"You've won the prize, then I'm going to continue to shoot, fire-breathing dragon, use fire-breathing again!"

With the combination of the weather and the power of the sun, this jet of fire is even more terrifying than the previous one.

(aiea) "Regischiru, use the sandstorm!" Kamidai still uses the sandstorm defense, even if the weather changes, the flames that have been spewed will not be reduced in power.

The majestic fire hit the salon scroll, burning all the sand red, and the fire-breathing dragon continued to spew flames without any interruption until the sand tornado turned into a vortex of flames.

The tornado was so hot that Regis Chiru was suddenly trapped by the tornado he created, and he was in a dilemma for a while.

"In the face of such a fire tornado, it seems that we can break through it, Regis Qilu, make the ultimate impact!" The generation of God intends to let Regis Qilu break through the sea of ​​​​fire with brute force.

"Mr. Kamidai, I won't let you do what you want, fire-breathing dragon, fly right above the vortex, and use purgatory!"

The fire-breathing dragon vibrated its wings, flew over Regis Chiru, and spewed ferocious blue flames downward, which meant that this purgatory had a high temperature of 6000 degrees, which was far stronger than the previous jet flame.

Regis Quirrell was trapped in the sea of ​​flames and had no way to escape. He was directly hit by Purgatory, and was affected by the additional effect of Purgatory and fell into a state of burns.

When the physical attack is halved, its ultimate impact is also greatly reduced, and it is impossible to rush out immediately.

"Really strong, in the face of so many fire-type tricks, he can still stand still!" The strength gap between the Heavenly King and the Champion is too big, and Tianlin is a little worried. Don't look at him now. When the generation of gods recovers, he will be able to launch a counterattack immediately. The fire-breathing dragon that has continuously used great tricks loses a lot of stamina. He has just been hit by another electromagnetic cannon, and with the paralysis state, it is difficult to say who will win this battle and who will lose. .

"Tianlin, your tactics are really brilliant. If your fire-breathing dragon is also a champion, Regis Qilu must have been defeated by now. Unfortunately, I will not give you another chance, Regis Qilu, destroy the death. Light!"

An orange-red light suddenly rushed out from the flame vortex. It was a special type of attack trick, and the burning had no effect on this trick.

The flames were completely dissipated in an instant. Regis Qilu was unable to move for a while due to the reaction force, but unfortunately, the fire-breathing dragon was suddenly paralyzed and unable to move due to this excellent attack opportunity.

"Haha, boy, it seems that God is also on my side this time. It's pretty good that you and the fire-breathing dragon can fight to this extent with a big difference, but this battle should be over. , Regis Kirou, railgun!"

"Mr. Kamidai, you are right, this battle should be over, the gap between the Heavenly King and the Champion, let me smooth it out with external force!" Tianlin suddenly smiled confidently.

"External force?" The generation of gods is a little puzzled. The so-called external force is nothing more than mega evolution, but Tianlin has already evolved the giant pincer mantis once before. According to the rules, a battle cannot evolve two at the same time.

Tianlin didn't answer the gods, but raised his sleeves, and saw that on his wrist, there was a bracelet with a crystal inlaid on it.

"Let's unite, my heart, soul, and strength!" Tian Lin said in his mouth, and at the same time his arms moved in accordance with the lines.

Shendai's eyes widened immediately, this bracelet and crystal, matched with the lines of the second middle school, the second action, the result is self-evident, "This, this is the Z move in the Alola region!"

That's right, this is the Z move. The ten one-time prop experience cards that Tianlin drew yesterday, he directly used two and replaced them with the Z bracelet and the fire Z. Fortunately, he didn't dislike the paintings of the sun and the moon. Feng finished reading the whole episode, otherwise he really couldn't remember such a shameful action.

"Take it, super extreme explosive bomb!"

The fire-breathing dragon condensed the fire energy in the mouth, and countless raging fires gathered together, and finally formed a huge super fireball, which contained the powerful power of cracking rocks.

The fireball collided with the electromagnetic cannon. Under the huge size gap, the electromagnetic cannon was completely swallowed up as if the river was flowing into the sea.

"Reggie!" In the face of the incomparably powerful fireball, Regis Qilu had no way of resisting, and was surrounded by the fireball with a scream, and finally fell down after being burned in the incomparable darkness in the endless sea of ​​fire.

Chapter [*]: Three Holy Beasts Suijun VS Three Gods Pillar Regilock

At the end of the second battle, the generation of God silently took out the Poké Ball and took Regis Qilu back. His face was a little ugly. Although he liked to guide generations of new star trainers to become stronger and stronger, he also had With the arrogance of a quasi-champion-level trainer, he can accept the defeat of one of his pillars, but if all three are defeated, even he will be very unwilling.

