Zhu Lan worked hard to open her beautiful eyes, and when she saw Tian Lin's smile, her handsome face was obviously still a little immature, but it gave people a feeling of incomparable peace of mind.

"Thank you for your hard work, Miss Zhulan, leave the rest to me!"

This was the last sentence Zhulan heard. She also entrusted all the follow-up to Tianlin with confidence, and fell into a deep sleep.

After Tianlin settled in Zhulan, he walked slowly towards Dialga. "God of time, haven't you made enough trouble, because you and Palkia's willfulness have caused huge disasters, and it's time to stop."

Dialga gave Tianlin a deep look. Of course, it would not eliminate its anger just because of Tianlin's words, but the problem was that it couldn't sense Palkia's position, and even if there was fire, it wouldn't be there. .

"Are you looking for Palkia, then I'll tell you, it's here!" Tian Lin took out the master ball, and Dialga was completely stunned.

It thought about many situations, maybe Palkia escaped again, or even was knocked down, but it never thought that it would actually be subdued.

You must know that although it was true that it had injured Palkia before, but in fact, most of it depended on surprises. In fact, regardless of god status or strength, Palkia was on a par with himself.

And such an existence, because of the priesthood, can never be subdued. Once subdued, it will cause the collapse of the balance.

Logically speaking, the mutation should have occurred the moment Tianlin subdued Palkia, but until now, Dialga has not felt any fluctuations in the laws of space.

This law representing space is still operating in an orderly manner. How is this possible that this human being can conquer a first-level god without destroying the balance of the world?

"Dialga, I have seen the Vajra Soul you lost in our world. At that time, I saw that you fought side by side with Palkia, fighting against a huge darkness. You were comrades in arms at that time. Now you are fighting to the death because of a little misunderstanding, it can't help but be ridiculous~'!" Tian Lin felt extremely sad.

His words made Dialga Luca even more shocked. This human being even knew about things from the ancient times, and he saw it through his own Vajra Jade Soul.

It suddenly discovered that Tianlin's face, where it seemed to have seen it, had not noticed it before. If Tianlin wore a crown and a king's battle suit, it would be exactly the same as one of his old friends.

Coupled with the dream attendant, Suicune escorting, and the ability to subdue the first-level gods while ensuring that the laws of nature do not collapse, so many factors add up.

This guy is a contemporary ruler!

Dialga immediately stopped all its actions, if it tore the ruler here, its upper god could tear it up tomorrow.

One person and one pet just looked at each other like this at this moment, and as time passed by, Dialga was not reconciled. It couldn't take action against the ruler, but it didn't want to let Palkia go.

And Tian Lin wanted to delay the time, and the situation that the enemy did not move and I did not move was exactly what he wanted.

Finally, what Tian Lin was waiting for came, and the top floor of the Tower of Time and Space began to play beautiful music.

Oracion is a song that can quell all anger, its tone is soothing and soft, cadence, ups and downs, sad and magnificent.

Tianlin heard the human hatred for war and the prayer for peace, which was touching.

And as the music enters the second half, it brings people a quiet and peaceful scene, a scene of silence left behind after the war.

"Palkia, come out too!" At this moment, Tian Lin knew that he was completely fine, and even if Palkia reappeared, he would not fight with Dialga again.

As the anger of both sides dissipated, the oppressive feeling that had filled the entire town and made people unable to breathe gradually disappeared, and even the pearl on Palkia's shoulder also automatically completed the healing.

This Orathion should be the core of the Tower of Time and Space. When the music reached its climax, the entire tower began to emit a heart-warming golden light.

In the apocalyptic dark space, the Tower of Time and Space seems to have spread its golden wings, giving people hope.

Zhulan gradually woke up under this light. She saw everything in front of her, and the two divine beasts that were hovering around Tianlin. She smiled with relief, what an amazing young man.

"Mr. Gaudi, it's a pity that I haven't seen you. Your original intention to build this tower of time and space is for this moment. It's really amazing." Tian Lin smiled with some admiration and some regret.

Afterwards, Tian Lin planned to ask Miss Alice for advice. It would be a pity not to learn such a great tune, but at the moment, he has more important things to do, "Palkia, Dialga, Please use your own laws to fully restore this place!"

Hearing this, they nodded, their anger was subdued, and after they calmed down, they realized how much trouble they had caused.

So Palkia brought Poplar Town back to its original space, while Dialga went against the flow of time and restored the town to what it was before they were destroyed. Seeing the blue sky again, everyone seemed to be reborn. Don't take a breath.

After cleaning up the mess left by himself, Dialga left first and returned to its own space, while Palkia looked at Tianlin. In theory, it has been conquered by Tianlin and should follow Tianlin. That's right.

