"My Pokémon?"

"That's right, look!" Dr. Ogi unfolded the paper on the ground, and saw a lot of Pokémon's footprints or handprints printed on it.

In the middle of the paper is a large English word 'fight'

Even though Ash's Pokémon are thousands of miles apart, they're sending him their support for Ash.

"These are the footprints of the little saw crocodile, and here are the footprints of the Kabi beast and the fireball mouse, the pincers of the giant crab, the vine whip of the seeds of the wonderful frog, the tail of Kentaro, and the leaves of the bay leaf!" Zhi pointed to the seals one by one and said that even though the seals were very abstract, he could still recognize their source at a glance.

"Xiaozhi, Mom and Xiaoxia have also prepared gifts for you!" Hanako opened the backpack, and inside it was the bento she carefully prepared for her son. She hoped that Xiaozhi would meet the challenge when he was full, which is very suitable for mothers. set love.

There is also Xiaoxia who gave Xiaozhi a bait in her style. Although she can't accompany him because of the gym, I hope this thing can cheer Xiaozhi on her behalf.

Xiao Zhi was very moved at this time, he really shouldn't be lost, after all, there are so many people supporting him.

Dr. Damu saw that Xiao Zhi had recovered to the eighth floor, and finally needed a powerful medicine, which would not only make him completely back to his original state, but even make him more fighting spirit than before.

"Xiao Zhi, and this, Xiao Mao's message for you!"

"Xiao Mao gave it to me?" The last name completely aroused Xiao Zhi's expression. He took the thing from Dr. Damu's hand. It was a photo of Xiao Mao holding the championship trophy on the podium of the Carlos Alliance Conference. Act 0 ........

"Xiao Mao, he won the championship of the Carlos League!" Xiao Zhi said in surprise.

"More than that, at this Carlos Alliance Conference, Xiao Mao took out a total of four Heavenly King-level Pokémon, showing a powerful strength that is infinitely close to the Four Heavenly Kings, and swept the entire league like a destructive force. After winning the championship, he and One of the four kings of Carlos, Paquila, the fire king, started a friendly battle at the conference venue."

"Fighting against the Four Heavenly Kings, what's the result?" Xiao Zhi felt excited when he heard that Xiao Mao's achievements were so brilliant.

"In a three-on-three friendly match, Xiaomao defeated Pachira [*]-[*] and became another talented young man after Tianlin who defeated the Four Heavenly Kings, shocking the entire league!" He challenged the Four Heavenly Kings, and he actually won, just like Tianlin back then.

"Xiao Mao, he is so strong!" Not only Xiao Zhi, but also Xiao Gang and others were completely frightened by Xiao Mao. How much practice did he go through to achieve a qualitative leap in strength.

There is also a line of words on the back of the photo, which was written by Xiao Mao himself, and it said, "Please be more presentable, Xiao Zhi, don't forget that you are the one who defeated me. Is it alright, I won't accompany you in the same place, hurry up and catch up, hahahaha!!!"

"That guy Xiao Mao, just wait, I will definitely break through the status quo!" Xiao Zhi clenched his fists and completely regained his previous enthusiasm.

"Sure enough, the rival is the best special medicine. As soon as he heard about Xiao Mao, Xiao Zhi changed back to his original state in an instant!" Yahida sighed. He also heard that the last 4.0 star of Zhenxin Town III Yes, especially now that he has known such a great achievement, he may have moved his mind to bring Xiao Mao to challenge the development zone.

"Really, then I'll give this medicine another dose!" Suddenly, a voice came from the central gate, and at the same time, a small medal was thrown over, and it happened to be thrown into Xiaozhi's hand.

Xiao Zhi opened his palm and saw that it was a pioneering symbol, and it was a symbol he did not have.

"It's a symbol of bravery! Could it be?" Yahida was extremely surprised. Someone had broken through the fortress of the Age of Gods, so there was no doubt who this person was.

I saw Tianlin slowly walk in from the door.

"Tianlin, it really is you, you have successfully broken through the battle pyramid!" Xiaozhi held the medal tightly in his palm, "You and Xiaomao wait, I will catch up soon."

If Xiao Mao's photo has restored Xiao Zhi's state to [*]%, the fire that Lin Tian is adding now pushes it to [*]%.

Chapter [*]: The rival meets Xiaoshun VS Xiaoyao again

Seeing Xiaozhi returning to her original state, the other person became confused. That is Xiaoyao. The large-scale celebrations between Fengyuan and Kanto have ended. For a while, she didn't know what to do.

"Duo!" At this moment, a familiar voice reached her ears.

"Is it Roseredo? Shouldn't you be?"

Xiaoyao is guessing, her one should come over.

"I didn't expect you to come here too!"

"Xiao Shun! Why are you here?" Xiao Yao was both surprised and puzzled.

"There is only one thing a trainer who is defeated in a large-scale celebration can do. Of course, I am here to continue to hone myself and Pokémon." Xiao Shun gently touched Roseredo's head and said.

