"Ghost, thank you for helping us find the Crown of the Sea, but now, you can also retire!" Tianlin stood in front of the ghost and wanted to take the Crown of the Sea under his nose, thinking too much .

"Hey, do you think I'm unprepared, come out, naughty thunderbolts!" The ghost smiled grimly, and unexpectedly took out five naughty thunderbolts in one breath, each of which was above the intermediate level of the quasi-king.

Tian Lin realized his purpose and immediately shouted, "Bastard, stop!"

"It's too late, naughty thunderbolt, make a big explosion!"

If five naughty thunder bombs explode at the same time, it will be enough to completely blow up the center of the temple. (aiea) The Crown of the Sea in front of everyone can't be avoided, but the ghost doesn't care. What he wants is those priceless crystals, right This unmovable pillar has no interest at all.

'Boom, boom, boom, boom, boom! '

Five consecutive huge explosions shook the entire temple, and the ghost sent his sixth Pokémon Pylastor to use a defensive trick to wrap himself in a green light, so as not to be injured by the explosion. .

"Hmph, anyone who blocks this uncle should die!" After the explosion, smoke and dust filled the surroundings, and the five naughty lightning bombs had fainted to the ground. The ghost didn't feel bad for them at all. Lin and his party, no amount of sacrifice is worth it.

Now, he can calmly collect crystals.

"Okay, it's time to accept this uncle's spoils."

"The spoils? You'd better look at the situation first!" Suddenly, Tian Lin's voice came from behind the dust. As the dust gradually dissipated, the ghost was surprised to find that not only Tian Lin and his party were fine, but the entire temple seemed to have no experience at all. Like an explosion, it was actually intact.

"How is it possible, how did you do it?" The ghost dared not believe.

"Just like you, use the guarding trick!"

"It's impossible, you can only barely protect one or two people." Hearing Tian Lin's words, the ghost obviously didn't dare and didn't want to believe it.

"Hmph, don't use your level to question me, take a good look at it!"

Tianlin raised his head and followed his gaze, the ghost finally saw the figure of the Pokémon floating in the air, the legendary Pokémon dream, only to see that it exudes terrifying power, covering the entire temple. Inside a layer of pink film, it used its own power to exert a unique trick to defend the entire temple.

"This is Xiaomeng's friend's home, Xiaomeng doesn't allow anyone to destroy it!" There was a little anger in Xiaomeng Mengmeng's voice, if someone wanted to destroy the World Tree, it would definitely be very sad, save others by himself, Kind it doesn't want Manaphy to be sad either.

"Ghost, next, let's meet our anger, please, Suijun!" Tian Lin showed no mercy and took out another divine beast on his body.

When Suijun appeared, it was the first time Tian Lin saw it exuding such huge anger.

"Despicable and stupid guy, I have seen it in the Poké Ball. It is because of the existence of a greedy guy like you that Ho-oh-sama cannot recognize human beings. Now you dare to hurt the Prince of the Sea, I will never let it go. You!" Suizun's anger is deeper than a dream, after all, although the god he serves is Ho-oh, he is also a member of the water-type Pokémon, and he also has high respect for Manaphy, the prince of the sea.

Looking at Suijun, who was staring at him, and his mind was obviously engulfed by anger, even the daring ghost couldn't help shedding cold sweats at this moment.

He knew that this disaster was really a big one.

Chapter [*] Divine Beast Attack and Manaphy Separation

"Get me out of the sacred sea temple, ghost," Tian Lin roared, "Shuijun, use your supernatural powers!"

The corner of Sui Jun's forehead released a strange light circle that enveloped the ghost, and the power burst out, and he threw him out of the temple in one breath. As for whether he was alive or dead in the sea, Tian Lin couldn't control that much.

"Okay, then, let's get the real Crown of the Sea." Tian Lin walked in front of the crown, and the ghost guy was only interested in snatching these crystals. In fact, the real treasure is this stone pillar.

