Swimming Qi Itachi's tail flicked, and it also waved two sonic booms, respectively resisting the two cyclone knives of the snorkeling Itachi, but the power of the sound 197 explosion was much smaller after all, and in the end it only had the effect of unloading the force, unable to Completely offset, the residual power of the whirlwind knife continues to charge forward.

"Snorkeling Itachi, use the water jet to rush over!" Ji Xian intends to pursue the victory, or fall into the hole, as long as the swimming gas Itachi is hit by the whirlwind knife, the snorkeling Itachi with the amazing speed of the first skill will bloom for the second time. , maybe one set is enough to take away the swimming gas Itachi.

"It's not that simple, Swimming Qi Itachi, anti-fist shield!" Tian Lin shouted loudly.

Swimming Qi Itachi jumped into the air suddenly, and the water gun covered the entire field as it rotated, not only dissipating the residual power of the whirlwind knife, but even the snorkeling Itachi was involved and injured.

"Is there another strange technique, snorkeling itachi, to make a tidal whirlpool!"

Just like Bogaman in the Xiaoguang Gorgeous Competition, Snorkeling Itachi used the tide vortex as a shield, and finally successfully blocked the damage of the current, and then quickly retreated and left the range of the anti-fist shield.

Seeing this, Itachi immediately stopped spinning and landed on the floating platform. Although this trick is powerful, it is still very tiring to use this trick while spinning. It is best not to use it more than necessary.

"Have you stopped, but I understand that it is too dangerous to fight your Pokémon in close quarters, and all kinds of strange tricks are emerging one after another." Ji Xian decisively changed his tactics, and he did not plan to let Fufu The submerged itachi and the swimming gas itachi got close.

"Snorkeling Itachi, use the water cannon."

"Swimming Qi, the fluctuation of water."

Water cannon, as a water-based ultimate trick, has far more impact than ordinary tricks. Tian Lin knew that the anti-fist shield alone could not defend against it, so he chose to fight against it with the fluctuation of water.

It's a pity that the power of the water wave is still a lot worse than the water cannon, and the swimming Qi Itachi fell into the disadvantage without the slightest surprise.

"Damn, no matter the power of the ultimate move or the level of the Pokémon is a lot worse, once the opponent is not close, the effect of the anti-fist shield will be greatly weakened, do you want to replace it?" Tian Lin fell into thinking, just when he finally When he made up his mind to take out the Poké Ball, Itachi Yunqi suddenly stretched out his palm towards him and shook his head at him at the same time.

"Swimming Qi Itachi, are you planning to fight to the end? You guys are more belligerent than I thought. If so, let's continue!" As trainers, responding to Pokémon's wishes is what they should do. .

Of course, Swimming Qi Itachi will not disappoint Tianlin, and its response to Tianlin's victory is a shining white light.

"Oh, have you started to evolve because you don't want to lose? Haha, such a hot-blooded Swimming Qi Itachi, my uncle likes it!" Ji Xian stopped attacking. his style.

Tianlin's swimming ferret quickly evolved into a snorkeling ferret, which has the exact same outer (aiea) shape as the opposite snorkeling ferret, an orange body, a yellow belly, and a yellow dangling ring around the neck to connect to the body. On the back, there are blue fins on the back of the hands, two black stripes next to the mouth, and a water drop pattern on the stomach.

And compared to Ji Xian's, Tian Lin's snorkeling Itachi looks a little bigger.

Snorkeling weasel, sea weasel Pokémon, water type, characteristics of leisurely swimming, frank personality (balanced personality), height 1.6m, weight 39.2kg, excellent qualifications, Tianwang-level potential, current strength quasi-Tianwang first-level, with skills: sound Burst, water cannon, water jet, split, frozen fist, high speed movement, tidal spin, bite.

Tian Lin nodded with satisfaction, the snorkeling Itachi finally completely leveled with the opponent's strength, and after he also learned the water cannon trick, even if he hedged against the opponent's trick, he was confident that he would not be defeated.

"Is the evolution complete, then let's have a showdown, Tianlin, snorkeling Itachi, use the water cannon!"

"Come on, snorkeling itachi, we also use water cannons!"

