"Well, no problem, this is the poke ball of the grass seedling turtle, please accept it!"

Tianlin's treatment is not as good as Xiaoguang's. He only has a Poké Ball that has been used. After all, he is not a real rookie trainer. The things that should be there are already there.

Chapter [*] Walking with Xiaoguang Shenao's first subduing

After receiving the initial Pokémon, Tian Lin said goodbye to Dr. Yamanashi and prepared to start his new journey from here. Before taking two steps, he heard Xiao Guang's voice from behind.

"Mr. Tianlin, wait a minute." Xiaoguang ran over panting, "Well, can I ask you, do you have any plans for the future, you made a special trip to Shenao for the Shenao Alliance, or is it for the Shenao Alliance? A big celebration here?"

"This time it's the Shenao Alliance, and the reputation of the top coordinator has been obtained. I don't think I will continue to participate in the gorgeous competition for the time being." Tian Lin answered bluntly, there is nothing to hide.

"How about we travel together in that case?" Xiaoguang suddenly suggested, "My dream is to become a top coordination trainer, and it doesn't conflict with your route. Two people are more interesting than one person!"

Xiaoguang blinked her big eyes and looked at Tianlin expectantly. Her thoughts were written clearly on her face. Since Tianlin doesn't plan to participate in large-scale celebrations, even if they travel together, there will be no competition for ribbon medals. The situation, and Tian Lin is a top coordination trainer, so with his guidance along the way, she can also avoid a lot of detours, which can be said to be beneficial and harmless.

Tian Lin was a little surprised. He didn't expect that Xiaoguang actually proposed to travel with him. Did he cut off Xiaozhi's partner?

But he didn't have the idea of ​​​​refusing. Maybe Xiaoguang and himself are indeed more conducive to her growth, and since he came to this world, he is the protagonist.

"No problem, then please give me more advice, Xiaoguang." Tian Lin smiled. "And since we are partners, don't call me Mr. in the future, just call me Tian Lin."

"Well, Tianlin." Xiaoguang stretched out his hand and shook Tianlin, "Please take care of me, a rookie trainer, in the future!"

Changed from the original plot, Xiaoguang's partner became Tianlin, and her bicycle also escaped the disaster, but because Tianlin likes to walk, Xiaoguang also deposited the bicycle at the Yamanashi Research Institute.

The two left Zhensha Town and came to a certain forest. Tian Lin walked faster and seemed to be looking for something.

"Tianlin, are you looking for your two companions~'?" Xiaoguang asked.

"Yeah, although I have confidence in them, I still feel relieved to see them with my own eyes. It's not long since they left the institute. If they walk fast, they may catch up."

"Sure enough, Tianlin is a very gentle person. He says he doesn't worry about them, but he really cares about his friends." Looking at the anxious Tianlin and feeling his importance, Xiaoguang felt more and more that he chose to travel with him. is the right decision.

"It would be great if there were flying-type Pokémon, so that we could find them from the sky!" Tian Lin scratched his head dejectedly. Now, with this aimless search method, he was able to appreciate Xiaozhi, a flying-type master. Psychologically, if there are Pokémon that can fly, many things will be much easier.

By the way, Tianlin has a flash of inspiration. After he won the ring competition in the Fengyuan area, he got a B-level flying-type Pokémon Adventure Card. At this time, he didn't have many Pokémon, so he used it. good time.

"System, use the Adventure Card!" Tian Lin immediately communicated with the system and used this card.

After a while, a yellow Pokémon flew in front of him and Xiaoguang.

"Ah, it's three bees, so cute!" Xiaoguang recognized the Pokémon in front of him at a glance.

The three bees are insect-type Pokemon, which are very common in the Shenao area, and it does have the attribute of flying type at the same time. It seems that the Pokemon summoned by Tianlin's card is it.

He was a little disappointed, because this Pokémon was not very capable of flying, and couldn't fly to high altitudes like bird Pokémon to investigate intelligence, but when he saw the three bees clearly, he knew that the system didn't trick him. There is a small red spot in the middle of the three bees, which means that this is a female three bees.

There is a qualitative difference between males and females in this group of three bees. Only females can evolve into queen bees and have cultivation value, while males are not much stronger no matter how they are cultivated.

Three Bees, Baby Bee Pokémon, Insect-type plus Flying-type, with the characteristic of collecting honey, frank personality (balanced personality), height 0.4m, weight 5.6kg, excellent qualifications, Tianwang-level potential, current strength novice-level high-level, with Skills wind, sweet aroma, insect bites.

