"I hope this child doesn't get lost! (aiea)" Caizi murmured looking at Xiaoguang's back, she was still a little worried about Xiaoguang's road-crazy attributes.

The acquaintance, Mo Ruomu, was as expected by Caizi. Although it was a straight road from Futaba Town to Zhensha Town, our lovely Guangdian was still gorgeously lost.

She walked to a restaurant and mistakenly thought it was the Yamanashi Research Institute, and boldly pushed open the door and shouted, "Hello, please give me the initial Pokémon!"

The staff member of the restaurant, suffering from occupational diseases, replied subconsciously, "Okay, one original Pokémon."

Really one dares to speak, one dares to give.

After a while, the staff member came back to his senses and asked tremblingly, "Little girl, do you think you want a Pokemon?"

At the same time, I thought in horror, Yaoshou, this little girl is so cute, but she actually wants to eat Pokémon!

"Yes, I'm sorry, I went wrong!" Xiaoguang blushed in embarrassment, and ran out of the restaurant as if flying.

Then there was the chaos of the street, and she clearly had a map in her hand, but she couldn't understand it at all.

"Strange, where did you go wrong?"

Xiaoguang spared a few laps in Zhensha Town, and was about to cry, but she still couldn't find the Yamanashi Research Institute.

When Dr. Yamanashi saw the postcard in Xiaoguang's hand, he immediately understood that she was the rookie trainer who was going to leave today, so he agreed to take her to the Yamanashi Research Institute.

At this moment, an incident happened at the Yamanashi Research Institute. When a researcher was feeding the three initial Pokémon, the naughty little flame monkey even robbed Bogaman and ate up all of Bogaman's food. Bogaman was so angry A burst of foam light shot directly out.

It also hit the innocent Muke eagle and Mu Keer. The angry Muke eagle blew a strong whirlwind, which not only made the whole institute a mess, but also shattered the windows. The monkey quickly escaped from the shattered window, but the angry Pogaman made sure to let it experience the resentment that the food was taken away, and chased it out.

This scene happened to be seen by the three people who came to the research institute to visit Dr. Yamanashi. They were Xiaozhi, Xiaomo and Tianlin.

Perhaps because of Xiao Mao's participation, everyone was not on a slow travel boat like Xiao Zhi in the original book, but a faster flight. The rich and handsome Xiao Mao directly packaged the three people's boat tickets, and therefore They got here a day earlier than the original.

"Wow, it's so lively, so the Yamanashi Research Institute is so interesting, it's much more fun than Dr. Ogi's?" Xiaozhi said excitedly, and a discerning person could see that it was an accident at a glance, but he seemed to think it was Yamanashi Research. the daily life.

Tianlin Xiaomao rolled his eyes at him at the same time, expressing that he did not know this Hanhan.

Chapter [-] Arrive at Yamanashi Research Institute's naughty Shenao Yu Sanjia

As the Little Flame Monkey and Bogaman ran out one after another, the commotion gradually subsided, and only the Grass Turtle ate his breakfast calmly as if nothing had happened.

"Excuse me, who are you?" Several researchers looked at the three people who walked in doubtfully. They had never met before, and it was probably the first time they came to Yamanashi Research Institute.

"Hello, I'm Tian Lin, they are Xiao Zhi and Xiao Mao, and Dr. Ogi asked us to visit Dr. Yamanashi. Is he here?" Tian Lin introduced himself.

"Dr. Damu! It turns out that you are the people sent by Dr. Damu. Welcome." Several researchers suddenly showed their respect when they heard the name of Dr. Damu. After all, as long as they are researchers, there is no one who does not know about Dr. Damu.

"Mr. Yamanashi just went out, sorry, please take a seat at will, we don't have time to receive you "Zero Eighty" right now, you also saw that the three Pokémon originally prepared for the newcomers just ran out for two Only, we have to get them back before the doctor comes back." The researchers seemed to be very afraid of Dr. Yamanashi's appearance, and felt that they would be in trouble if they didn't get things sorted out before he came back.

