Xiaoguang and Bogaman were stunned. The three Pokémon used by Shinji this time are not weak. Tutai Turtle, Majula, and Dragon King Scorpion are all very powerful Pokémon. Among them, Tutai Turtle and Dragon King Scorpion are two of them. He had only even broken through to the Heavenly King level, but even so, Shinji was still defeated without the power to fight back, in front of the blue legendary Pokémon Suicune.

"This, impossible!" Shinji fell into deep self-doubt, he had seen such a scene before.

On the first day he got the original Pokémon, when he watched his older brother Lei Si and Mr. Kamidai fight, Lei Si also lost his power so helplessly.

At that time, the generation of God gave Lei Si a problem, where is the power that only he can show? This sentence was misunderstood by Shinji. Since then, Shinji has decided to take a completely different path from his brother and only subdue powerful Pokémon. , He has indeed become a powerful trainer because of this. Although he has never won a league competition, he can get the top few every time, which is much better than his brother.

This made him more and more sure that he was on the right track, and that the reason he didn't win the championship was simply because the Pokémon he was conquering was not strong enough.

But today Tianlin taught him another lesson, and he suffered the exact same defeat as his brother.

Seeing Shinji standing there dumbfounded, as if he hadn't woken up from his defeat, Tian Lin reminded him, "You'd better send your Pokémon for treatment now, the Yamanashi Research Institute is nearby, I still have something to do. , farewell first."

"Xiaoguang, let's go."

Tianlin called Xiaoguang and walked in the direction of the electric light just now. When he passed by Shinji, Tianlin suddenly asked softly, "By the way, what kind of teacher did you just say you want to become?"

Tian Lin's last question further increased Shinji's unwillingness.

In this battle, Tian Lin fought with a heartless heart. He only knew that Shinji, who is the supreme power, had insufficient bonds with Pokémon, and he would never be able to reach the top.

When Tianlin took Xiaoguang to the depths of the forest, he happened to meet Xiaozhi and walked out from it. He was still holding Pikachu in his hand. It seemed that the battle just now made it exhausted.

But fortunately it's no big deal.

As for Xiao Mao, after helping Xiao Zhi rescue Pikachu, he left alone. They are really Samsung in the new town and have never had the habit of traveling together for a long time.

Tianlin also asked Xiaozhi to send Pikachu back to the Yamanashi Research Institute for treatment first, and he would not go there. Maybe there, Xiaozhi and Shinji, the fateful enemies, will meet as in the original book. Since the two of them are completely different, it can even be said that Opposing trainer styles, it is estimated that they will have to fight again.

After Xiaozhi left, Xiaoguang flipped out the map, "Okay, Tianlin, since your friends are all right, let's go too, if you want to challenge the Shenao Alliance, you need to gather eight badges, the nearest road from here. The pavilion is the Iron and Steel Gym in the Iron City, let's go there."

"There is a rock-type gym. You have the legendary water-type Pokémon Suijun, and it must be very easy to live."

Xiaoguang's proposal is very good, Suijun can indeed completely abuse the steel gym, but Tianlin shook his head and said, "If you say Suijun, you will not be able to achieve the effect of the experience, unless you meet a trainer or Poke of the level of the king or above. Dream, otherwise I wouldn't use Suicune, is it fun to use new Pokémon in new areas?"

"As expected of a top coordinator trainer, that's just determination!" Xiaoguang looked at Tianlin with longing eyes, saying that compared to the achievements of the coordinator trainer, Tianlin's titles of major league champions are obviously more famous. There are many, but she seems to have ignored them all. In her mind, she is really only interested in gorgeous competitions.

If you want to go to the Steel City, you will pass through the Celebration City on the way. That is Xiaoguang's real purpose. There will be a gorgeous competition there, and Xiaoguang plans to use it as her debut battle with confidence.

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 0

In order to deal with the Gorgeous Competition, she also needs to conquer various other types of Pokémon, so they are not moving fast, so as not to miss any good Pokémon.

