"For example, just now, before Xiaoguang issued an order, he thought of a way to crack it, which is a manifestation of his rich combat experience."

Mikri deserves to be the champion. With just one glance, any Pokémon is transparent to him, and he can see it clearly from head to toe.

"Well done two-tailed monster, use high-speed stars!" Xiaoguang seized the opportunity and launched an attack the moment the figure of the cherry blossom fish appeared.

Once the golden star flies out, it will chase the locked target, and the sakura fish will never be able to escape.

"Sakura fish, the fluctuation of water!"

Running away or sitting still is not Musashi's style, her choice is to fight back quickly~.

The ball containing the energy of the water system collided with the high-speed stars to produce a big explosion, and the bursting water flow divided the entire field into two, which was quite spectacular.

The two competed evenly this time, and their scores were each subtracted by a quarter.

"Sakura fish, use surfing!"

"It's surfing again, then the two-tailed monster, the anti-fist shield!"

All of Xiaoguang's Pokémon now have mastered the counter-fist shield, but different Pokémon have different effects.

Also facing the surfing, the curling ear uses the rotation to let the freezing light sweep all the water currents and freeze it, while the two-tailed monster rotates in place on the floating platform, and releases a huge amount of high-speed stars at the same time.

Just like when Xiaoguang performed in the original world, this trick is definitely a failure when used for performance. The too gorgeous trick hides the characteristics of the Pokémon itself, but now it is a battle!

The moment the surf covered the two-tailed monster, countless stars broke through the current, and the surf was broken up in an instant, and each star collided and released a colorful light, which looked really beautiful.

Seeing Musashi's score dropping rapidly, Kojiro and the others were so anxious that even Xiaoyao Xiaowang, who was outside the field, frowned.

This anti-fist shield's skills are really both offensive and defensive, and it can play a miraculous effect every time. Even if they encounter it, I am afraid there is no good countermeasure at present.

"Time is over!"

At this moment, Miss Bai'an suddenly announced that the countdown was over, and Musashi Xiaoguang immediately looked at the big screen. The two people who originally scored similar scores now have some distance because of Xiaoguang's anti-fist shield.

Xiaoguang led Musashi by about a third, and she successfully advanced to the finals, but Musashi unfortunately stopped in the semi-finals.

"It's really outstanding. Both sides have cultivated their Pokémon very well. It's really a battle with appreciation value. I'm very optimistic about the future of these two coordination trainers." Although Musashi lost, However, Mickey gave both of them fairly positive comments.

It is conceivable that Musashi and Xiaoguang will gradually become famous in the gorgeous competition because of this evaluation.

The first thing Xiaoguang did when she returned to the backstage was to find Tianlin. Her priority was to announce the good news to him.

Tian Lin gave her a high-five, but still urged, "Xiaoguang, although you've fought very well so far, and you have fully mastered the anti-fist shield, you can't be careless, your last opponent has Xiaoyao, who has the title of Hoenn Dancer!"

"Xiaoyao? Her semi-finals haven't started yet!" Xiaoguang wondered, knowing that Xiaoyao's opponent is Xiaowang, even if she is strong, Xiaowang is very difficult to deal with.

Tianlin shook his head, "No need to estimate, Xiaowang may bring some trouble to Xiaoyao, but she is by no means Xiaoyao's opponent. Fengyuan Dancer's combat experience and strength must surpass her by a lot."

"Also, Xiaoyao once learned how to fight with Xiaozhi, and now maybe he has mastered it. To be honest, it is very difficult for you to defeat her, but it is not hopeless. Come with me while there is still time, I will Let's set up a small stove for you!"

Tianlin pulled Xiaoguang out of the venue. Xiaoyao's current strength is much stronger than the original. Even if Xiaoguang has the anti-fist shield, it is estimated that it will be difficult to beat her. At this time, she can only rely on surprises.

"Listen, Xiaoguang, Xiaoyao's last Pokémon must be Ice Eevee. She said at the beginning that she was going to use Ice Eevee to challenge the Gorgeous Contest, but so far, I haven't seen it appear. I think Xiaoyao must have finished it."

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"Although Bing Yibu is beautiful, the training time is the shortest in Xiaoyao's team, and it has just completed its evolution. Its strength is not as oppressive as hunting swallowtails or flame chickens. This is your chance to win, you In the last game, I recommend using Bogaman, the water type can resist the ice type trick very well!"

"Wait, Tianlin, since you are sure that Xiaoyao will use Bing Yibu, wouldn't it be better for me to use the two-tailed monster that masters the fighting trick True Qi fist?" Xiaoguang wondered.