Tianlin smiled and shook his head, "'" Palkia, you can go back too. For the stability of the world, the two laws of time and space must not be disturbed. You still have your own responsibilities to perform, don't worry about me , Although I conquered you, I never thought of restricting you. "

Palkia let out a long cry, but did not leave immediately, but slowly introduced a seemingly weak force into Tianlin's body.

"This is, the power of the laws of space!" Tian Lin said in surprise. Palkia actually gave himself a little bit of the laws of space he mastered. Don't look at it as just a little bit, as the strongest person in the world. One of the rules, as long as Tianlin can integrate it, his teleportation will increase by leaps and bounds, and it is not impossible to travel through the major spaces like Palkia.

What's more, this can be used in combat, causing terrible damage such as space warp.

It was really a generous gift, and Tian Lin nodded to Palkia to express his gratitude.

After the transmission of power, Palkia had no reason to stay here, and soon it returned to its own space like Dialga.

"Finally it's all over!" Seeing the two Pokémon leaving, Zhu Lan walked over to Tian Lin and laughed.

"Yeah, it's all over, relying on everyone's efforts!" Tian Lin looked to the horizon, it was almost dusk, and Baiyang Town was about to enter the darkness, but it doesn't matter, wait for the sunrise tomorrow, a better life will be will come.

Chapter [*]: Leaving Poplar Town Dream Demon

The disaster that affected the entire town has passed, and due to Dialga's law of time, the town has returned to the way it was before the battle of the Space-Time God, and there is no trace of destruction at all.

As a result, the gorgeous competition here can be held as scheduled, and Zhulan was invited to become a special judge. After this incident, her reputation has greatly increased.

Because from the very beginning, she was the one who was in charge of the unified communication trainer, she was the one who protected the residents to evacuate into the courtyard in time, and she was the one who helped Alice and Tonio to successfully play Oracion. She became the main force to save the town.

As for the real hero, Tian Lin, they just thought it was Zhu Lan's assistant, and they were very grateful to him. After all, when Tian Lin and the Space God fought, they all hid far away, but no one saw him.

Zhulan is very disdainful of the act of stealing credits. She tried to tell the truth to the citizens several times, but Tianlin stopped them. Tianlin didn't want to be worshipped as a hero by these guys. Let Zhulan's resume add another brilliant record.

Finally, there is Darkrai, everyone hated it originally, but after this incident, after seeing it fighting desperately to protect the town, many of them had misunderstood it before, and even attacked it.

Guilt filled the hearts of every townsman. They spontaneously formed a team and came to the courtyard to sincerely apologize to Darkrai. Darkrai also forgiven everyone generously. From now on, it will never be used again. Living in the dark, I can truly be family with everyone and every Pokémon here.

A day later, the gorgeous contest ended, and the one who got the ribbon medal was the young lady who used the flaming monkey. When Tian Lin saw her, he thought of Xiaoguang, thinking that the city of fate that Xiaoguang is participating in should also start. Not long after the separation, he missed this girl a little.

So early the next morning, Tianlin and Zhulan left Baiyang Town together.

At the crossroads, the two are about to part.

"Tianlin, if you want to go to the City of Fate, just follow this road and go straight. I have to go back to Shenhe Town now. I have to report this incident to my grandma."

Zhulan's grandmother, Dr. Mustard, is a well-known doctor in the Shenno area who specializes in myths and legends, and is second only to Dr. Yamanashi in the Shenno research community.

Zhulan likes myths and legends so much, and a big factor is that she is influenced by her. If she knows what's going on here, I'm afraid she will be extremely regretful and won't be able to meet the gods of time and space.

"Then let's part here, Miss Zhulan, I wish you a smooth journey, I'll go first!" Tian Lin turned his head and left after speaking.

"Going so quickly, so eager to go back to find that little girl!" Zhu Lan stared at Tian Lin's back and said dissatisfiedly, is this guy a straight man?In the face of a beauty like himself, he just walked away, but he didn't have any nostalgia at all.

In the past, others reluctantly watched her back and left, and this was the first time she looked at others.

When she thought of the decisive battle against the Space-Time God, she was held in the arms of a young princess who was much younger than her, which made her, the strongest champion who has always guarded people, experience the feeling of being guarded for the first time.

I have to say, that feeling is very good, and that embrace is also very warm and full of security.

"Tianlin, we will meet again!" Zhulan smiled sweetly and left the other way.

Although the two have gone on different paths now, their relationship will not be broken. Tianlin and Zhulan, the two strongest trainers who will be famous in the world in the future, will start their bond.

-Dividing line

After leaving Baiyang Town, Tianlin walked for two days, and he was not far from the city of fate. On this day, when Tianlin passed through a forest overnight, it suddenly rained heavily. Although he had an umbrella, he was faced with such a large amount of rain. It was raining, and my clothes still got wet.

