"Don't worry, we can try our best to buy time." Tian Lin remained calm, and he and Zhu Lan had already prepared for this situation.

The space began to collapse, and it must have started from the very edge of the town. A large number of excellent trainers who were going to participate in the gorgeous competition had already been guarded in the south, south, north and west of the town by Zhulan's orders.

At this time, they each took out the strongest Pokémon, relying on Pokémon's tricks to try to suppress the shrinkage of space. Although this cannot be completely prevented, it can at least buy Tianlin and the others time.

In addition, the residents of the town all began to gather in the courtyard in the center of the town's "One Four Three" town, and Miss Joy and Miss Junsha were instructed in an orderly manner.

"Come out, Bite Land Shark, Minas, Flower Rock Monster, Pokkis, Manatee." Zhulan dispatched all the Pokémon on her body in one breath, and none of them were lower than the champion level. .

"Minas, Flower Rock Monster, Pokkis, Manatee, the four of you, along with Lucario, help the residents take refuge."

As a champion, Zhulan's priority must be the safety of the citizens. Even if the aftermath of the battle between the gods and beasts is the aftermath of the collision, it is not something that ordinary Pokémon can contend with. It is a fatal blow to people, but with Bamboo Ran's Pokémon strength, at least, has no problem blocking the aftermath.

"Bite the land shark fiercely, join me to meet the enemy!"

The ace Liebite Lu Shark, of course, is with her and Tianlin to fight against strong enemies. Liebite Lu Shark looked at the two first-level gods above, there was no fear in his eyes, but he was very excited. It has not been seen for a long time. Having played a real opponent, even the trump card of the Four Heavenly Kings is no different from the abuse of vegetables. Today, I can finally have a good fight.

The battle of the two gods in the sky has heated up, and the two sides have fought a real fire. The powerful strength of the first-level gods makes it impossible for Nightmare God and Suicune to intervene.

At this moment, the orb on Palkia's shoulder and the diamond on Dialga's chest began to shine dazzlingly.

'Beep, beep, beep! ! ' The computer in Tonio's hand raised an alarm. "What a powerful force, they are going to come up with a big trick."

Sure enough, at the next moment, the strongest tricks of the two sides collided, and Yakong Slash roared at the time. They were indistinguishable, but under this blow, the collapse of the space was immediately accelerated, which was originally blocked by the trainers. The delayed disappearing speed suddenly accelerated, and even if they work together, the effect they can play is very limited.

"They must be stopped, they can't be allowed to collide with each other anymore." Zhu Lan said solemnly.

"If you know what Orathion is, maybe you can prevent this disaster!" Tonio murmured softly, but unfortunately he had never heard of this.

"Orathion? Isn't that just a song?" Tian Lin said suddenly.

"You know?" Tonyo was surprised.

"Of course, Orazion means prayer, it's a song that can quell great anger, so that's what the Tower of Time and Space is for." Tian Lin remembered something and said to Alice, "Ellie Silk, is there a place to store the sound disc in the Tower of Time and Space, Orathion must be there, go find it and play it on the Tower of Time and Space."

"Okay." Alice knew that the matter was urgent, and without hesitation, ran to the Tower of Time and Space with Tonyo.

"Miss Zhulan, please go too, Alice and Tonyo are not trainers, I need you to protect them."

"But you are here?" Zhulan was a little hesitant at this time. She knew that what Tian Lin said was the best way to solve the problem, but it was too dangerous to leave Tian Lin alone to face the gods of space and time. .

"Don't worry about me, I'm fine, Darkrai and Suijun are here." Tian Lin said with a smile, no matter when, his calmness, gentleness, and self-confidence always make people feel a sense of security involuntarily. Feeling that even the powerful goddess of battle Zhulan was infected, this time, she was willing to believe this young man.

"Okay, be careful, leave it to me from Orazion, and I promise in the name of the champion that there will be no problems at all." After Zhulan finished speaking, she quickly followed Alice with Bite Lu Shark. At this time, the faster their tasks are completed, the safer Tianlin will be.

Finally, only Tian Lin was left in the square, and then he could let go and fight without any scruples, the two divine beasts in the sky were still roaring, Tian Lin smiled confidently, "Then, it's time to clean up you! "

"Darklay, please entangle Dialga, Suicune, and assist Darkrai 0........" To try to buy time, the first thing to do is not to let the two treasures Dream fighting.

Palkia and Dialga master the laws of time and space. Every collision between them represents the collision of time and space, which will cause great harm to the gap between time and space. Therefore, Tian Lin decided to completely separate the two. Pokémon.

