Zhen Xing opened the box, and inside it was the mysterious cube he obtained from the random ruins.

As soon as the cube came out of the box, it seemed to resonate with the meteorite and released a dazzling light, which surprised Zhen Xing, "It really responded, exactly as the leader said!"

He immediately raised the cube high, and saw that many meteorites in the park all released beams of light, shooting directly into the sky.

Tianlin and Xiaoguang were about to go to rest. Suddenly, the strange power caught Tianlin's attention. He immediately (good for Wang) looked out the window, "What is that, in that direction, is the meteorite in the park."

The same people who noticed the situation as him were Lei Si, who happened to be walking outside, and Ali and Lucario, who were proficient in the power of waveguides and were meditating.

The three parties rushed to the park at the same time.

In the park, the beam of light gradually dissipated, and the cube in Zhenxing's hand began to deform in the beam of light from the meteorite, turning into a huge key. Seeing this, Zhenxing said excitedly, "This is the key to the gun, as expected, the meteorite. The key to the gun is made from the same thing."

It seems that this is the purpose of his coming here. Zhenxing ordered the subordinates in the base through the walkie-talkie, "I am Zhenxing, the target has been certified, and the radio interference is ready."

"Received!" The little rascal immediately started to operate on the computer.

Soon, the electromagnetic wave enveloped the curtain city, and all the communication equipment in the whole city lost its effectiveness.

Chapter [*] VS Town Star Cluster Destroys Galaxy Cluster

"Emergency Alert!"

In the police station, due to the radio interference of the Galaxy Group, all the equipment of the entire police station was paralyzed. Miss Junsha immediately ordered the staff to be on alert.

At this time, Galaxy Cluster Town Star took advantage of the chaos in the town and drove three helicopters to the park.

They intend to carry out meteorite recovery.

Relying on a large-scale machine, the two huge meteorites were quickly taken away. When Zhenxing sent someone to take the third one, Tianlin and A Li finally arrived.

"Ah, sorry, the meteorites were taken away by them!" Xiaoguang found that there were two missing meteorites scattered on the ground, and the third piece was also caught in the air by the machine.

"Damn, no matter who you are, you can't take away the important meteorite in our town, Lucario, use the wave missile!" Ali was suddenly angry, protecting the town was her duty as a gym trainer, and she wanted to It is impossible to take the meteorite away in front of her.

"There's a troublesome person here, but you can't stop me." Zhen Xing also recognized Ali, but he didn't panic at all, because Ali was not his opponent.

"Go, Poison Skull Frog, make waves of evil!"

In the darkness, a terrifying figure of 163 emerged, and then a powerful force of pitch black spewed out, facing the Bo missile. The Bo missile was pushed away instantly, and a big explosion occurred among the several people.

The Wave of Evil is obviously an evil-type skill, but in the face of the fighting-type wave missile, it has the upper hand. It can be seen that the opponent's strength is far stronger than Lucario.

When the dust dissipated, the true face of the shadow was revealed. It was indeed the evolutionary poisonous skeleton frog of the bad frog. Yes, the most terrifying thing about the poison-type and fighting-type Pokémon is the scarlet stinger on the fist. , covered with poison.

Surprisingly, the poisonous skeleton frog is actually aquamarine, which is completely different from the normal blue. That is to say, this is a shining Pokémon, and what surprised Tianlin even more is that its strength is as high as Heavenly King Intermediate.

No wonder it can suppress Ali's Lucario to such an extent. The Galaxy Group is indeed a big organization, far from what Hoenn's Lava Team and Ocean Team can compare to. A cadre has such strength.

"Hmph, what's the point of you stubbornly guarding this kind of landmark symbol? These meteorites only need to show their proper posture in our hands." Zhen Xing asked several people.

"All of this is for the new world that we regard as our goal, and I will not allow anyone to destroy it!"

Zhen Xing took a step forward and planned to continue the attack. Even the gym owner, Li, was not his opponent. He didn't take other people seriously at all. "Poison Skull Frog, solve them and use poisonous stings!"

Seeing the Poison Skull Frog felt the red thorns rushing towards them, Tian Lin smiled lightly, the other party's behavior of not taking him seriously really made him uncomfortable. "Flower rock monster, let's give it a wave of evil too!"

As a ghost-type Pokémon, a strange and unpredictable flower rock monster, its figure suddenly appeared in front of the poisonous frog, and a wave of evil that was several times stronger than just before was launched, and under the huge roar, The Poison Skull Frog flew backwards at a faster speed than when it came.

And the injury is not light, a single blow can make a middle-level Pokémon like this. Even if the strength of the Huayan monster has not recovered to the champion level, at least it has the peak of the king.

