After leaving the coffee shop, Tian Lin asked her out of curiosity several times, but she kept saying that she would keep it a secret and give him a surprise next time. This kind of half-talking situation really made Tian Lin feel unbearable.

After Tianlin pestered Xiaoguang for several days, she was tight-lipped. In this way, in the fight between the two, before they knew it, they rushed to the location of the next gym, Curtain City, which is also Shinji's hometown.

Curtain City is located in the east of Shenao and is built on a steep rocky mountain that has been dug. The rock wall creates a grim atmosphere for the entire city.It is isolated from other towns and lacks communication due to its topography.

However, the level of development here is actually not low, because it is said that a meteorite has fallen here, attracting many tourists, and coupled with the unique terrain here, it can be regarded as a good tourist city.

Shenao's largest curtain department store and curtain game city are located here.

Speaking of the curtain game city, Tianlin wanted to go and play, because the game city in the Shenao area is not controlled by the Rockets, and their hands can't stretch that long. The real behind-the-scenes boss here is Shenao. The largest secret organization, the Galaxy Group.

Tianlin has no agreement with them that they cannot go. It is rare to come here, and it would be a pity not to kill the Quartet.

But of course, we can't forget that the first thing Tianlin has to do is to go to the Curtain Gym to get the badge.

However, before Tianlin walked into the city center, suddenly a wave of missiles flew towards him and Xiaoguang.

In order to prevent Xiaoguang from being injured, Tianlin shot out a strong mental thought, which offset the wave missile. This should not be aimed at them. Tianlin said curiously, "Let's go and see, maybe someone here is training to use the wave guide. Pokémon!"

"Waveguide?" Xiaoguang was a little puzzled, it was the first time she heard this term.

"That's the power that everyone has, but very few people can control it freely. Only some people can feel the waveguide and the power to control it. These people are called waveguide messengers, such as me and Ash are." Tianlin explained.

"Wow, that sounds like a great deal, but what's the use?"

"There are many uses, telepathy, telepathy, feeling other people's waveguides, investigating the environment, and feeling and seeing through objects. You can even project your own waveguides to create barriers or attacks, or transfer waveguides to other creatures, etc."

"Just saying it doesn't feel great, I'll show you how!" Tian Lin pulled Xiaoguang closer to him with a wicked smile, and leaned his forehead against her blushing face.

Suddenly, Xiaoguang seemed to be able to read Tianlin's mind. Of course, Tianlin could also hear Xiaoguang.

"Xiaoguang, why is your nickname Liangguang?" Tianlin asked suddenly.

Even if Xiaoguang didn't want to answer, when he heard this question, the past of the year still appeared in his mind subconsciously, Tianlin laughed loudly, "Haha, it turned out to be a positive electric pat and a negative electric pat, it really is a combination of bright light and bright light, The nicknames of these two lights are well-deserved!"

"Tianlin, you big rascal, you actually used a waveguide to peek at my memory!" Xiaoguang blushed again, this time it wasn't shy, but angry. The dark history she didn't want to be known about was just so obscured by the sky Lin found out that she just wanted to go underground now.

"Okay, let's go ahead and take a look!" Before Xiaoguang completely ran away, Tianlin hurriedly ran away. Facing this rogue, Xiaoguang was really helpless.

The two came to an open space, and saw a man and a woman in front of them doing battle practice, the man was using the Muke Eagle, and the girl was using Lucario.

The strength of the two Pokémon is comparable, and they are both about the middle rank of the quasi-king. I didn't expect them to meet such a strong roadside trainer.

The girl's offensive was very violent, and the man was forced to parry, but he seemed indifferent, "Ali, it seems that you have fully recovered, now I can rest assured!"

The girl nodded, "Well, after the battle with Xiaozhi, I have regained my confidence. Next time I meet Shinji, I will not lose to him again."

Satoshi, Shinji?

Hearing these two names, Tian Lin finally recognized the identities of the two people in front of him. The man should be Shinji's brother, Lei Si, and the girl was Tianlin's target on this trip. .

Chapter seven hundred and eighty seventh gym trainer who lost three battles and three defeats

"Excuse me, who are the two, and what's the matter?" Lei Si keenly noticed the two people beside him, finished training with Ali, and walked forward together and asked.

"Hello, sorry for disturbing your training. I'm Tianlin from Zhenxin Town. This is my partner Xiaoguang. We are here to challenge the Curtain Gym." Tianlin introduced himself.

"True Xinzhen? It's really Xinzhen again, so you're the last of those three stars?" Lei Si looked at Tian Lin with interest, "Hello, my name is Lei Si, I'm Shinji's brother, I heard my brother mention you, and he said that you are an extremely powerful trainer, far above him, and one of his goals."

