Chapter [*]: Nazi's news arrives in Wetland City

The three-day Mickley Cup Gorgeous Contest came to an end. Xiaoguang defeated Xiaoyao with a reversal of the weak and won the appreciation of Mickley. He personally handed the Water Column Ribbon Medal to Xiaoguang.

"Xiaoguang, the biggest difference between gorgeous battles and ordinary battles, in addition to the form of expression, is the diversification of winning methods. In today's game, you used this rule very well and won beautifully!"

"Thank you, Mr. Mikori." Xiaoguang felt extremely honored at this moment to receive the medal from Mikri, whom he admired the most.

"It's really good, as expected of someone I'm optimistic about!" Tian Lin applauded from below.

At this moment, there was a yin and yang strange voice behind him, "Yeah, Xiaoguang is indeed very smart, not to mention that there are extremely eccentric guys helping her!"

Xiaoyao lost the game, although she was not dissatisfied, but she also quickly figured out where she lost. She was able to know her fighting style like the back of her hand, and then helped Xiaoguang to formulate tactics specifically for her, except Tianlin. Who is there?

"This, Xiaoyao, I just want this game to be fair, you are so much stronger than Xiaoguang, if you don't teach her anything, she will not be your opponent at all!" Tian Lin hurriedly explained.

"Hmph, forget it, anyway, this game is also good for me, let me appreciate my own shortcomings, and after today's victory, I think Xiaoguang will grow a lot, for her face, I forgive you! "Xiaoyao shook his head and said arrogantly.

This guy is really getting more and more Xiaoshu's demeanor.

"But when Xiaoguang fully grows up, I have to fight her. You are not allowed to help her any more. I will show all my strength."

"Yes, thank you Miss Xiaoyao for your generosity!" Tian Lin agreed immediately.

He felt that Xiaoguang must also think so, and the fully grown Xiaoguang would no longer need his advice, so let the two girls compete happily.

"By the way, Tianlin, when I was in Chengdu, I heard news that Master Shiba, one of the Four Heavenly Kings in Chengdu, has completely left the Kandong area and will only serve as the Four Heavenly Kings in Chengdu from now on. Do you think you will be with Nazi? Sister?" Xiaoyao suddenly told Tianlin a big news.

He has always been very concerned about Nazi's challenge to Shiba, but because he was worried that he would disturb Nazi, he just let her prepare actively for the battle before, instead of going to her.

Now count the time, her challenge is almost over, did she win?

Unlike Shenao, the Heavenly Kings Challenge on the Kanto side can not be held openly. Nazi was only challenged in the presence of the other three Heavenly Kings of the alliance, President Damaranch and a few other people, so everyone was very enthusiastic. Curious how it turned out.

Xiaoyao's side is just gossip, and the exact result will have to be officially announced by the alliance, but now Tianlin can find time to ask Nazi.

After the closing ceremony of the conference, everyone first came to the port to send Xiaoyao on the boat back to the city, and then said goodbye to Xiaowang, and then Xiaozhi Tianlin separated at the town entrance, and the two sides moved towards the wetland city on different roads. .

During the trip, Tian Lin met Shinji again. He had already obtained the Swamp Badge, and now he is planning to go back to the City of Fate to get the Phantom Badge. Last time Melissa left the gym on her own to travel, it seems that he too one of the victims.

Although Shenao has many other gyms, but with Shinji's arrogance, he will never be reconciled if he doesn't get the top-ranked Phantom Badge.

For some reason, when seeing Shinji again this time, Tian Lin can clearly feel that Shinji's hostility has diminished. Perhaps the matter of the Little Flame Monkey touched him a little and made him begin to change a little.

Lizhi Lake is not far from Wetland City. Without getting lost, Tianlin and Xiaoguang arrived here first.

Traveling separately from Ash was indeed Tian Lin's most correct decision.

Wetland City, a city located in the east-southeast of the Shenao region.

The city was originally established to protect the wetland, but with the development, the rich aquatic resources here attracted many trainers to come. Over time, the wetland city has also become one of Shenao's famous big cities, and the alliance An official gym was also established here.

Standing at the gate of the Wetland Gym, Tian Lin looked at the strong man walking out of the door and was speechless.

This is obviously a water gymnasium, but the guy in front of him is incompatible with the softness of water. The water gymnasium masters that Tianlin met before were either beautiful girls like the four Hualan sisters, or Adam Miko A gentleman like Mr. Lee.

But the guy in front of him, Tian Lin always felt that he was more suitable for the rock type or steel type, and he had a mask on his head. Maybe he was studying Kazuki, so it should be a super energy type.

"Yo, here comes a new challenger, how are you, this uncle is the gym trainer of this wetland gym, his name is Ji Xian, and he is called Ji Xian's Mask!" The strong man said boldly.

"This person is the gym trainer?" Xiaoguang looked at the strong man in front of him in disbelief, "He uses the water system just like Lord Mikori, I thought he was a person similar to Mikri-sama. , but how could it be so different?"

