Unfortunately, the tree was injured too badly, and even with the strength of the ivory pig, it was still a drop in the bucket.

"No, the strength is not enough, Tianlin, is there anything you can do? If you just watch the trees wither, these Pokémon living in the forest are too pitiful." Xiaoguang saw a few Pokémon's Efforts were useless, and I couldn't help but get anxious.

Tianlin shook his head, "The injury of this tree is beyond the ability of other creatures to treat it. Even if it is temporarily cured, it will not last long. To save it completely, unless the gods take action!"

Hearing his words, Xiaoguang suddenly fell into despair, and at this moment, a cute voice came from the sky, "Then, let me help!"

A burst of green light suddenly descended from the sky and shone on the trunk of the tree. The power was gentle, powerful, sacred, and contained an extremely astonishing vitality. The tree that was about to wither began to regain its vitality at a speed visible to the naked eye.

At the same time, in Tianlin's backpack, the GS, which had been silent for a long time, began to flash with bursts of light. Tianlin sensed it, took it out, and said with a happy smile, "'" Haha, it's just the right time, Because the king of the forest can't save the big tree, did the god of the forest take action himself! "

In the green light, a lovely figure slowly emerged. It was the Shirabi from the Lake of Life. The voice just now belonged to it. It seems that it obeyed Tianlin's words very well and has mastered it. The telepathy ability of the Divine Beast Association.

Shirabi rushed forward into Tian Lin's arms and said coquettishly, "Tian Lin, long time no see, I miss you so much!"

"Well, Shirabi, I also miss you very much. It seems that you are doing well, and your strength is no longer the same." Tianlin felt the strong (good) power of Shirabi, and said with great relief. Skin.

"This, this is the legendary god of the forest, Shirabi, Tianlin, you have even subdued it!" Xiaoguang stuttered when she spoke. After knowing Tianlin for so long, she still couldn't get used to it. A mythical beast suddenly appeared.

"Yeah, because of some things, it couldn't stay by my side before, but it seems that all the things that need it to do have been completed now!" Tianlin said gently when he touched Rabbi's forehead.

At this time, the two Poke Balls on his body automatically opened, and Suicune and Dream ran out.

Suijun stepped forward and said, "Lord Shirabi, it's been a long time since I saw you. I think Lord Hoo will be very happy to see you safe and sound."

Shirabi knew Suijun, and Suijun did a lot to save it, smiled and nodded.

As for the dream, it is rare to see an Eudemons like myself, and the two little cuties soon became a ball.

Chapter nine hundred and twentieth the beautiful Mijina

After the giant tree was cured, Tianlin and Xiaoguang left the forest thanks to the gratitude of the giant vine and many other forest Pokémon, but there was a cute and powerful little guy in their team, that is the whole team. The rabbi who laughs and plays with dreams.

Leaving the forest is the Tianguan Mountain Realm. This time, a speechless thing happened. The Galaxy Group was originally investigating the Pillar of Spears here.

However, after the intelligence personnel in charge of the investigation detected that Tianlin was coming, they immediately reported it to Chi Ri. Chi Ri even ordered everyone to hide and not to attract Tianlin's attention.

This cowardly look doesn't look like the frightening evil organization, but it turns out that Chi Ri's decision was right, and now that they have reached a critical moment in their plans, it is really inappropriate to make extra efforts.

Tianguan Mountain is so big, it is too easy for them to deliberately avoid Tianlin, and Tianlin also passed through Tianguan Mountain directly because there was nothing to do along the way, and lost a good opportunity to destroy the Galaxy Group plan.

At the foot of Tianguan Mountain is a town surrounded by beautiful and rich nature.

"What a beautiful place 300, the navigator said, it's called Mijina," Xiaoguang seemed to like it quite a bit, and even took out the navigator to inquire.

This is also a place with myths and legends, and the force is unexpectedly high. I heard that it can be related to the original things that created the world in legends. It is with the help of the power of the original things that this place can be so rich.

However, the myth is too long ago, and the people of Mijina regard it as a beautiful story to listen to. What they hope more is to use their own hands to make this place more beautiful.

"Since you like it here, let's have lunch here!" Tian Lin laughed.

"Okay, I'll leave the lunch to you. I just saw a small clear lake. I'm going to swim there!" Xiaoguang said, he set up a simple tent, and then changed it into the tent. A cute swimsuit with a ponytail on her head looks beautiful and pure.

"Don't swim too far, I'll call you when you can eat!" Tianlin always indulges Xiaoguang, let her play, and let him do things like cooking.

