"Three to three!" Shendai immediately understood Tianlin's voice, "Haha, interesting boy, you 4.0 is the first person who dared to challenge me in this way, I agreed, just right, There's a guy I just captured two days ago, so be his first opponent."

It seems that because Tianlin and Xiaozhi arrived a few days later than the original work, the generation of gods has already collected the three gods in advance, which makes Tianlin very satisfied. For him, he can only defeat all the three gods, which is the last symbol of development. It only makes sense to take it.

"Then I'll say goodbye first!" Tian Lin turned around and left after speaking. He didn't intend to watch Xiaozhi's game. He guessed that Xiaozhi would still take out the Coal Turtle to fight against the Steel God Pillar as in the original book, even if the Coal Turtle attribute Dominant, but the strength gap is too big, Tian Lin can guess the result without fighting.

There is no doubt that Ash will lose, and to deal with the generation of God, he has no chance of winning unless he brings out his strongest lineup.

Chapter [*] Tianlin VS God Generation Challenges Three God Pillars

Tian Lin left the Battle Pyramid alone, and under the guidance of Miss Joy, came to the Pokémon Center in the Fennel Valley.

Although this Pokémon Center is built in a deep valley, its luxury level is even higher than those in big cities. It not only has a training room for Pokémon, but also an outdoor hot spring to relieve fatigue. There are battlegrounds for trainers to use, and there are even stages for holding gorgeous competitions. I heard that many gorgeous competitions have been held here.

Tianlin came to the phone and called the Damu Research Institute. In order to challenge the Pyramid, he needed to replace the Pokémon on his body.

"Tianlin, are you going to challenge the Three Gods Pillar head-on? This is a very good idea, come on." After explaining the situation to the doctor, the doctor did not have any objection and tried his best to cheer for Tianlin.

The Pokémon Tianlin, the Ice Dragon, Pikexi, Huck Dragon, and Wind Speed ​​Dog, who accompanied him to challenge the gorgeous contest, were all teleported back to the Damu Research Institute, and the remaining battles were not enough to participate in at their level.

In its place are two new Poké Balls.

"Thank you, doctor, I have received them!"

"Well, work hard 08, your sister and I, and Xiaozhi's mother are also preparing to come over now. This is the last battle between you and Xiaozhi in the development area, and we also want to witness it." Dr. Damu said.

"Okay, I won't let you down." Tian Lin swore and assured him that he took the Poké Ball that the Doctor just passed to him and walked to the battle field outside the center. There was still half a day left, and he could have a good time with them. Do some training, you can also see their current strength situation.

Tian Lin's training didn't end until the night. When he returned to the Pokémon Center, Xiao Zhi and others had also returned. Xiao Zhi kept his head down and said nothing. It was obvious that he was defeated again.

"Brother Tianlin, you're back, Xiaozhi just lost!" When Xiaosheng saw Tianlin come in, he immediately stepped forward and told him the story of today's game.

Today, Xiaozhi is still using the same coal turtle as the original, and his performance is remarkable. It has been recognized by the generation of gods. Unfortunately, the gap between the two sides is too large.

"Brother Tianlin, you have to be careful in tomorrow's game. Mr. Jindai is too strong. He is not comparable to the other six pioneering brains." Xiaoyao worried.

In previous battles, Zhenxinzhen Samsung has always been invincible. This is the first time she has seen Xiaozhi lose twice in a row so helplessly , there are inevitably some concerns.

"Don't worry about me, I won't lose." Tian Lin smiled slightly, walked to Xiao Zhi's side and said, "Xiao Zhi, don't come to watch my game tomorrow, just stay here and think carefully, only What kind of power can you show?"

"Only I can show the strength?" Xiaozhi raised his head suspiciously. Just when he was defeated, the generation of God also said the same thing to him. Does Tian Lin mean that as long as he finds the strength that belongs to him, he will have Chance to defeat Mr. Koujiro.

Tian Lin didn't explain much, the answer had to be found by Xiao Zhi himself. He went back to the room alone, but did not rest immediately, but opened the large celebration gift package. It has been delayed because of Manaphy, and now is the time. .