The same Pokémon, the same unique trick, this time it is completely a competition of hard power between the two sides. Originally, it should be the Tianlin who has just evolved to be at a disadvantage, but what I didn't expect is that the two sides actually completely Indistinguishable.

"Mr. Ji Xian's snorkeling Itachi is really powerful, but we will not lose, snorkeling Itachi, use the anti-fist shield again!"

Tianlin's snorkeling Itachi suddenly used the anti-fist shield again. The distance Jixian ordered his snorkeling Itachi to retreat just barely left the range of the anti-fist shield of the water gun version, but this time, it was water. The gun version, both in range and power, is more than doubled.

Ji Xian's snorkeling Itachi was once again involved in the anti-fist shield. This time, even if it used the tide spin as a shield, it was completely unable to completely prevent the attack, let alone escape.

The snorkeling Itachi was gradually knocked out of balance by the anti-fist shield. Tianlin seized the moment and ordered, "Very good, the snorkeling Itachi, right now, use the split!"

The snorkeling Itachi stopped spinning, and just as Jixian's snorkeling Itachi started to fall, it quickly came to the front, punched the center of Jixian's snorkeling Itachi's stomach, smashed it into the water, and took it down smoothly. victory.

"The gym trainer's snorkeling Itachi lost his ability to fight, and the challenger Tianlin won this game!"

Following the referee's pronouncement, the snorkeling Itachi who won the battle shouted again and again and let out a roar of victory.

Ji Xian came to Tian Lin with a smile, "Haha, Tian Lin, your Pokémon is really good, I had a great time playing, come, this is the proof of winning this uncle in the wetland gymnasium, the swamp badge , please accept it!"

"Thank you!"

Tian Lin took over his fourth badge, and before he knew it, he had already walked half of the Shenao area, and he was quite satisfied with his progress.

Chapter [*] Confirms that Na Zi is about to become the Four Heavenly Kings

After Tian Lin got the badge, he had not decided where to go to the next gym for a while. In the end, Xiaoguang suggested to go to the City of Fate to take a look. Maybe Miss Melissa has returned.

For this top coordination trainer, Xiaoguang still wanted to see her.

Tianlin nodded in agreement. Melissa's strength was in the forefront of Shenao, and it was extremely profound. Among all the gyms in Shenao, except for the most powerful Dianji, basically no one dared to say that she could beat her.

He was unable to challenge because of the closure of the gym before. Tian Lin has always been very regretful, so he had to go to a doubles competition. He would not be reconciled if he didn't fight Melissa~.

And it happens that the city of fate is not far from the city of wetlands. From here, I believe it will not take long to arrive.

Anyway, there was plenty of time, so Tianlin and Xiaoguang decided to rest in Wetland City and set off after a night.

The two came to the Pokémon Center, and after completing the accommodation application, Tian Lin went straight to the phone, and then dialed the number of the Golden Gym. He couldn't wait to ask about Nazi's situation.

Xiaoguang followed Tianlin with anticipation and nervousness, because he didn't want to deceive Xiaoguang. During the trip, Tianlin had already told her everything about Nazi and Sundae. Although Xiaoguang was a little uncomfortable, he also Without saying anything, she was worried that Nazi and the others would hate her.

But Tianlin made her feel at ease, Nazi and Sundae are very gentle girls.

After talking, Tianlin pressed the number, but it was Nazi's mother who answered the phone. When she saw Tianlin, she excitedly said, "Ah, isn't this my good son-in-law, long time no see, you Looking for Nazi?"

"Yeah, I miss Na Zi, so I came to see her, auntie, it's been a long time since you've been gone, you're getting more and more beautiful!" Tian Lin said bluntly.

A few words made Nazi's mother elated, "Oh, you're really talking more and more, but you're late, Nazi is no longer in the Golden Gym, she has stepped down as a gym trainer!"

"What, do you mean that Nazi has really succeeded?" Tian Lin was shocked, and suddenly he was not a gym trainer, so he must have succeeded the position of the Four Heavenly Kings.

"Yeah, although it's too late to announce the news, Nazi has confirmed that she wants to become the third king of Kanto, the superpower king, she didn't tell me the exact situation, you can ask her yourself, I'll give you her new number. "

Listening to what Nazi's mother said, it seems that Nazi already has a new residence. As the Queen of the Four Heavens, Nazi's responsibilities will become greater.