Hearing his words, Xiaoguang was a little surprised. In her mind, Shinji was the embodiment of poisonous tongue, the kind that would make people angry without talking for three words. I didn't expect him to respect Tianlin so much in private. It seems that he Is the poisonous tongue just superficial?

"Oh, yes, and the one next to me, she is the trainer of the Curtain Gym, Li." Lei Si pointed at the girl, and the girl stepped forward and bowed slightly.

"Hello, I'm Ali, Mr. Tianlin, I've been waiting for you for a long time, and I've always wanted to have a battle with you!" Ali looked very excited.

Seeing such a high-spirited A Li, Tian Lin nodded slightly, "Then please give me some advice, Miss A Li."

"Haha, it seems that Tianlin, you came at the right time. If you had come a few days earlier, I would have met Li who wanted to resign." Lei Si suddenly laughed.

Just when the two were puzzled, Lei Si told what happened. Not long ago, three trainers took the gym badge from her~.

The first is Xiao Mao, the Pokémon he uses is the fangtooth land shark, and the combat power is very amazing. After easily defeating the first two of Ali, he actually ushered in evolution when he fought against Lucario and became a hero. Shenao Zhun - Shen Lie bites a land shark.

With the advantage of attributes and the suppression of strength, Xiaomao easily defeated Lucario and won the achievement of one wearing three. At that time, Ali's mentality began to change. She had doubts about herself, and felt that she was not qualified to be a Gym trainer.

But at that time, the idea was not very strong, after all, Xiao Mao left without saying anything after defeating her.

And the second Shinji is too much. He is also the same. Before facing Ali, he prepared a battle strategy in advance, and after the dark crow evolved into a gentleman crow, with the advantage of attributes, he defeated Ali's first and second in an instant. Only Pokémon.

Then, when facing Lucario, he replaced the platypus fire beast with favorable suitability again, and the result was the same as Xiao Mao, who easily won three consecutive victories.

After the game, he also said something maddeningly worth his life, "This is the easiest battle so far, it's really a weightless badge!"

Hearing this, Xiaoguang realized that Shinji is still the same Shinji, he only respects the strong, and the reason why Tianlin is so respected is because Tianlin is stronger than him.

And this sentence became the last straw that overwhelmed Ali. Since then, Ali has been closed to himself for a long time, and even thought of quitting the gym trainer many times.

Fortunately, her Pokémon Lucario, who hates iron and steel, has been training her in return, so that she can barely keep her from despair.

It wasn't until a few days ago that the third trainer, Ash, arrived, and his ebullient fighting style reawakened Li's courage.

In that battle, Li played extremely well, and finally tied with Xiaozhi. After the game, she admitted Xiaozhi's strength and gave him the badge with satisfaction.

After the battle, Ali found himself, and in just a few days, Ali's strength, whose mood had greatly improved, ushered in a surge in strength, so he has been letting Lei Si accompany her for special training in the past few days to see himself. how much progress has been made.

Lei Si is an excellent trainer who has challenged the major alliances. He has also broken six levels in the development zone. Only Mr. Jindai cannot pass the iron wall. Generally speaking, Lei Si's trainer level will not be lower than the quasi-king .

After several days of practice, Lei Si came to the conclusion that Ali's strength was no less than his, which showed that Ali's progress was fast.

Tian Lin is also very interested in being able to play against such a Li.

So the group immediately came to the place where the Curtain Gym is located. Ali is full of momentum at the moment. The so-called one-shot, and then declines, and the third is exhausted. If you wait until tomorrow, I am afraid that Tianlin will not be able to fight against such Ali. Therefore, Don't miss the opportunity.

"Okay, then, the challenger, Tianlin of Zhenxin Town, and the gym trainer Ali of the Curtain Gym, the gym competition with badges as bets is about to start. There are three Pokémon that can be used by both sides, and only the challenge Only those who have the right to replace Pokémon!"

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 0

After the referee read out the rules, the two immediately entered a state of battle, A Li, the gym trainer, took the lead in dispatching her vanguard, "Mr. Tianlin, please show me your strength, go, Haoli! "

"Haoli, it really deserves to be a gym of the fighting department, I am it, go, Chirulian!"

Chirulian has evolved since hatching in the egg, but it has not actually played a serious game, either relying on the characteristics of Yin people, or holding the thigh to mix experience.

...... 0

It's also time to let it fight people with its own efforts.

"To deal with super power-type Pokémon, I have long been prepared, Haoli, use the light wall!" Haoli wiped a light wall at the beginning, which can halve the damage of special attacks, super power-type Pokémon It's true that it's basically a special attack style. Her choice is theoretically correct, but unfortunately...

"Chirulian, use the mind hammer!" Tian Lin ordered without caring about the light wall. His Chirulian was attacked by things, and the light wall was none of his business.

Chirulian jumped over the wall of light and hit Haoli's abdomen with a hammer, preempting the attack, causing huge damage and giving Tianlin a certain advantage at the beginning.

