Coupled with its own strength that is extremely close to a first-level god, there is indeed hope to save this town.

In fact, it has already made desperate preparations. After all, it knows its own business. Although it is very strong, it is still a little bit different from the first-level gods. At the same time, facing the dual gods of space and time, it will definitely die, but now, there are With such a strong aid, its confidence suddenly came up.

"Okay, human, this time we will work together to drive those two bastards out!" Darkrai agreed with Tianlin's suggestion.

Then the two of them agreed to act separately to find the trace of Palkia. They only knew that Palkia had come to this town, but they didn't know where it was hiding. The most urgent task was to find it first.

It's best to get rid of Dialga before it arrives, so all problems can be solved.

Chapter [*] Nightmare Realization

"Tianlin, Tianlin!"

Just when Tianlin and Darkrai reached a cooperation, outside, Zhulan was anxiously shouting Tianlin's name and shaking his body.

Tian Lin gradually woke up from his sleep. At this time, he was in the Pokémon Center. When he opened his eyes, he saw that beautiful face with a worried look. "Miss Zhulan, don't worry, I'm fine."

"You finally woke up. Just after being attacked by Darkrai, you fell down and slept until now. It's really worrying!" said Alice on the side.

"It's okay, Darkrai is not an evil Pokémon, it has promised to help us, I think it should be looking for Palkia now!"

Tianlin explained to them that he had just reached a cooperation with Darkrai in the dream, and they realized that everyone had misunderstood Darkrai.

Now two major events have happened outside. One is that the town is suddenly surrounded by thick fog, and people from the outside cannot get in, and people inside can't get out, as if they were locked to death.

The other is that many trainers, under the bewitchment of the baron, believed that the root of all this was in Darkrai, so they formed a team to fight against Darkrai, ready to destroy him.

However, because of Zhulan's blocking, his team this time is far less large than the original 140. Most of the trainers who follow him are local trainers in Baiyang Town. They believe in the nobles in their own land, while many foreign trainers believe in Zhulan even more. , they still choose to stick to their posts and stay on the edge of the town.

"This baron is really an idiot. He will try his best to make trouble for Darkrai." Tian Lin said angrily, knowing that every second of Darkrai's time wasted now, the town will be more dangerous.

Tian Lin rushed out directly, ready to stop the idiot.

At the same time, Tonyo also began to look up the information. He had already speculated about the cause of the incident, so he remembered one thing. Gaudi seemed to have predicted such a scene a hundred years ago, and he also left a book Notebook, he is now trying to find that notebook.

Finally, after unremitting efforts, he found the dusty notebook in the corner of the bookshelf.

"I found it!" Tonyo said with joy, and couldn't wait to open it and read, "Two kinds of existences that are impossible to meet met in the gap between time and space, time and space collided with each other, and anger enveloped the entire town, Then everything will start to fall apart, what does this horrific nightmare mean?"

From the information recorded in this notebook (aiea), Gaudi predicted everything through a dream, and at the end of the notebook, he also wrote the solution to the disaster. "Nightmare told me what to do. In order to prevent this disaster in the future, I must leave Orazion behind!"

"Orazione? What is this?" Tonio was confused.

In fact, this is the name of a piece of music, but he is a scientist and knows nothing about music.

However, he soon found another key information. Through the location of the first space shock, he actually discovered the location of Palkia, which is on the top of the Tower of Time and Space. If Tianlin was here, he would not be able to bear it. Thumbs up for this guy, sure enough, the power of the tech house is always very reliable at critical moments.

Tonyo immediately rushed out holding the computer. His strength is limited, and he can't stop the disaster. To say who is the strongest person in the town now, of course, is the Shenao champion Zhulan, and he can only hope It's all up to her.

Tianlin also ran out of the Pokémon Center at this time, looking around for Darkrai's location. Suddenly, an explosion sounded not far away, accompanied by Darkrai's roar, " Get out!"

It seemed that the battle over there had already started. Tianlin and Zhulan immediately ran over to see Darkrai surrounded by a large number of Pokémon, and at the same time launched a unique attack to attack it.

Darkrai didn't want to hurt the innocent, but just passively defended, but as time went on, he could sense that the situation was getting more and more urgent, so he had to fight back, "You guys, don't get in my way."

Countless dark black holes were released from his palm, and in an instant, [*]% of the Pokémon present were pulled into a nightmare.

"Damn Darkrai, today this baron bears the expectations of the townspeople, and he must solve you completely, lick his tongue, and use the gyro ball!"

The baron's big tongue licked fortunately to escape the dark black hole just now, and launched another attack.

