Chapter nine hundred and thirty-eight, the battle against the maharaja comes on the stage

Dr. Ogi's lecture is over. As usual, a large group of children can ask the doctor for help to answer their doubts about cultivating Pokémon.

There are many children in Futaba Town, all of them are newcomers who are about to set off. Dr. Damu likes to guide newcomers to grow like this, so he does not refuse anyone who comes, and answers every question carefully for them.

Some of these children already have Pokémon, most of them are little ones such as Green Caterpillar and Mukele.But there is also a strange one, his Pokémon is actually Banquilas, good guy, a child who has not traveled yet, is it really good to have a quasi-god in such a final state?

Sure enough, even in this Pokémon world, it's not absolutely fair. The young master of a wealthy family has obtained a quasi-god since he was a child and began to cultivate it. The starting point is too high for ordinary people.

 The question-and-answer period of "[*]" lasted for an afternoon. In the evening, Dr. Damu was freed and came to Caizi's house with Tianlin.

"Dr. Damu, today's lecture was very successful, thank you so much!" Caizi said gratefully.

"Where, I am also very happy to see so many outstanding children. Futaba Town is really outstanding. Although none of the children just now can match Tianlin, there are a few whose potential is not inferior to Xiaozhi Xiaomao. It's really good." Dr. Damu praised.

"Thank you for your compliment, the ceremony will officially start after tomorrow, please have fun, Xiaoguang, you should accompany Miss Jun Shalan and the doctor more!"

"I know my mother, I have already agreed with Sister Lan, and I will take her to eat all the delicacies in Shuangye Town tomorrow." Xiaoguang answered enthusiastically, she was very fond of Sister Tianlin, and was very willing to be courteous.

"Xiaoguang is really a good child. He is sensible, cute and polite. Unlike my stupid brother, he is far less interesting than when he was a child." Jun Shalan glanced at Tianlin resentfully. When he was a child, the cute Tianlin It is her favorite little toy, and playing with Tianlin every day is her happiest thing.

But as she grew up, Tian Lin's character became more and more serious, and she could no longer find the fun of playing with her younger brother. Now Xiaoguang's appearance just brought back her childhood memories of Tian Lin.

"You're joking, my family Xiaoguang is too naive. Every time she says there is no problem, it is the most problematic time. If it weren't for Tianlin's support all the way, she still doesn't know how much trouble she would have caused!"

Caizi and Jun Shalan started a polite business exchange. The doctor, Tianlin and others were very wise not to get involved. Once a woman got involved in this kind of topic, she would never stop for a few hours.

In the early morning of the second day, everyone packed up and went out early. Caizi was a member of the festival, and she needed to preside over every matter of the festival, so she had no time to entertain everyone.

According to what was said yesterday, Xiaoguang took Dr. Damu to go shopping with Jun Shalan, while Tianlin went to visit the festival alone.

Just when Tian Lin was wandering freely, suddenly, a guy rushed over and hit Tian Lin's chest with a 'bang', and then of course was bounced back by the reaction force.

Tian Lin took a closer look at this familiar scene, and sure enough, it was the rash boy of Ah Tung again.

"What are you doing, Tianlin, it's you again, this is the third time you've bounced me off, and you'll be fined!" Ah Thun stood up and complained.

"Ah Tun, you are back as expected. Speaking of which, you are indeed a member of Futaba Town, so it is only natural for you to attend this festival." Tian Lin said.

"Of course, I came back on a special trip, but I didn't expect to meet you. In that case, do you want to come and fight!" Ah Thun suddenly launched an invitation to fight, this guy and Xiao Zhi really have some points like.

Tianlin waved his hand, "Forget it this time. It's a rare festival. I want to have a good rest today. If I really want to fight, I heard that there will be a festival battle tomorrow, so why don't you leave it until that time!"

"Yeah, I remembered it, and my daddy will also participate tomorrow." Hearing this, Ah Xun suddenly became excited, "My daddy is very strong, he is the strongest pioneer in the Shenao battle zone. Brain, according to the rules, as long as you win the battle tomorrow, you can challenge him."

"Is Shenao's strongest pioneering brain?" Tianlin became interested. Tianlin had already seen the strength of Kanto's strongest pioneering brain, Shendai. Compared with the Four Heavenly Kings, he was only stronger or weaker. What is his strength? He can't wait to compete with Ah Xun's father.  …

In the evening, today's festival activities are gradually coming to an end, everyone is ready to close the stalls and go back to rest. Caizi Xiaoguang walked back with Dr. Damu and Sister Lan. At this time, behind them, there was a middle-aged man with blond hair.

This man is somewhat similar to Ah Tung. If you guessed correctly, he should be Ah Tung's father, Mr. Sugarloaf.

Sugarcane and Caiko are known as the two most famous characters in Futaba Town. After all, they have reached the level close to the ceiling on the two paths of Pokémon Trainer and Coordinator Trainer respectively.

Along the way, people kept saying hello to Sugarcane, and Sugarcane responded enthusiastically.

"Dear residents of Shuangye Town, hello, man, sugar nut, now you're back in Shuangye Town, where you've been away for a long time, come out and say hello to everyone, fast dragon!"