Suicune and Darkrai heard the words and stood in front of Dialga. Although they were not Dialga's opponents, they should be fine at least for a while.

Dialga didn't want to pay attention to the two little characters in front of him at all, and started with a meteor swarm, while Darkrai and Suicune used the wave of evil and the water cannon to arrive.

But there are too many bolides in Dialga, even if they join forces, they can't stop them all, and some of the bolides even flew to the courtyard full of people.

Fortunately, Miss Zhulan was already prepared, and Minas and many other champion Pokémon shot at the same time, completely dispersing the remaining power and protecting everyone.

This scene made the people who were very uneasy gradually calm down. The presence of Zhulan gave them a sense of security. With the champion protecting them, they would be fine.

"As expected of a champion Pokémon, 4.0 is really powerful!" Tian Lin praised.

"Then next, Palkia, let me be your opponent."

Tian Lin appeared on the opposite side of Palkia in a teleportation, using his superpower to float in the air. In front of him was a petite and cute Pokémon, one of the most cherished phantom beasts, Dream.

Without any hesitation, Palkia hit Tianlin with a pink ball.

"Bo missiles, so Xiaomeng, we also use wave missiles."

Two spheres of the same color collided in mid-air, the one on the dream side was slightly smaller, pushed back a certain distance, and then exploded.

The difference in strength can be seen clearly between the masters only by short-handed battles. Sure enough, there is still some distance between the dream and the space god.

However, this gap can be made up, because they are two-on-one, and there is still Tianlin here.

Chapter [-]: The origin of the supernova explosion

In order to deal with this disaster, Tian Lin has prepared two solutions. One is Oracion. As long as the music starts to play, the anger of the two Pokémon will subside, and the incident will be resolved naturally.

The second way is to give priority to solving or even conquering one of the two gods of time and space, so that the other one loses its goal and can also eliminate the problem.

The reason why Tianlin chose Palkia was purely because the persimmon had to be soft-touched. It had already been injured by Dialga, and its strength was far less than in its heyday. Wouldn't it be a missed opportunity if it didn't fall into place at this time.

Moreover, the steel-type Dialga's superpowers are completely untouchable, and the water-type is much more bullied.

Apparently Palkia saw this too. As a divine beast, its IQ is quite high. The trainer let two Pokémon hold Dialga, not attacking but defending with all his strength, and then he took his body with him. The strongest combat power to face it directly, besides seeing that it is easier to deal with than Dialga, what else can it be.

It immediately became angry, and the gem on its shoulder began to shine slightly again,

"Hehe, are you going to use the Yakong Slash again, dream, use the wall of light."

The blue light flashed in Dream's eyes, and an invisible huge wall suddenly blocked the sub-kong slash. Dream 08 only suffered half of the damage, which was not enough to defeat it.

"Okay, use a trick!"

Immediately after the defense was strengthened, the time was urgent, Tian Lin didn't want to waste time with Palkia, and he had to fight quickly.

An angry Palkia saw that his special attack moves had been halved, so he rushed over directly. It was about to fight in close quarters. The start of the hand was a powerful split, and its claws could literally tear space.

"Xiao Meng, make a transformation!"

Dream has two trump cards, one is that it can use the same transformation as the Variety Monster. After transformation, its attack and defense speed and other values, as well as the unique tricks that can be used, will be exactly the same as the transformation object.

In other words, Palkia will face another self.

'Boom! '

The same claw blocked Palkia's split, and the two sides were completely indistinguishable.

"Very good, Xiaomeng, Yakong Slash!"

Dream learned the movements of Palkia just now, and a pink crescent-shaped slash slashed Palkia to the ground.

A tit-for-tat, the Space God probably never thought that it would one day be slashed by his best trick.

For a while, Palkia's anger became even more intense, and his anger toward Dream seemed to have surpassed Dialga's.

It's a pity that the two sides are now completely equal in strength, and neither can do anything about the other, but keep adding wounds to their bodies.

And it is definitely Palkia who has more wounds, because the wall of light is still here on Dream, and the physical attack is okay, and Dream has an absolute advantage in special attacks.

It was not until the end of the wall of light that the dream returned to its own appearance. The transformation has a disadvantage, that is, although the transformation can use the exact same trick as the opponent, the number of times is very limited, and the battle just now has almost reached its limit.

Palkia roared violently, and rushed to the dream again. The opponent finally did not use it to fight, and this time it definitely took the opportunity to solve the opponent.

Facing the aggressive Palkia, Tianlin and Mengmeng had no fear at all. They were about to take out their second trump card. Tianlin looked at Menghuan, "Xiao Meng, are you ready?"

