"Okay, there are less than two minutes left in the game time. In the second match of the quarter-finals, Miss Saori vs. Miss Xiaoyao, Miss Saori has completely dominated. Can Miss Xiaoyao be in the last two minutes? What about the reversal?" Lilian explained the battle situation.

"Little Kirby, use True Qi fist!"

Time is running out, and it is impossible for Xiaoyao to win with points, so there is only one way for her to turn defeat into victory, and that is technical ko.

Obviously, Shazhi would not give her this chance, "Beast, use your spirit to strengthen your thoughts!"

Saori used a super power-type ultimate move to face a fighting-type move, directly blocking the infuriating fist, Xiaoyao's attack was not only useless, but the little Kabi beast was also shaken by the strong mental power of the shell beast.

"In this case, strong chicken, use the flame vortex!"

Xiaoyao gave an order, and the strong chicken trapped the big bird with a vortex of flames.

"Big Bird, make a feather dance."

Big Bird used Feather Dance in the flames. This was not an attack skill, but with Saori's change, Feather Dance turned into a sharp blade and pierced the vortex of flames.

The flaming feathers fell on Lizhuang Chicken, which not only prevented its attack, but also greatly reduced its attack power.

"Stupid Beast, yawn at Lizhuang Chicken!"

Saori's gorgeous attacks continued, and Lizhuang Chicken was hit by a yawn as soon as he threw off his feathers, and after a while, he became drowsy.

"Xiaoyao was completely led by Sazhi's nose!" Tian Lin sighed, "Sazhi deliberately induces Xiaoyao to attack, then gracefully dodges and counterattacks, constantly cutting Xiaoyao in this way. The score is completely in line with the way of fighting in the gorgeous battle match.”

"Speaking of which, in Xiaoyao's match against Harry, she won by showing her charm by means of continuous attack, right?" Xiaogang recalled.

Tianlin nodded, "Yes, but facing Shazhi, the same method will not work. After so long of observation, Shazhi has completely figured out Xiaoyao's fighting method, attack is the biggest defense. This is how Xiaoyao has won all the way, and he is so similar to Xiaozhi!"

"For a long time, Xiaoyao has been watching Xiaozhi's style of play, and it is normal to be affected, but Tianlin, I remember that she also learned your fighting method, this should be the only hope for reversal."

"Yes, but unfortunately, Xiaoyao seems to have almost forgotten what I gave her. She is a rookie trainer who has just debuted for a year. She is like a blank piece of paper, madly absorbing ink from others. , I did add a few strokes to it originally, but unfortunately since Kanto, I became opponents with her, and she never learned from me again, but gradually moved closer to Xiaozhi's fighting style."

"Originally, I hoped that she could combine my and Xiaozhi's fighting methods to create a gorgeous fighting method that only belongs to her. Now it seems that she is still too tender."

Tianlin believes that after this conference is over, Xiaoyao is best to travel alone like the original book. If she continues to follow Xiaozhi, she will continue to be influenced by Xiaozhi, and she will not be able to create her own life. fighting method.

"Sister, you don't have any charm like this. Brother Tianlin taught you that!" Xiao Sheng couldn't bear it any longer and roared loudly.

"Brother Tianlin!" Xiaoyao woke up suddenly, when did she start to forget everything Tianlin taught her, what would he do if Tianlin was on the field now?

"By the way, Lizhuang Chicken, use parrot-like tongues, and little Kabi beast, use poison to Lizhuang Chicken!" Xiaoyao flashed a light, and yawning did not make Pokémon fall asleep immediately, but fell into a state of falling asleep. The drowsy state, as long as the strong chicken falls into another abnormal state before that, it will be fine.

The little cabbage spread a highly poisonous poison on the strong chicken, causing it to fall into a highly poisonous state. Because of the pain caused by the poison, the strong chicken suddenly lost sleepiness, and then it used a parrot and also hit the shell with a yawn. Beast, not long after, the one who fell into a deep sleep turned into a dumb beast.

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 0

"What?" Sazhi was shocked, but Xiaoyao ushered in such a reversal at the last moment.