"So that's the case, it seems that you Shenaoyu three are really interesting, is this the grass seedling turtle?" Tianlin looked at the only remaining guy with interest. The movement was so big just now, but it was like nothing happened. Calm down, this calm character of Taishan collapsed in front of him without changing his face is really very good.

Grass Turtle, male, young-leaf Pokémon, grass-type, lush characteristics, leisurely personality (adding substances to prevent deceleration), height 0.6m, weight 11.4kg, good qualifications, champion-level potential, current strength novice-level intermediate, Possess skills: Impact, Shrink Shell, Flying Blade, Curse, Green Grass Field.

The laid-back personality turns out not to be calm, but simply too lazy to meddle in business affairs, but its talent has caught the attention of Tianlin. Although it has only good qualifications, it has champion-level potential. This is a typical late-forming Pokémon. Putting it in the hands of an incompetent trainer would be a complete waste of talent, but if an excellent trainer is nurtured, it can make up for the lack of aptitude.

More importantly, it has actually inherited the unique skill of Qingcaochang, and it is a rare combat power if it is cultivated.

Tianlin himself once received the power of the three families. He now has no doubts about this grass seedling turtle, but he will not decide so quickly. He hasn't seen the other two yet, and that Bogaman has a hit The destined master, he won't rob him, but he just doesn't know what happened to the little flame monkey.

"Xiaozhi, Xiaomao, you stay here, I'll help find those two Pokémon." Tian Lin suggested.

"Why don't we go together." Xiao Zhi volunteered to help, but was pulled by Xiao Mao.

"Idiot, what if Dr. Yamanashi came back suddenly after we all left, wouldn't it be too rude, we'll just stay here and wait for the doctor to come back, and leave the rest to Tianlin."

"Xiao Mao is right, you stay here."

Under the persuasion of Tianlin and Xiaomao, Xiaozhi reluctantly said hello, and could only stay obediently.

Just two minutes after Tianlin left, Dr. Yamanashi waited for Xiaoguang and walked in. The researcher and Xiaozhi explained to the doctor what happened.

Although Dr. Yamanashi had a serious face, he was actually a very kind person. He didn't blame the researchers, because he knew that they had done their best. Besides, the little flame monkey was mischievous, so he couldn't really blame them. .

But Xiaoguang decided to find those two Pokémon. She didn't have any Pokémon yet. It was very dangerous to rush into the jungle in the suburbs, but she had already made up her mind. After all, she might be her future partner.

Seeing this, Dr. Yamanashi finally nodded in agreement and warned her that if she encounters a wild Pokémon, she can try to squat down and speak to it at the same height, so that the Pokémon will drop its hostility.

Xiaoguang suddenly felt that although this white-bearded grandfather looked unsmiling, he was much gentler than expected after touching it.

In fact, the reason why Dr. Yamanashi agreed to Xiaoguang's visit not only hoped that Xiaoguang could strengthen the bond with the original Pokémon, but also because he heard that Tianlin, the direct disciple of Dr. Damu, had also rushed there.

Dr. Yamanashi still knows about people who Dagi talks about showing off all day long. He has also seen some of Tianlin's battle videos. His strength is indeed unfathomable. With him there, Xiaoguang will not be in danger. ......

Xiaoguang came to the entrance of the jungle, she quickly found the little flame monkey on the tree, and soon Pogaman also rushed out, facing the little flame monkey, there was a bubble of light, and the two Pokémon chased and escaped , ran towards the depths of the forest.

I have to say that this is really a fateful encounter. Ming Lin went to the jungle earlier than her, but she didn't even see the shadows of the two Pokémon, but she met as soon as she came.

Xiaoguang quickly caught up, but found that Bogaman was trapped by an Alidos with a spider web. There were also several Pokémon such as Lada and Snake Bear on the net. Counting Bogaman, these are all It's just a novice-level Pokémon, not a match for this elite-level Alidos at all.