"It's too bad, it suddenly started to rain so much." Tian Lin ran fast in the rain, and even used teleportation several times in a row to hurry, hoping to find a shelter from the rain (aiea) soon.

Suddenly, a bright light in the distance caught his attention.

"That's it? There is actually a Pokémon Center in such a place?" Tian Lin looked at the building in disbelief. It was clearly a Pokémon Center, and when he walked in, a Miss Joy was there. Also very warmly greeted him at the counter,

However, there was no one in this center except Miss Joy, and he didn't feel that it was strange. The Pokémon Center opened in the depths of the forest, and it was strange that there were many customers.

"Mr. Tianlin, you are welcome."

What is puzzling is that this Joey called Tianlin's name as soon as he came up.

"You, know me?" Tian Lin asked strangely.

"Of course, you are one of the strongest trainers in the world. By the way, I have an alliance invitation letter for you. It was sent by your master, Dr. Damu." Joey took out a letter from under the counter. .

Tian Lin curiously took it and opened it, with an extremely amazing message written on it.

"Mr. Tianlin, in view of your excellent performance along the way, the alliance recognizes your super-strong trainer strength. Now you will be relieved of the trouble of traveling to various places, and you will be directly promoted to the Kanto champion, and soon, you can immediately report to the major regions. You can challenge other champions, and as long as you defeat them all, you will be the league champion and the strongest Pokémon master of our time."

"That's impossible, right?" Tian Lin pinched his face blankly. The alliance would send such an inexplicable letter, and he felt like he was dreaming.

"Host, the update level of this system has reached [*]%. Now give the host the final reward, and all the divine beasts are under your control!" Tian Lin is even more surprised that the system has been completely updated, and all the divine beasts have been completely updated. All were given to him.

Mewtwo, Ho-oh, Lugia, Kyogre, flightless, etc., a lot of the strongest first-level gods suddenly appeared in front of him.

Just now he guessed that he might be dreaming, but now it's real, he must be dreaming, how can there be so many good things in the world that fall from the sky.

"Hmph, how dare you to hypnotize me!" Tian Lin shouted angrily, his mental power suddenly exploded, and everything around him suddenly shattered like a mirror, the Pokémon Center, Miss Joy, the alliance invitation, and all the others. All the beasts disappeared.

Tian Lin opened his eyes. He was still in the forest, but lying on the lawn. In front of him, a Pokémon was looking at him in amazement. A human being was able to forcibly break through his illusion.

And seeing this Pokémon, Tian Lin was even more surprised, because that Pokémon was actually a dream demon.

In the situation just now, it is obvious that he was hypnotized, but the problem is that the dream demon cannot learn the hypnotism trick, whether it is level upgrade, skill teaching, genetics or skill machine.

But this guy in front of him, not only can use it, but also uses the thief slip, unexpectedly can hypnotize a powerful superpower like Tianlin without knowing it.

It seems that he was lucky enough to meet an incredible guy.

Chapter seven hundred and sixty-two subduing the growth of the dream demon Lalulas

Dream demon, female, magic Pokémon, ghost type, floating feature, bold personality (plus defense minus attack), height 1.2m, weight 4.4kg, excellent qualifications, champion-level potential, current strength quasi-king high-level, with skills: Hypnosis, Dream Eater, Magic Leaf, Power Gem, Magic Fire, Shadow Ball, Trick, Mind Power, Charge Beam, Wraith.

Sure enough, it is a dream demon who can hypnotize. Although this kind of Pokémon that breaks the rules is extremely rare, it is not impossible. In Tian Lin's previous life, the government also sent a dream demon who can hypnotize, which also means , it does have a [*] in [*] chance of learning this trick.

Today, Tianlin was lucky enough to meet him.

"Hehe, with this strength and this combination, it really means that if you don't die, there will be blessings. I met you not long after the battle with the God of Time and Space. I'm really lucky. Is this a reward from the God of Creation? Then I will accept it disrespectfully, let’s go, forest turtle!~”

Tianlin took out the Pokémon without hesitation to prepare for the battle. After all, the wild quasi-kings are still high-level, so there is a second way besides subduing - is there a way to go?

"The tortoise in the woods, use the Flying Leaf Knife!"

With an order, countless leaves flew towards the Dream Demon, and the gem on the Dream Demon's chest emitted a scorching heat, followed by a burst of purple flames.

The strength gap between the two sides was too great, but in a moment, the Flying Leaf Knife was burnt out by the flames.

"Come back, Shulin Turtle." Tian Lin immediately began to replace, he did not dare to let Shulin Turtle resist fire-type tricks, "Come on next, Swimming Qi Weasel!"

With such a big gap in strength, without using Dream and Suicune, the only way to win the other side is to rely on wheel battles.

After swimming Qi Itachi appeared, he crossed his hands in a defensive posture, successfully resisting the residual strength of the magic flame.

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