The poisonous powder moth spit out silk threads and tied the two tails of the two-tailed strange hand together. Because the two-tailed strange hand suddenly lost its balance, not only did the trick not succeed, but also fell to the ground.

For a Pokémon like the Two-Tailed Monster, its two tails are more important than the hands and feet of ordinary people combined. Almost [*]% of the tricks can only be performed by the tail. Now the tail is restricted, and one body The strength is at least ten to seven or eight.

A simple trick of spinning silk, which was the initial skill of the first stage of the thorntail worm period, but this time it played a miraculous effect.

So far, Xiaoguang's score has bottomed out, but Musashi has basically maintained a full score, and Musashi is strong beyond Tianlin's expectations.

"Come on, two-tailed monster, try to break free from the silk thread!" Xiaoguang cheered.

After all, the two-tailed monster was born in a gymnasium, and it really couldn't defeat it at this level. It also inherited part of Xiaozhi's will, and I don't know what to give up.

As the twin tails suddenly exerted force, the twin tails broke free from the restraint, and Musashi ordered the spinning technique again.

"Two-tailed monster, shadow clone!"

Xiaoguang won't be hit twice by the same method. The twin-tailed monster separated countless clones and avoided the attack of the poisonous powder moth. Just when Musashi was searching for his true body, Xiaoguang ordered loudly, "The twin-tailed monster Hand, use the true qi fist."

All the clones on the field suddenly disappeared, but the figure of the two-tailed monster was still missing. Since it was not on the ground, then...

Musashi looked up, and it turned out that the two-tailed monster jumped into the air using the opportunity of the shadow clone just now. At this time, its infuriating fist had been charged, and it was used to increase its strength and speed by falling, and the poisonous powder moth could not be avoided. , was punched into the ground.

"Beautiful counterattack, such a powerful punch, will Miss Xiaoguang save the situation?" Bai An explained.

"Can you win?" Xiaoguang was also a little worried at this time, because a lot of time had passed, and the score difference was too big, it was impossible to win by score, her only chance to win was to complete a technical KO.

"Hahaha, little girl, you underestimate my poisonous powder moth. My little poisonous powder moth has been through a hundred battles, so it won't fall down so easily!" Musashi suddenly burst out laughing.

I saw the poisonous powder moth that had fallen on the ground suddenly stood up, and unexpectedly shot a phantom light to hit the two-tailed monster.

With this blow, Xiaoguang's remaining points were completely reduced to zero.

"The game is over, the winner is Miss Sweet Musashi Lina." Bai An immediately judged.

"Win, Musashi really won, it's great!" Kojiro hugged Miaomiao excitedly, "I must celebrate tonight and eat red bean rice!"

"You lost!" Xiaoguang stepped forward to help up the lost two-tailed hand, "It's alright, you've already worked hard, next time we'll try harder to win it back!"

Xiaoguang did not appear as desperate as in the original book, because she passed the first round of review this time. Although she was defeated in the second round, it was because of the gap in strength. She was indeed not Musashi's opponent just now, and she was convinced that she lost.

Skills are not as good as people, so there is nothing to say.

At the end of the competition, Musashi received the Random Ribbon Medal from Mr. Conkenstein. This is her first ribbon medal, and her road to the magnificent competition is about to start a new chapter.

After the game, Xiaoguang changed his clothes and walked out of the venue. He saw Tianlin was already waiting at the door, and ran to him happily, "Tianlin, come back and teach me some fighting methods, I want to learn the back fist protection like Xiaozhi. cover."

She has just summed up the game. If she can return the fist shield, she can not only defend against the poisonous needles and spinning of the Musashi Poison Moth, but also immediately launch a counterattack, so she can definitely win .

"Okay, this is for you. As long as you want to learn, I will teach you everything!" Tianlin gave a thumbs up, very satisfied with Xiaoguang's current expression of 160.

Unwilling to be filled with desire, and undisguised ambition to win, this is the expression a person who aims to be a top coordination trainer should have.

On the other hand, Jian Wu left without saying a word. The defeat this time was also a big lesson for him. He became a little complacent after being immersed in the victory. This head-on attack came to him. Saying it might not be a bad thing.

'Beep beep! '

After the random meeting was over, just as Tian Lin and Xiaoguang were about to leave the town, the Pokémon pilot on Tian Lin suddenly called out.

Tianlin took it out and saw that there was an email sent by Xiaogang. He immediately avoided Xiaoguang and planned to check it secretly. The things Xiaogang sent were never good things.

Ever since Tianlin asked Xiaogang for the address of the girl town, Xiaogang regarded him as a fellow, even a confidant, in a sense.

Seeing Tianlin's sneaky appearance, Xiaoguang's curiosity was hooked.