"Is the challenger a little girl like you? I really don't understand anything. There are many kinds of water. If 190 says that Mikri is a gurgling water stream, then the uncle is a violent tsunami. Today I will let you Let's have a look at the water philosophy of my uncle, and let's fight!"

Ji Xian's roar obviously frightened Xiaoguang, Xiaoguang hurriedly hid behind Tianlin, showing a head and said timidly, "The challenger is not me, but Tianlin."

"Uh, that's it, haha, I'm so sorry!" Ji Xian covered his embarrassment with a big laugh, then looked at Tian Lin, "Are you the challenger, um, looks much more interesting than that little girl, okay? , your challenge, my uncle, has accepted, come with me!"

Seeing Ji Xian turn around and walk back to the gym, Xiaoguang breathed a sigh of relief, Tianlin scratched her little nose and smiled, "How is it, I'm scared, you will dare to judge people by their appearance in the future."

"This guy is not as simple as you think, but I am very interested in what he said about tsunamis and the philosophy of water."

"Oh! Are they wrong!" Xiaoguang covered her nose obediently admitting her mistake.

Soon after, the two followed Ji Xian to the battle field of the Wetland Gym, which was undoubtedly the field of water. Tianlin had seen so many different battles on the field of water on the Mikori Cup before, and he was already itching. .

The timing of this battle is just right, and Tian Lin's long-established fighting spirit can be put to good use.

Chapter [*] Wetland Gym Battle VS Jixian Mask

"Then now, let's start the gym competition in the wetland gym. The challenger Tianlin will face the gym trainer Ji Xian. Each of the two can use three Pokémon. When all the Pokémon on one side lose their fighting ability. , the game is over."

After the referee read out the rules, Ji Xian's momentum suddenly erupted, "I, Ji Xian's mask, come on stage!"

"Tianlin, I want to use the name of the gym trainer of the wetland gymnasium to show the power of stormy waves. You can also use all the power of you and your Pokémon."

Saying that, Ji Xian took the lead in throwing out the Poke Ball, "Roar, Tyrannosaurus!"

At the beginning of the scene, a violent carp dragon of the first rank of the quasi-celestial king rushed toward the face with a powerful momentum like a flood.

Although this guy in the original book was beaten [*]-[*] by Xiao Zhi, he must not be said to be weak. On the contrary, with his full strength, this guy even surpassed the previous pavilion owners.

"Luck Cat, go!" To deal with the Tyrannosaurus, you must use an Electric-type Pokémon, and few other attributes can cause damage to it.

The two Pokémon glared at each other and activated their ability, Intimidate.

It is quite fair to reduce the first-order attack power, and no one takes advantage.

"Luccat, preemptively attack and use electric shock waves!"

Lux cat's eyes flickered, and bursts of electricity began to radiate around the body. Although it was not very powerful, this move was a must-have skill, and the tyrannical carp dragon couldn't escape even if it dived into the water.

"Haha, we're not afraid of electrical skills, the tyrannical carp dragon, use the water cannon!"

Ji Xian laughed, he didn't want to hide at first, the tyrannical carp dragon floated on the water, the bloody mouth was aimed at the Lux cat, and the thick water column was ejected from the mouth like a cannonball.

Unexpectedly, this tyrannical carp dragon has been cultivated quite well in terms of special attack in addition to physical attack.

However, Ji Xian was really bold, and dared to exchange his moves with the Electric-type Pokémon. Luck cat hit the electric shock wave to the surface, and the moment he hit the tyrannical dragon with the characteristics of water conduction, he was also hit by a powerful water cannon. He flew away and sank into the pool.

After a while, the Lux cat barely struggled out of the lake, but because it couldn't swim, it could only flutter in the water.

"Luke cat, use ice teeth on the water~'!" Tian Lin immediately ordered.

Luck immediately opened his mouth to freeze part of the lake in front of him, and then he held the ice surface like a wooden board, barely keeping his balance.

"The tyrannical carp dragon, use the bite!"

Ji Xian would never give the Lux cat a chance to go ashore. The Tyrannosaurus Carp Dragon had a strong evil aura in its mouth, bit the Lux cat in the water, and dragged it to the bottom of the water.

"What a terrifying attack. If the opponent is not an electric or water type, I am afraid that I will definitely lose!" Tian Lin admitted that Ji Xian was not talking nonsense.

"But, I'm not going to lose, Luccat, make Mad Volt!"

"Oops, Tyrannosaurus, let go of the Luccat!" Ji Xian realized that something was wrong when he heard Tian Lin's order, but unfortunately his response was still one step behind, it was too late.

I saw the originally calm lake, suddenly a golden beam of light rose from below, and a strong current broke through the lake, illuminating the entire gym.

After a while, Tyrannosaurus's body slowly floated up, and its eyes were circled and had lost its ability to fight, while Luccat used its body as a pedal, and successfully left the bottom of the water while standing on it.

