"So it turns out, it's the brave bird attack!" Tian Lin quickly realized that this is a new trick that the Blue Crow has learned, and it is also one of the best big moves in the flight department, "Very good, Blue Crow, use the brave bird attack, go Bar!"

The blue jay neighed, and the red flames wrapped around the body, instantly shaking off the mind power that restricted him, and then swooped towards Masana at an extremely fast speed. At the closest moment, his wings suddenly opened, and the flame turned into blue light. ........

The moment he hit Masana, the entire gym was shaken.

In the end, the blue jay flew out of the smoke, and there was still a centripetal current on his body, which was the damage caused by the reaction force.

This powerful blow, Marshana couldn't resist at all, it had fallen to the ground and completely lost its ability to fight.

"What a powerful trick. I didn't expect your Blue Jay to learn a new trick at a critical moment. It's really amazing." Ali praised. "But the next one won't be so easy, let's go, Lucario!"

Ah Li's last trump card is indeed Nalu Kalio, whose strength is as high as the mid-level Quasi-Tianwang, and has the attributes of steel.

"Blue Crow, you did a good job, come back and rest first." Tian Lin took back the Blue Crow, it just learned the trick, Tian Lin was worried that it would not be able to retract it freely.

"It's you in the end, go, forest turtle!"

Tianlin's last Pokémon was the Forest Turtle, which was beyond Ali's expectations, "Grass-type Pokémon? This is no threat to Lucario!"

Lei Si is also a little strange. He just thought that Tianlin is a person with a 4.0 heavy attribute advantage. Could it be that he is going to slap him in the face so soon?

"I won't know until I try to threaten it, the forest turtle, use the Flying Leaf Knife!" Tian Lin ordered confidently.

The numerous and incomparably sharp flying blade knives of the forest tortoises were launched. Ali's eyes narrowed, knowing that he still underestimated Tianlin, and immediately ordered, "Lucario, use metal claws to defend!"

Lucario stretched out a sharp claws glowing with silver-white light on the back of his hand, blocking the attack of the Flying Leaf Knife, but even so, it was still knocked back far away.

Seeing the power of this flying blade knife, Lei Si's eyes lit up, "Sure enough, he is a trainer with the same fighting type as Shinji. At this time, the use of the forest tortoise is not reckless, but because the forest tortoise is very high-level. Gao, I'm afraid it's about to evolve, Tian Lin wants to rely on Lucario's pressure to break through!".

Chapter [*]: Tutai Turtle Obtains Cobblestone Badge

What Lei Si noticed, Li, who was a gym trainer, could of course also notice.

"Lucario, do your best to start with the ultimate move!"

She adjusted Lucario's attack power, increased the power of the ultimate move, but lowered the attack rhythm. Tian Lin understood her thoughts at once, and gave her a grateful glance.

Ah Li has completely become a qualified gym trainer. Now that he sees Tian Lin's thoughts, of course Ah Li can't be waterproof, so it is the most correct choice to fight with maximum strength.

But she deliberately reduced her attack frequency, but it was to allow the forest turtle to have enough opportunities to adapt to the shock and pressure of her unique moves, so as to help it complete a breakthrough.

It is the duty of the gym trainer to test the challenger's strength and help the challenger grow. Obviously, Li has fully understood it.

"Sylvan Turtle, we can't live up to the good intentions of others, let's fight with all our strength, and use the grass field!"

The forest tortoise has set up a favorable venue for him, but this venue in 08 will continue to help Lucario recover his stamina, which is Tianlin's return.

"Flying Leaf Knife!" Then came the more powerful Flying Leaf Knife under the field augmentation.

In the face of such a sharp blade, even if Lucario has the attributes of the steel type, it cannot be easily resisted, so Ali used the attack to attack, and she pushed forward with both palms, "Lucario, use the wave missile!"

The blue energy ball was launched, and all the leaves were swept away in one breath. The quasi-celestial king is worthy of being the quasi-celestial king. Even if the power of the forest turtle has increased so much, there is still a big gap.

"Very good, Lucario, use the bone stick to beat!"

Ali slammed down his arms, and Lucario synchronized his movements, took out a huge bone stick, and slammed the tortoise in the woods with continuous waves.

"Forest turtle, cast a curse!"

Although Tianlin's side relied on the improvement of defense power and the grass's treatment, it was barely able to survive, but everyone could see that the forest tortoise was completely at a disadvantage.

"Come on, forest turtle!" Xiaoguang cheered for it enthusiastically.

"The forest turtle, there is only one way to break through the desperate situation, and that is evolution. Bring me all your power!" Tian Lin shouted loudly.

