"You'll know when you wait, it's very helpful to a certain Pokémon on you!"

"Okay, then I'm looking forward to it. You can send it to the Pokémon Center in the City of Fate. I'm about to rush there." Tianlin didn't ask, sometimes keeping a sense of mystery, the expectation value will be greatly improved.

After hanging up the phone, Tianlin and Xiaoguang went back to the room early to rest, but Xiaoguang couldn't sleep a little at this time.

Nothing else, because Nazi and Sundae are too good. Sundae, as the chief graduate of the Pokémon Academy, once won the championship, challenged the Four Heavenly Kings of Kanto and can defeat two Pokémon, which is amazing.

Nazi is about to succeed the real king of heaven. She has achieved such a high achievement at her age, which is even better than Tianlin.  …

People are grouped together in groups, with a few such outstanding people, she can't help but wonder if she is qualified.

"Okay, I must win the large-scale celebration championship and become a top coordination trainer!" Xiaoguang clenched her fists. At this moment, she yearned for the highest position.

After the night passed, Tianlin Xiaoguang left the Wetland City after resting and was about to rush to the City of Fate immediately, but today their luck seemed to be not very good. Not long after they walked out of the town, they encountered dark clouds.

The thunder rolled in the sky, and Xiaoguang stopped, "Tianlin, the weather seems to be getting worse!"

"Well, it seems like it's going to rain!" Tianlin frowned. Now that they have come to the forest, there is no place to hide from the rain. There is thunder in the sky, so they can't hide under the trees.

At this moment, the grass in front suddenly trembled, and a little pink guy jumped out.

"Wow, so cute, it's Baby Pi!" Xiaoguang suddenly became excited.

Skin babies are not only quite rare, but they are afraid of humans and rarely dare to appear in front of humans alone. I didn't expect to see them here today.

Xiaoguang couldn't help but want to subdue, and just about to take out the Poké Ball, suddenly a girl's voice came from the woods, "Baby Pi, so you are here."


The girl was wearing a maid outfit and had beautiful green hair. She gently picked up the baby skin and said, "I'm very worried about you, it's going to rain, please don't run too far!"

"It turns out that this is not a wild Pokémon. Excuse me, is this skin baby yours?" Xiaoguang stepped forward and asked.

"This child is a Pokémon raised by my master!" The maid sister turned and pointed to a house not far away, "My master lives in that mansion, his name is Mr. Envy, and I work as a maid there. Working Monica!"

As soon as the voice fell, there was a sudden thunderous sound in the sky, and then it rained heavily.

"You two, if you don't mind, please go to the mansion to avoid the rain." Monica invited.

"Okay, thank you!" Tian Lin and Xiaoguang quickly followed her and ran towards the big mansion.

Chapter [-]: Envy the little boar of Mr.

Tianlin Xiaoguang ran along with Miss Monica, and soon came to a big mansion.

This is indeed a very luxurious mansion. During the journey, Tianlin has seen several buildings like this built in the depths of the forest. The Kojiro family likes to build villas in this kind of place. This is a wealthy Human quirks!

However, their method has brought convenience to many trainers on the road, and today's Tianlin Xiaoguang was able to find a shelter from the wind and rain.

Entering the house, they saw the owner of the house, an old gentleman who looked very amiable, "My name is Envy, I welcome you all, please have a good rest in the humble house!"

Mr. Envy was very enthusiastic about the two of them, and Tian Lin immediately thanked him, "Thank you for your kindness! My name is Tian Lin, she is Xiaoguang, and thanks to you and Miss Monica, we were able to avoid this heavy rain."

Just when Tian Lin introduced himself, Miss Monica came over with a lot of Baofen, "Everyone, it's snack time!"

At her call, many baby Pokémon ran out upstairs and downstairs. In addition to the skin baby I just met, there were also baby Ding, Piqiu, Lu Lili and so on.

I didn't expect that Mr. Envy raised so many cute little guys in 08. Seeing them, Xiaoguang was moved at a glance, "They are all so cute, Mr. Envy, are these your Pokémon?"

"Yeah, it's mine, I will collect lonely Pokémon from all over the place and let them play in the backyard. In fact, thanks to them, my big house becomes lively, so it's like a home? !"

It can be seen that Mr. Envy is indeed a person who likes Pokémon very much. He raises these Pokémon very well. Not only is he healthy, but his personality is also very lively. Every child has a sincere and happy smile on his face. .

"What do you mean by the backyard?" Xiaoguang wondered.

"That's where I met a few guests just now!" Monica stood up and explained after placing the food.

This forest of feelings is actually Mr. Envy's backyard. It really lives up to its name. There are mansions, maids, and so many cute Pokémon. It's really enviable.

"The owner has also opened the backyard for use by trainers, observers, and cultivators. When the weather is good, he will accompany everyone to play and play. He is a very gentle and considerate person!" It can be seen that Miss Monica seems to admire Mr. Envy very much.