"Xiaoguang, don't underestimate Xiaoyao, even if Bingyibu's strength is the weakest among her Pokémon, it is stronger than any Pokémon in your hand. It's impossible to KO it, so restraint is a trick. It doesn't make much sense, but instead relying on resistance to not be knocked down quickly and getting more opportunities to show your charm is the key."

...... 0

After Tianlin explained the reason, he asked Xiaoguang to release Bogaman. He planned to teach Bogaman some tricks to catch Xiaoyao by surprise.

Soon, half an hour of rest time passed, Xiaoyao and Xiaowang stood on the battlefield respectively, Tianlin also finished the teaching, and returned quickly with Xiaoguang.

The battle time was only five minutes, and it took more than three minutes for them to return to the battlefield. At this time, the match between Xiaoyao and Xiaowang had entered the final stage.

The two sides were Charming Meow and Hunting Papilio, and as expected, Xiaowang was almost beaten by Xiaoyao.

One of the points was almost deducted, and the other had three-quarters left. Xiaoguang covered his mouth in surprise and dared not speak, "No way, the gap is so big, that Xiaowang will be suppressed to this extent. degree."

Tian Lin was not surprised, "It's normal, Hunting Phoenix Butterfly is the first Pokémon that Xiaoyao conquered by herself, and it was also the Pokémon when she debuted. She has accompanied her through countless gorgeous competitions. , his combat experience is far from Xiaowang's charm."

In this game, Tianlin also found that Xiaoyao's hunting swallowtail has a much richer skill pool compared to the past. In addition to the classic silver whirlwind, he has also learned to swallow and strengthen his mind.

It seems that this hunting swallowtail was specially bred by Xiaoyao to target Xiaoshun's Rose Raydo.

Even the quasi-celestial king dares to fight, and now facing a charming cat whose strength is not at the gym level, I am afraid that half of the strength of hunting swallowtails has not yet been used.

Chapter [*] Xiaoyao VS Xiaoguang Mickle Cup Final Stage

"Everyone, after days of fierce battles, the Mikkori Cup of the Pokémon Gorgeous Contest has finally entered the final stage. The two coordinating trainers who have stepped on the final stage are our newcomer from Shenao, Miss Xiaoguang, and one from Hoenn. The dancer, Miss Xiaoyao!"

As the two teenage girls took to the stage, the audience erupted in astonishing cheers because they were so good and beautiful.

The vague support of Xiaoguang seems to be more than Xiaoyao. After all, she is a native of Shenao. Although Xiaoyao has the name of Fengyuan Dancer, it is still difficult to avoid the disadvantage of away battles.

With excitement, Xiaoguang picked up Bogaman's Poké Ball, "Bogaman, I'll leave it to you this time, the charm is here."


In a splendid bubble special effect, Bogaman jumped out of the Poké Ball. In response to the owner's expectations, at this time, it was not as cynical as usual, but awe-inspiring.

Looking at the state of "[*]" Xiaoguang, Xiaoyao smiled and said, "Xiaoguang, let the two of us perform the best gorgeous match, no matter whether we win or lose, don't leave any regrets."

"Bing Yibu, get on the stage!"

Xiaoyao really used Bing Ibrahimovic. In such a grand stage as the Mikkori Cup as his debut battle, Bing Ibrahimovic was considered a card.

Seeing that both sides were ready, Baian announced, "Then, in the Michaeli Cup final, Xiaoguang vs. Xiaoyao, the time limit is five minutes, please start the game."

"Pogaman, Foam Ray!"

At the beginning of the game, Xiaoguang actively launched an attack, and Pogaman launched a beautiful rainbow-colored bubble, which made everyone's eyes shine.

At this time, Xiao Shun, who was far away in Yuanzhu City in the Chengdu area, was watching the game through the broadcast, "This is the Rainbow Technique? Could it be that this little girl is with Tianlin?"

As the founder of Rainbow Technique, he has only taught this trick to Tianlin. Since the girl in front of him can use it, it must be taught to her by Tianlin.

But what puzzled him was that rainbow skills were generally only used for the first round of gorgeous performances, and he would not use them in formal gorgeous battles, because compared with ordinary skills, this rainbow trick did not increase its power and speed at all. In order to condense rainbow bubbles, it also added more burdens to Pokémon, and using it in battle is completely worth the loss.

Unless the strength gap between the two sides is too large, Yifa wants to show off a wave of skills.

"Bing Yibu, use boulders!"

Bing Yibu used boulders to smash all the bubbles, and as the bubbles shattered, a rainbow-colored light appeared in the air.