"What?" Zhen Xing was shocked, he didn't expect that there was someone in the opponent who was stronger than him.

"Huayan monster, use the shadow ball, burst!" Tian Lin emphasized the principle of taking advantage of his illness to kill him, and launched a violent attack.

The flower rock monster laughed again and again. It originally thought that the master who subdued it was a woman-friendly guy. It didn't expect to be so ruthless. And its appetite, invisibly, the sense of distance between one person and one pet is so inexplicably narrowed.

'Boom, boom, boom! ! ! '

As the shadow balls of the rock monsters were fired in succession, the galaxy group was beaten upside down, and Zhen Xing's heart was chilled (aiea), if this goes on, let alone bring back all the meteorites, maybe they will be wiped out.

"Damn, who are you?" Zhen Xing asked, looking at the culprit.

"I'm just a little-known Pokémon trainer, just call me Tian Lin!" Tian Lin replied calmly.

"Tianlin? It's actually you!" Zhen Xing was suddenly shocked. As a cadre of the Galaxy Corps, how could he have never heard of this name, a terrifying figure who disintegrated the two evil organizations of Fengyuan by himself.

His files have long attracted attention in the world's major evil organizations, and some weak evil organizations or poaching gangs have even issued orders to cancel the action when they meet Tianlin.

Zhen Xing realized that he was not Tian Lin's opponent and had to retreat immediately.

Two meteorites have been transported away, and the number is enough. It doesn't matter if the rest are abandoned.

"Release all the Pokémon and repel them!" Zhen Xing ordered to many of his subordinates.

Seeing the dozen or so members of the Galaxy Group behind him, each of them threw several Pokeballs, and forty or fifty big-mouthed bats appeared above their heads. They were indeed not Tianlin opponents, but they were There are also sea tactics.

After all, two fists are no match for four hands.

"Do you want to bully the less with more? It's a pity that this kind of trash is useless no matter how much you come. Go, Suicune, use surfing!"

Tianlin showed the mythical beast Suijun, and as soon as it appeared, a huge wave was set off, and there were dozens of big-mouthed bats in the area, but they were all covered by the waves in a moment.

All the members of the Galaxy Group were swept into a coma by the waves, and the only remaining helicopter became scrap iron, but only the figure of Zhenxing was missing.

It seems that he just used these subordinates as backers and sneaked away by himself. Sure enough, he is a member of an evil organization. To them, these little brothers are abandoned children who can be abandoned at any time.

Soon, Lei Si arrived with Miss Junsha and arrested all the members of the Galaxy Group.

Junsha walked to Tianlin and gave a salute, "Inspector Tianlin, thank you very much for your actions. In fact, we have been paying attention to the Galaxy Group for a long time. We have caught so many members this time, and we must know a lot from them. About this secret organization."

"You don't need to thank me, this is also my duty, but don't hold out your hopes too much. I'm afraid these little guys won't have access to the organization's secrets." Tian Lin sighed slightly, "It's a pity that the guy in the lead ran away, He is at the heart of their operation."

"You can rest assured that we will continue to pay attention to them. If there is any new information, we Shenao are very willing to share it with you, Tianlin Inspector, and we must ask for your assistance!" Jun Sha said.

"Okay, no problem!" In the face of Jun Sha's request, Tian Lin agreed without hesitation.

Chapter [*]: Sweeping the Game City Again

After making a note with Junsha, Tianlin took Xiaoguang back to the Pokémon Center.

He was still a little unhappy. The Galaxy Group actually took two meteorites in front of him, and Zhen Xing ran under his nose. If that's the case, then don't blame him for being rude.

A wicked smile appeared on the corner of Tianlin's mouth. He couldn't get the Galaxy Group right now, and he was going to use some despicable methods.

After a night's rest, Tianlin did not rush to leave Curtain City, but said that he would take Xiaoguang to go shopping, girls, you will never be able to resist shopping, and with Tianlin, this can be said to be a date. , So she happily agreed~.

However, when she saw where Tianlin brought her, her expression darkened immediately, "What, you agreed to go shopping with me, why did you come here?"

Xiaoguang pointed to the sign at the door, which read Curtain Games - Game City in large characters.

How can anyone come to the game hall on a date with a girl, is Tianlin a straight man of steel?

Tianlin smiled and said, "Xiaoguang, we need money to go shopping. Come here first to earn some money. I promise you will have a good day."

Tianlin took Xiaoguang's hand and walked into the game city. First, he exchanged a thousand alliance coins for fifty game coins, and then walked to a seat in the middle and sat down.

This is the position he deliberately chose, and here, the monitor can capture the clearest picture.

Tianlin first played a few games, winning and losing, and the tokens rose from fifty to more than one hundred. At this time, the background staff began to operate in the dark.