At this moment, a small mountain pig suddenly rushed over, its strength was amazing, and it knocked Pi Baobao away in an instant, and then ate all the food like a storm.

Seeing that their food was gone, the cute big eyes gradually became wet.

"This can't be done, Monica!" Seeing the appearance of his children crying, Mr. Envy hurriedly shouted.

Monica understood and ran to the kitchen again to bring out a large pot of Baofen, "Little Boar, come here and enjoy it!"

She knew that the other children wouldn't be able to eat if the little boar was not allowed to eat first.

The Baofen in front of him was several times bigger than that little mountain pig, but this little guy's stomach seemed to be like a bottomless pit, and he quickly swept it all away, he was a big eater.

"This guy is the reincarnation of Kirby Beast!" Tian Lin said in surprise.

"This little mountain pig is a Pokémon that lives in the nearby mountains. Maybe it was attracted by the Baofen made by Miss Monica. Recently, I often come to my house to play!" Mr. Envy explained that it turned out that this small mountain Pigs are not his Pokémon, but even so, he is still happy to take care of the little boar, and every time he prepares a lot of Pofen for him, Miss Monica is right, he is indeed a very gentle person.

After the little mountain pig was full, Miss Monica greeted the other Pokémon, Tianlin Xiaoguang and others again. Everyone had a beautiful meal, and she was indeed a professional maid. Miss Monica's craftsmanship really has nothing to say. , is not inferior to Tianlin.

Xiaoguang took this opportunity to ask her about making Baofen. In this regard, Xiaoguang's talent is amazing. After a few tries, she can completely reproduce Miss Monica. Made out of taste.

"It's amazing, in such a short period of time, you have made more Baofen than me!" Monica was full of praise for Xiaoguang's Baofen.

Xiaoguang was a little embarrassed, "No, Tianlin is actually more powerful than me, and he taught me many seasoning methods."

"Really, I didn't expect Mr. Tianlin to be so powerful!"

Just as the two women were talking, the little mountain pig came out again. He had already eaten enough just now. Now, after a sleep, this guy was actually hungry again. He feasted on the Baofen made by Xiaoguang, and even his whole body are buried in.

"Oh, Miss Xiaoguang, it seems that Xiaoguang likes the Pofen you made very much!" Monica has never seen Xiaoshan pig like this. It seems that he likes the Baofen made by Xiaoguang more than his own. .

"Is that so, little boar?" Xiaoguang asked the little boar, seeing that the little boar kept nodding, he smiled and said, "Okay, then I'll make more for you, of course, Bogaman and theirs And I have all the Pokémon from Tian Lin!"

Xiaoguang volunteered to say that there are Pokémon who like the Baofen she made, which is an affirmation of her craftsmanship.

On the second day, after the thunderstorm last night, it was sunny now. Tianlin and Xiaoguang took all their Pokémon to play in the backyard of Mr. Envy's house.

At noon, 197 Xiaoguang made Baofen again. In addition to their own, they also prepared an extra large portion for Xiaoshanzhu.

Before he knew it, the relationship between Xiao Shanzhu and Xiaoguang became very good. Xiaoguang squatted behind Xiao Shan pig until it was all eaten, and then he said, "Hey, Xiao Shan pig, if you want, would you like to talk to him? I'm going on a trip together!"

The little mountain pig nodded happily without any hesitation.

"Thank you, Little Boar!" Xiaoguang took out a Poke Ball and tapped it on Little Boar's forehead. Because Little Boar had agreed, the ball didn't shake at all, and the red light went out with a bang.

"Very good, it's no problem to subdue the little mountain pig!" Xiaoguang succeeded in gaining new partners by attracting food. It seems that they have joined a big stomach kid in their team.

Tian Lin touched the alliance card in his pocket. To support the little guy, he didn't know if he had enough money. If he couldn't, he could only be a little white face again. Pray for help!

After lunch, Tianlin Xiaoguang said goodbye to Mr. Envy. They also got a piece of good news from Mr. Envy. In two weeks, there will be a gorgeous contest in Shenhe Town.

Xiaoguang had just won the Michaelis Cup at this time, and it was when he was full of momentum. He immediately decided to strike while the iron was hot, participate in that competition, and win his third ribbon medal.

Chapter [-]: Special training Scorpio has evolved again?

"Xiao Zhi, are you ready to take the call, I'm coming!"

"No problem Tianlin, this time I want to beat you."

Above a green grass, two trainers were fighting. Yes, Tian Lin and Xiao Zhi, the two who happened to meet again.

This is what happened. After the challenge to the Wetland Gym, Xiao Zhi, like Tian Lin, also wanted to go to the City of Fate to try his luck.