If the gym trainer guards a city, and the champion guards the entire Kanto, then the Four Heavenly Kings are the existence guarding the four corners of the area.

For example, as the original Four Heavenly Kings of Kanto, Mr. Du is in charge of the eastern and western regions, the headquarters of the Conservation Alliance and Baiyin Mountain, Miss Cona is in charge of the northeastern region of Kanto and the Orange Islands, and Granny Chrysanthemum is in the western region and lives in Ziyuan Town.

So now Nazi must have taken over the southern area that was originally in charge of Sheba, and her king's residence will also be built in a town in the south.

When the residence is completely built, the Alliance will announce the news to the media. Of course, no king will stay in the fief to fulfill their responsibilities. After all, even champions will run around the world, such as digging stones. (Dawu), the one who runs the gorgeous contest (Mikoli), the one who studies the mythology (Zhulan), the one who is filming (Ka Luni), or the one who fights criminal organizations everywhere (Du), or the one who flirts with Junsha Joy (Adek) Wait.

The King of Heaven is actually very free. As long as there is no major incident in your fief, the alliance will not restrict where you go.

Tianlin copied the new number from Nazi's mother, but when he looked at the number, he looked familiar for a while, "Strange, isn't this number my home?"

He dialed the number with doubts, this time it was a cute girl who answered the phone, "Ah, it's the master, you're calling, Kanon misses you so much!"

"Well, Kanon, do you look good? After defeating Mr. Wu Song's bronze bell last time, your strength seems to have risen again." Tian Lin looked at Kanon and nodded with satisfaction. Even across the screen, the system could After investigating her information, her strength has reached the level of a championship-level high-level, which is comparable to that of the giant gold monster.

"Canon worked very hard." Hearing Tianlin's praise, Cannon looked proud.

"By the way, is Na Zi at my house?" Tian Lin asked immediately without forgetting his business.

"Yeah, not only Sister Nazi, but also Sister Sundae, I'll find them right away!" After Kanon finished speaking, he put down the microphone and ran upstairs in a hurry, Tianlin could still hear her voice faintly, "Nazi Sister, Sister Sundae, the master is calling!"

Tian Lin smiled helplessly, she was really a lively girl, but she didn't expect that besides Na Zi, Sundae was also there.

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 0

After a while, the two figures appeared on the phone screen. They were also very excited when they saw Tianlin, and their longing was beyond words.

It's a pity that Tianlin was pushed away before he could speak, and Xiaoguang grabbed the microphone, "Sister Nazi, Sister Sundae, hello to you when we meet for the first time, I'm Xiaoguang."

"Hello Xiaoguang, thank you for taking care of Tianlin during this time!" Sunda Nazi smiled, they had already known about Xiaoguang. Ever since they heard that she and Tianlin were traveling alone, they I was ready for another little girl to be deceived.

But I didn't expect Xiaoguang to be so beautiful and cute. They seemed to have a younger sister and loved her very much. After a while, the three girls chatted like three larks, and Tian Lin seemed to be forgotten.


Half an hour later, Xiaoguang returned the microphone to Tianlin. She knew that Tianlin still had business affairs, so she couldn't keep occupying Nazi and the others.

Tian Lin took the phone, and before he could speak, Na Zi smiled and said, "I know what you want to ask, although there are rumors outside, but it is true, I will soon succeed the throne of the Four Heavenly Kings. ."

"Really, congratulations on Nazi, you have fulfilled your dream ahead of schedule!" Tianlin was very happy for her when he heard that Nazi confirmed the news.

"But..." Na Zi's face suddenly sank, as if there was something unspeakable.

"what's wrong?"

"Let's talk about it, Sister Nazi." Sundae took the phone thoughtfully, "Although the game where Sister Nazi challenged Master Shiba was closed, I went to watch it. The loser in that game was actually Sister Nazi, so for the past few days, Sister Nazi has been doubting whether she has the ability to inherit the throne of the Four Heavenly Kings."

Sundae Xiang Tianlin slowly described the battle process. In the match between Nazi and Xiba, although Nazi had an absolute advantage in attributes, whether it was Pokemon strength or combat experience, Xiba still surpassed She is quite a lot.