"It's okay, then let it be the first Pokémon to be conquered in my Shenao area!" Tian Lin took out the Poke Ball and launched a challenge to conquer.

"Wow, this is the first time I have watched the trainer's subduing battle at such a close distance!" Xiaoguang stood beside Tianlin with great interest. A rookie like her should learn a lot from the senior trainer.

"'" Let's go to battle, Grass Turtle. "

"Grass Miao Turtle, this is your first time standing there, cheer up and show me your strength."

The grass seedling turtle stood in front of the three bees with a serious expression. In the first battle, it did not want to disappoint its master.

"Strange, why use the grass seedling turtle, the grass type is more disadvantageous to the three bees of the upper insect type and the flying type, right?" Xiaoguang said puzzled.

"Attributes don't mean everything. How to beat the weak against the strong depends on the ability of the trainer. The grass seedling turtle, first use the grass field."

After using the genetic technology of the tortoise, the green grass field suddenly grew on the open road, and in a short while, a natural grass field was formed.

With the help of the grass field, the grass seedling turtle will continue to recover its physical strength, and the power of grass-type tricks will be increased by [*]%.

And because of the flight type, the three bees could not get the support of the field, which greatly narrowed the difference between the attributes of the two Pokémon.

However, the three bees were not to be outdone, and the flapping of their wings created a whirlwind, a unique trick of the flight system.

"Grass seedling turtle, this move will do you great damage, stop it and use the flying leaf knife on the wings of the three bees!"

Due to the increase in the field, the grass seedling turtle's flying leaf blade became larger and more numerous. Countless leaves scratched the wings of the three bees, and immediately scratched their wings. The three bees who couldn't flap their wings also stopped from the wind.

"Now, hit the hall!"

With a simple and clear impact, the three bees were knocked out. Now this kind of low-level battle is really not difficult for Tianlin, and it is even a bit boring.

"Go and catch tennis!"

Tian Lin threw the tennis ball with a very high rate of catching bug-type Pokémon without hesitation, and there was almost no struggle. The three bees, who were still very weak, were successfully conquered by Tian Lin with one ball.

Chapter [*]: Shinji's Provocation

"I'm so touched, is this just subduing, and I also hope to get a new partner soon." Xiaoguang looked at the tennis catcher in Tianlin's hands with admiration. As expected, he was a senior trainer, and he got a new partner so easily.

"Don't worry, the journey has just begun, as long as you continue to take risks, you will soon meet new partners." Tian Lin said with a smile.

"Yeah!" Xiaoguang nodded heavily.

Just as the two were enjoying themselves happily, an inappropriate voice suddenly sounded behind them.

"Hmph, are you subdued at this level, and it's too useless to waste a tennis ball!"

This utterly underwhelming tone, needless to say, must be Shinji, the original book is indeed regarded as one of the best rivals of Xiaozhi with his strength, but this character in the early stage is really hard to compliment.

"Hey, who are you? It's so rude!" Xiaoguang said with a cross on his hips, and suddenly came over to criticize others, what qualifications does he have.

Shinji saw at a glance that Xiaoguang was just a rookie trainer. He really had no interest in her at all, and he didn't even bother to pay attention to her. Instead, he continued to look at Tian 087 Lin, "You are Tian Lin, who is known as the strongest genius in Kanto. Your strength, is this level of three bees enough? And that grass seedling turtle, whose aptitude is also very average. It seems that most of your genius names are boasted by others. A real genius must be If you conquer it, you must conquer the most powerful.”

Shinji's strongest trump card is the Tutai Turtle. Although he has no system, his experience is enough to see at a glance that Tianlin's grass seedling turtle is not very qualified. Unfortunately, he can only see the aptitude, but not the potential. Grass seedling turtles are formed late.

"Hmph, can you tell which one of the wild Pokémon is stronger?" Before Tian Lin could answer, Xiaoguang questioned.

"Of course, look." Shinji took out three Poké Balls and released three Mukers in one go, "Scan the captured Pokémon with the illustrated book, and you will know what tricks it has used."

"Oh, this one can already use Yanhui, you can try it."

Soon, Shinji chose the strongest of the three, and then released the other two without hesitation. This is what he called the method of choosing the strongest Pokémon (aiea).

Seeing this, Tian Lin finally smiled disdainfully, "Dumb!"

"What did you say?"

"I said you were stupid. You can only check the current level of the Pokémon by this method, but ignore the really important factors such as the Pokémon's character, characteristics, aptitude, and potential. Those are the measures of the Pokémon's talent. Standard, and even if the aptitude is a little low, it’s nothing, as long as you are cultivated by excellent trainers, you can make up for the past, you who don’t understand this truth, talk about the strongest way.”