"Very good, while now, Bogaman, spin and jump to the center of the light to use forbearance!" Xiaoguang followed Tianlin's instructions and made Bogaman spin while using forbearance.

Soon, Bogaman completely inhaled the rainbow light in his body, and Rainbow Bogaman reappeared.

"This is, it's so dreamy!" Michael stood up excitedly, even he had never seen such a skill.

Xiaoyao's score dropped rapidly, deducting more than a quarter in one go.

"Xiaoguang, good performance, but this is useless to me, Bing Yibu, use the secret power." Xiaoyao continued to fight back.

And Bogaman is still relying on forbearance to gather strength.

Secret Power is a unique move that has different additional effects depending on where it is used. On normal battlefields, it is a paralyzing effect.

However, Xiaoguang had good luck this time, and the effect did not trigger, so this move was just a more powerful impact.

"Isn't it triggering the effect, then Bing Yibu, use boulders this time!"

"Bogaman, right now, Rainbow Cannon, launch!"

Following Xiaoguang's order, Bogaman's power was gathered, and the enduring trick combined the power of the rainbow just now and the damage caused by the secret power, and turned it into a colorful light, and shot all the boulders with one blow. smash.

The move was broken, Xiaoyao's score was reduced to less than half, and Bogaman also changed back to his original appearance because of the full release of rainbow energy.

However, because of the continuous use of big tricks, Bogaman was already tired and out of breath at this time.

Of course, its results are very good, that is, Xiaoyao Xiaoguang is now more than half of the score.

Xiaoguang looked at the countdown, almost three minutes had passed, "Great, so far, it's exactly the same as what Tianlin said!"

Before the game, Tianlin once told Xiaoguang that she could not be Xiaoyao's opponent in terms of combat, but she learned gorgeous fighting skills from her mother since she was a child, and then learned a lot from Tianlin, combining the two top coordination trainers. Her experience is by no means inferior in this regard.

Then, if you want to win, you must make use of your strengths and avoid weaknesses. In the first three minutes, you will completely give up the frontal combat, and you will be able to score points at all costs. In the last two minutes, you will be performing and defending until the end of the time.

Ice Ibrahimovic has just completed his evolution, and it should be too late to learn ice-type big moves such as blizzard. With only one move of boulders, the water-type Bogaman is completely fearless.  …

"Xiaoyao has been tricked!" Xiao Shun frowned, he found out the clue when Xiaoguang used the rainbow bubble, and now he finally fully understands Xiaoguang's tactics.

"That girl shouldn't have thought of such a clever tactic, and made perfect use of the rules of the gorgeous battle match. It was Tianlin who taught her!" Saori judged on the side.

"Who else would there be besides him, this guy is really biased!" Xiao Shun said dissatisfied, obviously Xiaoyao and Xiaoguang are all friends of that guy, but he is so biased towards Xiaoguang.

If Tian Lin was here, he would definitely cry out for injustice. Did he help Xiaoyao less in the first place?

Besides, now, Xiaoyao is your Xiaoshu's favorite, and Xiaoguang is Tianlin's favorite, so of course he has to give priority to his own girl!

"Oops, I'm running out of time!" Xiaoyao finally realized that the situation was not good at this time, and unknowingly fell into Xiaoguang's pace. Now it is impossible to win by points. This is still possible due to the level gap between the two sides.

"Bing Yibu, use boulders!"

"Bogaman, defend with the tidal whirl!"

Bogaman turned the tidal vortex into a shield, removing most of the boulder's power, leaving a little bit to take over perfectly with its water resistance.

"Secret power!"

Seeing that the boulder couldn't make a contribution, Xiaoyao had to choose close combat, but at this time she was too anxious and ignored Xiaoguang's other move!

4.0 "Bogaman, Return Fist Shield!"

This time, it was a big net woven by bubbles, and Bing Yibu couldn't easily break through it and attack Bogaman in the center of the bubble.

Obviously Bingyibrai was not injured at all, but he was forced into a desperate situation by Bogaman.

With the last few seconds left, Baian has already started the countdown, "3, 2, 1, the time is over!"

"The game is over, and the winner is Miss Xiaoguang!"

"Boga!" Bogaman sat on the ground in relief. The opponent's strength was much stronger than it. It was already on the verge of its limit. If the time was delayed by [*] seconds, I'm afraid I don't need to fight with Bing Yibu, and it will die on its own. Getting tired.

"It's great, we won, thank you Bogaman!" Xiaoguang hugged Bogaman excitedly and distressedly, and they finally joined forces to win the Michaelis Cup.

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