"Oh, it seems that Xiaoyao remembered it. The poisonous poison just now was not as simple as to relieve the yawn." Tianlin smiled. Now Xiaoyao remembered his fighting method again, so he can understand it all at once. Xiaoyao's thoughts.

After the outbreak of the virulent poison, the whole body of Lizhuang Chicken began to glow red, because its original injury was no longer light, and now the virulent poison directly triggered its characteristics, fierce fire, Xiaoyao was ready to gamble.

"Lizhuang Chicken, exert maximum power to overheat the Big Bird, the little Kirby, start to condense the flames of the sun!" Xiaoyao ordered, she wanted to take advantage of the chance that the Shell beast fell asleep to decide the outcome.

In the state of fierce fire, the fire element's ultimate move is overheated. This power is really terrifying. Big Bird's feather dance can block the vortex of flames, but in the face of overheating, it turns into fly ash in an instant.

0 ......  

Big Bird was hit head-on by the overheating, and fell to the ground staggeringly, with forked eyes.

"It's amazing, the big bird was actually overheated by the strong chicken to the technical ko, is the form going to be reversed?" Lilian said excitedly, compared to the one-sided crush just now, this kind of exciting battle is only suitable. It's a grand celebration.

At this time, the little Kirby beast's sunshine and flames gathered energy.

"Okay, little Kirby, Sunshine Flame, launch!"

The milky white light was emitted from the mouth of the little Kirby beast, and it completely hit the sluggish beast that had no evasion ability due to its deep sleep. The durability is also absolutely excellent, Xiaoyao did not decide the winner under this blow.

"You can't give up, just keep going if you can't get a single blow, little kabbi, infuriating fist, strong chicken, sky-high fist!"

Xiaoyao's two Pokémon fisted together, rushing straight towards the Beast, if this blow can hit, Xiaoyao will definitely win.

But just when the fists of the two Pokémon were less than one centimeter away from the Shell Beast, there was a sudden 'ding' sound, and the sound of the end of the game sounded.

"Time is over!" Because of Lilian's voice, the two Pokémon could only stop attacking, and everyone looked at the big screen curiously. Due to Xiaoyao's excellent performance in the end, Saori's score at this time was also deducted below half. , but still slightly ahead of Xiaoyao, after all, her advantage in the first half was too great.

"To decide the winner, the coordinating trainer who passed this eight-in-four competition is Miss Saori!" Jin.

Chapter [*] The final stage Tianlin vs Shazhi

"Huh, it's too dangerous!" Saori said with lingering fears as she took back her Pokémon. She didn't expect Xiaoyao's final counterattack to be so violent and brilliant. If time was not on her side, she would definitely lose.

Xiaoyao lowered his head with a gloomy expression, and slowly walked to the similarly lost Lizhuang Chicken and Little Kabibeast, and gently comforted: "You guys are doing well, it's really hard work."

As a trainer, she must be stronger than her own Pokémon, she bowed to Miss Saori and admitted her defeat, holding back her tears and walked out of the battle arena.

At the exit of the player passage, Xiao Zhi and others and Tian Lin were waiting there early.

"It's a pity, Xiaoyao, it's just a little bit short!"

"It's amazing to be able to get to the top 8."

Xiaozhi and Xiaogang comforted "[*]".

"Sister, your performance this time really touched me. I think you have become so powerful now!" Xiao Sheng's words became the last straw that broke the camel's back.

Xiaoyao could no longer control the tears in his eyes, and cried out loudly, "Thank you everyone, and I'm sorry, I lost, Brother Tianlin, everything you taught me has been wasted by me!"

Tianlin put on Xiaoyao's shoulder and shook his head, "It's not wasted, didn't you remember it again in the end? Everyone knows that even if the time is only one second longer, the outcome of this battle will be rewritten, but now It's no big deal to lose, because you have already found what you need, and in the future, when you fully integrate the fighting styles of me and Ash, then when you face Miss Saori again, you will definitely win!"

When she was feeling down, it was always the best to have a friend. With the comfort of everyone, Xiaoyao quickly recovered. Her large Kanto celebration was over, but her road to coordinating trainer was still far from the finish line. Early in the morning, as long as she continues to work hard, she will definitely be able to go further on this road.

