"Xiao Mao, let's see how long your turtle shell can last!" Tian Lin laughed.

"Tianlin, are you trying to provoke me, I'm not Xiaozhi, a sword monster with a strong shield, keep using the king's shield!"

Xiaomao gritted his teeth, he understood the truth that if you keep it for a long time, you will lose it. As the number of uses of the king's shield increases, the chance of success will gradually decrease, but he has to use it now, because he really has no way to compete with the powerful fire-breathing dragon. Attack power, can only use luck to continuously reduce its power.

"Fire-breathing dragon, Yuzu!"

The two ordered it almost at the same time. Wang Dun had a high chance of succeeding the second time, so it still succeeded, but Xiao Mao hoped that it would fail, because unexpectedly, Tian Lin did not use an attack this time.

"No, I've been fooled!" With Xiaomao's wisdom, he was able to wake up at once, Tianlin's onslaught was just pretending, and his real purpose was to force Xiaomao to use the king's shield constantly.

And he can not only take the opportunity to restore the fire-breathing dragon's physical strength, but also reduce the success rate of Wang Shield's continuous use.

"Xiao Mao's performance is good, but unfortunately he was put on the line by Tianlin. The game is already divided. He really still has a long way to go!" Dr. Damu shook his head. Now that the fire-breathing dragon's physical strength has recovered, then Tianlin's next blow is bound to be a flash charge, and Xiaomao will either bet on three consecutive guarantees, or fight against the fire-breathing dragon with terrifying attack power. Either way, his odds of winning are very low.

"Fire-breathing dragon, make a flash charge."

"The sword monster with a strong shield, fight once and use the holy sword!"

Knowing apprentice Mo Ruoshi, knowing grandson Mo Ruo, and Dr. Damu could feel their hearts thoroughly.

The strong shield sword monster transformed into a sword form, then turned into a streamer, and collided with the huge fire push.

The entire Oki Research Institute was shaken by this huge impact.

"Who won?" Xiao Zhi looked at the opposing battlefield excitedly and curiously. The two were so strong that he was so excited that he could not wait to rush up to compete with them immediately.

I saw that the ground of the research institute was punched into an incomparably huge deep pit, and there were still traces of being burned by flames and many sword marks.

The sword blade of the Sword Monster with a strong shield was inserted straight into the soil and stood still, but anyone with a discerning eye could see that it had lost consciousness.

"The sword monster with a strong shield lost its ability to fight, and the fire-breathing dragon won, so the winner of the game is Tianlin!" Xiaojian announced as the referee.

"Huh, I really can't underestimate this guy Xiao Mao, he almost lost!" Tian Lin won't win easily, he can see that the fire-breathing dragon is at the end of the game at this time.

"Come back, Shield Sword Monster!" Xiao Mao took back the Pokémon and walked up to Tian Lin, "Tian Lin, I lost this time, it was my guess that made a mistake, and I judged that your physical attack was lowered by self-righteousness. The next will rely on special attacks to win.”

"If I had known this, I should have come up with another tactic, so that the winner must be me."

"Do you have any other tactics?" Tian Lin was surprised when he heard the words, but he didn't expect that Xiao Mao still had reservations.

"Yes, that's a tactic specially prepared to deal with high-attack Pokémon. Unfortunately, 080 ignored it because I thought you would use special attack moves. It's a pity." Xiao Mao said unwillingly, and it was obvious that he was right Another set of his own tactics is very confident.

"Xiao Mao, why don't you fight me next, I'll use a high-attack Pokémon, let me see your other tactics." Xiao Zhi said almost begging, his hands were really itchy.

"I refuse, do you guys think that my strong shield sword monster can't be defeated again, our battle will be reserved for the next alliance conference." Xiao Mao refused again.

"Xiaozhi, don't get carried away just because you dominate the battle development area. The world is very vast, and there are many powerful Pokémon that you don't know about in other areas. After the trip to Carlos, I am even more convinced of this. , After tomorrow, I'm going to set off for the Shenao area, don't fall behind me!"

"Is there a lot of Pokémon I don't know about in the Shenao place?" Xiao Zhi was aroused, "Okay, if that's the case, then I'll go to the Shenao place too!"

"Great, it seems that the three of us have locked on the same target again, and my next destination is also there, on the Shenao Alliance, let's play against each other happily again!" Tian Lin said to the two of them. Out of the battle agreement, the Shenno area will inevitably trigger a wave of enthusiasm because of the arrival of the three of them.

Chapter [*] Starting a new journey begins

In the evening, after Tianlin returned home and explained the incident to Jun Shalan, Jun Shalan went to pack Tianlin's luggage without saying a word. He had just returned the day before and was leaving the next day. Jun Shalan, who is her sister, must be very reluctant.

"Sister, I'm sorry, I spent too much time in the battle zone this time. After the trip to Shenao, I will definitely stay at home for a while." Tian Lin said apologetically.