"Dream!" Dream nodded with a look of nostalgia. After ten thousand years, it could finally use that trick with Tianlin again.

"Then, let's get started!" Tian Lin suddenly showed the Z bracelet on his left hand, which he converted with a one-time item card in advance.

"Connect me with the spirits of Xiaomeng. Our whole body, whole spirit, full strength, and all power are transformed into mental fluctuations to oppress the sky. Let's end everything, the origin supernova explosion."

To use the Z move, in addition to the necessary actions, how can it not be worthy of the second line of the second? Every time Tian Lin speaks a word, the momentum of his and the dream will increase by one point.

Until a huge colorful light ball condensed in the sky above the town, which was formed by the extremely powerful spiritual force.

"Dream!" The lovely voice of the dream was full of majesty at the moment, and the huge energy ball smashed towards Palkia. Palkia sensed the danger and wanted to hide, but it found that it had been completely destroyed by the spiritual power of the dream. Locked, there is nowhere to escape.


The huge roar sounded, and the whole space began to vibrate. The dream trick is even more amazing than the previous sub-kong slash and time roar. Fortunately, this is only pure power, and does not contain any laws of time and space. Not to cause confusion in the space.

Tianlin and Mengmeng slowly landed on the ground. The blow just now almost emptied all of their mental power. Now they are all mentally exhausted.

I saw that there was an incomparably huge pit in the original square, which was flattened by the super power of dreams, and Palkia fell quietly in the center of the pit, and it passed out.

Originally, Palkia was seriously injured by Dialga's Time Roar, and after fighting with Dream for so long, naturally, he couldn't eat the powerful Dream's exclusive Z move.

"It's over, Palkia, the battle between you and Dialga shouldn't involve this peaceful town, and it shouldn't hurt so many innocent people and Pokémon, let's stop here!" Lin walked to Palkia and said softly.

Finally, he took out the last master ball on his body and put the fainted Palkia in it.

At this time, Dialga, who was originally fighting Darkrai and Suicune on the other side of the town, suddenly found that it could not sense Palkia's breath.

Could it have escaped this place?

Dialga Luca thought of this reason for the first time. If it is, then it would be meaningless to stay here, but it will not leave just like that. At least it must be searched first. The most important thing now is to get rid of the two in front of him. Just a little bug.

A mere phantom beast and a second-level god have been entangled in it for so long, and it has already caused its anger to rise.

The diamond in the chest shone, and then the ultimate move, Time Roar, this time it really used all its strength, even if Darkrai and Suicune defended at the same time, they couldn't stop it.

The remaining huge power continued to fly forward, and it was about to hit the Tower of Time and Space.

 143 Alice and Zhulan have found Orathion's soundboard and are rushing to the top of the tower. The sudden roar of time made them despair.

"Damn, I can't give up, Alice, you go first, and I'll stand here!" Zhu Lan shouted, and flew out on Liebite Lu Shark.

"Miss Zhulan!" Alice wanted to rush out in a hurry, but was stopped by Tonio who was on the side. Their task at this time was more important, and they couldn't live up to Zhulan's painstaking efforts.

"Bite Lu Shark, I'm sorry, I want you to face such a powerful enemy." Zhulan apologized to her best partner.

Bite Lu Shao gave the idiot master a white look. They have fought together for so long, doesn't she understand her intentions? It never regretted being a Pokémon of Zhulan. They became stronger together and climbed to the top together. The champion, even if he wants to die together now, has nothing to be unwilling.

Reading Lu Shark's intentions from the expression on the fierce bite, Zhu Lan smiled heartily, "Sorry, I shouldn't say such things at this time, go ahead and use the ultimate impact!"

The strongest trainer, the strongest trick, and the strongest Pokémon, all three in one, against the ultimate move of a first-level god, and after an earth-shattering explosion, they finally succeeded in blocking it.

However, the price paid was not small. Zhu Lan and Lie Bite Lu Shark started to fall at the same time. Just as they were about to land, a warm embrace caught Zhu Lan, and Lie Bite Lu Shark also fell into the tortoise shell of the forest tortoise. superior.

Tianlin picked up Zhulan in the form of a princess hug, looked at her drowsy pretty face and said with a smile, "Thank you for your hard work, Miss Zhulan, leave the rest to me!".

Chapter [-] The end of the Orathion Incident

Although Zhulan's body did not suffer any major trauma due to the protection of the fierce bite Lu Shark, her spirit was already very weak and she was in urgent need of rest.

At the same time, the tortoise in the woods also carried the land shark and placed it with her.

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