When she tried her best and even used up her mega evolution, she barely defeated Sheba's five Pokémon. In the end, she only had one scarred Super Hudi, and Sheba's ace monster was At its peak, the victory and defeat were already obvious at that time.

But when the strange force gradually suppressed Hu Di, Xiba suddenly chose to abstain at the last moment, and Nazi won the victory scarf of the King of Heaven Challenge.

Eight hundred and thirteenth chapter Na Zi's knot

"I see."

After listening to the battle process described by Sundae, Tianlin understood Nazi's thoughts, and she felt that she was invincible.

Nazi sighed lightly, "I've tried my best, but I've only defeated Mr. Sheba's five Pokémon. Do I deserve to be the successor to the Four Heavenly Kings?"

"Nazi, did you come from Versailles? You actually added the word 'only' in front of the five Pokémon that defeated Sheba!" Tian Lin said helplessly, Nazi really used the most low-key words to show off the most high-profile yao. .

To know that ordinary people like her age, it is not bad to be able to force out the second Sheba.

Looking at Xiaoguang next to him, when he heard Nazi's record, he was already surprised. region, it may be ranked in the forefront of the four "[*]" kings.

"Yeah, I have persuaded Nazi many times, but she can't get out just by going around herself. You must know that I also participated in the Heavenly King Challenge, and the result is far worse than her." Dai was still a little indignant. She was a loser, but Nazi, a winner, sighed every day, which was really exciting.

"That's right, Sundae, you graduated as the chief student of Pokémon Academy, and you do have the opportunity to challenge the Four Heavenly Kings. What's the matter, you lost?" Tian Lin had expected the defeat of the Sundae. After all, the Four Heavenly Kings were not so easy to break through. .

Sundae nodded, "Yeah, I was defeated by my aunt, but my ground-type Pokémon is not completely useless, at least I defeated my grandma's Aber Monster and Alola Gala!"

The sundae looks much brighter than Nazi, and she is excited enough to knock out two of them. After all, she is still young. As long as she keeps working hard, she will soon be able to knock down the third and fourth ones, and eventually become the new Four Heavenly Kings completely victorious. .

"Nazi, you have to learn the cheerfulness of the sundae. In fact, I can understand the thoughts of Master Shiba. First, it is too hard for him to take care of the four-day throne in two regions at the same time. Second, your strength is indeed enough to succeed him. If you feel unwilling to win, then work hard to become stronger, I remember that there will be exchange competitions every other day between the champions of the heavenly kings in each region, and it would be better to defeat Master Shiba in an open and fair manner.” Tian Lin comforted.

"Well, I will try my best, thank you Tianlin!" Na Zi nodded and smiled.

Sundae, who was watching this scene, shook his head. Sure enough, Nazi was also a woman who paid less attention to her sisters. It was useless for her to persuade her for so many days. Tian Lin said it would be effective. This double standard is simple.

Untangling Nazi's heart, Tianlin also asked why Nazi and Sundae were at his house, but Nazi unexpectedly replied that her future residence of Tianwang was going to be built in Zhenxin Town.

Now the house is under construction, so she is temporarily staying with Jun Shalan, and since Sundae has graduated, she doesn't plan to travel anymore, she thinks it's meaningless to stay at the school, so she also moved in with Nazi, In this way, their sisters can train together and accompany Jun Shalan by the way, the best of both worlds.

Tianlin is very happy about this, so that every time he goes back, he can not only see his sister, but also reunite with Nazi Sundae. If you say that the only one who is not happy is Kanon, she is the only one who pleases Jun Shalan. One, but now there are two more suddenly. Sister Lan's love for her has been directly divided into two-thirds. At the beginning, her little mouth can be hung with oil bottles.

Fortunately, Nazi Sundae also loves her very much, which makes her happy again

Tian Lin chatted for a while with the two girls he hadn't seen for a long time, and it was not until the evening that he was ready to hang up the phone reluctantly, when Na Zi suddenly said, "By the way, Tian Lin, I have prepared a gift. For you, I took it from the alliance treasure house when I got the position of the king, where is the closest city you are now, I will send it to you."

"Gift, what gift?"

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