In fact, Tianlin originally proposed to help Xiaoguang all at once. His system is equipped with a navigator, which can scan nearby Pokémon at the fastest speed, and how to capture Pokémon. Tianlin also intends to teach them well. her about it.

But now Xiaoguang is not the Princess Shenao in the later period, her mantra is 'No problem, no problem. 'So she directly rejected Tian Lin's good intentions and planned to find and conquer Pokémon by her own ability.

0 ........................

Seeing this, Tian Lin had no choice but to go with her.

There are quite a variety of Pokémon in this forest. In addition to the Muke bird and the three bees, there are also big-toothed raccoons and knot grasses, but those images are not suitable for participating in the gorgeous competition.

Until she met a curly ear, the cute appearance completely hit Xiaoguang's cuteness, and Xiaoguang immediately decided to start her first subduing.

After some pecking at each other, Bogaman finally won with a bubble of light. Xiaoguang took out the Poke Ball and was ready to conquer it immediately.

Seeing this, Tianlin finally couldn't sit still. Although Xiaoguang repeatedly told her to complete the subjugation by herself, the problem is that her Pokeball is still in a small state, which is equivalent to not being activated, so it is impossible to catch Pokemon. .

"Xiaoguang, your Poké Ball is still a small ball, so it won't work!" Tian Lin immediately reminded him.

"Ah, it's over, I forgot!" Xiaoguang quickly activated the Poké Ball, but because he was too flustered, he threw in the wrong direction when he shot, and the Poké Ball flew towards Tianlin.


The ball was caught by Tian Lin with his palm, Tian Lin sighed helplessly and said, "I said Xiaoguang, is your purpose to subdue me?"

"Yes, I'm sorry." Xiaoguang bowed and apologized with embarrassment. At this moment, the curled ears had already climbed up from the ground, jumped a few times, and disappeared into the forest after a while. Xiaoguang's first It was conquered and ended in failure.

Chapter [*]: Pokémon Bard Shang Zhi

"Failed, I have a problem at all." Xiaoguang said dejectedly, the whole person seemed very uninspired, she did not expect to fail the first official capture, and her journey had a very bad start.

"Cheer up, Xiaoguang!" Tianlin stepped forward and patted her on the shoulder, "Back then, Xiaozhi was much worse than you, with no foundation at all, you see now, he hasn't become famous yet. Excellent trainer."

"But I..." Xiaoguang was about to reply when suddenly, the sky was filled with light, and the originally deserted forest gradually warmed up. "What kind of light is this? It feels so comfortable. It seems that my mood has suddenly improved?"

"This should be a trick of Pokémon. On a sunny day, the warm light does have the effect of healing people's hearts, but I don't know who released it?" Tian Lin explained.

Just at the moment of "[*]", a melodious and melodious piano sound reached the ears of the two.

Looking back, I saw a young man dressed as a minstrel leaning against a tree, playing a dream-style harp in his hand, and standing at his feet was a rather cute shy bud, obviously, The big sunny day trick just now was used by it.

"There is an air of loss in the heart, and the words will also be full of loss. The shy bud of the flower-bud Pokémon, the sunny day that makes people feel happy, how about it, little girl, has the lost mood calmed down?" The man walked out from behind the tree. Go out and ask softly.

"Yes, thank you, my name is Xiaoguang!" Xiaoguang replied immediately.

"That's really good. Next is the Pokémon bard Shang Zhi, who is currently on a journey to praise the world of Pokémon with this shy bud."

"May I ask if this gentleman is Mr. Tianlin from the Kanto region?" After introducing himself, Shang Zhi looked at Tianlin with bright eyes. Recently, he was caught in a trouble, and this trouble happened to be solved perfectly by Tianlin. .

"it's me!"

"Nice to meet you, Mr. Tianlin. I have seen you in Pokémon League competitions and large-scale celebrations. Your strong fighting strength and gorgeous performance style are really impressive."