"The one who embraces the crown of the sea will become the real king of the sea." As he said, Tian Lin gently held the crystal of the crown of the sea. Back then, he had received the blessing of the sea god Lugia, and at this moment it seems to be related to the crown. With resonance, he was immediately recognized by the crown.

Tianlin released a golden light until it completely wrapped him.

"Mana!" Witnessing the birth of the King of the Sea, Mana Fei cried out with joy.

Suddenly, with a 'bang', the entire temple shook violently.

It turned out to be outside the temple, and the ghost was rescued by his subordinates in time. Now he is bombarding the temple of the sea with his large submarine. If it is not for the constant protection of the power of fantasy, I am afraid that just a few strokes will be enough to destroy the entire temple.

"The guy who doesn't study well, he really doesn't know how to live or die! Suijun, let's go and kill him!" Tianlin turned into a beam of light, soared into the sky, and rushed directly into the sea. This is the power of the crown of the sea, not only to give With the ability of Tianlin to fly, he can also fly freely in the sea.

"Tianlin, I'll help you!" Xiaozhi followed suit and held a crystal, and then, surrounded by golden light, rushed out of the temple with Tianlin's hind feet.

In order to protect her homeland, Manaphy also left Xiaoyao's embrace and went to support the two.

Seeing this, Xiaogang Guangmei and several others also wanted to help them, but they are different from Tianlin Xiaozhi. Even if they hold the crown, they cannot get the crown's recognition. If ordinary people want to use it like the king of the sea That power can only be bestowed upon them by the King of the Sea, and they cannot obtain it directly from the crown.

"It seems that the kings of the sea who have been recognized by the crown of the sea are only the two of them, and we can only trust them now!" Guangmei sighed in disappointment. She was clearly a citizen of water, but it turned out that she was recognized. Two outsiders.

When they came to the sea, Tianlin and Xiaozhi discovered the giant submarine that was madly crashing into the temple of the sea. Under the attack again and again, the pink shield made by the dream became weaker and weaker. If this goes on, the temple will sooner or later. completely destroyed.

The ghost also saw Tianlin and Xiaozhi outside the submarine, their sacred postures wrapped in golden light,

"Hey, what the king of the sea, this uncle is the overlord of the sea, and the crown of the sea, since I can't get it, I will never let others get it. I will completely destroy it!" smiling.

"The overlord of the sea? You are not afraid of causing the wrath of the real overlord." Tian Lin smiled disdainfully, "Manaphy, now that the prince of the sea and the king of the sea have been born, now, it's the turn of the sea. The strongest warrior in the world is here!"

"Mana!" Manaphy sang the song of the sea in the sea, and countless water-type Pokémon poured in, and the one who responded to its call with a king-like attitude was the real ocean overlord, Kyogre.

"Xiaozhi, Manaphy is entrusted to you for protection, Kyogre, this time, I'm going to borrow your power!" Tianlin said as he came to Kyogre's back.

"You are now the king of the sea, and the ruler of the super ancient legend, Gaioka should obey!" The simple and majestic voice came from Gaioka's mouth, and it was willing to fully assist Tianlin in the battle.

"Very good, thanks a lot, Kyogre, go ahead and use the Root Wave!"

Kyogre released countless bluish-white rays from the left and right wings, and the giant submarine was shattered with one blow. At the same time, countless water-type Pokémon also began to try to hit the submarine.

"Damn, release the ultrasound, I want these water-type Pokemon to see how powerful they are!" The ghost said fiercely.

From under the submarine, a huge ultrasonic wave spreads around the sea, and all Pokémon who hear this sound wave will be thrown into chaos without exception.

"Suijun, it's your turn to perform, use the mysterious guardian!"

The green aperture spreads around Suijun, protecting every water-type Pokémon. No matter how strong the ultrasonic wave is, under the mysterious protection, it has no effect.

