"It's not the fire element, by the way, it just burned out!" Saori is indeed a top coordination trainer. Tian Lin mentioned it a little, and she understood that burning out is a fire element's ultimate trick, and its power is amazing, but this move There are also side effects. When a fire-type Pokémon uses this move, it will temporarily lose its fire attribute.

The wind speed dog, which was originally a single attribute, became a non-attribute Pokémon after losing the fire element. It did not have any resistance to any attribute, but it also did not have any weaknesses.

"My attribute advantage no longer exists?" Saori murmured.

After this round of confrontation, it was obvious that Tianlin had the upper hand, and the judges deducted points from both sides very fairly. At this time, Shazhi's score was less than a quarter.

Tianlin felt Shazhi's confusion and said, "Miss Shazhi, you want to use the inductive tactics against Xiaoyao to deal with me, it's too simple!"

"Oh, that's right!" Saori sighed heavily, "You are indeed much stronger than Xiaoyao, I was careless, but I won't give up, Laplace, use absolute zero. "

It's not true that Saori has no chance of winning. Her chance of winning is exactly the same as the hit rate of that one-hit nirvana. At the same level, the hit rate of this move is 30%. .

"The wind speed dog, use the speed!"

The wind speed dog relies on the limit speed to stay away from the cold current of absolute zero as far as possible. Whether this cold current can hit the wind speed dog will determine the outcome of the game.

The out-of-body cold Laplace was uncontrollable after all. The wind speed dog jumped up and jumped into the sky. The freezing air hit the ground, instantly turning the entire venue into a world of ice, looking extremely gorgeous.

However, Shazhi put down his hand at this moment. Since it is empty, no matter how gorgeous it is, it is useless.

Desperately looking at the countdown, there are less than 5 seconds left.


"Time is over!" Lilian shouted loudly, "The winner is decided. The one who dominates this final stage gorgeous match is Tianlin player, congratulations to him for becoming the new top coordination trainer!"

"Next, Mr. Conkenstein, chairman of the Organizing Committee of the Gorgeous Competition, will present the championship trophy to Mr. Tianlin!"

Tianlin finally stood on the top podium of the large-scale celebration. A few months ago, he witnessed Robert's summit from below. Today, he is the one who was witnessed.

"Congratulations, you are indeed the master apprentice of Dr. Damu, the number one genius in Kanto, I didn't expect you to be so good at coordinating the level of trainers, although I know that you are the trainer who keeps working hard for the goal of Pokémon master, and the trainer is you. But if there is a chance, I still hope to see you active on the stage of the gorgeous competition again." Conkenstein said sincerely after handing over the trophy.

From his perspective, he is very sure that as long as Tianlin sticks to the path of the gorgeous competition, he will surely surpass Mikri in the future.

"Okay, I will participate if I have the chance." Tian Lin's answer was ambiguous. He did not devote himself to it like Xiaoyao Xiaoshun and the others did. For him, the gorgeous contest was like the text of a novel. 's side story, now that the side story is over, it's time for him to return to the right path.

Seeing Tian Lin's thoughts, Conkenstein didn't mind either. Although Tian Lin didn't agree, he didn't directly reject it. For him, as long as Tian Lin didn't give up completely and would return to the arena from time to time, that would be enough. .

Tian Lin raised the trophy high, and Xiao Shun, Xiao Yao, Shazhi and even Harry below all applauded convincingly. They all understood that with Tian Lin's strength, winning this championship was well deserved.

"Congratulations to Mr. Tianlin for winning the championship. Then, the glamorous and gorgeous large-scale celebration officially ends. There will be a celebration banquet tonight. Please be happy until the last moment!"

In the evening, when everyone was enjoying the food happily, Xiao Shun quietly left the venue alone.

"Xiao Shun, do you want to go away again? We are friends. Even if we want to leave, we should say hello!" Tian Lin and Xiaoyao chased after the gate and stopped him.

"Xiao Shun, it's a pity that we can't play against you 067 this time. If possible, I hope we can meet at the next conference!" Xiaoyao looked at Xiao Shun with hope.