"You actually said that I was talking nonsense!" Tian Lin's words angered Shinji, and he said angrily, "If that's the case, you can have a Pokémon battle with me here, and I'll let you know that there are It's not you who has the potential to become a Pokémon master, it's me!"

Without waiting for Tianlin to agree, he announced the rules of the competition on his own. "Both sides can use three Pokémon, and the one with all the Pokémon on one side loses the ability to fight."

"If you want to know what kind of Pokémon a trainer is best at, you need to see the balance of types. Three-on-three is the best way."

"It doesn't matter, I accept it!" Tian Lin shrugged, in addition to the three bees he had just knocked out, there were exactly three more bees on him.

"Then let you see the gap in strength and prepare to fight, Tutai Turtle!"

On the surface, Shinji said that Tianlin was a useless guy, but in fact, he attached great importance to this game, and he was the strongest ace Pokémon from the start.

The figure of the earth turtle is more than ten times larger than that of the grass seedling turtle, and its strength is hundreds of times stronger. Tianlin observed that compared with the period of the Quartz Conference, the strength of this earth turtle has made a breakthrough, and it has entered the heavenly king. At the beginning level, Shinji is not forgiving, but his strength is still excellent.

"It's amazing, is that the final evolution of the grass seedling turtle?" It was the first time Xiaoguang saw such a powerful Pokémon, and he was stunned for a while.

Even she is like this, let alone the grass seedling turtle, Tianlin's grass seedling turtle has been completely frightened and dare not move.

"Come back and rest, grass seedling turtle, this is not something you can deal with." Tian Lin took back the grass seedling turtle, he didn't want the fledgling little guy to cast a psychological shadow as soon as he came up.

"Hehe, Shinji, are you bullying the small, using the earth turtle to deal with my grass seedling turtle, then don't blame me, your opponent is it!"

Just as Tianlin and Shinji were fighting, not far away, Xiaozhi and Xiaomao finally caught up with the Rockets trio.

The Rockets trapped Pikachu with a huge machine. It was still an old trick, and it was all made of anti-electric materials. Even with Pikachu's powerful strength as high as the king level, it would be useless in front of such a behemoth.

Even this time, Xiaomao Water Arrow Turtle's water cannon couldn't knock it down.

"Haha, this super capture attack machine Shenao No. [*] is equipped with special armor that resists heat, pressure, and electricity. It has an absolutely invincible defense against all types of attacks!" Kojiro explained excitedly.

"Oh, it's not bad, you can make this kind of machine, and I don't know where their funds come from?" Xiao Mao calmly spit out the groove, and it hit the nail on the head.

This completely speaks to the sore point of the Rockets, who owe another huge foreign debt for this machine.

"Xiao Mao, now is not the time to say this." Ash was anxious and angry, "Come out, Lucario, help me save Pikachu."

"Oh, is that the rumored wizard Lucario, Ash, you got a very nice Pokémon too."

"In this case, I can't lose to you, water arrow turtle, mega evolution!"

As strong rivals, neither of them wanted to be at a disadvantage. For a time, the super water arrow turtle and Lucario, who were both high-level kings, stood in front of the machine at the same time.

"Xiao Zhi, no matter how powerful that machine is, there must be a limit to what it can endure. Break through at a fixed point!" Xiao Mao calmly analyzed. "Water Arrow Turtle, use the wave of the dragon!"

"Okay, Lucario, Bo missile!"

The two had a tacit understanding, and the Dragon Wave and the wave missile hit the center of the machine at the same time, and the machine began to shatter from this point.

Just when Team Rocket panicked, the two Pokémon attacked again, using bone sticks and water cannons to crack the mechanical arm that bound Pikachu.

"Okay, Pikachu, use the Volt attack!"

In the end, of course, it was the liberated Pikachu who made up the knife. Volt attacked the center of the fragmentation and completely destroyed the entire machine. The Rockets also won their first flight of Shenao.

Chapter six hundred and ninety seventh

In the forest, a golden current surged into the sky.

This huge power suddenly caught Tian Lin's attention.

"The feeling of the discharge just now is that the Volt attack, and the power is no less than the king level, it can't be wrong, it must be Pikachu, it seems that Xiaozhi Xiaomao is nearby." Tian Lin thought.

Since they are nearby, let's take a look and make sure they are safe. Anyway, the battle between him and Shinji is over, and the whole battle did not last more than five minutes.

"Okay, so strong, is this the true strength of Tianlin?"


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