The forest is very big, and it is impossible to pass through it in one day. While Tianlin is preparing dinner, Xiaoguang is training hard for the next gorgeous competition. She plans to make the water lily conference a debut battle for ivory pigs.

It is a pity that although the ivory pig has recognized Xiaoguang, it is still difficult to change its lazy personality.

Xiaoguang could only persuade him, "Listen to the ivory pig, in the gorgeous competition it's not just about fighting, but also about the charm of your unique skills. No matter how strong you are, if you are not as gorgeous as others, you will easily fail. Yes, so let's work hard together and learn the gorgeous usage of the ultimate trick!"

She persuaded her hard-heartedly, but the ivory pig was a little impatient. Holding her ivory, she slammed into a big tree. A fruit fell from the tree, and it opened its mouth and ate it in its stomach. .

"This is a big problem!" The corner of Xiaoguang's mouth twitched. Although Ivory Pig was indeed much better than before, it was still difficult to discipline compared to other Pokémon.

She didn't give up, she stepped forward and encouraged the ivory pig, "Ivory pig, why don't you try it yourself, maybe you will like it, so be confident!"

"First, throw boulders into the air, and then use your fangs to smash the falling boulders!"

Xiaoguang issued an order, and the ivory pig acted obediently this time. The boulders hit the sky, and then fell quickly due to gravity. The ivory pig saw the opportunity and smashed the boulders with his fangs, and the ice cubes turned into ice. The crumbs drifted away, quite a bit gorgeous.

"You're so beautiful, you really are a powerful ivory pig!" Xiaoguang said happily, "Okay, do it again, this time rotate your body to strengthen your aura. If you make the boulders smaller, it will be even more beautiful!"

The ivory pig seems to be feeling it, obediently completing the instructions, the training is like this, it must be put in to be effective, but this time, the ivory pig failed. , in Xiaoguang, let the ivory pig use the turning technique, and even return the fist shield, what does this stupid girl think 0 ........

The turning skills are really powerful, but the size of the Pokémon must also be considered. When did she see Tianlin let a cumbersome Pokémon like the Tutai Turtle use the Return Fist shield.

This is a technique that can only be used by a light and ethereal Pokémon to exert its greatest power.

On the side, seeing the ivory pig shriveled, the mischievous Pachiritz and Pogaman were about to laugh madly. The cauliflower monkey was a newborn child and didn't understand anything. Hearing the two brothers laugh, they also laughed together. up.

Seeing this scene, Ivory Pig was immediately unhappy. He wanted to teach them a lesson, but was stopped by Xiaoguang. The angry Ivory Pig ran away from home and got into the depths of the forest.

Xiaoguang hurriedly chased after him. When Tianlin finished cooking and was about to ask her to eat, he only saw a few little guys playing around, and he didn't see Xiaoguang's shadow at all.

"What's the matter, Xiaoguang? Bogaman, tell me!"

As the eldest brother in Xiaoguang's team, Tianlin of course had to ask Bogaman, but the penguin seemed to know that he had done something wrong and did not dare to answer.

In the end, it was the darling girl who ran over to 4.0 with curly ears. After Suijun translated it, Tian Lin figured out what happened, and taught Bogaman and Pachiritz a lesson, "You two, How can you laugh at the hard-trained Pokémon, not to mention that the ivory pig is your friend, and you have also damaged the cauliflower monkey along the way, really!"

Bogaman and Pachilitz were not afraid of the gentle little light, but they were still in awe of Tianlin, and the two little guys bowed their heads in shame.

Now Tian Lin didn't have the time to reprimand them any more, and let them go and reflect on their own, while he arranged dinner and waited for Xiaoguang to come back and eat it.

Unexpectedly, after waiting for half an hour, Tianlin still couldn't see Xiaoguang's figure, which made him a little anxious. This forest is so big, she won't be lost, right? .

Chapter [*] King of the Forest Giant Vines

"No, I can't worry about Xiaoguang, Bogaman, you wait here, I'll find her!"

Seeing that Xiaoguang hadn't returned for a long time, Tianlin couldn't bear it any longer, but this camp couldn't be unguarded, if Xiaoguang came back by himself.

In fact, Tianlin's worry was right. Xiaoguang didn't find his way back, but was in trouble.

When she finally comforted the ivory pig about to return home, suddenly, a giant vine jumped down from the tree.

The giant vine is known as the king of the forest. In the forest, its power can be exerted to the greatest extent. However, the giant vine will only use this power to protect the peace of the forest, and will not be used for evil. .

But for some reason, today's giant vines looked particularly anxious and irritable. After locking on Xiaoguang's ivory pig, they immediately launched an attack.

How could Ivory Pig's violent temper resist being beaten and not fight back, and immediately took on a challenge attitude.