"The large-scale celebration gift package is opened, congratulations to the host for obtaining 2 limit potions, 10 one-time experience cards for designated props, and the recipe for making full energy blocks!"

This gift package is not too rich, it is incomparable with the alliance gift package, but it is very useful. The limit potion represents Tianlin and will add two more infinite potential Pokémon, and the designated item experience card can be changed into anything you want. The props, unfortunately, are one-time use, and they will disappear after use. In tomorrow's game, Tian Lin has an idea. Using this item may increase the odds of winning!

Dividing line

Early the next morning, Tian Lin left early. He didn't bother Xiaoyao and others. Now Xiaozhi needs their company even more. He doesn't need anyone to cheer him up in his battles. Having Pokemon to accompany him is enough. .

On the opposing battlefield of the Battle Pyramid, the gods were sitting cross-legged, eyes closed, and when he heard the sound of footsteps in the corridor, he suddenly opened his eyes, "Are you here, the strongest challenger."

"Mr. Kamidai, I'm here, fulfill our promise, let's fight!"

"Very good, boy, you are very imposing." Kamidai stood up, "There is no need for a referee in this game. There are three Pokémon that can be used by both sides, and they can be freely replaced. When all the Pokémon on one side are down The game is over when we go down, okay?"

Tianlin nodded, simple, clear and fair, he had no opinion.

"Okay, then let me go on stage first, let's go, Regais!" The first of the gods was Regais, one of the three pillars of the gods.

This Regais was just conquered by him. Since he had just woken up from a long sleep, the Age of God had not had time to cultivate it. Therefore, its current strength is much inferior to the other two divine pillars. Only the high-ranked Heavenly King is used as a striker. Just right.

"Sure enough, it's Regais, then I'll leave it to you, Giant Claw Mantis!" One of the Pokémon that Tian Lin prepared yesterday was the Giant Claw Mantis.

Although Regais is a divine beast, it is a pure ice type. The ice attribute is not bad on the offensive side, but it is too weak on the defensive side. The giant mantis of the steel type has an overwhelming advantage over it.

"Regais, use the Freezing Beam!"

The generation of gods preemptively attacked with ice light. Although this move 073 is not a big threat to the giant pincer mantis, it is an attack from a god beast after all, and Tianlin will not be foolish to fight head-on.

"Giant pliers mantis, shadow clone!"

The giant pincer mantis split into countless clones, relying on the increased evasion rate to avoid the attack of the light, and the light hit the ground, directly freezing the entire field in half.

"Giant Claw Mantis, let's fight back, use bullet fists!"

Compared with the giant pincer mantis I saw last time in Jiantian City, Tianlin is worthy of the title of red lightning. I saw the giant pincer mantis turned into a red light, and accelerated with the help of bullet fist preemptive characteristics, instantly. Appearing in front of Regais, countless iron fists shining with silver light hit Regais, causing it to shake.

The three gods have their own characteristics. Regais' special defense can be called terrifying, but his physical defense can only be said to be excellent, and it has not reached the level of fearlessness. Therefore, Tianlin will give up the fire that is good at special attack this time. It is a Pokémon that switches to the giant pincer mantis with powerful physical attacks.

"Regais, one more frozen beam!" Jindai did not panic because Regais ate a set of bullet punches, and still issued the order calmly.

Regais stabilized his body and shot out another ice light. This time, the other half of the field became the field of ice.

God Dai showed a smile, his formation has been completed.

Chapter [*] The Flying Giant Claw Mantis Old Spray debuts

"Hehe, Mr. Kamidai, it seems that your formation is completed. Next, are you going to attack?"

Seeing the smugness on the corner of God's mouth, Tian Lin also laughed. From the time Regais froze the ground for the first time, Tian Lin had already guessed the purpose of God's generation.

The giant pincer mantis is a steel-type Pokémon that evolved from the flying mantis relying on the metal membrane. Although this brings it unparalleled strength, defense and resistance, it sacrifices its superior mobility because its body is too large. A heavy relationship, the giant pincer mantis has wings but cannot fly at all.