In the lake, Xiaoguang floated on the lake, floating comfortably and leisurely (aiea), "Ah, Pogaman, it's really comfortable in the water, right?"


Pogaman nodded, it also found something good floating in the river, Xiaoguang picked it up and looked, "This is, watermelon, how can this be in the river."

"Hey, good luck." Xiaoguang went ashore with a watermelon and found Tianlin who was about to cook, "Tianlin, look, there are a lot of watermelons in the lake, let's eat this for lunch!"

"Watermelon?" Tianlin glanced at the ripe melon and said helplessly, "I said Xiaoguang, when have you ever seen a watermelon growing in a lake, it was obviously dropped by someone, I think it was someone I soaked the watermelon in a net to cool it down in the lake, and the net broke!"

"Ah, so, do these watermelons have owners?" Xiaoguang was suddenly disappointed, she thought these were wild fruits bestowed by God.

"That's right, those watermelons are ours." At this moment, two brothers and sisters, a man and a woman, came and pointed at the watermelons in Xiaoguang's arms.

"Sorry, I don't know, in that case, take it back!" Xiaoguang planned to return the watermelon, but was interrupted by the elder brother.

"Wait, you are Pokémon trainers, right? Do you want to play a doubles match with our siblings? If you win, I can give you some watermelons!" The boy saw Xiaoguang Tianlin with Pokémon. , so an invitation to battle was launched.

How can you refuse the battle that is delivered to your door? Tianlin Xiaoguang glanced at each other, "Okay, we accept it!"

"Polygon II, please!"

"Go, curl your ears."

Tianlin Xiaoguang took the lead in dispatching Pokémon, and the two siblings followed closely. Their Pokémon were Heracross and Hunting Papilio.

"Tianlin, let's strike first, curl your ears, and use the freezing light!" The opponent's two Pokémon are both insect-type, although their attributes are not dominant, they are not at a disadvantage, so there is no need to be afraid.Taking watermelon as a bet, Xiaoguang's fighting spirit is quite high.

The curler quickly shot, hit the hunting swallowtail, and the hunting swallowtail used a silver whirlwind to counterattack, but was evaded by the curler with a bounce.

Heracross on the side rushed to Polygon II, which is also a fighting-type Pokémon, and naturally would not let go of a general type such as Polygon.

Heracross swung his fists, it was the fighting style's ultimate close fist.

"Polygon Beast II, use the texture trick!" Tian Lin calmly ordered. The unique trick sequence that Polygon Beast had reset in order to challenge the gym, Tian Lin hasn't changed it yet, that is to say, its first trick Still a signal light, Polygon II has once again become a bug.

The original skill of restraint turned into resistance, and Polygon II calmly took over Heracross's attack.

"Right now, roll up your ears, bounce and attack!"

At the same moment when Heracross finished using his ultimate move, Curly Ears suddenly fell from the sky and hit the center of his head with a bounce.

Under quadruple restraint, Heracroston was severely injured.

Seeing that her brother was at a disadvantage, the younger sister was busy preparing for support, hunting swallowtails and using a spinning thread to try to pull Heracross back.

Of course Tian Lin wouldn't let him do this, "Polygon Beast II, use the freezing light!"

Polygon II used ice light to freeze the hunting swallowtail, let alone the frozen hunting swallowtail, let alone a trick, it couldn't even fly and fell directly.

"Good opportunity, Xiaoguang, I'm going to attack at the same time." Tianlin reminded.

"Well, curl your ears, use one more bounce!"

Curly ears jumped up again, but this time not to attack, but to temporarily leave the field.

"Polygon Beast II, use discharge!"

A large-scale attack discharge covering the entire field, and at the same time enveloped the opponent's two Pokémon, making them all lose their fighting ability in one breath.

In this game, Tianlin Xiaoguang won easily.

The brother and sister kept their word and gave them two watermelons. Tianlin Xiaoguang was not the only one, so he kept the pair of brothers and sisters. After the battle, they were friends. Tianlin also let them taste it. own exclusive cuisine.

The two brothers and sisters fell in love with Tianlin's cuisine at a single bite, and they were not at a loss if they exchanged two watermelons for such delicious food.

Out of gratitude, the two brothers and sisters also acted as guides once, and gave Tianlin Xiaoguang a good introduction to Mijina, as well as the most famous place here, the ruins of the temple with various legends.

Chapter [-] Chaos, the laws of time and space!

