ivory pig, but the deity jumped on top of the ivory pig and took the opportunity to use it. With the kiss of an angel, the ivory pig immediately fell into chaos, ramming around.

Seeing this, Xiaoguang quickly took out the Poké Ball, "Come back, Ivory Pig.-"

"This child is really difficult to deal with, and his fighting consciousness is also very good. Xiaoguang, you step back, let me come next." Tianlin stood in front of Xiaoguang and pointed to Porkby, "You mischievous little girl, I'm going to launch a subjugation war against you, dare to accept it!"

Porkby did not answer Tianlin directly, but looked up at the sky, and a dazzling beam of light suddenly shone down. This is its unique trick, morning light, a recovery skill. Now the weather is so good, the recovery ability of this trick morning light will be It's very strong, and it makes Porkby almost back to its peak in one fell swoop.

Standing in front of Tianlin with a full attitude, this is a response from Porkby.

"Very well, then I'll leave it to you this time, Rotom!"

Tianlin went to Rotom, but there were no electrical appliances here, so it was only Rotom in its original form, but it was enough to deal with Porkby.

"Rotom, use the grid!"

Tian Lin preempted, Rotom opened a grid, and it came up and covered Porkby.

Porkby couldn't break free from the net for a while, so he blinked playfully at Rotom, and suddenly hearts flew out one by one. This is his special trick, charming.

Previously, many passers-by's Pokémon were rectified by this trick. Once it hits, it would make the opponent completely obsessed with itself, making it impossible to fight.

Unfortunately, this trick didn't work on Rotom. I saw that although the hearts successfully hit it, it seemed to be completely indifferent. There was nothing to do. This guy has no gender at all, so how could he be fascinated by the charm.

"What a pity, Porkby, your best tactics won't work for me, Rotom, Wisps!"

Before Porkby broke free from the power grid, Tianlin ordered Rotom to release a ghost fire and burned Porkby. To subdue it, increasing the abnormal state was a very effective method.

Porkby seemed to be provoked, and it also spit out a fire, burning the power grid to the ground, and Porkby, who was freed, began to shake his fingers.

Porkby shook his fingers, and bursts of silver light began to converge. Tian Lin realized that this should be a steel-based skill.

"Will this steel-type energy gather too much? Bokoby's body is so small, it will be overloaded." Tian Lin worried, "This steel-type trick that can hurt a thousand enemies and self-destruct [-], I will be overloaded. Got it, it's iron hoof light!"

"Rotom, use the wall of light!"

For this kind of big trick, Tian Lin didn't dare to block it directly.

The power far exceeds the silver-white light of the cannon light cannon, which has reached a power close to the level of a quasi-celestial king.Xiaoguang on the side looked horrified. I didn't expect such a little guy to have such a huge power in his body.

'boom! '

The entire forest was accompanied by a huge explosion, sending up endless smoke and dust.

"Huh, what a powerful force, it is indeed the light of iron hoofs, if it weren't for Rotom's wall of light, I'm afraid it might not be able to support it!" Tian Lin breathed a sigh of relief, and indeed commanding is a unique trick with infinite possibilities.

However, this time, Porkby still lost. Since Iron Hoof Light did not defeat Rotom, it would also be attacked by a unique trick, which would damage half of his stamina. With the previous damage, Porkby was already on the verge of a limit.

"Little guy, please give me more advice in the future, I will take care of your mischief-loving problem, go, luxury ball!"

Tianlin chose the luxury ball to capture. After all, Porkby needs to rely on intimacy to evolve, and this ball is very useful.

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