As we all know, the greater the weight, the greater the inertia. Once fighting on this very slippery ice surface, the huge inertia will make the giant pincer mantis completely unable to move, thus becoming a living target for Regais.

"You are quite calm, knowing my thoughts but still calmly let me complete this ice field, then let me see, what are you doing, Regais, use the electromagnetic cannon!"

The electromagnetic cannon is a powerful electrical skill with a [*]% paralysis move. The disadvantage is that the hit rate is extremely low, but now the gods see that the giant pincer mantis cannot move freely.

An electric ball containing a huge amount of electricity flew towards the giant pincer mantis, and the moment it was about to hit, the giant pincer mantis's wings suddenly flapped rapidly.

'boom! '

The electromagnetic cannon hit the ice and made a huge deep pit in the ice. The gods looked up in surprise. The giant mantis was actually flying. You must know that this is an airtight indoor battle, not a field battle. Without it, the giant pincer mantis would not be able to glide.

In other words, this giant pincer mantis flew up by its own ability, and in the face of the flying opponent, the ice field tactics of the Age of God instantly came to nothing.

"I really didn't expect that your giant pincer mantis actually broke the routine and regained the ability to fly." God said with admiration.

"After thousands of times of jumping off the cliff, thousands of falls, and thousands of times of standing up, the giant pincer mantis can achieve what it is now. Effort is the last thing that will not let people down, and when hard work is combined with When the talents merge into one and produce a chemical reaction, the strong ones are born~'!" Tianlin said solemnly, the reason why his Pokémon can have the current strength is indeed inseparable from the help of the plug-in system. Open, but they themselves are extremely hardworking, the system is only auxiliary, what makes them powerful is themselves.

"Haha, well said, young man, then let me see how powerful the powerhouse you are proud of, Regais, make a blizzard!"

Regais blew a large-scale snowstorm, and the purpose of the Age of God was to freeze the wings of the giant pincer mantis, making it unable to fly again.

"Turn the impossible into the possible, this is the power that only me and my Pokémon can show, the giant mantis, rush over and use the metal claws!"

Tianlin didn't have the slightest idea of ​​retreating, and ordered the giant pincer mantis to rush directly into the blizzard. He was ready to decide the winner in one breath. Regais's physical defense is not as terrible as its special defense. The full-strength Volt attack killed Regais in seconds, and Tian Lin believed that his giant pincer mantis could do the same.

In the blizzard, because of the pressing cold, the wings of the giant pincer mantis flapped more and more slowly, but it was also getting closer and closer to Regais.

"Right now, Giant Claw Mantis, let's do our best, Mega Evolution!"

At the moment when it was closest to Regais, Tianlin finally showed his trump card, mega evolution, because the weight of the giant pincer mantis will be further increased after evolution, and it will lose the ability to fly again, so Tianlin kept it until this point. Last minute.

The light of evolution flashed in the blizzard, the body of the super giant pincer mantis became more and more majestic, and the pincers were lengthened and saw teeth.The lower half of the pliers is white and has three barbs on the bottom, which looks like an amazing attack.

The evolved Super Claw Mantis did not fall down immediately, but continued to dive forward. This is inertia. The Age of God can use this to limit the action of the Giant Claw Mantis, and Tianlin can also use this to make the Giant Claw Mantis continue. soar.

With metal claws capable of destroying everything, the pincers of the Giant Claw Mantis are in the center of Regais's head. The mega evolution and technical master characteristics greatly enhance their attack power and the power of their moves, while adding attribute restraint and hitting the key points, the result There is no suspense.

The blizzard gradually stopped, and the silhouettes of the two Pokémon became clear. Standing like a god of war was the super giant mantis. Under its feet, Regais had fainted to the ground, indicating one of the three pillars of the gods. collapsed.

"Come back, Regais, I'm really sorry, because my mistake made you lose." The gods blamed all the blame for the defeat on himself. It was he who underestimated Tianlin's giant pincer mantis, and it was this way. fiasco.

"' "Tianlin, you are really good. If you are an ordinary challenger, defeating one of my three pillars is enough to get the symbol of development, but if you say it, I want to see what you can achieve. Deep degree, go, Regis Kiryu! "

The second generation of Gods is the steel god Pillar Regis Qilu, who is far stronger than Regais just now, and has reached the championship level.