Sugarcane's partner is Kuailong, Tianlin used the system to investigate, the level is ridiculously high, champion-level junior, this level of guy is the gatekeeper of the development area, although it is a little bit inferior to the three gods of the gods, But for ordinary people, it is no different from facing the Age of God, and the odds of winning are zero.

Everyone in Futaba Town knows this fast dragon, and Ah Thun introduced, "The fast dragon is my father's original Pokémon. When he left Futaba Town to travel, it was just a mini dragon, and now it has been Become one of the strongest Pokémon in God 4.0."

Ah Tung admires his father very much. His goal has always been to become a trainer like his father, which is very similar to Xiaoguang.

"Shenao vs. Maharaja, is it really interesting to be with his strongest partner? Tomorrow, let me have a good experience!" Tian Lin looked awe-inspiring, stepped forward and said, "Mr. , I am Tianlin, your opponent tomorrow!"

Tianlin is very confident. He knows that no one here can block his footsteps, and it must be himself who will stand in front of Sugar Palm tomorrow.

Hang Lang glanced at Tian Lin and laughed and said, "Haha, I'm really confident, boy, Tian Lin, right? I know that you, like me, are the pioneering brains of the development area, but you just haven't taken office, I look forward to you challenge!".

Chapter [*] Tianlin VS Sugar Palm

"Everyone in Futaba Town, today is the last day of the Futaba Festival, which is held as usual, so let's revel to the end!"

On the last day of the Futaba Festival, the last program that many trainers had been waiting for was finally about to start. Ms. Caiko, who was in charge of the host, was dressed in full costumes, just like she was participating in a large-scale celebration.

She threw two Poke Balls high, and with the ribbons flying, Moon Ibrahimovic and Charming Meow made lightning flashes and flew out of the balls, dragging splendid white lights in the air.

This dazzling scene ignited the atmosphere of the venue, and everyone cheered.

Miss Caizi raised the microphone and continued, "Thanks to everyone for making this festival so exciting and lively, now, the long-awaited finale event is about to begin!"

"First of all, let's welcome this special guest, the pride of our Futaba Town, against Mr. Sugarloaf, please come on stage!" Caizi stretched out his hand to the audience, and a blond man stood up and walked slowly into the center of the venue .

Seeing him, Caizi was very relieved. 08 Because this unremarkable Mr. Sugarcane sometimes can't distinguish the priorities of things, he often does not know where to go on important occasions.

In fact, the fact that Sugarcane is so serious this time is all because of Tian Lin's appointment yesterday. He attaches great importance to Tian Lin. It is an opponent that even he must use all his strength to deal with.

"Mr. Sugarcane, we are very grateful for your special trip to attend this conference. Now, please say a few words for everyone!" Caizi handed the microphone to Sugarcane.

"I'm very honored to be able to do a little bit for the traditional Futaba festival. Then, who is the person who can stand in front of me at the end, please do your best!" Sugarcane said succinctly and comprehensively.

The rules of this competition are very simple. Anyone can sign up for the competition, and the winner will be directly determined in the form of a knockout. In addition to the commemorative trophy prepared by Futaba Town, the winner can also compete with the king of sugar palm. In a match, all the trainers who hope to get his guidance will do their best.

The competition started very soon. Most of the applicants this time were young trainers such as Tianlin, Xiaoguang, Axun, etc. Xiaoguang was very lucky. He ran into Tianlin in the first round, and he was killed in seconds, crying. I went to complain to Jun Shalan, and it is estimated that Tian Lin will inevitably be reprimanded tonight.

On the other hand, Ah Hun's strength is also outstanding, winning again and again, and it is he and Tianlin who meet in the final final.

It's a pity that the gap between his strength is still not small compared to Tianlin. With the advantage of attributes, Tianlin used the Roentgen cat to lighten the emperor Nabo and won the final victory.

"Damn, I said it all, it's me who is going to challenge Daddy, and Tian Lin will be fined!" After the game, the unwilling Ah Tung kept complaining while eating the octopus bucket balls.

"That's right, Tianlin is too bullying!" Xiaoguang also helped, she hadn't come out of the anger of being killed in seconds.

But now Tian Lin can't be bothered to pay attention to these two children who have made a bad temper, and he has already stood in front of him against the maharaja.

"Tianlin, you did abide by yesterday's agreement and did a good job. Compared with you, my stupid son is really far behind." Sugarcane is also looking forward to the battle with Tianlin, "Then, let's go, Chao. A mad rhino!"

Sugar Lang took the lead in sending out Pokémon. A behemoth stood in the center of the venue, shaking the entire venue. It was a super-armored rhinoceros. , seems to have been bred to perfection.

Of course, this guy is not a member of the Sugarcane first team, but a solid fortress who usually tests challengers. Sugarcane knows that Tianlin will not use those trump cards at home, so he naturally has to come up with suitable opponents.

That being said, the strength of this super-armored rhinoceros is still as high as the first-level Tianwang level, and I don't know how many challengers have smashed their halberds in front of it.

"It's really strong, can you take out such a Pokémon at your fingertips, then snorkeling Itachi, please!"