On the way, he met Shinji. Because of the conflict of beliefs, the two fought again. In this battle, Ash's little flame monkey broke out an extremely powerful fire, and successfully killed Shinji's proud electric shock beast. Let Xiaozhi see the amazing potential of the little flame monkey.

But in another match, Ash's Scorpion lost to Shinji's Scorpio King almost helplessly, and it seemed to have a psychological shadow, and now he has become extremely timid, and he can't get up the courage to fight against any Pokémon. , so Xiaozhi Xiaogang is trying his best to help it overcome its weaknesses.

It's just that the current Scorpio is really unable to accept severe training. As long as the opponent attacks during the battle, he will either kneel and beg for mercy, or he will be so scared that he will jump on Xiao Zhi. As a result, after Xiao Zhi said a few words, the Scorpio is in a daze. Tears left home.

As a result, it just hit Tianlin and Xiaoguang who were on their way.

Although I don't know where this Scorpio came from, for Pokémon, both Tian Lin and Xiaoguang are extremely gentle. They comforted Scorpion for a while, and Xiaoguang took out what he had carefully made at Mr. Envy's house before. Bao Fen, the Scorpio, gradually recovered his mood and became smiling after he had a full meal.

"That's great, this little guy laughed, so there's no problem!" Xiaoguang hugged Scorpio and said happily, then looked at Tianlin again, "Tianlin, this child is so pitiful, could he be bullied by others? Ah, why don't you subdue it and take it with you!"

"Subdue? Forget it, I don't want it, a timid Scorpio, as a material attacker, this child is already useless!" Tian Lin waved his hand and said half-jokingly.

Hearing this, Scorpio began to shed sad tears again, and Xiaoguang hurriedly comforted, "Scorpio, don't cry, don't cry, ignore this bad guy, he doesn't want you, I want you~' ."

"Hey, Tian Lin, what are you talking about, have you been infected by Shinji!" After comforting Scorpio, Xiaoguang looked at Tian Lin with an angry face.

Tian Lin didn't expect this Scorpio to be so fragile, he was really just joking, "I'm sorry Scorpio, I didn't mean that, I just wanted to tease you, in fact, I saw it earlier, you have a master, right? "

As soon as he finished speaking, Xiaozhi and Xiaogang searched all the way, with anxious expressions on their faces, when they saw Scorpio in Xiaoguang's arms, they excitedly said, "Great, Scorpio, so you are here. , Xiaoguang Tianlin, did you help me find it, thank you!"

When Scorpio saw Xiaozhi, he didn't jump into his arms as happily as before, but hid behind Xiaoguang.

"Xiao Zhi, did you bully Scorpio? Otherwise, why would Scorpio run away from home?" Xiaoguang asked with his waist on his back.

"No, actually..." Xiao Zhi told the two of them the whole story.

Knowing that Xiao Zhi didn't bully Scorpio, but just wanted to help him regain his confidence, which made the training a little harsher, and Xiao Guang returned Scorpio to him.

However, the gentle Xiaoguang still told Xiaozhi to be a little softer in future training. Scorpio is such a fragile child, and at first glance, it is not the type that can adapt to high-intensity training.

At this moment, Tian Lin volunteered and said, "So Xiaozhi, I'll help you and help the weak Pokemon regain confidence. I'm the best at it. It's better to pretend to lose to it."

"Yes, victory is the best way to boost morale. This is a good way." Xiaogang nodded.

"Then I'll trouble you, Tianlin!"

After Xiaozhi agreed, the first scene appeared. They found an open space and prepared to help Scorpio with special training.

"I'm very suspicious, can Tianlin really do it?" Xiaoguang believed that Tianlin would never lose to anyone if he fought for victory with all his strength, but by pretending to lose, she couldn't help thinking of the EMI Forest Special Training Jie Cao'er of that scene.

For some reason, she always had a bad feeling about it.

"If you're going to lose to the ground-type Pokémon, the electrical type is undoubtedly the best, Luccat, please!"

Tianlin sent Luck Cat, but Luck Cat didn't know what happened yet. When he appeared on the stage, he naturally activated his own characteristics to intimidate.

This originally only lowered the opponent's first-order attack power, but at this moment, when Tian Scorpio saw Luck Cat's terrifying and fierce face, he was so frightened that he fled back to his Poké Ball, and Luck Cat won without a fight.

Xiao Zhi reluctantly released Scorpio, "Scorpio, how can you escape in the face of your opponent, try again."

"Luke cat, you too, this time your task is to show your superb acting skills, lose to Scorpio without leaving a trace, and help it regain its confidence, you know, the intimidation must not be launched again!" Tian Lin came to Luck The cat whispered beside him.

The Lux cat was speechless, how could the owner let him do such a thing again? It's really not good at it.

It's a pity that there is no other way. Luccat can only try to make his expression softer. Only in this way can Scorpio dare to return to the battlefield.

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