"It's okay, as an elder sister, supporting your younger brother's dream is both a responsibility and an obligation, but you are leaving as soon as you get home, so I look a little lonely!" Jun Shalan lowered her head, her lonely words were not like her usual .

"Why don't I stay for a few more days before leaving?" Seeing her like this, Tian Lin was a little shaken.

"No, I have an idea, why not!" Jun Shalan rolled her eyes and suddenly snatched a Poke Ball from Tian Lin's waist, which was Latias' Poke Ball.

"Come out, Canon!"

"Hello, Sister Lan!" As soon as Kanon came out, he pounced on Jun Shalan like a spoiled child.

"Sister Kanon is so cute. The stupid brother Tianlin can leave if he wants to, but Kanon will stay with me this time."

"Tianlin, you will definitely agree. I talked to Canon last night."

Jun Shalan looked at Tianlin with a burning gaze, and Tianlin's mouth twitched, okay, so it turns out that this unremarkable sister just pretended to be low, and dared to wait for him here.

"Canon, are you willing to stay?" Tianlin will not force Kanon's wishes, everything is up to her.

Canon nodded readily, "Well, yes, otherwise Sister Lan would be too pitiful to be alone. I can speak now, so I can accompany her more."

Of course, Canon likes Tianlin very much, but after having been in contact with humans for so long, she has learned a lot about the world.

Kanon knows Tianlin very well. In Tianlin's heart, the most important person in the world is neither Dr. Damu as a master, nor Xiaozhi Xiaomao as a close friend, nor Sundina as his girlfriend, but in front of him. My sister Jun Shalan, let those other stupid guys go to please Tianlin, she is smart and ready to steal the house.

"Okay, I'm relieved to have you here, Kanon, then my sister will give you protection, sister, you should also take good care of Kanon~'!" Tian Lin agreed to the two of them.

"Mmmm, don't worry, that's great, I'll have a younger sister to accompany me in the future." Jun Shalan fondly rubbed against Canon's cheek, and Tianlin seemed to have been forgotten by her at the moment.

Dividing line

In the early morning of the next day, the three of Xiaozhi and Xiaomao Tianlin gathered at the entrance of the village. They were about to go to Changqing City to take a steamer to the Shenao area. Dr. Damu, Hanako, Xiaojian, Jun Shalan and others came to see them off.

Before parting, Tianlin went to see all his Pokémon, and gave the ultimate potion obtained from the large-scale celebration to the fire-breathing dragon and the giant pincer mantis, so that he had two more infinite potential Pokémon.

And the Pokémon he carried this time were only Suijun and Mengmeng. They were all divine beasts occupying the divine position and were not restricted by the six Pokémon of the trainer. The rest of the partners, Tian Lin planned to go to Shenao. Take the new one.

"Remember the three of you. After arriving at Shenao, you can go to Dr. Yamanashi from Zhensha Town first. He is my senior and an expert in the field of Pokémon evolution. I believe he will definitely be able to help you." Oki The doctor warned the three of them.

"And Tianlin, last time there was a reward from the Pokémon ranger to give you, they said they were going to give you a Pokémon, but they couldn't give anything good. After I fought for it, the alliance agreed to let you You get another Yusanjia, and when you see Dr. Yamanashi, take it from him."

"Shenao Yu Sanjia, this is a really good reward, Doctor, thank the forest ranger organization for me."

The strength of the three Shenao Yu family is very extraordinary, no matter which one Tianlin is very satisfied.

"Then let's go!" The three waved goodbye to Zhenxin Town again and embarked on a new journey.

Dividing line

At the same time, many excellent trainers in various regions started to move at the same time.

Ah Yin from the Rockets headquarters hadn't planned to leave so early. He had just been training all night and returned to his room exhausted. He recalled that in the Chengdu League, he faced Tianlin who only used less than [*]% of his strength. The scene where he was still beaten to death was the greatest shame in his life.

"Tianlin, wait for me, I must defeat you, and I will definitely defeat you!"

Ruoye Town, Chengdu area.

Nainai looked at the big family who saw her off, and set off confidently while singing the song of the Electric Shock Beasts, "Master, this time, I must have you witness my growth!"

At the seaside in the Hoenn area, Masamune built a raft himself, and he seemed to be ready to rush to Shenao just like that, "Xiaozhi, Tianlin, you must wait for me, the champion of the next tournament must be mine!"

In addition to these areas, there is also the Alliance Headquarters in the local area of ​​Shenao.

A beautiful blonde woman walked slowly to a pitted battlefield. Obviously, someone was training here. It was a gray-haired man in red. What was surprising was that the Pokémon in front of him turned out to be It is the legendary Nightmare God - Darkrai.

"' "Dakdo, are you ready? It's your turn to perform in this year's Shenao League. In recent years, there have been excellent young trainers in various regions, and our Shenao can't lose to them. ' said the woman.

"Hmph, Miss Zhulan, don't worry, the reason why those people are famous is that I didn't take action. When this conference is over, those so-called geniuses will all be bleak, because they will all be dazzled by the brilliant me. Cover." Dakdo said proudly.