Big tongue licking and rushing towards Darkrai, because of the huge difference in strength, the speed of Big tongue licking is much worse than Darkrai, and because of this, the power of this gyro ball is calculated by the speed difference. Surprisingly amazing.

"Queen Bee, use defensive orders!"

A queen bee suddenly appeared in front of Darkrai, wrapping a large swarm of bees to improve her defense, completely blocking the attack of Big Tongue.

"Who is interfering with me!" Albert turned angrily and saw Tian Lin who was running all the way, "It's you, you woke up from a nightmare?"

"Why do you want to help Darkrai? Didn't it attack you just now, and you have to maintain it in the face of such a villain, this is embarrassing!"

Tianlin listened to Albert's giggling, but didn't bother to pay attention to him at all. Instead, he turned to look at Darkrai, "Darklay, have you found the location of Palkia?"

Darkrai shook his head, "Not yet, there was another shock in the space just now. I could have followed the source of the shock to find it, but these unknowing guys suddenly attacked me, causing me to miss this Great opportunity."

Hearing this, Tian Lin looked at Albert angrily, it was this guy, and he was willing to give up when he wanted to find trouble.

"Okay, you really are a group, and since that's the case, I'm going to deal with you together!" Seeing Tianlin and Darkrai chatting so kindly, Albert confirmed his conjecture.

Darkrai couldn't bear the entanglement of this guy, and a dark black hole sent a big tongue to lick, and Tian Lin didn't bother to stop it.

Immediately afterwards, Albert turned into a big tongue licking in front of everyone.

"What's going on?" Tian Lin asked, looking at the 'big tongue licking' in front of him.

"I let the big tongue licking into a nightmare, and now the big tongue licking dream is that he has become Baron Albert, and this dream, because of the interference of Palkia's space power, has been realized out." Darkrai explained.

Not only the tongue licking, but other Pokémon hit by the dark black hole also began to have nightmares, and what they did was a dream of being chased by something terrible.

For a time, the phantoms of countless Pokémon echoed in the sky.

"You guys, why are you looking at me like that?" Seeing everyone's surprise, Albert didn't realize the situation until he walked a few steps and felt his now fat body. react.

"How could this be?" The baron fell to his knees in despair.

Don't bother to pay attention to this crying dark guy, Tian Lin and Darkrai continued their actions, and they must find Palkia as soon as possible.

Chapter [*]: Palkia and Dialga are coming

Tianlin and Zhulan quickly reunited, and when they had no clue at all, Tonyo ran over with the computer. "Mr. Tianlin, Miss Zhulan, I finally found you. I found the source of the changes in the town."

"Really?" The two were suddenly pleasantly surprised. Even they and Darkrai couldn't find clues, but he found them!

"Yes, I investigated the images of every space vibration not long ago, and finally found this." Tonyo turned the computer to the two of them, and after improving the clarity, Palkia's figure appeared in front of them.

And that location is exactly the top of the Tower of Time and Space, where Palkia placed a space barrier, so ordinary people can't see it, only the moment it just appeared, it was captured by Tonyo. .

Looking at it like that, it should be staying there to recuperate.

"So it's here!" Darkrai, who was hidden in the dark, immediately appeared and rushed to the Tower of Time and Space without saying a word.

However, its strength was not enough to break through the barrier under Palkia's cloth. When it approached the top of the tower, it seemed to hit a wall of nothingness. on the square.

Tianlin also ran over immediately, "Darklay, you can't break this barrier with your strength, don't act alone anymore."

"Then what can you do? Now that Palkia has locked the entire town in a different space, I can feel another powerful force approaching rapidly, it must be Dialga, no doubt, once they are in This war, the town will be destroyed, and it must be driven away immediately!" Darkrai said in a hurry and anger~.

Tian Lin thought for a while, and quickly made a decision, "Breakthrough at a fixed point, Darkrai, combine your strengths and mine to break the barrier in one go."

"No problem!" Darkrai flew into the air and made a wave of evil with anger.

"Go, Suicune, use the water cannon!"

Tianlin also sent Suijun to help out, and the two forces of water and evil converged at one point, trying to impact the barrier.

"Lucario, use the wave missile!" At the same time, Zhulan also stepped forward to help. Although she did not use the strongest bite land shark, her Lucario is not less powerful than the champion. The powerhouse, even the general second-level god is not its opponent.

With the impact of the three powerful Pokémon, several visible cracks appeared in the barrier.

"Palkia, get out of here!" In the end, with Darkrai's roar and outburst, the entire barrier finally shattered.

