"Tutai turtle, you can't be approached by this trick and use the flying leaf storm!"

The Tutai Turtle blew up a storm of flying leaves from a distance, and the powerful whirlwind accompanied by the sharp leaves made the Electric Shock Monster unable to advance half an inch.

"Flying Leaf Storm is a move that will continuously reduce the strength as you use it. You can resist a few times, shock the monsters, and continue to use the freezing punch!"

Shinji knows that attack is the best defense. Although the ground-based trick is a great threat to the electric monster, the speed of the Tutai turtle is far less than that of the electric monster, so long as it uses the freezing punch to hit the opponent first before it uses the trick. , to win.

"It does have a little bit of Xiaozhi's shadow. If I underestimate you, I will take your freezing fist, Tutai turtle, and make an earthquake!"

In the face of such a strong Shinji, Tian Lin naturally has to respond with all his strength, losing the blocking of Feiye Storm, and there is no obstacle in front of the Electric Shock Warcraft. In the end, the Electric Shock Warcraft punches the tortoise shell of the Tutai Turtle.

The cold ice began to freeze the body of the Tutai Turtle, but Tianlin's Tutai Turtle was also a person with extraordinary will. With only good aptitude, he just let his strength catch up with the other Pokémon with superior aptitude in Tianlin. It can be seen that Tutai Turtle usually pays What an effort.

Before the body of the Tutai Turtle was completely frozen, its feet shook the earth, and the ground system made an earthquake.

The strength of the two sides is equal to each other, and they are all shot, and this blow can determine the winner.

Hearing a 'thump' sound, the Electric Shock Warcraft fell down. After all, its physical strength and durability are still much worse than that of the Tutai Turtle.

But Tianlin didn't have time to be happy, and saw that the ice cubes had been completely formed, the earth turtle was completely frozen, and it closed its eyes with satisfaction when it saw the electric beast fall down in the ice.

"Electric Warcraft, Tutai Turtle, and lose their fighting ability at the same time!" Lei Si pronounced the verdict, and the two fought to a tie.

Now there is only one left on both sides, and they are both in a complete state that has not yet fought. The scale of victory does not know which side will be tilted.

"Tutai Turtle, get ready to fight!" Shinji's last Pokémon was indeed the Tutai Turtle, his initial partner, his strength surpassed that of the Dragon King Scorpion, and he had the same mid-level Heavenly King level as Pishen.

"Go, Dark Night Demon."

Tianlin finally used the trump card that he had prepared for a long time, the night demon, the strength of the high-level king, he wanted to see first, with the same king-level Pokémon as the opponent, the night demon is strong (aiea) How long can the big durability last.

"Another tough guy, Tutai Turtle, using a seed bomb."

"Dark Night Demon, use a shadow ball after resisting the attack!"

Both sides are extremely slow Pokemon. This battle is a collision between two large artillery turrets. The seed bomb and the shadow ball hit both sides one after another.

Theoretically speaking, it should be the stronger Dark Night Demon who has the upper hand, but the result is that it is more seriously injured. It seems that, unlike Tianlin's stable attack and defense cultivation method, Shinji is more focused on the cultivation of physical attacks. .

"It seems that I have the advantage, Tutai Turtle, the ultimate absorption!" Shinji smiled confidently, Tutai Turtle released green vines to bind the Night Demon, and began to continuously absorb its physical strength.

Feeling that his power was rapidly diminishing, the Dark Night Demon glanced anxiously at Tian Lin, who nodded at it, "Dark Night Demon, use the magic space!"

Break free, counterattack, these are impossible for the current night demon, the only thing it can do now is to prepare the ground for the counterattack after the end of the ultimate absorption.

After the space is successfully opened, the ultimate absorption is also over, but because of the superb special defense of the night demon, it will not be directly defeated.

"Shinji, it's pretty good that you can get here, then I'm about to start, the final battle, the demon of the night, rush forward!" Tian Lin no longer left his hands to test, and was ready to decide the winner in one fell swoop.

The space has already unfolded. Originally, Tutai Turtle and Dark Night Demon were extremely slow Pokémon, but at this moment, under the reversal of space, they have both turned into high-speed Pokémon.

This is very different from before. When the speed is very slow, it doesn't matter who is slower, because both sides are standing still and attacking each other like a fort.

But high-speed battles are completely different. Whoever is faster on the front line can take the lead and decide the outcome of the game.

In terms of speed races, the Tutai Turtle is a little higher than the Dark Night Demon, and both sides have never cultivated their speed, and this line has become a fatal crisis for the Tutai Turtle.

Shinji also understood this. He was ready to fight quickly, and finally came up with Tutai Turtle's strongest trick, "Tutai Turtle, use crazy plants."