"Hey!" She suddenly attacked Tianlin and snatched the navigator, "What is this, why did Xiaogang send you an address, and it's not far from the town of random!"

"This, let's take a look and see. Maybe it's a place that can help us train Pokémon?" Tian Lin guessed to himself.

Out of curiosity, the two walked out of town together.

Chapter [*] Maid Cafe

Tianlin and Xiaoguang followed the address sent by Xiaogang to the suburbs and stopped at the door of a store.

Seeing the license plate on the store, Tianlin's mouth twitched, and Xiaoguang was furious.

"Tianlin, you guy, actually asked Xiaogang to introduce this kind of place to you." Xiaoguang angrily pointed to the house number, which had the words 'maid cafe' written on it.

Xiao Kong is a brother, and this is one of the ultimate dreams of a man. The timing is not good. If he sent it out earlier, Tianlin would be able to come here to drink in an open and honest manner when Xiaoguang participated in the random meeting. one cup.

Now that Xiaoguang is watching, even if he goes in, he can only stare.

"No, we can't go in here, leave immediately!" Xiaoguang felt a sense of crisis, and pulled Tianlin's sleeve to prepare to leave.

But Tian Lin was really unwilling to leave like this, he took out his navigator and said, "Look at Xiaoguang, this cafe is rich in moo-moo fresh milk. If you use this fresh milk as an additive to make Baofen, it will not only make Baofen a treasure. Fen has become more delicious and nutritious!”

"Besides, in the message Xiaogang sent me, I asked me to help him buy some to bring to him next time. He missed it because he rushed to the Curtain City directly, so we can't help but help!"

"Okay, but we can't stay for too long. We will leave immediately after we get the fresh milk!" Under Tianlin's persuasion, Xiaoguang finally reluctantly gave in.

"YES!" Tian Lin clenched his fists, this is a man's stubbornness.

The two pushed open the store door, and Tian Lin said skillfully, "I'm back!"

Although Tianlin came to this place for the first time, he had never eaten pork, and he had seen pigs running all the time. As a two-dimensional fan in his previous life, he still had some common sense.

Xiaoguang glanced at Tianlin dissatisfied, and sure enough, this guy wanted to come, she was deceived, and any help Xiaogang brought fresh milk was an excuse.

"Master, you are back~'!"

Soon, three girls came out to receive the reception, the youngest loli could be ignored, and the other two, one black silk and one white socks, matched with the cute maid costume, it really perfectly matched the maid dream in every boy's heart. .

The decoration of the store is very warm, giving people a feeling of coming home, and the voices of the two sisters are even sweeter.

"Come on, please use it, master!" The young lady in white socks brought a glass of ice water and introduced herself, "I'm Xiaochun, the eldest sister of this maid cafe, and my second sister Xiaoxia and third sister Xiaoqiu."

In the spring, summer and autumn, if she has more sisters, the four seasons of the year will be all together.

"It's a really nice name. If possible, if only we could keep this intimate title in our private life!" Because of the charm of the maid, Tian Lin unknowingly turned into a little gangster, and he subconsciously said it in front of Xiaoguang. Lifting it up, the surrounding background was filled with a peach color for a while.

Moreover, he was much more handsome than Xiaogang, and with a burst of sweet words, Xiaochun and Xiaoxia quickly turned red.

"Humph!" An unhappy Xiaoguang stepped on Tianlin's instep, and the huge pain pulled him out of the peach-colored atmosphere. Watching Xiaoguang grinding his little tiger teeth, Tianlin suddenly felt that something was wrong, and immediately changed the topic. , "That, Miss Xiaochun, this is the place that produces the best moo moo milk, right? We're here to buy this stuff, do you have it?"

"Of course there is. How much does the master want? I will prepare it immediately. If the master wants to see the big milk jar, you can come together!" Tian Lin's eyes lit up with Xiao Xia's invitation, and he said how nutritious the fresh milk in the big milk jar is. But Tianlin has not seen the process of milking fresh milk.

After coming to the back of the cafe, Xiaochun gently rang the bell, "Everyone, it's time!"

Amid the bells and calls, three big milk jugs walked in staggeringly. Xiaochun introduced that two of them belonged to her, and the other belonged to Xiaoxia. It could be seen that they were trained very well. house, set up the machine.

"Is there no Xiaoqiu?" Xiaoguang asked curiously.

Xiaoqiu was a little embarrassed, "That, I actually have it too, but..."

She looked at a large milk jug not far away, but saw it sitting lazily in the same place, not as well-behaved as the first three, and even deaf to Xiaoqiu's orders, "This child's name is Luta, I am I just subdued it recently, but it won't listen to me!"

"I don't know whether to say Luta is too self-centered or too self-willed, but I don't think the sisters are cute, so I'm thinking about letting it go!" Xiao Qiu complained.