The morale of the Pokémon has been boosted. Manaphy, Kyogre, and Suicune are all water gods they believe in. They are gathered here today. With them, this battle will be won without a doubt.

"What?" The ghost is completely desperate at the moment. He has prepared so many means in order to obtain the crown of the sea, but when he encounters Tianlin, he is easily cracked by him like a piece of paper. Under absolute power, any small means are useless.

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In the end, with all the tricks of Pokémon, the giant submarine turned into dust in the sea. After the Suicune battle, the sea was immediately purified to prevent it from being polluted.

The pirates in the submarine were rescued by Pokémon and placed on an uninhabited island, waiting for them to be judged by the law.

Ajie said into the walkie-talkie, "Headquarters, this is Jack Woka, the mission to save Manaphy has been completed, please send Miss Junsha to arrest the pirate ghost and others!"

"Got it, well done Applejack!"

"It's not because of me that it went so smoothly. It's basically all thanks to Tian Lin. He's really amazing. I'll give him the reward from the alliance this time. I'm embarrassed to accept it." Ajie smiled bitterly. He didn't expect him this time Actually reduced to a soy sauce.

The total lunar eclipse gradually passed, and the Temple of the Sea was once again hidden in the sea. Everyone realized that everything was over, and the time to part was finally coming.

Xiaoyao and the others had already returned to Guangmei's boat. At this moment, there was movement on the calm sea, and a petite figure jumped up from the sea, "Mana, Mana!"

"Manaffee!" Xiaoyao ran to the deck excitedly, and Manaphy jumped up from the sea, shouting like, maybe jumping into her arms.

Xiaoyao hugs this little guy tightly, she really loves it very much, although the mental preparation for parting has already been made, but the feeling of reluctance to part will not be reduced in the slightest.

"Manaphy, you have to protect your companions, and don't forget me!"

"I like it, Xiaoyao!" Manaphy called out Xiaoyao's name clearly for the first time. It will always remember it. It was its mother's name. "Goodbye, Xiaoyao, goodbye!"

Manaphy has returned to the sea. As Tianlin said, she actually prepared for parting earlier than Xiaoyao, but no matter how far apart it is from Xiaoyao, they will never alienate each other because of this. .

"See you again!" Tian Lin patted Xiaoyao's shoulder and said softly.

"Yeah!" Xiaoyao nodded relievedly, her child has grown up, she should be happy to see it off with a smile.

Chapter [*] Arrived to declare war against Pyramid Tianlin

A few days later, with the help of Guangmei's family and Ajie, Tianlin and others landed at the port closest to Fennel Valley by boat.

"Tianlin, thank you very much this time. If it weren't for you, our mission would not have been completed so smoothly. I have already transferred the reward that the alliance gave me to you, and I will send it to your sister." Ajie With a hearty smile, he didn't care about that generous reward.

On the contrary, Tian Lin felt a little embarrassed, "This is not good, you were the first to grab Manaphy's egg from the ghost, how can I take the credit alone."

"Haha, don't care, I don't care about those material rewards. The alliance originally intended to reward me with a Pokémon as a partner, but I am a forest ranger, not a trainer. Excellent Pokémon can only follow good trainers. to shine and heat.”

"Zero Seven Three" For Ajie, when he needs the help of Pokémon, it is enough to hunt the cursor, and he doesn't need to subdue any Pokémon.

"Besides, it's not that I don't have any rewards. After returning to the Feilee area where our rangers are located, the headquarters will promote me from a high-level ranger to a top-level ranger. For me, that is the biggest glory."

"Top ranger!" Tian Lin was slightly surprised. This is the highest level among the rangers. It is the same as Du's level among the investigators. It belongs to the top of the alliance. Ajie can get such an honor at a young age. Infinite.

On the other side, Xiaoyao is also saying goodbye to the Guangmei family. When saying goodbye, Guangmei gave Xiaoyao the token of her water people. For the two, this is just a commemoration, but in the future, this bracelet will be It became an opportunity to guide Xiaoyao and Manaphy to meet again.