Xiaoguang quickly persuaded him, "Ivory pig, you can't fight casually, and there are giant vines, please stop."

But these two Pokémon didn't intend to listen to her at all, and Ivory Pig even took the first shot regardless, and used a boulder trick, but was easily resisted by the giant vine's 08-round seed machine gun.

These two guys restrained each other, and their strengths were evenly matched. It should have been difficult to tell the winner, but this battlefield is a forest, not an ice field. Fighting here, giant vines are much more mobile than ivory pigs. , is undoubtedly more dominant.

The ivory pig was going to slam the enemy, but when he saw the giant vine jumped up, he used his vine to hang on the tree trunk. After avoiding the attack, he used a poisonous shot to hit the ivory pig in the forehead.

"It's amazing, in this case, you can only fight, Ivory Pig, use boulders!" Seeing the opponent's reluctance, Xiaoguang couldn't bear it anymore, and stepped forward to command the Ivory Pig to fight.

The ice-based trick is indeed a great threat to the giant vine. The giant vine was hit by the boulder and fell from the tree, but it seemed to be completely unaffected. With a backhand ultimate suction, it directly drained the ivory pig's body. physical strength.

After defeating the ivory pig, the giant vines threw a fruit to Xiaoguang, and then swayed away from the tree trunk.

Xiaoguang looked at the tree fruit in confusion and muttered, "This is Wenyou fruit, what's going on?"

First hurt someone else's Pokémon, and then leave the fruit that can heal the injury. I can't understand the idea of ​​this giant vine.

Probably smelling the aroma of the tree fruit, the ivory pig moved its nose and swallowed the tree fruit in one bite.

After eating the pomelo fruit, the ivory pig regained his energy immediately, and let out an angry roar, as if he wanted to settle the account with the giant vine.

"Okay, don't be angry, let's go back, Tianlin must be worried!" Xiaoguang looked at the stubborn ivory pig and tried to comfort him, "The other party is a wild Pokémon, and I didn't know where to go. already."

But this ivory pig has a bad temper, still shaking its head and twitching its nose, it seems to be looking for the breath of giant vines.

"You are such a disobedient child. If you don't leave, I have to go back first!" Xiaoguang was very angry and pretended to leave.

After taking a few steps, I turned around to observe the ivory pig, but found that it not only failed to keep up, but also walked deeper into the forest on its own.

It seems that this method of playing hard-to-get doesn't work at all for this stubborn guy.

In desperation, Xiaoguang quickly followed, she couldn't really leave the ivory pig alone in the forest.

On the other side, Tian Lin was about to enter the forest when he was stopped by a young girl.

"This boy, are you going to enter this forest? Then I want to remind you that you can't carry Pokémon, especially the bigger ones."

"Why is that?" Tian Lin asked suspiciously.

"That's because it is very strange that there is a giant vine in this forest. It will attack the Pokémon of the trainers who pass by here, especially the big Pokémon, which is the first target of its attack." The girl explained. , "What I'm investigating now is the reason why it suddenly became like this. Before the investigation is clear, it would be very dangerous to rush into the forest!"

"That's it, thank you for your warning, but I want to go in even more. A very important friend of mine is in the forest now, and by her side is a huge ivory pig. According to you, she is very easy Being attacked by the giant vines, I must go and save her!" Tian Lin thanked him and ran into the forest without hesitation.

It is now dusk. Once the sky is completely dark, the depths of this forest are very dangerous. Tian Lin must quickly find Xiaoguang.

He touched his chin and thought about it, "If Xiaoguang was attacked by a giant vine, then it must have clues to Xiaoguang, why don't you find it first, come out, Tutai Turtle!"

Since this giant vine likes to attack huge Pokémon, the figure of the Tutai Turtle will definitely lead it out.

Sure enough, after a while, I heard the sound of 'rustling' coming from above the trees, which was caused by some kind of Pokémon moving back and forth.

It should be the giant vine, it seems that it wants to disturb Tianlin's thoughts, and then suddenly attack from a certain angle.

It's a pity that this method is useless for Tian Lin, who has amazing mental power. His five senses are much stronger than ordinary people, and the small method of listening to sound and identifying positions can't be difficult for him at all.


"Tutai Turtle, the opponent is about to come out from the left, and use the Flying Leaf Knife." Tianlin ordered.

The Tutai Turtle suddenly released a large number of sharp leaves to the left, and cut the left trunk cleanly, revealing the figure of the giant vine.

Its expression was a little strange, and it seemed that Tianlin could not judge its position so accurately.

"Is that you, the giant vines that attack large Pokémon, you do have the remnants of Xiaoguang's ivory pig, you have already fought with it, tell me, where is Xiaoguang?" Tian Lin was serious He asked, but the giant vines just looked at it on alert and did not answer. Upon seeing this, Tianlin decisively ordered, "Since you are unwilling to say, then I will be welcome, Tutai Turtle, Feiye Fengfeng!"