Finally, after suffering countless blows, the forest turtle's resentment soared to the limit without the ability to fight back, and a dazzling white light radiated from it.

The final evolution of one of the three Shenao Yu family, the Tutai turtle appears.

Turtles have a large, flat shell that looks like an Ankylosaurus.In contrast to the two bushes on the back of the tortoise in the woods, there is an oak-like tree and three gray equilateral triangular stone objects growing on the huge shell of the tortoise.

The turtle's shell is most likely the reason it's classified as a mainland Pokémon, it's just too big.Their large size gives them adequate defense against the enemy.

Tutai turtle, male, mainland Pokémon, grass type and ground type, lush characteristics, leisurely personality (adding things to prevent deceleration), height 2.5m, weight 330kg, good qualifications, champion-level potential, the current strength is the first-level quasi-king, Possess skills: Repayment, Flying Leaf Knife, Parasitic Seed, Earthquake, Mallet, Curse, Grass Field, Photosynthesis, Rockfall, Crushing.

This evolution made Tutai Turtle enter the quasi-king rank in one go, and learned a lot of new tricks.

The most important thing is that after evolution, it added the attributes of the ground. In this way, the attribute advantage has completely reversed, and now Tianlin has the advantage.

"Is the evolution completed, very good, then I'm welcome, Lucario, use the wave missiles with all my strength!"

At this time, Ali was no longer polite, and Lucario showed amazing strength. This wave missile was much stronger than before, no matter its size or launch speed.

The purpose of helping Tianlin has been achieved, and she doesn't need to keep her hands anymore.

Before the newly evolved Tutai Turtle had time to show its strength, it was shocked by this powerful blow and retreated to the edge of the field.

Xiaoguang exclaimed, "It's amazing, this Kalio's power is really great!"

Thinking of being able to hang up such a strong Ali, how terrible the strength of the three guys in front should be?

"Tutai Turtle, use photosynthesis!" Tian Lin was not in a hurry to attack, after all, the continuous attack had already consumed a lot of physical strength of the Tutai Turtle.

"Lucario, continue to attack and use wave missiles!"

It can be said that Ah Li has fully brought out the true qualities of a fighting trainer, that is, he is constantly onslaught.

However, it is precisely in the face of such trainers that Tutai Turtle's defensive counterattack can be fully demonstrated.

"Tutai Turtle, make an earthquake." Tianlin ordered. After the Tutai Turtle continued to eat the wave missile, the two front feet slammed on the ground, and the battle field shook violently. Serious injury came.

"Very good, Tutai Turtle, then use the mallet!"

The mallet is the grass-type version of the brave bird's onslaught. The power is very amazing, and it also has the effect of counter-injury. It is unbearable for ordinary Pokémon, but for a guy with excellent durability such as the Tutai Turtle, this is the best trick.

"Lucario, let's go!" Ali wouldn't sit still, Lucario struck with all his strength and collided with the mallet.

This is very similar to the previous scene against Ash, when Lucario used his remaining strength to fight against the water fluctuations of Yuki Itachi after two consecutive battles, and the two sides finally tied.

But now, no matter the level or the trick, the Tutai Turtle is 163 stronger than the Swimming Qi Itachi. This time, there is no doubt that it is Lucario who has fallen.

The Tutai Turtle survived out of breath. Fortunately, the previous photosynthesis recovered a lot of its physical strength, otherwise this game would have ended in a draw if it was lucky.

"The winner is decided, Lucario loses his ability to fight, and the winner of this game is the challenger Tian Lin!" The uncle referee announced with great vigour.

"Tianlin, this is a good battle. Although I still lost completely, I have nothing to be unwilling to do. Come on, this is the proof of winning the Curtain Gym, the round stone badge!"

This is Tianlin's third badge, and his progress can be regarded as keeping up with the previous ones.

After the gym battle, Lei Si kindly invited Tianlin and Xiaoguang to sit at his house. He had long wanted to meet Tianlin who crushed his younger brother.

Tianlin also planned to stay in the curtain city for one more day to visit the curtain department store and the game city, so he gladly accepted his suggestion.

Lei Si is now a Pokémon breeder, running a breeding house, specializing in helping others breed the Pokémon that are deposited with him.

Shinji's Pokémon also chose to send it to him, but did not send it back to the Yamanashi Research Institute. Shinji's many Pokémon are powerful, and his excellent brother is indispensable.

Chapter [*]: Meteorite and Trendy Dress Up in Curtain City

When he came to Leisi's house, Xiaoguang was dazzled by the pile of badges neatly placed on the table, "Wow, it's amazing, there are so many badges, Mr. Lei Si, are these all from Shinji? ?"