Following the guidance of the two brothers and sisters, the two came to a lake at the foot of the mountain, which was really beautiful and refreshing.

However, before the two could relax, the mutation happened. Tian Lin shuddered and felt an ominous aura, and shouted, "Xiaoguang, be careful."

At the same time, Xiaoguang was pulled back from the lake. At this time, a huge vortex suddenly rolled up on the lake. A sudden cyclone swept the lake into the air, forming a terrifying waterspout. Roll the whole roll in.

Although it is a water-type Pokémon, it is still dangerous to be in such a waterspout.

"Oops, Tianlin, please, save Bogaman!" Xiaoguang said anxiously.

"Don't worry, go, water..."

"Diya Luca, come out, please save this Bogaman!" Tian Lin wanted to send Suijun, but he didn't expect that a voice was actually one step ahead of him, and it was the legendary God of Time, Di Ya. Luca.

What's even more surprising is that Dialga really came in response, rushed through the time and space, and a roar of time destroyed the waterspout and saved Bogaman at the same time.

Seeing this, Tianlin silently put down the Poke Ball and looked at a man and a woman on the high slope, "Can you use the power of Dialga, the legendary Chaoke family who guards the temple~?"

"Thank you, Dialga!" Xiaoguang, as a Shenao, naturally has indescribable respect for Dialga. He didn't expect to see it with his own eyes today, and it also saved his own Poga. Man.

But before she could wait for her to be happy, a strange ripple flashed on the lake, and then, a behemoth jumped out and slammed into Dialga.

"It's Giratina, is it still looking for trouble with Dialga?" Xiaoguang ran forward and said loudly, "Giratina, please stop, Dialga is not a bad person, it just helped I saved Pogaman."

It's a pity that Xiaoguang's voice can't reach Giratina's ears at all. Recently, Dialga has been hiding in his own time and space and can't come out. Even the mother it beat up didn't recognize it, Giratina wouldn't let it go.

At this time, the woman on the high slope folded her hands together, exuding a strange energy from her body, and said in her mouth, "Go beyond, the laws of time and space."

The spirit of the woman and Giratina entered a strange blue space, which is the power of the Chao Ke family. They can convey their thoughts to the Pokémon in this space, provided that the Pokémon knows. Also be in a more peaceful state of mind.

But at this time, Giratina's whole body was shining with red flames, which was a sign of rage, and Giratina refused to communicate in any sense.

The huge force surgingly impacted the woman's spirit, shaking her out of the super space.

"Xina, are you okay?" The man stepped forward to support the woman and asked worriedly.

"No, Giratina's anger is too strong." Hina's voice was a little haggard, and it seemed that Giratina's blow just now had a big impact on her spirit.

"Fusing time ripple, space law, and reversal power, try this, time and space are cut off!"

At this moment, Tianlin stepped forward, raised his right arm, turned it into a hand knife, combined the three powers, and finally slashed down, turned into a crescent-shaped blade, and rushed towards the middle of the two Pokémon. Forcibly separate Dialga from Giratina.

Giratina was stunned. Although the light blade just now was not very powerful for it, how could it not recognize the reversal power contained in it.

Looking down, that familiar face, when its power was taken away from the Nine Layer Nine, it was this person who helped to take it back, and he did not covet his own power, and returned it all to his body.

Out of gratitude, it left a part of the law of reversal power in its body. They helped each other. There is no doubt that the person in front of him is its friend.

As for Dialga, as early as in Baiyang Town, he had already guessed Tianlin's identity, and he didn't dare to continue shooting at this moment.

"How, remember me?" Tian Lin smiled at the two Pokémon.

"Giratina's anger has actually subsided, good chance!" Xena took the opportunity to use her superpower again, this time without hindrance, she successfully conveyed her thoughts to Giratina.

In fact, when Tian Lin appeared, Giratina didn't want to fight anymore, she did so just to add to the icing on the cake.

Giratina gave up the fight, opened a channel on the water, and went straight back to the reverse world.

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Tianlin walked up to the two of them, "Did you just show the power of supernatural power, the legendary ability to communicate with Pokémon's mind, this is the first time I've actually seen it!"

"Yes, through this ability, I asked Dialga to lend me my power." The woman nodded, and then introduced herself, "Hello you two, my name is Xina, this is the The guardian of this temple, and this is Kerbin."

"The two of you, it is also a kind of fate to meet here. I can feel that this young man has immeasurable and mysterious energy. Can you please go to a place with me?" Hina invited.

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