"Well, it seems that Jian Wu's two ribbon medals are not fake, isn't it a lot of progress!" Tian Lin praised.

"The next contestant is Miss Sweet Musashi Lina!"

After a few more people, it was finally Musashi's turn to play. Tian Lin felt her extraordinary confidence today and was very curious about what kind of performance she would bring.

After all, her way of acting cannot be imitated by ordinary people.

"Poisonous powder moth, the rocket starts!"

Among the special effects of love, the poisonous powder moth appeared gorgeously, and was infected by Musashi. Today, it is also full of self-confidence and looks particularly attractive.

This is a veteran that Musashi conquered in Hoenn. No matter the level or the bond between him and Musashi, he is quite high, and he has a lot of stage experience.

"Everyone, open your eyes and take a good look, put on a brand-new masterpiece of performance style, poison powder moth, and use the wind!"

Musashi was full of momentum and made no secret of his ambition to win this competition.

The poisonous powder moth set off a strong whirlwind, which actually blew Musashi off the ground and slowly rose into the air.

It is also the use of foreign objects to reflect the power of Pokémon. Others use dead objects such as discs, and she borrows herself. This is not only more difficult, but every moment in the performance reflects people and Pokémon. trust between dreams.

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 0

Seeing the sweet Musashi Lina shining brightly in the sky, everyone was stunned.

"It's over, Poison Moth, use phantom light!"

A phantom light of the poisonous powder moth hit Musashi, and a big explosion occurred in the venue immediately.

"My God, the scale powder and the phantom light collided and exploded, so what about Miss Musashi Rina?" Baian tried to explain against the whirlwind of the explosion.

The green smoke on the stage shrouded the figures of Musashi and Poison Moth. In the next second, Poison Moth dispelled the smoke, Musashi stood on the stage safe and sound, and Poison Moth gently landed on top of Musashi's head.

People and Pokémon complement each other, and the score for this performance is quite high, and Musashi's applause is even more enthusiastic than before Kengo.


"The next contestant please come on!"

Xiaoguang was finally about to appear, she quickly stepped onto the stage and threw the Poke Ball, "Two-tailed monster, the charm is here!"

"Using high-speed stars!"

The twin-tailed monster swayed with its two tails, and the gorgeous colorful stars flew on the stage. Under the collision of the stars, the light of the rainbow will flash, which is beautiful.

"Two-tailed monster, pay attention to the number of stars, don't let the trick cover you." Xiaoguang warned.

Caizi, who is watching Xiaoguang's game at home at the moment, heard this command and smiled with satisfaction, "Very good, Xiaoguang, you have memorized the most crucial elements, the ultimate trick is always just a support, and Pokemon is the protagonist."

"Two-tailed monster, gather all the stars with a double attack."

This time, the two-tailed monster kept grabbing the stars with its tail, and finally, condensed all the small stars into a huge star and threw it into the air.

"It's over, the last is True Qi Fist!"

The ending action was the ultimate trick, True Qi Fist. The two-tailed monster clenched its tail into a fist, and with one punch, the big stars were scattered, and the entire venue was filled with light for a while.

Mr. Conkenstein clapped his hands and praised, "It's excellent, the trick is not only gorgeous, but the tail of the two-tailed monster hand is amazing, from the rainbow-colored high-speed stars scattered at the beginning, to gathering and merging, and then to breaking up again, It's all done with that tail, no doubt, this is the biggest feature of a Pokémon like the Two-Tailed Hand!"

"Hehe, Xiaoguang should be fine this time!" Hearing Mr. Conkenstein's comment, Tian Lin was almost completely relieved.

Chapter [*] Jian Wu defeated Xiaoguang and Musashi's strength

"The first review is now starting to publish results!"

After a morning, the performance was all over, and the three judges reviewed it very quickly. After noon, Miss Bai An immediately announced the results.

"After a rigorous review, it was confirmed that the top eight who were successfully promoted are the above!"

The screen began to jump, and the first one to jump out was Musashi, then Xiaoguang ranked fourth, Jianwu ranked seventh, and everyone successfully passed the first review.