"Tianlin, from the perspective of the strength of the trainer, you are fully qualified to obtain my pioneering symbol, so in the third battle, I will not accept your challenge as a pioneering brain, but an equal training. The family has a fair fight with you." God said this, which means that he is completely serious and will not let the water out at all.

"Mr. Shendai, I can't ask for it." Tianlin has long been waiting for it. The strength of Shendai is far stronger than that of the four kings of the year, and he is the highest-level opponent Tianlin has ever encountered. The chance to fight against such an opponent, he waits for the opportunity. For a long time.

"Go, Reggie Lock!"

Regis Locke was the first divine pillar to be subdued in the Age of Gods. After years of cultivation, his level far surpassed the Regis Quill and Regais who had just been subdued, and he was his real ace.

"Champion-level pinnacle!" Tian Lin's eyes narrowed. He had already guessed that the last of the gods would be very strong, but he did not guess that it would be so strong.

"Come back, fire-breathing dragon!"

Tianlin immediately took back the old spray, and used the Fire-type and Fly-type to fight Regilock of the Rock-type. Tianlin's head was not so iron.

"Oh, I took it back. Then, are you going to send out the giant pincer mantis again or take out your third one? You have already used the mega evolution and the Z move. Is there anything else you can't do?"

"Of course there is!-" Tian Lin said to himself.

Hearing the words, God's Dai was surprised, but it really existed. He subconsciously looked at Tian Lin's other wrist and said, "Could it be that you have a huge wristband tied to the arm under your clothes? Pyramids don't have gigantic energy, and even if you have a wristband, you can't go gigantic."

Tian Lin shook his head, "No, my next partner doesn't need any external help, come on stage, Sui Jun!"

"It's Suijun!" The gods didn't watch the gorgeous competition, so he didn't know until this moment that Tianlin had even subdued Suijun.

"To deal with divine beasts, of course, you have to use divine beasts, so let me start the prelude to this divine battle, Suicune, use surfing!"

Tianlin started the battle with a huge surf, and the tyrannical energy of the water system converged into a tsunami that surged towards Regilock.

Just looking at the scale of this surf, Jindai can judge that the strength of this Suizun is still above his own Regilock, and he has the power to surpass the champion.

But the generation of God was not flustered at all. He had absolute confidence in his Regilock, "Regilock, destroy the light!"

The big tricks of the two sides converged, and the entire pyramid shook. This was only the first move of the two sides, which caused such a terrifying momentum. I hope this battle pyramid can last until the end of the game.

In the Pokémon Center not far away, due to the consecutive defeats, Xiao Zhi, who was still in the midst of a loss, is now standing by the window, his eyes fixed on the Battle Pyramid.

"What a fierce battle. I can't see it, but I feel like I'm there. The fighting spirit of the two top trainers has been conveyed to me through the pyramid, and I want to fight them too!"

"What is Xiaozhi muttering? It seems that he hasn't come out of his loss!" Xiaoyao wondered, her trainer level is not enough, and she couldn't feel the breath in the pyramid at all.

"Don't worry, he will recover soon." Suddenly, a gentle voice came from behind Xiaoyao, it turned out to be Xiaozhi's mother Hanako, and there were two other people, Tianlin's sister Jun Shalan and Master Dr. Oki.

Hanako, as a mother, no one knows her son better than her. She can feel that Ash's fighting spirit is constantly transpiring, which is the best proof that he is about to get out of his confusion.

"Aunt Hanako, Doctor, Sister Lan! Why did you three come here?"

"Of course I'm here to cheer Xiaozhi and Tianlin." Jun Shalan smiled, looked around and found that Tianlin was not there, "Where's my brother?"

"There!" Yaxida pointed to the pyramid in the distance, indicating that Tianlin was doing the final challenge there.

On the battlefield of the Pyramid, Suicune's blow just now was in vain. I didn't expect that Regilock's destruction of death light was so powerful that it broke the tsunami.

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 0

"Shuijun, use it to ask for rain!"

Suicune changed the weather once again. The sandstorm left by Regis Chill just now is very beneficial to Regis. It can not only continue to damage Suicune, but also greatly strengthen its special defense. On a rainy day, it will increase It becomes Suicune's water-type skills, and Regilock of the rock-type will feel extremely uncomfortable.

"Regilock, use a sharp stone attack!" This time the attack and defense changed, it was Regilock who shot, and countless sharp and huge rocks shot towards Suicune, and the extremely thin stone blade was very threatening , In the original book, I even broke the defense trick that can defend everything.

This is something that can only be done with Z moves and extremely giant moves, which shows how profound this Regilock is in the sharp stone attack.

0 ......  

"Suijun, use the water cannon!"

As the monarch of water, Suicune will of course never be inferior to Regilock's stone in the attainment of water.


One after another stone pillars were broken by water cannons, but Regilock continued to summon.