"The Tyrannosaurus is incapacitated, and Luccat wins!"

"Come back, Tyrannosaurus, thank you for your hard work." Ji Xian calmly retracted the Tyrannosaurus, "Tianlin, your Luck cat's electric trick is really powerful, but it's up to you how to deal with the next one. Come on, Swamp King!"

Ji Xian's second is the Marsh King, and it has the ground attribute in turn to restrain the Luck cat. When Tianlin saw this, he immediately picked up the Poke Ball, "Come back and rest, Luck cat!"

In the battle just now, although the Lux cat won, but after all, the weak defeated the strong, which cost it a lot of physical strength, coupled with the disadvantage of attributes, it is really not appropriate to fight at this time.

Tian Lin looked at Marsh King and thought for a while. At this time, if the forest turtle did not evolve, it would be very easy to deal with it, but the heavy body of the Tutai turtle could not be supported by the floating platform on the water. Take demise.

"Then, let's you come, Swimming Qi Itachi!"

In the end, Tianlin chose Swimming Qi Itachi to appear on the stage. He checked the characteristics of the Swamp King on the opposite side, and it was moisture rather than water storage, which gave Swimming Qi Itachi a fight.

"Swimming Qi Itachi, make a sonic boom!"

"Swamp King, dive into the water to avoid it."

The two sides ordered one after another. The swimming Qi Weasel's attack speed was very fast. The sonic boom crossed the water surface and rushed to the Swamp King at an extremely fast speed. However, the Swamp King was not simple. Let the sonic boom brush by its body, and the whole body is completely submerged in the bottom of the water.

"'" Itachi swims at high speed! "Tianlin didn't let Yongqi Weasel chase in directly, but moved back and forth above, so that Marsh King couldn't find the attack point.

"It's useless, Swamp King, use a mud shot!"

The Marsh King, who was at the bottom of the water, observed the slight shaking of each floating platform on the water surface. Soon, it figured out the movement pattern of the swimming gas weasel, and after locking the direction, it launched a mud shot at the target.

Swimming Qi Itachi just jumped onto a floating platform. Suddenly, a sway under his feet aroused its alertness. It was about to flee immediately, but unfortunately it was too late. .

Seeing that the move was successful, Ji Xian said proudly, "Hehe, my uncle's Marsh King, even at the bottom of the water, can judge the opponent's movement by distinguishing his voice. This battlefield has no blind spots for him."

"Swamp King, then use the freezing light!"

This time, the Marsh King suddenly jumped out from behind the swimming Qi Itachi and emitted an ice light.

(De Nuo Zhao) Tian Lin saw this and smiled, "Mr. Ji Xian, I borrowed this ice light, swimming Qi Weasel, and used a jet of water toward the freezing light!"

I saw that the swimming Qi Itachi not only did not dodge the opponent's attack, but went up to the challenge and faced the attack of the freezing light head-on. The water jet of the water column was frozen by the freezing light, but its power not only did not weaken in the slightest, but because it was integrated into the freezing light. The power of the ice attribute has become even better.

The water jet of the ice jet hit the Swamp King's abdomen and hit the key point. The Swamp King's body was directly knocked out of the field, and he passed out completely. Tian Lin successfully won the second game.

"It's actually a frozen jet of water. Tian Lin really deserves to be a top coordination trainer. Even in gym battles, he can perform such fantastic and gorgeous moves!" Xiaoguang looked at Tian Lin with admiration, but he didn't know that in the original book, this The trick was her idea, but it was finally completed by Ash.

Tianlin is just her creative porter.

Chapter [*]: Swimming gas weasel evolves to obtain swamp badge

"Haha, Tianlin, you are really amazing, your Pokémon is not only powerful and speedy, but also able to use such gorgeous moves!" Ji Xian laughed, "Then next, welcome the last of this uncle. A Pokémon, let's fight, Snorkeling Itachi!"

Snorkeling weasel VS swimming gas weasel, this is an evolutionary group battle. In fact, it is not difficult for Tianlin to win if he replaces Luck cat at this time, but this is a good opportunity for swimming gas weasel to grow. For such a belligerent it, it also hopes to have a good contest with its own evolutionary type.

Snorkeling Itachi and Swimming Qi Itachi stood on two floating platforms, staring at each other with fierce fighting intent, and at the same time began to gather momentum, it seems that the opening will be a fierce collision.

After all, it is an evolutionary type, or the momentum of the snorkeling Itachi has reached the peak first. When Ji Xian saw this, he immediately ordered, "The snorkeling Itachi, use the whirlwind knife!"

The fins on the snorkeling Itachi's arms began to gather energy, and soon, two powerful whirlwind knives were launched, and the momentum was very extraordinary.

As far as I know, this snorkeling ferret has been trained very well. Although its strength is the same as the original Tyrannosaurus, it is the first-level Quasi-Tianwang, but its fighting ability is definitely better.

"Swimming gas itachi, block it with a sonic boom!"

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