Under the space, the speed of the Tutai Turtle's moves can be described as amazingly fast. In less than a second, huge plants grew crazily on the field.

But at this time, the speed of the Night Demon was even more astonishing. I saw several flickering figures, so it easily avoided the vines, and finally came to the Tutai Turtle.

"Dark Night Demon, use the Freezing Fist!"

In a tit-for-tat, Tian Lin sent Shinji's Tutai Turtle-like moves, far more than before, the huge ice appeared on the field.

Seeing this, Tian Lin smiled slightly, "The winner is decided, it's me who won!".

Chapter [*]: Shadow of Wisdom Lake

On the big screen, the last box on Shinji's side also darkened, Lei Si stood in front and announced, "The game is over, the winner is Tianlin!"

"Okay, Tianlin won!" Seeing this, Xiaoguang suddenly cheered.

Shinji didn't say a word. In fact, after that trick space appeared, he almost expected his defeat.

Walking in front of the turtle, he squatted down gently, stroking the ice covering the turtle, Shinji said softly, "Nice fight, thank you, turtle, come back and rest~!"

Tianlin took back the demon of the night and walked over, "Shinji, you played very well. Although I won, it was not easy. One to zero is a narrow victory."

"It's not a narrow victory. I've already given all my strength, but you can't even win with Shenao's strength. If you use all your strength, I will lose badly." Shinji laughed at himself, he knew Tianlin There are still monsters like giant gold monsters, fire-breathing dragons, and fast dragons at home, and he is still far away.

"However, thanks to you, I seem to have found my way forward. When I fully grasp my strength, I will definitely challenge you again, thank you!" Shinji stretched out a hand, showing a rare smile. Also said thank you.

"It's really rare to hear this word from your mouth!" Tian Lin smiled and held Shinji's hand at the same time. At this moment, they were considered rivals and friends.

Shinji's fighting style is to observe the situation calmly with a subtle layout, but this guy is actually cold on the outside and hot on the inside, and it is easy to be emotional when it comes to what he cares about. The battle with the generation of gods is the best proof.

But now Shinji knows that he should no longer be obsessed with his brother's battle, but should work together with his partners to step into a new realm that only belongs to him.

At that time, he will be a good opponent who does not lose to Xiaozhi Xiaomao, and even Toya A Yin.

After the battle, there were a lot of wounded on the two of them, and it was the trainer's duty to send the Pokémon that ended the battle to the Pokémon Center.

It's just that Miss Joey has suffered again, and she managed to cure Xiaozhi's six partners, and now she has to take over the twelve Pokémon of these two guys.

Joey prepared the ward with a wry smile. These trainers are all-round battles at every turn. It is her responsibility to treat Pokémon. The medicine has been almost used up, and the new one has not arrived yet, and the remaining amount is not enough for twelve animals.

"There's not enough medicine, what can I do, Miss Joy, I still have some, can you think?"

"Me too!"

Xiaoguang Xiaogang took out their backpacks one after another. In order to prevent accidents during the trip, they all prepared some medicines.

"Well, these are very useful, but unfortunately the amount is too small. The ones here can only heal three Pokémon at most." Joey said in distress, "By the way, there is a tree orchard in the Lake of Wisdom, can you help me? If you pick some, the therapeutic effect of many tree fruits is not inferior to that of ordinary medicines."

"Of course there is no problem, leave it to Xiaosheng!" Xiaogang volunteered.

"I'll go too. I also know very well about various tree fruits." After all, it's his own Pokémon, and the tree fruit Tianlin who needs treatment is willing to find it by himself.

However, there is no one to help here, Xiaozhi Xiaoguang Shinji and several people stayed behind to protect the injured Pokémon.

Tianlin and Xiaogang left the Pokémon Center side by side and walked to the lake. Tianlin said to Xiaogang, "Xiaogang, we mainly need to collect three kinds of oranges, limo, and peach. , you know what they look like!"

"Know, don't worry!" Xiaogang swore and assured that his goal was a top breeder, so how could he not even know the fruit.

Orange orange fruit can restore stamina, while limo fruit and peach peach fruit can respectively release frozen and poisonous. These are all good medicines that can effectively deal with the injuries caused by the battle just now.

The two of them knew the growth environment of these fruit trees very well, and immediately moved separately and began to collect the corresponding fruit.

At this moment, a breeze suddenly came from the lake of Wisdom Lake, ripples swayed on the water surface, and an illusory figure appeared from the water. It was the last god in the lake, Yukexi who symbolized wisdom.

"Tianlin, did you see it just now?" The shadow of Yu Kexi was fleeting, Xiaogang thought he was dazzled, and asked uncertainly.

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Tianlin nodded slightly and looked at Xiaogang with a smile, "Xiaogang, that's Yukxi, the god of wisdom, you are so lucky that he actually made a special trip to appear in front of you."