"Mr. Koujiro, remind you, don't stand on the left when facing the wave."

When Tian Lin's voice fell, Sui Jun suddenly exerted his strength. With his strength stronger than Regilock and the advantage of the rainy day, the water cannon began to slowly suppress the sharp stone attack.

"Regilock, defend!"

At the critical moment, God made a decisive decision and gave up the attack to defend the impact of the water cannon.

"Are you very decisive, Mr. Koujiro! If that's the case, Sui-kun, let the wind blow."

Suijun is not only the monarch of water, but also the incarnation of the north wind. He can also use wind with ease.

"It's really strong. Originally, Suicune was stronger than Regilock, but now the speed is doubled. That's not enough. Regilock, use lock." God's best tactic is coming, lock and electromagnetic cannon, he will give him every Only God Pillars are equipped with this combination.

Originally, this was indeed a very good tactic, but unfortunately, this unfavorable tactic of the Age of God will drag him directly into the abyss of defeat.

"Mr. Shendai, the outcome has been decided, I won this battle!" Tian Lin said confidently with a smile on his face.

Chapter [*] The symbol of heroism comes from Xiaomao's inspiration

"No, I've been fooled!" As a veteran powerhouse, Shendai felt so keen. Hearing Tianlin's words and seeing the smile on the corner of his mouth, he could immediately judge that Tianlin was not bluffing, he was true There is a certainty of victory.

And this grasp seems to have been given to him by himself.

"Shuijun, use imitation!" Tianlin ordered.

Suijun saw Regilock's movements and followed suit. When the other party locked it, he also locked the other party.

"Okay, Reggie Locke, use the electromagnetic gun!" Jindai did not change his tactics, because he didn't know Tianlin's next plan, so he could only use the original tactics to try to make a move.

"Suicune, end the game and use absolute zero!"

Tianlin's real purpose is one-hit nirvana, no matter how superb the so-called Three Gods Pillar's defense is, in the face of one-hit nirvana, no matter how strong the defense is, it's a piece of paper.

And in the locked state, this shot must be hit at absolute zero, and there is no possibility of being missed or dodged.

"One hit kills you? "Zero Qiqi", it seems that I lost!" Jindai gave up a wry smile and gave up continuing to give orders. Even if the electromagnetic gun hits Suijun, with Suijun's strong durability, it will definitely not be lost in seconds. , and as long as his side is hit by absolute zero, Regilock will inevitably fall.

As Tianlin said, the outcome is already divided.

After a while, Suijun walked back to Tianlin with graceful steps. Behind it, there was a huge iceberg, and Regilock was completely incapable of fighting and was sealed between the iceberg.

Facing the Age of Gods and the Three Gods Pillars, Tianlin relied on mega evolution, Z moves and one-hit nirvana successively, and finally achieved a complete victory of three to zero.

"Young man, your strength has convinced me. Congratulations, you dominate the development zone. This is the last symbol of development that I have. It is called the symbol of heroism. You can take it!" He went to Tianlin's side and took out the pioneering symbol.

After embedding this symbol on the certificate, Tianlin finally completely dominated the battle zone.

"Thank you very much, Mr. Kamidai, I have learned a lot from the battle with the three gods. If you can, when you turn the three gods into five gods in the future, how about we fight again?"

It seems that Tian Lin is not satisfied with only one battle with the Three Gods Pillar. As soon as the battle is over, Tian Lin put forward a request to the gods to fight again.

"Five God Pillars? Are you talking about the Electric God Pillar Reggie Elleqi and the Dragon God Pillar Regi Duolago? I didn't expect you to even know these two. You really deserve to be the disciple of the great scholar Dr. Damu. They are very rich. Knowledge reserve." Shendai was a little surprised, different from the well-known situation of the three gods in his hands, almost no one has heard of these two, and only the gods who specialize in subduing the gods have a little bit of information.

Shendai shook his head, "I have coveted these two for a long time, but there is no news at all, and I don't know where they are sealed."

"Then continue to work hard to find it, Mr. Shendai, if one day you can gather the five gods and the gods, I would be very happy to fight with you!" The column team played against each other, and it was interesting for him to think about it.

"Haha, well, I promise you, there will be such a day."

The two agreed with each other. After Tianlin bid farewell to Mr. Jindai, he left the battle pyramid and walked towards the Pokémon Center. His battle was over, and it was Ash's turn. I wonder how he prepared?

In the Pokémon Center at the moment, because of the arrival of Dr. Damu, many trainers have been attracted, and Dr. Damu greeted everyone kindly.

After a while, he took out a large piece of paper from the bag and handed it to Xiao Zhi, "Xiao Zhi, I heard that you were in a tough fight when you challenged the final pioneering brain, so I will help your Pokémon. Brought a message to cheer you on."

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