At the beginning, Xiaoyao only entered the gorgeous competition out of curiosity. At that time, she was just playing with the mentality. It was Xiao Shun's ridicule to her that strengthened her determination to become stronger. She kept working hard for the goal of defeating Xiao Shun, but when she really entered the gorgeous competition, she realized that she really fell in love with this kind of competition.

After that, Xiao Shun, Tian Lin and Xiao Zhi have been helping her all the time. She can only have this outstanding strength now, so she very much hopes to be recognized by the three of them. Xiao Zhi and Tian Lin have long expressed their love for her. She is very satisfied with her growth, except for Xiao Shun, she has not yet got the answer.

"Okay, see you at the game!" Xiao Shun revealed a rare smile and said softly, this simple sentence is the biggest recognition of Xiaoyao's efforts over the past year.

No, perhaps the first among the three to recognize Xiaoyao's strength was actually him.

"Thank you, Xiao Shun!" After watching Xiao Shun's back gradually disappearing, Xiao Yao turned around and said, "Okay, my journey has come to an end for now, so next, Tianlin and Xiaozhi will fight against the pyramid, You all have to work hard!"

"Of course, we will never lose!" Xiao Zhi is confident, Tian Lin has already won the position of top coordination trainer, he can't be too far behind.

Chapter [*] Dispute Renewed Pirate Ghost and Pokémon Ranger

On the way down the Quartz Plateau, since Tianlin and Xiaozhi had the same destination, they were both fighting against the pyramid, so they chose to go together on the last part of the road.

By the way, because Tianlin won the position of top coordination trainer this time, the update degree of the system has reached 65%. In addition to the increased position of the mimic training environment and the battle box, he also got a large celebration gift package. Just haven't opened yet.

"According to the navigator, the battle pyramid is now at the Fennel Valley ruins. It's a little far from here. It will take us four or five days to get there." Xiao Sheng looked at the navigator in his hand and said, because Xiao Zhi also Having penetrated six battle facilities, he can now also search for the location of the battle pyramid.

What the group is worried about now is whether the elusive battle pyramid will have left by the time they arrive. The only one who is not worried about this is Tianlin, because he knows that the purpose of the generation of gods is to search for it. The last of the three divine pillars, the ice god Pillar Regais, must not leave until he achieves his goal.

Just as the group continued to embark on the journey in high spirits, in the distance, the endless sea area was quietly changing.

A sea-blue Pokémon egg was formed in the sea, passed through the hands of each water-type Pokémon, and was sent to one direction, but one night, its journey came to an abrupt end, and a ship suddenly appeared in the sea. A giant submarine, the submarine sent out waves of ultrasonic waves, dispelling all the water-type Pokémon, and then a mechanical arm stretched out and took the Pokémon egg.

"The recovery was successful. Now confirm it." Inside the submarine, a staff member was scanning the egg's information. At this time, a burly man with a beard came up behind him.

"In this world, there are two kinds of men, one is a man with unlimited ambition, and the other is a waste without ambition~'!" The meaning in Dahan's words is that the world should belong to a man with ambition like him. , he walked into an operating room with expectations, and the Pokémon egg that was successfully recovered was right in front of them, "With this thing, this uncle's ambition can be realized, wait for me, the crown of the sea!"

Just when he was complacent, suddenly, he picked up the Pokémon egg with one hand, and when he looked up, it was a man dressed as his crew, and the big man hurriedly shouted, "What are you doing?"

"Ghost, I won't let you use this egg as a prop to achieve your ambitions." The man took off his disguise and revealed his true colors. It was a blond man, and it was the treasure who had a relationship with Tianlin back then. The Dreaming Ranger, Jake Volka.

It turned out that the big man was a famous pirate, Ghost Drubb. He got the news that this mysterious Pokémon egg was about to be born, and came to grab it. At the same time, the Pokémon ranger organization also got the same News, in order to stop the ghost's ambition, they lurked on the ship early.

Applejack looked at the pirate ghost mockingly. He was very calm, but he knew in his heart that it was not easy to escape from here.

"Damn, catch him for me!" Sure enough, with the ghost's order, a large group of younger brothers rushed up.

Ajie was agile and easily avoided the crowd of people, smiled and said, "Goodbye!"