"How come, this Kirulian is actually an attacking Pokémon. It seems to be bred with Eluledo as the direction of cultivation. Damn, I'm so careless!" Ali said angrily, as a fighting expert, Of course, she is very clear about Elleido, who also has fighting attributes.

It's just that because the Awakening Stone is very rare, even if it is a male Chirulian, most people cultivate it into a Shanaido, so she ignored it for a while.

"In this case, Haoli, use a burst punch!"

The characteristic of Ali's heroic power is that it has no defense, and the burst punch, which had a very low hit rate, has become a must-hit move. Except for the ghost type, this move is a great threat to any Pokémon.

Because Burst Fist is not only extremely powerful, but also has an additional effect that will definitely confuse the opponent. In the face of this move, you must not be careless.

Chapter [*] Gym Battle VS Ali

"Since it has no defensive characteristics, let me take advantage of it." Tian Lin smiled, "Chirulian, use hypnotism!"

No defense is not as simple as letting all of your unique moves hit, it also has a big negative effect, that is, the opponent's attacks on heroic force will all hit, and the same goes for hypnotism.

While Haoli raised his fist and rushed towards Chirullian, Chirullian calmly opened his palm, and circles of ripples were transmitted to Haoli's mind, and after his spirit was reduced to a minimum, he fell asleep. .

"Damn it!" Ali suddenly realized that something was wrong. The fighting-type Pokemon fell asleep in front of the super-type Pokemon, and there was basically no hope of waking up again.

"Chirulian, use the Mind Hammer again!"

Sure enough, in the next blow, Tianlin directly asked Chirulian to use the super power-type attack move again, and he won the first victory with a rush of "one sixty" qi.

"Haoli is back, he's on stage, Marshana!" For the current Ali, a single failure will not affect her fighting spirit, and she quickly took out the second one after taking back Haoli.

In addition to being a fighting type, Marshana is also a super power type. The mind hammer has no restraint effect on it. Even if Kirulian has a fairy type, it is useless, because it will not attack any type of fairy. It is a move, and the special attack is resisted by the wall of light that still has a while.

This was a little unfavorable to Chirulian, so Tianlin took out the Poké Ball without hesitation, "Come back Chirulian, Blue Jay, please!"

Seeing this, Lei Si couldn't help feeling that Tian Lin and Shinji's fighting styles were very similar. They were both traditional trainers who paid great attention to attribute restraint, which was completely opposite to the last master of inverse attributes.

"Mashana, preemptively, use the sucking punch!" Ali was going to test the blue jay, because she really didn't know anything about the Pokémon in the Galar region.

However, this type of family bird has a characteristic, that is, in addition to being a flight type, they also have general type attributes, which also gives many fighting type Pokémon a chance to beat them.

It's a pity that the blue jay is a strange thing. It is an extremely rare single-type flying-type Pokémon. When the sucking punch hits it, it doesn't hurt or itch at all, but it gives it a great opportunity to attack.

In order to attack the blue jay, Marshana jumped into the air, and the flightless it has no focus here to give it a chance to evade the attack.

"Blue Crow, use pecking!" Tian Lin hurriedly ordered.

The blue jay pecked at Masha, and the pain made it completely unable to keep its balance, and it fell to the ground, making the injury worse.

"Draining punches don't hurt, so if you say that, is it a pure flight type?" Lei Si glanced at Tianlin, "This guy's Pokémon are too rare, the attacking Chirulian, the pure flying type Blue Jay, you can often catch an opponent you don't understand by surprise!"

The pure flight type is currently the least attribute in the world. Except for the Tornado Cloud, one of the three cloud gods of the United Nations, there are only the evolutionary groups of the young tit and the blue jay, and once the blue jay evolves into a steel armored crow, it will Join the steel type and become a composite-type Pokémon.

"If the fighting skills don't work, then Masana, use the power of thought!"

Ali and Marshana's movements kept a high degree of consistency, as if she was fighting against the Blue Jays on the court.

This Marshana's mind power is indeed very good, and he really completely controls the blue jay while waving his arms.

"Very good Marshana, just smash it down like that!"

"It's not that simple, blue jay, fly!"

Both trainers shouted at the same time, two Pokémon were ordered, one kept pressing down with mental power, and the other struggled to resist with flapping wings.

The strength of the two sides is equal, and which side can win depends on the perseverance of the Pokémon itself.

"Come on, Blue Crow, it's time to show your strength!" Tian Lin encouraged. The Blue Crow's wings were flapping faster and faster, and sparks seemed to be rubbed in the air.

Gradually, the blue jay's body began to turn red, and Xiaoguang asked in surprise, "What's the matter, is the blue jay going to evolve?"

"No, no, that's not evolution, isn't it?" Lei Si thought of something, and his Muke Eagle often strengthens his energy like that, in order to use a super powerful trick.

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