"Come back, Giant Claw Mantis!" Tianlin didn't let the Giant Clamp Mantis stay on the field. In the face of Steel-type Pokémon, of course, he had to use the flame type. How could he not know the common sense that Xiao Zhi knew.

"Please, go to battle, fire-breathing dragon!"

After the Chengdu Alliance, the long-hidden old spray finally appeared again. Its current strength is almost on the same level as Kuailong, both of which are the peak of the heavenly king.

Although its aptitude and potential are inferior to that of the fast dragon, it has the best cultivation environment, the deep valley of flames in the fire-breathing dragon valley, and the best teacher (Zhao Hao), a half-step master-level elder fire-breathing dragon, Therefore, its speed of progress is not weaker than that of the infinite potentials in Tianlin's hands.

"Strange, young man, you fire-breathing dragon...?" Shendai frowned and hesitated, because he felt that the fire-breathing dragon was too weak and pitiful, even if he didn't use the Three God Pillars, his other treasures would Dreams may also be able to hang it.

"Roar!" Just when the Age of Gods wondered why Tianlin used it, the fire-breathing dragon suddenly roared, and the temperature of the entire venue began to rise rapidly, accompanied by the rising momentum of the fire-breathing dragon, and the burning tail on the tail. of flames.

"My good fellow, Shenying is in a restrained state!" Shendai said in surprise, it turned out that the fire-breathing dragon was not weak, but restrained all the strength of the whole body, which is very difficult for fire-type Pokémon with a generally grumpy temper. He did it, Tian Lin really gave him surprises again and again today.

Chapter six hundred and seventy seventh super extreme flame bomb

"Restart the battle, fire-breathing dragon, use fire-breathing!"

"Regis Quirrell, unleash a sandstorm!"

In the face of a fire-breathing dragon that has reached the level of Shenying's introverted state, even Regis Qilu, who is excellent in both defenses, dare not let it fight hard, because the Pokémon in the state of Shenying's introverted state, once it enters the battle from its normal state In this state, the power accumulated at ordinary times will explode in one breath, thus exerting power beyond its own limit.

Although the strength of Tianlin's fire-breathing dragon at this time is only the peak of Tianwang, its explosive power has reached the championship level in an instant, which is a great threat to Regis Qilu.

Regis Quirrell used the sandstorm to form a sand tornado to cover his entire body, and the flames could not get close to him at all.

"Regis Quirrell, use the lock!"

Under the sandstorm, Regis Quirrell locked the fire-breathing dragon's position by feeling Lao Lao, so even if it was in the Sharon tornado, the next move would definitely hit it.

"Fire-breathing dragon, let the sun shine!"

No matter what, the fire-breathing dragon can't dodge the next blow after it is locked. Now it can neither attack nor dodge. Tianlin simply covers Sandstorm Tian first.

"It's a good idea, but the next blow will be deadly to your fire-breathing dragon, Regis Kiru, use the electromagnetic cannon!"

God's generation is right, this move is really a big threat to the fire-breathing 073 dragon. The fire-breathing dragon of its own flying type is very afraid of the electric type trick, and the paralyzing effect of the electromagnetic gun will make it proud of the speed. Completely ineffective.

"Speed, I don't want it anymore. Since I can't escape, I can only resist, fire-breathing dragon, and use Yuqi!"

Because of the sandstorm just now, the fire-breathing dragon was slightly injured, but that was in line with Tianlin's intention, because the feathered feather could not be used under full physical strength. The fire-breathing dragon fell to the ground to rest for a while, and his physical strength returned to perfection. At the same time, the attributes of the flight system were temporarily lost.

At this time, the electromagnetic gun that came later finally hit the fire-breathing dragon. Since there is no flight system, the restraining effect of the electric system is of course gone. The damage to the fire-breathing dragon is not too serious, but the paralysis effect is still unavoidable.

"What a good boy, it's really amazing to use all kinds of auxiliary tricks." The gods praised him sincerely.

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