First give the guests a little taste of sweetness, and then let them lose all their money. This is the consistent style of the game city.

The boss behind this game city is actually the Galaxy Group. After all, as an evil organization, money is very important, and this game city is one of their most important sources of income.

However, because it is under the banner of legitimate business, Tianlin can't handle it even if he knows it, so he can only use evil to defeat evil. The Galaxy Group is despicable, and Tianlin is even more despicable than them.

The unfavorable superpower has come into play again. Even under their control, Tianlin can maintain three to four wins in five games, and the remaining one or two losses are also deliberate, in order to maintain a sense of authenticity.

Before he knew it, the number of his tokens had accumulated to thousands, and Xiaoguang was also aroused, and kept cheering for him by his side.

A handsome young man who has won consecutive battles and a beautiful girl who is lively and lovely to cheer him on. Such a combination quickly attracted a large crowd. They wanted to see how much Tianlin could win.

The biggest headache at the moment is the administrator of this game city. If he wants to be replaced by someone else, he has already taken his subordinates out to find trouble.

But the problem is that just last night, Zhen Xing just gave them an order not to provoke Tianlin.

He could only keep checking the surveillance, hoping to find evidence of Tian Lin's cheating and deal with him through formal legal means.

It's really shameful for an evil organization to be forced by Tianlin to only rely on the law to defend its rights.

But no matter how he looked at it, Tian Lin was just playing games normally. He didn't take out any Pokémon, nor did he have any other suspicious actions.

This surveillance video not only can't trouble him, but will become the best physical evidence that he didn't cheat. As for the witnesses, there are a large group of spectators around Tianlin Xiaoguang.

With human and physical evidence, they have absolutely no way to take Tianlin.

Until the number of Tianlin tokens exceeded the [*] mark, the administrator finally couldn't sit still. He walked out of the office and came to Tianlin and pleaded, "Hello, sir, I am the manager of this game city. , you have won a lot today, can you please stop here?"

"Oh, why, is the game city trying to chase people away? I haven't played enough yet. It's rare that I'm so lucky today, and I plan to play a few more games!" Tian Lin laughed shamelessly.

This really made the game city manager angry, but the problem was that he really had no choice. He couldn't catch the evidence of Tianlin's cheating.

By force?That's because he thought he didn't die fast enough. Even if everyone in his place made a shot, they were not Tianlin's opponents.

However, the person who can become a manager is not an ordinary person. I saw that his face was extremely aggrieved, and he actually squeezed out a few tears, "This gentleman, please do it, you can keep playing like this, our game city Going bankrupt."

"Over the years, our game city has also brought a lot of economic benefits to the curtain city. Please remember that we have no credit and hard work, let us go once, as compensation, you can use the money you have already obtained. The tokens are exchanged for any item or Pokemon in our game city at a 1.5% discount, and we are willing to repurchase more tokens at [*] times the price!”

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 0

This guy is really not simple. Anyone who knows the arts and martial arts can't deal with Tianlin. He simply played the emotional card.

And the interest he proposed is indeed very exciting. With the tokens in his hand, he can not only get a lot of good things, but also make a lot of money.

Seeing Tianlin's sway, the manager struck while the iron was hot, "Sir, if you don't stop, it seems that we will have to close the door tomorrow and declare bankruptcy, but this way, not only will many citizens lose their jobs, but also many people will lose their jobs. Those who have accumulated tokens in it will lose a lot, because the tokens in their hands can only be used in this curtain game city, I think besides us, there will be a large number of people going bankrupt.”

. . . . . .

After the sensational and enticing is moral kidnapping, it is true that those who can be leaders are full of perverted intestines, but Tianlin is still eating this set.

Because what he said is right, many gamblers have already bankrupted their wealth and exchanged tokens here. Once this declares bankruptcy, the tokens in their hands will become a piece of waste paper, and countless people will face bankruptcy.

Tianlin didn't want to become a hated sinner because of this, and he had had enough fun, so he just borrowed the donkey to go downhill, "Okay, Mr. Manager is so sincere, then I will accept your proposal, and let it go today, can I trouble you now? Take me to see what prizes your game city has, and I have to exchange so many tokens."

Hearing that Tianlin agreed to give up, the manager breathed a sigh of relief, "Thank you for this gentleman's generosity, please, I'll get you the prize form!"

The manager brought Tianlin and Xiaoguang to the living room, made them a cup of tea, and left. After a while, he came back with a booklet and handed it to Tianlin.

"Sir, this is all the items currently owned by our game city. The number of tokens required is clearly marked on it. I will give you a [*]% discount according to the previous agreement. Please choose freely!"

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