The Flying Leaf Storm, which was larger than the Flying Leaf Quick Knife, roared out, and the amazing power not only repulsed the giant vine, but even cut the tree it stood on into branches.

The giant vines took a deep look at Tianlin. It knew that it was kicked to the iron plate today. Based on its strength, I am afraid it is not the opponent of this young man and Tutai Turtle.

Without hesitation at the moment, he jumped up another big tree and quickly escaped from here.

"Want to escape? It's not that easy!" Seeing this, Tian Lin immediately took back the turtle and stepped up to catch up.

Chapter [*]: The God of Rescue Giant Wood Forest Returns

When night fell, Xiaoguang sat on the back of the ivory pig and ran forward.

She really couldn't reverse the violent temper of the ivory pig, so she could only compromise and follow it to find the giant vine.

"Ivory Pig, are you sure the giant vine must be there?"

Hearing Xiaoguang's question, the ivory pig howled and arched its nose again, indicating that it had smelled the smell of giant vines, and it would never be wrong.

At this moment, the ivory pig suddenly stopped, and a few little guys stood in front of it, but it was the four Pokémon, Trumpet Bud, Acorn Fruit, Mushroom, and Cherry Blossom.

"Do they mean that we are not allowed to go there?" Xiaoguang wondered.

The ivory pig showed its tusks and threatened the little guys on the opposite side. Seeing that the other party had no intention of letting go, he used a slamming trick, intending to break through.

Sakura and Acorn used the magic leaf and seed machine guns respectively to force the ivory pig to stop.

Then the trumpet sprouts and the mushrooms used the suction at the same time, once again taking the power of the ivory pig, and then a few Pokémon left a grapefruit fruit and quickly escaped.

"It's Wenyou fruit again? Why?" Xiaoguang picked up the fruit. She didn't quite understand that since the other party would leave the fruit for treatment, it meant that the other party was not malicious, but why did they keep attacking the ivory pig.

"Xiaoguang!" At this moment, a voice with some anxiety came, and Xiaoguang turned back in surprise.

"Tianlin, great, you are finally here!"

"Well, you'll be fine. I found this place after following the giant vines. As I expected, as long as I follow it, I will definitely have your clues!"

Tian Lin seemed to be in a dignified manner, and it seemed that he had been looking for her without rest, which made Xiaoguang a little moved.

At this time, the ivory pig finished eating the fruit and recovered again, but this guy who didn't learn his lesson at all ran away again disobediently. It seems that it won't give up unless it takes revenge.

Tianlin Xiaoguang looked at each other and followed helplessly.

Passing through the jungle, a huge thousand-year-old giant tree appeared in front of the two of them. There was also a tree hole under the tree. The giant vine and the four Pokémon just now lived together in the tree hole. It turned out that they were companions.

Seeing the giant vine, the ivory pig was full of old hatred and new hatred. It stepped on the ground heavily with its front legs, and the fighting spirit was awe-inspiring, but this time Tianlin stopped it because the tree felt very wrong, maybe It is related to the recent abnormal actions of Giant Vines.

Tianlin stepped forward and asked, "Giant Vine, what happened to this tree~' ?"

The giant vine looked at a few people deeply for a while, but it also did not expect that this ivory pig would hold such a vengeance, I am afraid that it will not give up if it is not explained clearly today.

The giant vine took a few people around to the back of the giant tree, and saw a huge gap in the trunk behind the tree, which seemed to be split by lightning. If this continues, the tree will definitely die.

"What a big gap, this is not good!" Tian Lin frowned.

This tree is not just a tree. It is a thousand-year-old giant tree. Its roots are all over the depths of the entire forest. Once the tree dies, the so-called whole body will be affected in one stroke. I am afraid that the entire forest will be affected.

When they saw the giant vines, they used the growth trick, and injected the energy absorbed from other Pokémon into the trees. Xiaoguang and Ivory Pig quickly understood the reason why they attacked inexplicably.

The power of just a few of them is not enough, they will continue to absorb the power of other Pokémon to hope to save the giant tree, and every time they absorb the power, they will leave the fruit of restoring their stamina. In fact, these are all Pretty good kid.

"Ivory pigs, don't be angry anymore, you see, they all have difficulties." Xiaoguang persuaded.

The ivory pig stepped forward and walked to the giant vine. Xiaoguang thought it was going to attack and wanted to stop it, but was stopped by Tianlin.

I saw the ivory pig humming a few times at the giant vine, and the giant vine made a move to finally absorb the power of the ivory pig, and then used the growth to save the giant tree again.

It turned out that the ivory pig wanted to help save the tree.

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