"It doesn't have to be me, I'm not as good as you in terms of knowledge, maybe Yukxi came out to see you!" Xiaogang felt a little embarrassed.

Tianlin smiled and didn't explain. He knew that the one Yu Kexi really came out to see must be Xiaogang, just like Emridor and Aknorm back then.

But I have to admit that Tian Lin's luck is quite good. When the three Pokémon came out to meet the people they recognized, they were all witnessed by Tian Lin.

The two spent a little time collecting enough fruit and returned to the Pokémon Center.

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Miss Joy crushed the tree fruit and made it into tree juice and fed it to each Pokémon. After drinking the juice, the Pokémon's expressions became much more comfortable, and they gradually fell asleep.

Tian Lin touched the turtle shell of his Tutai Turtle and said softly, "Take a good rest, you will be back to health tomorrow!"

On the second day, after a night of recovery, Tianlin and Shinji's Pokémon were all back to their best condition. Shinji just found his way and couldn't hold back his excitement. He asked his brother to help him say goodbye. gone.

Tianlin Xiaoguang and Xiaozhi Xiaogang also separated at the entrance of the Pokémon Center. Their destinations are different. Xiaozhi will go directly to Lakeside City to grab the eighth badge, while Tianlin and Xiaoguang will participate in the next gorgeous game. For the competition, you need to take a detour to Water Lily Town.

Water Lily Town is in the south of Wisdom Lake. From here, you need to pass through Tianguan Mountain and Xiaoguang's hometown of Shuangye Town. Xiaoguang is very happy about this. She has not seen her mother for a long time.

After making up their minds, the two simply packed up and set off immediately.

Not long after walking out, Tianlin looked back at Wisdom Lake and muttered, "The gods of the lake have all chosen their representatives. Next, the Galaxy Group should also speed up their actions, right?"

"Tianlin, what are you looking at? We're going to hurry up!" Xiaoguang's cry brought Tianlin's thoughts back. The little girl was homesick and couldn't wait.

Seeing this, Tian Lin smiled dotingly, "Okay, it's coming soon!" Jin.

Chapter [*] The restored forest ivory pig is angry

After leaving Chiefeng City, Tianlin and Xiaoguang hurried on their way. After two days of travel, they plunged into the forest again, preparing to take a shortcut through Tianguan Mountain, and then rush back to Shuangye Town.

But just two days after they were on their way, the mythical change began again.

One is that it is different from other spaces in the real world. Endless anger wraps the entire space, and the overflowing energy is even more violent, far exceeding that of ordinary first-level gods. It is conceivable that when the guy inside comes out, it will cause What a disaster.

The other is the forest where the Lake of Life is located in the Chengdu area.

Almost two years ago, Tian Lin and Team Rocket Bijas had an amazing battle here, betting on life and death, and destroying less than half of the entire forest, Tian Lin took it with difficulty. To win, and at the same time to conquer Shirabi with the GS ball.

However, in order to atone for his sins, Shirabi, who was controlled by "Three Zero Zero" at the time, was determined to stay and rebuild the homeland for the Pokémon here.

With the help of the god of the forest of Shirabi, the growth rate of flowers, plants and trees is very fast. After nearly two years of hard work, now this forest has recovered its lush greenness and is even more beautiful than before.

"Bi!" Shirabi flew into the air, looked down at this beautiful forest, and smiled with satisfaction. Its sins have finally been paid for.

At this moment, the energy on Shirabi's body is getting heavier and heavier. At the beginning, under the control of the evil ball, it once reached the level of being infinitely close to a first-level god, but now even without the increase of the evil ball, the energy in its body is more than before. More than that.

Compared to when Tianlin and it first met, they are at least several times stronger. This is due to the fact that it has been using its own divine power to resurrect the forest in the past two years. The growth, and calm introverted, unfathomable.

At this time, even if the shadow sends another person to fight it, it is necessary to weigh whether the person sent is enough. If it is still a role like Bishas, ​​in front of the current Shirabi, it is better to wash and sleep earlier.

"Goodbye, big guy, I'm going to find my master!" Shirabi said, looking at the countless Pokémon below, its mission has been completed, and it is time to live its own life and return to Tianlin. went.

In the forest, countless Pokémon bowed their heads, with reluctance and blessings, but no one chose to stop it. Shirabi's efforts were all in the eyes of everyone. After working so hard for so long, it was time to let it return to freedom.

"Bi!" With everyone seeing him off, Shirabi let out a light cry, flapped his wings, and flew towards the Shenao area. As long as he followed the power of the time ripple on Tianlin's body, Shirabi could easily find Tianlin. .

----Dividing line

"Ivory Pig, Charm!"

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