"Passed!" Xiaoguang stood up excitedly. She was a little uneasy at first, but the moment she saw her avatar, the shadow of her defeat in the last match was swept away.

Tianlin walked up to Xiaoguang and said with a smile, "That's great, Xiaoguang, let's do our best in the second round."

"Well, thank you, Tianlin, thanks to your advice, I was able to perform so smoothly!" "One Six Zero"

"Okay, now is not the time to relax, watch the big screen group." Tian Lin reminded.

On the big screen, the list began to be arranged randomly. Xiao Guang was the first group to play, and the opponent was a passer-by. Musashi and Kengo were assigned to the last group at the same time. It seems that one of them will be eliminated soon.

"Xiaoguang, it seems that we have to compete on the final stage!" Jian Wu said confidently, it seems that winning two ribbon medals in a row made him feel a little proud.

"Hehe, Jianwu, the person who can stand with Xiaoguang on the final stage may not necessarily be you!" Tianlin whispered, today's Musashi is very powerful and scary, she is very likely to perform exceptionally, at this time who Underestimate her without good results.

The so-called arrogant soldiers will lose, and the underdogs will win. Unlike Jian Wu, who has won consecutive battles, Xiaoguang did not even pass the first round of review at the Fate Conference before, and Musashi has already lost three games in a row. The anger in their hearts The unwillingness and unwillingness have accumulated to a certain extent.

In this casual meeting, it is indeed time for these two to break out.

"Then from now on, the Gorgeous Contest will enter the second round at random. In the Gorgeous Battle Tournament, the two players from the first group are invited to take the stage!"

Bai'an gave the stage to the players who were about to fight, and Xiaoguang slowly walked out of the channel on the right.

"This time, there's absolutely no problem." Xiaoguang first poured himself chicken soup for his soul and overcame his nervousness, "Two-tailed strange hand, the charm is here."

This was something she had already considered before the competition. Regardless of whether it was the first or second review at the random meeting, she would use her newly acquired partner, the Two-Tailed Monster, to appear on stage.

And her opponent, a young man, was using a bug-type electric firefly.

"Two-tailed monster hands, unleash true qi fist!"

"Fighting-type skills, Electric Firefly, block it and use electromagnetic waves." Facing Xiaoguang's instructions, the teenager seemed very confident, because the insect-type was resistant to the fighting-type, and it chose to fight back immediately after receiving the attack. Maximizing the hit rate of electromagnetic waves is generally not a wrong choice, but...

"Unfortunately, there is no chance for Electric Firefly to fight back!" Tian Lin hugged his arms and smiled more confidently than Xiaoguang.

The punch of 'Bang' was an earth-shattering shock. The Electric Firefly was actually punched into the ground and fainted.

The three big crosses indicate Xiaoguang's technical KO victory.

"This, is it over?" Xiaoguang scratched his head in embarrassment, and he actually won like that?

For some reason, such a clean victory made her feel a little unwilling, and she hadn't shown the most important battle performance in gorgeous battles.

In fact, Xiaoguang really underestimated the strength of the two-tailed monster. It is a Pokémon born in the gymnasium battle. Xiaozhi used it to continuously break through the steel and the EMI.

Regardless of level or combat experience, it is not weak.

And although it has now followed Xiaoguang's transformation, it has not changed the habits of many gym battles.

In order to carry out the battle performance, many Pokémon in the gorgeous competitions use seven points and three points, and use the more convenient recovery power to quickly use the moves that match the performance. The kind that doesn't stop until people can't take care of themselves.

Encountered with the two-tailed monster who has not changed his habits, Tian Lin can only mourn for his opponent.

After Xiaoguang's battle was over, there were two more games soon, and finally, the battle came to the last group, Kengo VS Sweet Musashi Lina.

Now the battle has entered the heat of the battle, how confident Jian Wu was before the game, and how sad he is now, being suppressed throughout the whole process and unable to fight back, what he is talking about is the situation in front of him...  