But Xiaoguang is worthy of being the daughter of a top coordinator trainer. At the critical moment, she was not in a mess. Not only did she avoid Alidos' attacks, but also led its attacks to the Internet, taking the opportunity to rescue Bogaman and a group of Pokémon.

Xiaoguang picked up Bogaman and hurriedly ran away. After a while, he finally ran to Xinqi Lake and stopped panting.

"It shouldn't be a problem to run here." Xiaoguang introduced himself to Bogaman in his arms, "Hello, Bogaman, my name is Xiaoguang, and I officially become a trainer today."

Pogaman's stomach growled, because the little flame monkey stole its food, and it hadn't eaten anything yet.

"You're 4.0 hungry, I have Pokemon food here!" Xiaoguang saw this and immediately took out the Pokemon food Caizi had prepared for her from her bag.

Just as Bogaman was about to start, suddenly, a large group of Alidos chased after them and tied them firmly with spider silk.

"Why are they so angry, is it because I destroyed their nest?" Xiaoguang panicked.

Alidos didn't know how to be merciful at all, and the dense needles shot towards Xiaoguang and Bogaman. All their escape routes were completely blocked by cobwebs or poisonous needles.


At a critical moment, a huge roar suddenly sounded in the forest. In an instant, countless Alidos were stunned by the roar. They realized that the person who came was someone they couldn't match, and ran away without looking back.

Chapter [-] Tianlin and Xiaoguang once again choose Yu Sanjia

"Phew, I'm saved!" Seeing the Alidos group retreat, Xiaoguang patted his chest with lingering fears.

"However, what was the roar just now? Could it be that a Pokémon made a roaring trick?"

Not far away, Tianlin took back Suijun, and after hearing Xiaoguang's muttering, he thought, is this girl's knowledge reserve quite rich, and she suddenly recognized the roaring trick.

He had nothing to hide, and walked out of the jungle directly, "It seems that I came just in time, this lady, are you alright?"

The girl in front of her was wearing a white hat with a pokeball printed on it, shoulder-length dark blue hair and blue pupils. She looked at Tian Lin with a hint of curiosity on her pretty face.

Tian Lin is really too familiar with her, just as he recognized Xiaoyao at a glance, he also saw at a glance that this girl must be Xiaoguang.

"It's okay, thank you for saving me." Xiaoguang thanked very politely, she knew that the person who roared just now must be the Pokémon of the person in front of her, and she was curious because she was too familiar with this person.

"Well, may I ask that you are Mr. Tianlin, right?"

"You know me?" Tian Lin showed a hint of surprise that Xiaoguang actually knew about him.

"Sure enough, it's you, Mr. Tianlin, hello, I'm Xiaoguang, I'm working hard to become a top coordination trainer, and I'm just about to receive the 08 initial Pokémon today. Well, I love every performance of your performance in the Kanto Gorgeous Contest. Look, your interactive performance is so unique, please sign me!"

Xiaoguang actually carried Tianlin's photo with him, and Tianlin suddenly realized that his feelings are one of his little fans. No wonder he recognized himself. Tianlin took the photo and signed his name with a smile.

How could he refuse the request of such a cute little fan.

The two communicated and learned that their goals were the same, both to find the two lost initial Pokémon. Just when Xiaoguang found Bogaman, Tianlin had already found the naughty one. The little flame monkey easily grabbed it and handed it to the institute's Mu Keying and brought it back to the institute.

It can be said that the source of all these troubles is caused by this little flame monkey. According to Dr. Yamanashi's serious personality, it may be taught how to teach him after returning.

"Since both Pokémon have been found, let's go back!" Xiaoguang said.

The two were about to leave when suddenly, a breeze came from the lake. At this moment, the fog on the lake gradually became thicker, and a small figure floated in the center of Xinqi Lake.

"Boga!" Bogaman stared blankly at the figure in front of him, unconsciously showing reverence in his heart, which is the involuntary longing of ordinary Pokémon for legendary Pokémon.