Applejack has been undercover on the ghost ship for a month, and he knows the structure of the ship very well. He planned an escape route early on, and as soon as he ran out of the operating room, he escaped overboard at the fastest speed.

"This is Jake Volka, the headquarters, please answer!" Applejack contacted the ranger headquarters while running away.

"Ajie, you're too slow to get in touch!" A familiar female voice appeared on the walkie-talkie. It was Ajie's subordinate, the female ranger, Hyuga.

"I got the egg!" Applejack reported the mission immediately, "but now the ghost is chasing me, and if I can escape this ship, it will be difficult to return the egg to its original place. , Hyuga, can you ask the Alliance for help and send the Four Heavenly Kings to the rescue!"

Ajie is a little worried. Although he has many Pokémon friends, they are not his Pokémon after all, and they are not always by his side. When dealing with Lambda, he spent a lot of time to gather them all. Get up, but now your eyebrows are on fire.

"I'm afraid not. The Four Heavenly Kings of Kanto have tasks at hand at the moment, while the Four Heavenly Kings of the rest of the region cannot save the near fire, but don't worry, you should set off in the direction of Fennel Valley now, and fight against the strongest leader of the pioneering area, Mr. Kamdai. Stay there, and according to the information, Tianlin and Xiaozhi are the two of the three stars in Zhenxin Town, and as long as you meet any of them, you can repel the ghost." Ajay planned the route.

"'" Well done, Hinata! Applejack praised. While speaking, he had already come to the deck, but he didn't expect that the captain's ghost was already waiting there.

"Okay, return that thing to me!" He threw out two Poké Balls, Kairos and Pylast, both of which were not low-level, and both were high-level quasi-celestial kings.

Applejack has no Pokémon in hand, and is not a match for Ghost at all, which is why he wants to seek help.

"Give it up, you can't escape." The ghost said with the victory in hand, after all, this is the sea, and the other party has no way to retreat.

"In my dictionary, I didn't give up these two words!" Ajie knew that he couldn't fight head-to-head with the opponent, so he jumped to a high place, fled while observing the sea, and happened to see a few giant wings (Zhao's ) flying fish pass by.

Seeing the two insect-type Pokémon approaching, Applejack shouted, "Giant-finned flying fish, please help me!"

Ajie's hunting experience is much stronger than that of Hinata. I saw that he released the hunting cursor and successfully hunted a wild giant-finned flying fish in three or two strokes.

"Very good giant-finned flying fish, making a strange light!"

The giant-finned flying fish released a strange light wave, which caused the two Pokémon to fall into chaos. Applejack took this opportunity to hold the egg and jump on the back of the giant-finned flying fish, and quickly escaped from the ghost submarine.

The ghost regards this egg as a tool to realize his ambition, of course he will not tolerate the ranger to destroy his plan so easily, looking at the direction where Applejack left, with a cruel smile, "Is that a Pokémon ranger? , wait, I will do anything to get the egg back, no one can stop this uncle's ambition!" Cha.

Chapter [*] Xiaoyao's Dream

Just as Ajie and the ghost were chasing and fleeing to the Fennel Valley, Tian Lin and others were also preparing to cross a wilderness because they were going there, and that was the only way to go.

"I'm so thirsty, sister, give me water!" Because the weather was too hot, Xiao Sheng was already sweating profusely and his mouth was dry. On the way, he drank water at least four or five times, but he still couldn't restrain himself. feel thirsty.

After all, he was the youngest, and Tian Lin and others gave him all their water in order to take care of him.

Xiaosheng took Xiaoyao's kettle and poured it for a long time before pouring out a few drops. Their last source of water had also bottomed out.

Just when Xiaosheng fell into despair, he suddenly saw some water balls floating in the air not far away.

Everyone hurried over and saw more than a dozen water balloons floating in the air below the soil slope. Water-type Pokémon such as White Sea Lion, Cherry Blossom, and King Catfish were swimming happily among the water balloons.

"One, two, three, you're doing well, kids." A black-haired girl with wheat-colored skin and a bow-shaped double ponytail took Bullfrog Jun and directed these water elves to practice.