It turns out that he is the divine beast man in the original book, and the blonde woman is the Shenao champion Zhulan. Dakoto is a genius secretly cultivated in the Shenao region, and has been hidden until now, just to shock the world at the grandest moment and show off Shenao. the strength of the region.

Zhu Lan looked at the arrogant Dakduo and frowned, "Don't be too careless, according to the information, Samsung of Zhenxin Town is already coming here, that Xiaozhi Xiaomao is strong, but with your strength I can handle it, but the Tianlin among them, if you underestimate him, you will definitely lose miserably, (the money) he has the same control over the beasts as you."

"Of course I know that, but he will only have two or three at most. As for the first-level Shen Lie Kongzai, he definitely didn't subdue it. He probably just borrowed power, and it was impossible to use it continuously. What would he do with this? Face me, don't forget, mythical beast, I have six!" Dakduo said disdainfully.

The more confident he is, the more worried Zhulan is. She has seen Tianlin's battle video, it is really amazing, even she is not sure of winning, and Daketuo, to be honest, even if he has six A mythical beast, she can also swept him with her own team, do you really think that a mythical beast means invincible Yuan?

"Hey, overconfidence is complacency!" Zhulan sighed in disappointment, not to mention her strength, just this character alone, Daketuo is far inferior to Tianlin, and now she can only hope that she is unfounded.

PS: The title number of the first few chapters is wrong, but it does not affect the reading. This is the author's mistake. I apologize to everyone here. Please forgive me.

God Almighty

Chapter [*]: Newcomer trainer Xiaoguang debuts

Shenno area, Futaba town.

A new encounter is about to begin.

Today is the day for the new trainers to collect the Royal Three Pokémon and embark on the trainer journey.

In a big house, the alarm clock rang, and a cute-looking girl opened her big eyes, she was the goddess Xiaoguang.

Xiaoguang stood up and sat up from the bed, opened the window, and breathed in the fresh morning air. From the window, you could see the beautiful scenery of Futaba Town and the Tianguan Mountain that spanned the entire Shenao in the distance.

"Well, I slept really well. Today is finally here, but I've been waiting for a long time!"

Every rookie trainer will be very excited the day before receiving the initial Pokémon, even if Tianlin is as mature as before, she can't avoid it. Last night, she fell asleep with fantasy, fantasizing that the Yusanjia that she could use was on the gorgeous board The stage, the scene of becoming a top coordination trainer, that is her dream.

She's ready to start her journey, to embark on a new path of coordination trainers.

On the wall of Xiaoguang's room, there are many posters on which are the top coordination trainers who have won the championship of large-scale celebrations, including Ayako, Adam, Michael, Melissa, Rob 080 and so on. Her idol, and the young man in the middle looks like her age, it is Tian Lin who just won the honor of top coordinator not long ago.

"Seniors, starting from today, I will work hard with you as the goal." Xiaoguang said confidently to the avatars on the poster.

After finishing washing up and tidying up, mother Caizi's voice came from outside the door, "Xiaoguang, are you awake, it's time to come down for breakfast!"

"Well, I woke up a long time ago, come now!"

Caizi opened the door, and beside her was a charming cat from the Shenao area, "Good morning Xiaoguang, it's rare, you can get up so early today!"

"What? I'm not lazy. Mom should say that I got up very early today!" Xiaoguang pouted, a little dissatisfied.

After breakfast, Xiaoguang was ready to leave, Caizi handed her the backpack prepared last night, "Xiaoguang, are you all ready, have you brought the postcard from Dr. Yamanashi's Institute with you? "

The postcard is very important. It not only indicates the location of the Yamanashi Research Institute, but Xiaoguang also needs to rely on this certificate to receive the initial Pokémon from the doctor. For this reason, Caiko had to ask one more question.

"Mom, don't worry, there's no problem, although I haven't decided which one to choose, but I'm confident that I can become good friends with any Pokémon."

"Because my dream is to become a top coordination trainer like my mother."

In the living room of Xiaoguang's house, all the honors Caiko has received as a top coordination trainer are displayed, including ribbon medals, championship trophies, etc. Therefore, under the influence of his eyes and ears, Xiaoguang decided his future path early.

Unlike Xiaoyao, because Xiaoyao didn't like Pokemon very much at the beginning, even though she has a father who is a gym trainer, she has never systematically learned about Pokemon. Guang is very hardworking. Her mother sometimes serves as a lecturer to train new coordinators. As long as she has time, she will not lack a class. Therefore, Xiaoguang's foundation in coordinators is actually very solid. is experience.

"You, every time you say there is no problem is the most problematic time, if only someone could take you." Caizi hopes that Xiaoguang can travel with like-minded seniors. And much safer.

Saying that, Caizi handed Xiaoguang an old ribbon medal, which was the first medal she received when she debuted back then.

"Thank you, Mom, then I'm leaving!" Xiaoguang accepted it gratefully, and set off on her favorite bicycle.

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