Kengo's score was deducted by more than half at this time, but Musashi was just beginning to decrease.

"Prince Bo, use bubble light!"

In order to restore the disadvantage, Jianwu didn't plan to use those other fancy skills. At this time, he should come up with the best tricks.

"Poisonous powder moth, use poisonous needles!"

It's a pity that this trick still made Musashi a wedding dress, and I saw that the poisonous powder moth fired the same number of poisonous needles as the bubble light, piercing the bubbles one by one.

Drops of water droplets fell on the wings of the poisonous powder moth, which completely brought out the beauty of its wings.

"Oops, did the opponent score again?" Jian Wu gritted his teeth, and as time passed by, he had no hope of reversing.

"The time is over, the winner of this gorgeous battle is Miss Sweet Musashi Lina!" Baian announced the result, and Musashi defeated Kengo, who had two ribbons, by an absolute advantage.

"Haha, that's great, my beautiful little poisonous powder moth!" Musashi hugged the poisonous powder moth and celebrated.

"Strange, is it my illusion? I always feel that today's Musashi fight is very natural, the overall atmosphere is very good, and it is very open." Tian Lin touched his chin and thought, for some reason, so that Musashi can be so full Self-confidence, so as to perform exceptionally well.

Meow and Kojiro in the audience also discovered this situation, but they understood the reason why Musashi was able to do this, "I seem to understand, because 4.0 is because Musashi thinks he will definitely win, so he is very relieved, so he can change. I have to go to the game more easily than before, meow!”

"It's also because of this that she can perform so well!" Kojiro analyzed, "Then go after the victory and win the conference in one go."

The random conference is still going on, Xiaoguang and Musashi can be said to be on the verge of breaking out, and it turned out that they were the two who made it to the finals.

When they were in Zhuqing City and Yuanzhi Town, the two of them fought each other, and Xiaoguang won both times. I don't know what the result will be today.

"Okay, the final stage of the Gorgeous Tournament Random Tournament, contestant Sweet Musashi Lina vs. contestant Xiaoguang, the time limit is five minutes, and the competition begins!"

As Miss Bai'an's voice fell, the final battle of the random meeting finally came.

Chapter [*]: Musashi's First Ribbon Medal

"Little girl, today, I must win you." Musashi confidently threw out the Poke Ball with a smile, "Poison Powder Moth, let's start with Rocket!"

"I won't lose either, the two-tailed monster, the charm is here!"

Poison Moth is against the two-tailed monster. When the two-tailed monster was still the long-tailed monster, Xiao Zhi used it to deal with the Rockets. Pokémon felt much more sensitive than humans, and identified the opponent at a glance. identity.

"Poisonous powder moth, use the wind!"

The enemy was extremely jealous when they met, and the poisonous powder moth blew a stronger wind than when dealing with Prince Bo before, and the whole body of the two-tailed monster was blown up.

"Two-tailed monster, use high-speed stars!"

The twin-tailed monster in the air has no focus, and other unique moves can't hit the right direction, but this high-speed star does not need to be concerned, because this is a skill that will be hit after locking on the target.

"Poisonous powder moth, poisonous needle!"

At this time, Musashi performed exceptionally well, her command was correct, Poison Powder Moth's poison needles were even more perfect, and the two-tailed monster hands' high-speed stars were actually pinned to the ground piece by piece.

Because of the broken move, Xiaoguang's score was greatly reduced for a while.

"Fantastic, my little venomous moth, let's make a phantom light next!"

The poisonous powder moth stopped blowing, and a 08 phantom light rays hit the two-tailed monster. The transition between moves can be said to be smooth and smooth. The time from Musashi's order to the time when the poisonous powder moth received the order and started to act was also extremely short.

As far as the tacit understanding with Pokémon is concerned, it really is that Musashi and Poison Momo, who have traveled together in the Hoenn area, are even stronger.

"Two-tailed monster, two combos!"

The two-tailed monster waved its two tails and started to counterattack, but Musashi calmly gave the order, "Poisonous powder moth, spin silk!"

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