"What is that? It's amazing." Xiaoguang exclaimed.

"Emlido, the god of emotion, is a legendary Pokémon in the Shenao region. I didn't expect to meet you on the first day when I came to Shenao. It's really good luck."

Tianlin remembered that only when he met a specific person, Emrido would appear in the form of a soul from the different space in the lake. It seems that, like the original book, it still chose Xiaoguang.

"Emlido? It really exists." As a native of Shenao, Xiaoguang, of course, has heard the legend of Emlido. She saw it on the first day she became a trainer. Does it symbolize the future? Travel will be smooth sailing.

After Emrido disappeared, the two did not stop at Xinqi Lake, because they both had to go to Dr. Yamanashi's place, so they chose to go together. After a long conversation, Xiaoguang and Tianlin gradually became familiar with each other.

But when they returned to the research institute, what they saw was not an organized scene. The research institute in front of them was even more chaotic than before they left. It seemed that there had been a war, and Xiao Zhi and Xiao Mao had both disappeared.

"What happened here?" Xiaoguang asked Dr. Yamanashi.

"It's nothing, a few nights came to make trouble, saying that they wanted to capture Ash's Pikachu. They captured Pikachu with a robotic arm and fled in a hot air balloon. Now Ash's Shigeru has gone after them." Dr. Yamanashi explained. , "By the way, Tianlin, those two asked me to tell you, they won't wait for you, and if they meet during the trip, let's fight."

Tian Lin immediately understood after hearing this. It turned out that the three guys from Team Rocket were doing their old jobs again. Because of Tian Lin's presence along the way, they never dared to make a move. , they took action.

"It turns out that, I understand, doctor, then let me and Xiaoguang get the initial Pokémon first, Dr. Damu should have told you, and I have to start traveling as soon as possible." Tianlin said.

Dr. Yamanashi nodded, "Well, I see, you two come with me."

The two followed behind Dr. Yamanashi, and Xiaoguang quietly approached Tianlin and said in a low voice, "Your two partners are in danger, aren't you worried, looks so calm?"

"Of course not to worry, Xiao Zhi is a person of the same name as me, and with Xiao Mao there, the two of them joined forces to take away Pikachu. It's impossible for them to be their opponent. It is estimated that this may have been beaten away."

Tian Lin is really not worried. After all, the difference in strength is there. Xiao Mao brought the six strongest Pokémon he owned this time, and Xiao Zhi was also uncharacteristically. In addition to Pikachu, he also brought the long-tailed monster. With Lucario, such a lineup can be said to be very strong.

"So, rookie trainer Xiaoguang, and Tianlin, have you two decided which Pokemon to choose?"

Dr. Yamanashi took them to the three Pokémon and let them choose.

"Xiaoguang, you choose first." As a senior, Tian Linqian gave in.

"Well, thank you 087, I have already decided." Xiaoguang walked up to Bogaman without hesitation, and leaned down slightly, "Bogaman, we will be good partners, right?"

After what happened just now, Xiaoguang and Bogaman had already established a bond, so she did not hesitate in her choice.

"Boga!" Bogaman raised his chest to express his confidence. It was telling Xiaoguang that it was absolutely right to choose himself.

After choosing the Pokémon, Dr. Yamanashi gave Pogaman's Poké Ball, five empty Poké Balls, and the Pokémon Book to Hikaru, and briefly explained how to use it.

Then he looked at Tianlin, "Xiaoguang has already chosen, what about you, Tianlin, which one do you want?"

"I've already made a decision, grass seedling turtle, come with me!"

Tianlin chose the grass-type tortoise. He had explored this little flame monkey. Although his qualifications surpassed that of the grass tortoise, his potential was lost. Tianlin really wanted to cultivate this kind of late-formed Pokémon. Look, and the little flame monkey is too naughty, in comparison, the calm grass seedling turtle is more in line with his mind.

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