"Xiaoyao, it seems that you are still immersed in the battle that you lost to Miss Saori. With Tianlin pointing you, I don't think you can see your problem clearly, but now you don't know how to fight. Take the first step, right?"

Sure enough, the one who knows Xiaoyao the most is Xiao Shun. To Xiaoyao, he is the most important rival to Xiaoyao, just like Tianlin Xiaomao is to Xiaozhi.

 08 Xiaoyao nodded heavily when Xiao Shun said something on his mind.

"So, do you want to have a battle with me now? It just so happens that this Pokémon Center has the best battle arena." Xiao Shun suddenly challenged.

But at this time, Xiaoyao didn't seem to be ready to step on the stage again. Just as she hesitated, Tianlin walked over with everyone, "Go, Xiaoyao, your rival is challenging you, maybe In the battle, you can find the answer you want!"

"Haha, is there a gorgeous match, then let us be the referee this time!" Someone volunteered to say, and when everyone looked back, it turned out to be Mr. Conkenstein, Miss Joy, and Mr. Sugi Sa.

It's just that the three of them are a little strange. Conkenstein is too young, Shuki Sa is as short as a five-year-old kid, and this Joey is fake at first glance. The best proof is that this guy's hormones are actually the same at every turn.

"These three guys, who can be deceived by this kind of dress?" Tian Lin reluctantly held his forehead, he recognized it at a glance, it was clearly Team Rocket.

"Seed machine gun!" Sure enough, what responded to the three was a Menggonia seed machine gun, which instantly broke their disguise, but the one who came was Xiaoyao's other formidable enemy, Harry.

"You guys, do you want to do something bad to stupid Xiaoyao again?"

"Mr. Harry?" Everyone was a little puzzled, this guy would actually help Xiaoyao.

"Don't get me wrong, I'm not helping you, but I'm the only one who can make you cry! I will never let Team Rocket interfere with my plan." Harry said proudly.

Sure enough, this guy actually likes Xiaoyao very much, but he must not be the kind of sissy that likes between men and women. I'm afraid Harry regards Xiaoyao as a little sister who only he can bully. Others, don't think about it.

"Okay, Harry, the Rockets are not malicious this time. They are also here to help Xiaoyao." Tianlin stepped forward and smiled. With himself around, Musashi Kojiro rarely does bad things. In fact, they haven't been for a long time. Appeared, but kept following a group of people in secret.

In the past few days, they have also seen the situation of Xiaozhi and Xiaoyao. Out of worry, the old man fell ill and wanted to help them cheer up.

"It's not like that, awesome little devil, we're going to grab all of the little girl's Pokémon while she's exhausted from fighting, we don't have the intention to help her at all!" Of course Musashi couldn't admit it, she was the number one evil in the world a member of the organization.

"Forget it, but since Musashi is rare for you to come here, let's enjoy Xiaoyao and Xiaoshun's performance!" When Tianlin was in his early days, Harry also gave up dealing with the two of them, and even took them to watch the battle together. .

In fact, Harry felt that Musashi's gorgeous fighting style was somewhat similar to him. He was very optimistic. Maybe Musashi could also become an excellent coordination trainer.

Tian Lin had to admit that Harry had a vision, and Musashi's performance style that put his whole body together in the future shocked the entire Shenao coordination trainer class.

"Thank you everyone!" Xiaoyao was very moved to see everyone appearing to cheer for him one by one.

Xiaosheng then called over Dr. Damu, Miss Joy and others. Dr. Damu and Mr. Yahida acted as judges, and Miss Joy was the master of ceremonies.

This Joey's business is really very extensive, not only a doctor, but also a Pokémon trainer, coordinator, master of ceremonies and other positions. It is said that she also has the third-rank qualification of Pokémon Chuanliu, which is really a talent.

Xiao Shun and Xiao Yao are now well-known in the coordinating trainer circle. When they heard that the two were going to fight, they immediately attracted a large number of fans of the gorgeous competition. The grand scene was no less than a real gorgeous competition.

"The rules of this competition are the same as those of the large-scale celebration. It is a two-person battle, and please send Pokemon from both sides." Joey announced the rules skillfully, which is indeed no worse than Lillian.

"Hunting swallowtails, strong chickens, and getting on the stage!"

"Badadie, Rose Raido, go!"

Xiaoyao played the strongest pair of veterans in her team, while Xiaoshuo debuted his new partner, Ba Dadie, a very common Pokémon in the Kanto region.

"Strong chicken, use jet flames, hunt swallowtail butterflies, and keep your mind strong!"

Xiaoyao launched a fast attack, and it was a combination skill when he came up. His mental strength accelerated the jet of flame and quickly rushed to Xiaoshu's side. Both of his Pokémon were weak, and once they were hit, they would directly fall into passive 077.

"Rose Reeddo, use the Dance of Flowers!" Xiao Shun was in no hurry. Rose Reed's powerful Dance of Flowers not only blocked the combination of flame and mind power, but also pushed back at a very fast speed. go back.