Shang Zhi actually pays attention to Tianlin's different competitions at the same time. This is a fan who is more die-hard than Xiaoguang. After all, Xiaoguang only pays attention to one aspect of the gorgeous competition.

"Mr. Shang Zhi, are you also a fan of Tianlin, and so am I." Xiaoguang and Shang Zhi suddenly found a common language and chatted happily, "By the way, Mr. Shang Zhi, do you want to come and have a fight with me? In the battle, I want Tianlin to see my strength."

"Of course, as long as you don't dislike it." Shang Zhi didn't refuse, the bard was really gentle, "Excuse me, is your goal the Shenao League competition?"

"No, my goal is to challenge the large-scale celebration of the gorgeous competition." Xiaoguang shook his head.

"So that's the case, then let's use a gorgeous contest for the battle. As for the location, there is just a suitable place in front." Shang Zhi explained the rules of the competition, and took Xiaoguang to an open space.

This battle is of course judged by Tian Lin, who is a top coordination trainer. The rules are gorgeous battles with a time limit of five minutes. Tian Lin will judge the score by himself. He will not be partial to Xiaoguang because she is a partner. If she is suppressed at a disadvantage, there will be no less points to be deducted.

Xiaoguang took out the Poke Ball with confidence, "If you want to play in a gorgeous contest style, then the Pokémon will have to be a little more fancy when they appear, Pogaman, the charm will appear."

Similar to Xiaoyao's appearance on the stage, Xiaoguang also has his own way of appearing on the stage. He threw the Pokeball in a graceful posture, and Bogaman landed firmly on the ground.

Mr. Shang Zhi's shy bud is obviously also a novice Pokémon that has just been acquired. The level is almost the same as that of Bogaman, but it is a grass-type Pokémon. Against the water-type Pokémon, the attribute advantage is still very large.

"Then, please do it first!" Shang Zhi said calmly, holding the harp.

"Okay, if the opponent is a grass-type Pokémon, the flying-type trick is very effective, Bogaman, use the peck attack!" Xiaoguang has been taught by his mother Caiko since he was a child, and he has already memorized the attribute restraint watch.

Pogaman rushed over, but its two short legs were not very fast.

"Please run away!"

Mr. Shang Zhi is full of self-restraint even in the combat command, and his shy bud moves very quickly. As soon as he received the order, he jumped up and easily avoided the peck attack.

"Please use the seed machine gun."

The grass-type skill seed machine gun is extremely effective for Bogaman, and Xiaoguang's response is not inferior to Shangzhi, and he hurriedly ordered, "Bogaman, hurry up and avoid 0........"

Pogaman backed away from the attack and regrouped.

"This time, it's our turn, Pogaman, with the bubble rays!"

A series of bubbles hit the shy bud head-on, but unfortunately, the water-type skill is very limited for the grass-type shy bud, and the shy bud fell to the ground as if nothing had happened, and there was no injury on his body.

"It's over, Shybud, please use your sunshine and flames."

"It takes a lot of time to gather Qi to use the flames of the sun. Take this opportunity to defeat it, Bogaman, and use the peck." Xiaoguang's analysis is not wrong, the problem is that she overlooked a little, because the sunny day just now, The sunlight at this time was even fiercer than usual, and it didn't take much time for the flames of the sun to gather Qi at this time. Xiaoguang made Bogaman rush over so rashly, it was tantamount to sending sheep into the tiger's mouth.

Sure enough, on a sunny day, the flames of the sun charged very quickly, and in almost less than a breath, the snow-white light was already emitted, hitting Bogaman fiercely, and this tyrannical blow directly hit him. Got to lose the ability to fight.

"Bogaman lost his ability to fight, the winner is Mr. Shang Zhi!"

After the first defeat in the subjugation battle, Xiaoguang ushered in the first defeat in the battle, but this is not a bad thing. Perhaps for Xiaoguang, 4.0 is a good incentive. In the past, no matter what she learned from Caizi No matter how much, it's just talk on paper, and now, she has to fight through battles to turn what she has learned into her own strength.