Xiaosheng immediately ran over excitedly: "Hello, this sister, excuse me, can you give me some water? 070"

The girl smiled and replied: "Of course there is no problem, little brother, you look very hard."

"That's great, thank you this sister!" Xiaosheng said gratefully, he curiously poked the water polo with his finger, and just wanted to put his face close to take a look, a pink sakura fish happily sticks out from the water polo. Mouth, scared him to sit on the ground.

"You are traveling Pokémon trainers, please wait a moment!" The girl turned around and returned to the RV to fetch water.

Pikachu and Ash ran to the other side and greeted Marshana and Charem. They were suspended in the air by their superpowers, and there were a few mosquito coils, tadpoles and mosquito coils standing beside them.

The mosquito-repellent frog spit out a blue water polo, and Marshana and Charem waved their arms. The water polo quickly turned into a shape similar to Pikachu, which looked particularly cute.

It turned out that the water polo was an artistic performance created by using spiritual power and the element of water. It was able to control his own spiritual power so perfectly, which showed that Charem and Masana were well trained.

After a while, the girl came out with the water bottle (aiea), and everyone returned the water well.

Xiaogang looked at the equipment behind the girl, feeling a little familiar, and asked, "You are the Marina Circus performing the water Pokémon show, right? And you are the chief actress here, Miss Guangmei. ."

Although Xiaogang is now more restrained than before, he was a fierce man who made a list of Kanto beauties. Guangmei's ranking in the list was very high, and he suddenly evoked his eager soul.

"Hey, it seems that Xiaogang won't be able to change this old problem for a while!" Tianlin sighed, and he even helped to match him and Xiaoji in vain, but according to this situation, Xiaogang is still too early to win the heart of beauty It's on.

"What's the matter, Guangmei?" At this moment, an old man and a middle-aged man and woman walked over.

"Ah, grandpa, these people are Pokémon trainers on the journey. They asked me for help because they lost water in the wilderness." Hiromi introduced.

"Everyone, they're my grandpa Shipp, my dad Kai and my mom Minamo!"

"Mom?" Xiaoyao looked at the middle-aged woman and murmured, "Auntie, are you really Guangmei's mother? You look so young, I thought you were sisters."

Mrs. Minamo put her hands on her cheeks, showing a girlish shyness: "You are so cute, you really know how to talk. What do you mean, sister, auntie, I'm almost forty years old."

Xiaoyao's words instantly won the favor of the hostess here, and at their warm invitation, she came to the RV as a guest.

In addition to the few people in front of them and the Pokémon they had just seen, their crew also had a clown and a swimming ferret.

Swimming Qi Weasel is a Pokémon in the Shenao area. It is very rare in Kanto. I didn't expect this crew to have one, and the clown, when Tianlin passed by him, looked at him, and deliberately stopped to watch more After a few moments, he stepped into the RV.

"Really, as expected of Tian Lin, it seems that my disguise is useless at all, he probably already recognized me!" After Tian Lin left, the clown smiled helplessly.

"It's the first time I've seen Swimming Qi Itachi, so cute!" In the RV, Xiao Sheng was playing with Swimming Qi Itachi. After licking Xiao Sheng a few times, the Swimming Qi Itachi suddenly jumped onto the shelf, on top of it. There is an incubator for hatching Pokémon, and it should be modified, so you can't see the inside from the outside.

Swimming Qi Itachi pressed the switch, and the crystal clear Pokémon egg that he had never seen before appeared in front of Tian Lin and the others.

"That egg!" Tian Lin and Xiao Zhi looked at each other, and they felt an extraordinary waveguide from the egg, similar to the dream and Kirachi they had seen before. This is a waveguide that belongs to Pokémon. .

Just as Xiao Zhi wanted to ask, the middle-aged man Kai pulled down the curtain of the bed to cover it, obviously not wanting them to see this Pokemon egg.

Tianlin held Xiaozhi's shoulder and shook his head. Since the other party didn't want to reveal it, it was inconvenient for them to ask the truth as guests.

Guangmei's family brought Tianlin and her party to the nearest town, and invited them to appreciate and even join the circus performance in person. Among them, Xiaoyao was the most active. This kind of performance gave her many inspirations for gorgeous competitions.

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