In terms of Pokémon levels, Xiao Shun still has the upper hand.

What's even better is that Hua Zhiwu didn't hit any of Xiaoyao's Pokemon after pushing back the flames. That is to say, Roseredo won't be affected by the side effects of this move, and you can choose whatever you want to use below. other moves.

"Hunting the Phoenix Butterfly, use your mental strength to control the flame again!" Xiaoyao ordered the Hunting Phoenix Butterfly to control the scattered sparks again, planning to do a two-stage attack.

"Magic Leaf!"

The second-stage flame is much weaker than the first, and the magic leaf is enough to resist without the dance of flowers.

"It's time for me to fight back, Ba Dadie, first use the whirlwind, and then use the mental force!" Xiao Shun returned the fire to the tooth, not only using the mental force to control the flame, but also the wind to help the fire, which will greatly strengthen the power of the flame. With speed, hit two of Xiaoyao's Pokémon at the same time.

"Well, actually Xiaoyao's attack is not bad at all, but ah..."

"Xiao Shun is even better than her!"

The two judges made comments, and even Tian Lin nodded secretly, it seems that the defeat of the large-scale celebration has brought Xiao Shun's strength to a higher level.

Chapter [*] Xiaoyao's future road

"It's amazing, obviously it's a newly captured Pokémon, but it can have such a good tacit understanding with Xiao Shun, we must find a way to break up their cooperation!" Xiaoyao thought about the countermeasure, and soon made a decision, "You guys Two, next, make a concentrated attack on Ba Dadie, use the strong chicken, use the soaring fist, hunt the swallowtail, and use the silver whirlwind."

"It's so naive!" Xiao Shun smiled, "Ba Dadie, use the phantom line, Rose Reed, the dance of flowers."

The phantom light blocked the attack route of the strong chicken, and the flower dance faced the silver whirlwind. With the power far greater than the silver whirlwind, the flower dance absorbed the energy of the silver whirlwind and turned it into silver petals to attack Xiaoyao. The two Pokémon of 's look extremely beautiful, and Xiaoyao's score was greatly reduced immediately.

"It's amazing, I didn't expect that Xiao Shun could even use the opponent's unique moves in his own combo skills." Tian Lin was slightly surprised, and sure enough, Shi Bie treated him with admiration for three days. Xiao Shun's progress was really amazing.

"I won't admit defeat, strong chicken, use overheating!" Xiaoyao finally came up with the strongest trick, as long as this trick hits, she can pull back the situation in one go.

"Ba Ddie, go out and defend!"

It's a pity that Xiao Shun completely defended this move with hold.

Overheating consumes a lot of physical strength for the strong chicken, and after using this trick, it becomes more breathless.

Seeing this, Xiao Shun knew that it was almost time to decide the winner. "It's now, when Barddie uses phantom light, and Roseredo uses sunlight and flames!"

The super power-type phantom light and the grass-type sunshine flames were emitted at the same time, and hit two Pokémon of Xiaoyao at the same time.

"Hunting swallowtails, strong chickens, all lost their ability to fight, the one who won this gorgeous battle is Xiao Shun!" Joey immediately made a judgment.

"I lost!" Xiaoyao chuckled and stepped forward to help her partner, "Hunting Papilio, Lizhuang Chicken, you have worked hard, thank you!"

"Just!" Lizhuang Chicken lowered his head, still blaming himself for the defeat.

"It's okay, Lizhuang Chicken, thanks to you guys and Xiao Shun, I was able to wake up, I already know how to go in the future~' ."

"So that's the case, the guide! It's really good." Tian Lin took the lead in applauding. The battle was very exciting.

After the battle, Xiaoyao and Xiaoxun watched the sunset from the edge of the cliff. At this moment, Xiaoyao really found his way.

"I thought I was about to catch up with you, but now the distance is widened again!" Xiaoyao sat on the ground and said a little disappointed.

"That's because I don't have the time to stand still." Xiao Shun was full of deep meaning. While Xiaoyao regarded him as a chasing target, why didn't he have someone to chase? Robert, Shazhi, and Tianlin, they They were all powerful opponents who had beaten him to the point of being unable to fight back. In order to catch up with them, he had to keep working hard and try harder. He knew what his goal was, so he never lost his way.

"That's right, I may have gradually loosened up after the big celebration. People who are aspiring to become a top coordination trainer shouldn't do this." Xiaoyao reflected.

"But through today's battle, I finally realized, Xiao Shun, you said that you want to make Pokémon shine in a way that only you can do, right, I also have to find my own way, you, Xiao Zhi , Brother Tianlin has taught me, I want to integrate your methods into one, and then create a fighting method that only belongs to me."

"Really, you have to do your best." Xiao Shun smiled comfortably, he was happy for the growth of his rival.

"Xiao Shun, where are you going next?"

"I plan to go to the Chengdu area to challenge the gorgeous competition there. I heard that Miss Sazhi is also going. I plan to compete with her there!"

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