"Okay, the battle pyramid is just around the corner. This time, we must dominate the battle development area." With the end of the event, everyone has to rush to the final challenge, this time Xiaozhi is full of confidence.

Pikachu broke through the level of the king not long ago, his strength has greatly increased, and it is time to be ashamed.

"I don't know if the gods have conquered the last ice pillar?" Unlike Xiao Zhi's excitement, Tian Lin touched his chin and thought. Originally, he wanted to see all the three gods in the gods, but because of The matter of Manaphy took too much time for him. After he challenged the development zone, he still needed to hurry up and rush to Shenao. There was really no time to wait. Even if Shendai only had two in his hands, he had to challenge this time. .

After walking for only an hour or so from the port, everyone saw a pyramid-shaped building standing in the forest. Mr. Yahida was already waiting here, and he was accompanied by a Miss Joy.

"Tianlin, Xiaozhi, you are finally here, this is the final challenge, you must be ready!" Yahida looked forward to it. It has been too long since no one has dominated the battle development area. The two teenagers, he has always given high hopes.

"Of course, we can definitely win!" Tian Lin laughed.

"Ah, it's Mr. Tianlin's victory declaration. I can actually hear it with my own ears. This is really an honor."

At this time, Miss Joy came up to her, her beautiful face was full of admiration, she took out a picture book, several pages were full of pictures of Tian Lin or Xiao Zhi in the Pokémon battle.

"Tianlin, Xiaozhi, I'm a loyal fan of Samsung in Zhenxin Town. Mr. Tianlin has been in the industry for three years and has won three consecutive championships in Quartz, Baiyin and Caiyou, and now he has won the title of Top Coordination Trainer. , and is about to dominate the battle development zone, which is really outstanding."

"Mr. Xiaozhi is also very powerful. Although you haven't won as many honors as Mr. Tianlin, I really like your passionate and courageous fighting style!"

"By the way, please help me sign here, please write it down to Miss Joy!"

It can be seen that this Joey is a person who loves Pokémon battles very much. Many classic battle scenes between Tianlin and Xiaozhi have been photographed by her and put in the picture album. This time, she heard that the two are coming to challenge After the battle against the pyramid, I came along with Ahida.

Tianlin smiled and took the album and signed his name, but it was Xiao Zhi. It was the first time he met his fans, and he was a little embarrassed.

"Okay, Tianlin, Xiaozhi, come in quickly, the gods have been waiting for you for a long time!"

Everyone followed Ahida into the magnificent battle pyramid, and a middle-aged man with an amazing aura seemed to have been waiting here for a long time.  …

"Mr. Kamidai, it's been a long time." Xiaozhi stepped forward and greeted him with awe.

"Young man, compared to the last time you have grown, let me have a good taste of it today!" The god's expression was serious. When Xiao Zhi challenged him last time, he was possessed by King Poclaints, and he didn't show any response at all. Some strength, which makes him very dissatisfied.

"Mr. Kamidai, it's our first time meeting. I'm Tianlin. After you and Xiaozhi are over, I still need your advice."

"Well, I've heard about you too. Since that's the case, you should come together today, Xiaozhi, I'm going to use Regis Qilu for you, and Tianlin, you are Regis, I'll give it to you. Half an hour of preparation time, choose the Pokémon you want to challenge and come back here."

"Regis Quirrell?" Ash heard the words and ran to the Pokémon exchange machine in the Battle Pyramid without hesitation. He knew that Regis Quill was a Steel-type Pokémon, so he was going to take advantage of it. attributes to challenge.

Tianlin didn't act immediately, and only fought against Regilock, how satisfied he was, so he asked, "Mr. Kouji, can our challenge be put on tomorrow, after you and Xiaozhi are finished, I want to fight with Xiaozhi. You play a three-on-three fight."

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