Tian Lin wouldn't be foolish enough to compete head-on with a heavyweight Pokémon like the Super Armored Crazy Rhinoceros like the original Xiao Zhi. He still felt that winning with speed was the way to go.

The strength of the snorkeling Itachi is currently the middle-level quasi-king, but with four times the attribute advantage, it is not impossible to win, and don't forget, Tian Lin also has a big killer in his hand.

"Tianlin, come on!"

As the game started, Xiaoguang also put down his complaints and cheered for Tianlin with Jun Shalan.

"I shot first, snorkeling itachi, making the water fluctuate!"

In the face of Pokémon like Super Armored Crazy Rhino, Tian Lin didn't have any idea of ​​​​trying, and it was the best trick of snorkeling itachi.

"Super armored rhinoceros, use rock to polish!"

Unexpectedly, in the face of this powerful blow, Sugar Palm not only did not dodge, but instead took the opportunity to strengthen, the water wave successfully hit, and the super-armored rhino swayed, looking very uncomfortable.

Tianlin could see that this super-armored rhino had the characteristics of hard rock, which could reduce the damage caused by restraint tricks.

However, no matter how to weaken the power, it is effective, it is only reduced from four times restraint to three times restraint, Tianlin's advantage is still very large.

"It turned out to be the plan, then, snorkeling itachi, use the water wave again!"

"Super armored rhinoceros, rock cannons!"

After the rock is polished, the speed of the super armored rhinoceros has greatly increased, and the efficiency of the unique trick of condensing power is also much higher by more than 310, but even so, the first shot is the snorkeling Itachi.

The fluctuation of the water disrupted the shape of the super armored rhinoceros, so that although the rock cannon was successfully launched, it deviates slightly from the direction, and the snorkeling Itachi jumped slightly and easily avoided the attack.

"Mr. Sugarcane, your super-armored rhino cultivating method is very correct, but it is precisely this kind of correctness that makes the super-armored rhino even if it doubles its speed, it is far from my snorkeling Weasel's opponent!" Tian Lin said with a smile.

Sugar Palm's super-armored rhinoceros is a perfect practice based on what it is best at, which means that he has not cultivated the speed of super-armored rhinoceros at all, and all his energy is on attack and defense.

Tianlin's method of cultivating the snorkeling ferret is to limit the speed and cultivate the double-knife route of double-attack at the same time.

In this way, the basic speed of the super armored rhinoceros is too far away, and it cannot be smoothed by a single rock grinding. Usually, the method of facing the general challenger sugar palm is very useful, but in the face of Tianlin's special limit The trained Pokémon seems a little stretched.

"What a tough guy to deal with!" Sugar nut was suppressed, a little unhappy.

In a head-to-head confrontation, the snorkeling Itachi, whose strength differs by a large stage, is not an opponent of the super armored rhino by any means, but attacking the enemy's shortcomings with his own strengths is exactly Tianlin's best fighting method.

Chapter [*] The Z move reproduction ceremony ends

"Snorkeling ferret, continue to attack, the water fluctuates!"

After using the rock cannon, the super-armored rhino inevitably had a period of rigidity, and Tian Lin certainly would not miss this great opportunity to attack.

Hit three waves of water in a row, even if the super armored rhino has the characteristics of hard rock, it is already seriously injured at this moment. If its hard strength exceeds that of the snorkeling Itachi, I am afraid that it has already fallen.

"Very good, a very high-level fighting style, then the super armored rhinoceros, make an earthquake!" The temporary disadvantage will not make Sulang panic, he has rich fighting experience, and quickly changed the effective attack method.

The super armored rhinoceros stepped on the ground, and the huge power of the Tianwang class made the audience shake. The snorkeling Itachi was not only hit hard by the earthquake, but also stood unsteadily because of the shaking of the ground, so it was impossible to find an opportunity to counterattack.

"What a strong earthquake, since this is the case, I will get off the ground, snorkel it, and make a jet of water!"

The snorkeling Itachi flew into the air with the help of the water jet, and rushed towards the super armored rhinoceros like a cannonball.

"Super armored rhinoceros, use your arm punch!" Sue Lang ordered.

The super-armored rhino actually faced it head-on. Its physical defense is really excellent. If the fluctuation of water has any effect, then the power of this water jet is very small for it.

'Boom! '

After resisting the next blow, the super armored rhino directly punched the snorkeling Itachi.

"After so many attacks, he still stands still. Sure enough, the gap between the quasi-celestial king and the heavenly king is too big." Tian Lin gritted his teeth, and then he remembered something, "By the way, try Xiaozhi's method, maybe you can Increase the power of the snorkel!"

"Snorkeling ferret, condensing the fluctuation of water!"

The snorkeling ferret condensed a blue water ball again, but this time it didn't send it out, but after it was completely formed, Tianlin suddenly ordered, "Eat it!"

The snorkeling Itachi did not hesitate, obeyed his master's order, and swallowed the fluctuation of the water.

In an instant, a trace of blue streamer like water ripples appeared on the surface of the snorkeling ferret, which looked mysterious and charming.

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