"No, these are mine. Don't look at me like this. I was also a trainer who challenged the league in various regions. Although I didn't win the final victory, I also won many good rankings." Recalling his own In the past, Lei Si said with high spirits, and it could be seen that he still misses the old days.

Tianlin glanced at these badges and found that one of the collection boxes was not full, "Mr. Lei Si, why is the most important symbol of heroism missing from your collection box of the Battle Development Zone?"

"Have you discovered it? In fact, the reason why I am now a cultivator is because of that defeat. At that time, I went to the Battle Pyramid with confidence after breaking through six battle facilities in a row. Unfortunately, in the face of the incomparably powerful Age of Gods Sir, I am no match at all."

"Mr. Kamidai has given me a problem for the defeated me. Where is the power that only I can show?"

"I've given up traveling over the years to become a nurturer just to stop and think about it."

Lei Si recalled that it turned out that he did not give up the road of trainer, but was just precipitation. When he found his answer, he would definitely go to the battle pyramid challenge again.

"You came to me today, just want me to help you answer this question?" Tian Lin asked.

"Yes, I know you are a trainer who has broken through the battle pyramid. I want to know, how did you find the power that only you can show?" Lei Si looked at Tian Lin with hope, he was eager to know this answer.

Tianlin shook his head, "I'm sorry, I can't answer you. As soon as I came, Mr. Jindai said that this is the power that only you can show, and of course only you can discover it."

"Secondly, since the day I traveled, I haven't lost the power that only belongs to me. How can I find it? I always know that I am on the path of the most correct and most suitable trainer, so I can win the generation of God. Sir~'!" Tian Lin replied earnestly and confidently.

Hearing this, Lei Si couldn't help showing a wry smile, "Is that so, is this the difference between me and you? The goal I have worked so hard to achieve, and the end point I think is just your starting point!"

"Sorry!" Tian Lin said solemnly.

"Where, you don't need to apologize, this is my own problem," Lei Si's temper was completely different from that of Shinji, even if Tian Lin couldn't help, his enthusiasm remained undiminished.

Towards the evening, after dinner, Lei Si also acted as a tour guide, bringing Tianlin and Xiaoguang to the suburban park, and let them witness the most famous things in Xiacuru City.

That is, the meteorite that promoted the development of Curtain City at the beginning. It was the fall of this meteorite that attracted countless tourists and boosted the city's economy, so that Curtain City could have today's prosperity.

For every Veil City citizen, this meteorite is the most precious property bestowed upon them by God.

Several people boarded a high platform, and several large round black stones were deeply immersed in the lawn. Because of the nightfall, the surrounding street lamps were lit up, illuminating the meteorite, and it looked more and more spectacular.

"You guys are going to leave in the next two days, so I think it's rare for you to come here. You must take a good look at the symbol of this city. It can be regarded as the friendship of the landlords." Lei Si laughed.

"This is the famous meteorite in Curtain City. I heard from my mother that this is the famous town here!" Xiaoguang seemed to have some understanding of the Curtain City.

Lei Si added, "Curtain City is also known as a space surrounded by stones, because of these meteorites. Long ago, these meteorites were regarded as the patron saint of this land and were very respected. It is said that at the beginning There are many people who come here to develop towns here, and over the years, the current curtain city has been formed.”

Lei Si talked eloquently, and it could be seen that, as a citizen of Curtain City, he revered these meteorites very much.

Affected by him, Xiaoguang was also infected. "Things flying from somewhere in outer space always feel an incredible feeling."

Just then, a helicopter flew over them and landed on a building in Veil City.

The few fashionably dressed people who had appeared in the random ruins before got off the helicopter, and two people dressed in the same clothes immediately greeted them, "Sir Zhenxing, welcome to Curtain City."

Seeing Zhen Xing carrying something in his hand, the younger brother immediately said, "Sir, let me help you get it."

Zhen Xing waved his hand to stop him, "No need, this is an important item given to me by the leader, I'll just take it myself!"

Zhenxing entered the building with a box, immediately called the personnel, and announced a battle meeting, "Everyone, the target this time is the meteorite in the park. As long as the next step, the use of the cube for authentication is successful, we will start this time immediately. combat operations.”

"'" Then after the battle was over, we abandoned this branch, destroyed all the evidence related to us, and retreated quickly, understand? "

"Understood!" The younger brothers said in unison.

Zhenxing quickly took everyone to the park. At this time, Tianlin and Xiaoguang had returned to the Pokémon Center. The park was empty.

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