At this time, the space where Palkia was located was also revealed, just above the Tower of Time and Space, everyone exclaimed when they saw this scene.

Because the barrier shattered, Palkia opened his eyes, and for a while, the legendary god in charge of space erupted with terrifying coercion, and the dense fog that originally surrounded Baiyang Town was dispelled.

Only then did everyone discover that the space they were in at the moment was not the original planet at all, but a different world surrounded by darkness.

The dangerous airflow surrounding the town kept colliding, mixed with the terrifying roar of thunder and lightning. This was the legendary gap between time and space. Once it fell here, it was equivalent to stepping into hell.

"Hehe, have you finally shown up? Get out of here immediately!"

The enemy was extremely jealous when they met, and faced with Palkia who was going to destroy his homeland, how could Darkrai hold back, and regardless of Tian Lin's warning not to act rashly, he rushed towards Palkia alone.

As the highest god in charge of space, he was suddenly provoked by an ordinary phantom beast. Palkia suddenly became angry. He was injured by Dialga and needed a vent.

With a terrifying dragon roar, Palkia's powerful force blew away all the people and Pokémon on the sidelines, and then the dragon wings behind him suddenly shook, the huge figure suddenly accelerated, and rushed to Dakley in a flash. In front of Yi, the huge dragon claws slashed down towards it.

Darkrai quickly retreated, narrowly avoiding the attack, and then counterattacked with [*] volts, but was blocked by Palkia with his unique move.

Sui Jun also rushed forward, and while Palkia held the opportunity just ended, he shot a water cannon and successfully hit it. Unfortunately, the water-based trick didn't do any harm to Palkia of the water plus dragon attribute.

The three Pokémon were inseparable for a while, and during their battle, Elise suddenly discovered that there was a slight crack on the orb on Palkia's shoulder, and exclaimed, "That Palkia Qiu it's hurt!"

Alice's exclamation made Tonyo panic immediately. Palkia, the space god, was actually injured. Could it be...

He just remembered something, and soon, an attack in the sky turned his anxiety into reality.

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 0

Dragon-type Pokémon's ultimate trick, a meteor group suddenly fell from the sky, hitting Palkia, Darkrai, and Suicune three Pokémon at the same time.

Most of the meteors were attacked by Palkia, and it was obvious that Darkrai and Suicune were only affected.

Immediately afterwards, a huge dark blue Pokémon flew down, knocking Palkia straight from the air to the ground.

"It's still a step too late, Diya Luca, the god of time, is here after all!" Tian Lin sighed.

Dialga also slowly landed on the ground, and looked at Palkia who stood up. The two gods' eyes were blood red, as if they were about to tear each other apart completely. I really couldn't think of a mere misunderstanding that made them angry. To this extent, the friendship that fought side by side in ancient times is gone at this moment.

.... 0

Palkia, space Pokémon, water type and dragon type, characteristic oppression, impetuous personality (balanced type), height 4.2m, weight 336kg, first-level god strength, with skills: split, power gem, earth Force, wave missile, sub-air slash, water cannon, hold.

Dialga, Time Pokémon, Steel-type and Dragon-type, with a sense of oppression, serious personality (balanced personality), height 5.4m, weight 683kg, first-level god strength, with skills: Destruction of Death Light, Meteor Swarm, Rockfall, Power of the Earth, Roar of Time, Cannon Cannon, Hold.

Two real first-level gods, this is really a huge disaster. Tian Lin took out the green orb on his body and prepared to summon Lie Kong to sit down. After all, he can deal with first-level gods, and only first-level gods.

But at this time, the system suddenly stopped him by sound transmission, "The host is not allowed, although Lie Kongzai is strong, it does not have the ability to travel through time and space. There is only one way for it to enter this space, and that is to use its powerful strength to forcibly hit a shot. Space cracks, but doing so will make the already unstable space more fragile. At that time, except for the host, you can be saved because of Lie Kong, the entire town will disappear completely in the different space at the fastest speed. middle."

Tian Lin immediately put the orb back with lingering fears when he heard the words. Fortunately, the system reminded him, otherwise, if so many people and Pokémon were killed because of him, then he would really be blamed for his death.

However, in this way, it means that there will be no first-level gods on their side, and it is up to everyone's joint efforts to prevent the double gods of time and space.

Chapter [*]: The Tower of Time and Space

"It's not good!" Tonyo shouted while looking at the computer, he found that the space was actually shrinking, "Because the two gods of time and space suddenly appeared and started fighting, this space can't support it anymore, if this goes on, the whole town will be destroyed. Disappeared in the cracks of time and space."

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