"You can't do this. If you don't understand the captured Pokémon well, you want to give up. This is a very bad thing for the Pokémon and yourself." Tian Lin taught him a lesson. It's actually not difficult to get in touch with Luta, Xiaoqiu, why don't we have a fight!"

Tianlin's method is very simple. It is to cultivate the tacit understanding between the trainer and the Pokémon in the battle. This is also the method that he can think of as a trainer.

If Xiaogang is here, his soul of the breeder must be to educate Xiaoqiu how to get along with Pokémon correctly, but unfortunately Tianlin doesn't have the spare time, and the battle is much more straightforward.

"' "Well, okay, don't look at me like this, my strength is very strong! "Speaking of the battle, Xiaoqiu actually became enthusiastic, it seems that she is still a little confident in her own strength.

The two came to an open grassland, and Tian Lin took out the Poké Ball to start the battle, "Then I am you, go, forest turtle."

"Preemptive strike, use the Flying Leaf Knife!"

Tianlin made a fast attack at the beginning. Countless sharp leaves cut through the grass and flew to the big milk tank, but when these leaves hit the big milk tank, not only was it unscathed, but the big milk tank also picked up a large amount of leaves and stuffed it into the big milk tank. In the mouth, after chewing a few mouthfuls, it was swallowed, and at the same time its momentum rose a bit.

"Good guy, it's actually a herbivore with Meng's (Dewang's) characteristics!" Tian Lin was shocked, what kind of willful self-centered big milk jar is this, it is clearly a treasure.

"Luta, counterattack, use Taishan to press the top!"

The big milk jug jumped up, and her aura was amazing. Xiaoqiu didn't say it, she did have some strength.

"Forest turtle, curse!"

Tianlin strengthened the forest turtle in situ and withstood the opponent's attack. "Then use the bite."

Immediately after the defense, he counterattacked. The forest turtle bit the arm of the big milk tank. The huge pain made the big milk tank struggle to recognize it.

"Luta! Are you alright?" Xiao Qiu suddenly cried out anxiously, she said she wanted to give up the big milk jug, but in fact she still cared about it very much.

"Xiaoqiu, don't be distracted, the game isn't over yet!" Tianlin drank, this is a good opportunity to build a bond, as long as Xiaoqiu makes the correct instructions, the big milk tank will gradually begin to trust her.

Chapter [*]: Arrive at the Curtain City

Being yelled at by Tianlin, Xiaoqiu immediately woke up, this is the good opportunity Tianlin helped her find.

"By the way, Luta, just use the forest turtle to use the rolling trick!"

Xiaoqiu had a flash of inspiration, and when the big milk tank heard the words, he immediately curled up, turned into a ball, and rolled up with the dead wood monster.

Under the continuous rolling, the forest turtle suddenly became dizzy and had to let go of his mouth, but he still felt a whirlwind.

The big milk jar stopped rolling, turned around and smiled at Xiao Qiu, thanks to her reminder, she was able to get rid of the forest tortoise so smoothly.

"Well, Luta, this is a good opportunity to attack, once again use Taishan to push the top." Xiaoqiu and the big milk can cooperate more and more tacitly, so it seems that their relationship should be no problem after this battle.

"Then, let's end here, forest turtle, use repayment!" Tianlin ordered, repayment is a permanent skill machine he got when he was in the Chengdu area, and he only used it for forest turtles and marsupials .

After such a long trip, the intimacy between the forest turtle and Tianlin has already reached a peak, and this trick can be released with the greatest power of 160.

The forest turtle first used his body to catch the attack of the big milk can, and then he pushed forward, and immediately knocked the big milk can into the air.

By the time the big milk tank hit the ground, he had already lost his ability to fight, and he won with one blow. Although Xiaoqiu's commanding level was good, it was a pity that the difference in strength between Pokémon was too great.

"You're amazing, big brother, you're really too strong." Xiao Qiu said with adoring eyes.

"Train your Luta well, it will become stronger one day." Tian Lin touched Xiao Qiu's little head and smiled.

At this time, Xiaochun and Xiaoxia also came out, "Mr. Master, the moo fresh milk you want is ready, and thank you for your help to our little sister."

"You don't need to thank me, it's a great effort." Tian Lin returned to the maid cafe, loaded up the moo of fresh milk, and prepared to leave.

But looking at the two beautiful girls in black silk and white stockings in front of her, she was still a little reluctant.

Feeling that Tianlin's eyes were wrong, Xiaoguang became more and more angry, but Xiaochun saw something, lowered her head and said a few words in her ear, Xiaoguang nodded blushing, and then went to coffee with Xiao(aiea)chun Inside the hall, she came out after a while, and she didn't know what Xiaochun said to her, but she suddenly felt that she was in a much better mood.

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