"Miss Xiaoguang, this is a good match, your performance is not like the first time." Although Shang Zhi won easily, he did not despise Xiaoguang because of this, but expressed his recognition to her.

"Mr. Shang Zhi and Xiongbao's duel performance should be very exciting for you, learn from it, continue to work hard, and soon, you will gradually become stronger." Tianlin encouraged this little cute. new.

With the knowledge of Pokémon that Xiaoguang has mastered, Tianlin doesn't really need to teach her anything, as long as she keeps her self-confidence at all times and does not give up easily in the face of any setbacks.

Chapter [*] is both gorgeous and powerful

After the battle, Shang Zhi was not in a hurry to leave. For him, this battle could only be said to be unexpected. His real purpose was to ask Tianlin something.

"Mr. Tianlin, I have a problem, please don't hesitate to answer it." Shang Zhi solemnly pleaded.

"Please say, as long as I can help, I will try to help."

"Thank you very much. In fact, when I first went out to travel, I was very interested in both the gymnasium and the gorgeous competition. Now I am hesitating, Mr. Tianlin, you are the perfect fusion of the gymnasium and the gorgeous competition. Trainer, can you give me some advice on which side I'm suitable for."

"It's needless to say, of course, I chose the gorgeous competition. The battle performance just now by Xiebao was too beautiful." Tianlin didn't answer, but Xiaoguang rushed out.

"Xiaoguang, don't make trouble, just go." Tian Lin put Xiaoguang's collar next to him, "Mr. Shang Zhi, this question is easy to answer. My answer is that there is no need to choose."

"Don't need a choice?"

"That's right, you said that you like both the Gym Tournament and the Gorgeous Tournament, so you don't have to give up and choose the other 08. On the contrary, you can learn from each other and combine the strength of the Gym battle into the gorgeous, and you can play with amazing aura. You can also incorporate all kinds of fancy moves of gorgeous battles into gym battles to increase the variability of battles, so why not do it?”

"This, maybe it really can!"

The so-called wake up the dreamer with one word, Shang Zhi finally realized that he had fallen into a misunderstanding. Originally, he was worried that if he took two paths at the same time, he would end up empty in the end, but if he merged the two fighting methods with each other, this romantic and A powerful approach, perfect for a bard.

"Mr. Tianlin, thank you so much, I think I can decide, I want to be like you, challenge the gym competition and the gorgeous competition at the same time, I will no longer be lost, in order to express my gratitude to you, Allow me to play a song for you."

Said, Shang Zhi gently plucked the strings, the beautiful tone, not only Tianlin and Xiaoguang, but even the fantasy and Suijun in the Poké Ball were pleasant to the ears.

After the song was over, Shang Zhi put down the harp and said goodbye gracefully, "Then two of you, I'll leave now. I wish you a pleasant journey. Let's see you at the Magnificent Contest or the Alliance Contest."

"Mr. Shang Zhi, you are really a powerful character, Xiaoguang, it seems that you have met a strong enemy at once." Tian Lin said with a smile.

"Well, but you too, we can't lose to him."

Since Shang Zhi intends to participate in both parties, he is indeed the common enemy of Tianlin and Xiaoguang. With his strength, he may be a good opponent in the future.

After saying goodbye to Mr. Shang Zhi, the two continued on their way. Before dark, they finally arrived at a Pokémon center at the edge of the forest.

When he came here, Tianlin first completed the registration to participate in the Shenao League, and Xiaoguang's first thing was to report to his mother that he was safe. After all, it was the first day of traveling, and the family couldn't help but worry.

When explaining to Caizi that she was traveling with Tianlin, Caizi said that she could finally feel at ease. She was also a top coordination trainer. How could she have never heard Tianlin's name? She had seen that big poster many times.

"Tianlin, I'll leave everything to you. Our family Xiaoguang may cause you a lot of trouble in the future. This child is sometimes reckless and doesn't listen to persuasion. Please bear with me."

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