Dividing line

After several days of battles, the magnificent large-scale celebration in Kanto gradually came to an end. In the semi-final battle, Tianlin and Shazhi took two passers-by lightly, and it was the two of them who joined the final stage.

"This is the final stage of the Kanto large-scale celebration, and the final battle is about to begin!" Lilian looked at the two of them, "Please get ready, herewego!"

"Go, Ba Ddie, Laplace!" With Tian Lin as her opponent, Shazhi didn't dare to be careless. She had to use another treasure in the battle. It's a dream, but that doesn't matter, Laplace is her trump card, and she trusts it very much.

"Huckron, wind speed dog, come on stage!"

Tian Lin uses the Flash Hackron and the Wind Speed ​​Dog. They are both Pokémon that he only conquered when he challenged the development zone. Compared with the opponent, Tian Lin may be slightly inferior in level, but Tian Lin does not think he will lose. .

"Finally it's our turn to fight!" Saori has been looking forward to this battle. From the first time they met in Ziyuan Town, she actually had a hunch that Tianlin would inevitably become the last high wall in her large-scale celebration.

Tianlin feels the same way, Shazhi has a level enough to be called a top coordination trainer, he will try his best to fight, "Then Miss Shazhi, I will take the lead, Ha Kelong, use a sunny day, wind speed Dog, hot air!"

The weather assists the flame, and the hot wind is an overall attack skill. With the help of Da Qingtian, the power is doubled, and it hits the two Pokémon of Saori at the same time.

"Is it a combination trick at the beginning? I won't let you succeed so easily, Ba Dahou, use it to hold, Laplace, surf!"

Saori also used a combination of doubles to fight back. Surfing is a move that even his teammates can attack, and Ba Dadie avoided this risk by defending, and the hot wind of Wind Speed ​​Dog was also blocked by it at the same time.

The huge waves and the scorching wind collided in the center of the stage, the flames were extinguished by the water, and the water was also evaporated by the flames.

"The surfing can't beat the hot wind?" Saori asked in surprise, "By the way, this sunny day is not only to strengthen the fire-type moves, but also to weaken the power of the water-type tricks. The point attribute gap has been leveled."

Because of the water vapor, Sazhi couldn't see the opponent's Pokémon, and she didn't dare to act rashly for a while. She judged Tianlin's thoughts as well. Unfortunately, Tianlin is not as simple as she thought.  … ...

Suddenly, a jet of flame and countless golden stars pierced through the water vapor and hit Barddie and Laplace respectively.

"The wind speed dog has a keen sense of smell, and even if he can't see the enemy, he can judge the opponent's position by smell, and the high-speed star of Huck Dragon is specially learned by me for the gorgeous competition. This is a must-win skill, and there is no need to lock the opponent! "Tianlin's voice came from behind the water vapor.

Because of this blow, Saori's score began to drop significantly. She knew that she couldn't continue like this, and she had to fight back quickly.

At this time, Tianlin's fierce attack continued to strike, "Wind Speed ​​Dog, use Crazy Volt on Laplace, Huck Dragon, use Dragon Wave on Ba Dadie!"

"Ba Ddie, I'm sorry, this time I can only ask you to use angry fans!"

Shazhi actually made Ba Dadie use his angry powder to attract all the attacks of Fengsu Dog and Ha Kelong to himself. This is to prepare for self-sacrifice!

Eba's durability, and after being hit head-on by two consecutive big tricks, fell down without the slightest accident.

"Laplace, right now, use absolute zero on Hackron!"

Laplace took advantage of this moment to use a one-hit nirvana. This is a move where the higher the level is over the opponent, the higher the hit rate. The wind speed dog is the same as Laplace. The probability of hitting it at Absolute Zero is extremely low, but it can guarantee a high hit rate for Hackron, which only has a gym level of 4.0.

Huckron was instantly frozen in an iceberg and lost his ability to fight.

The two sides completed an exchange, and as each lost a Pokémon, the score was also lost in half.

"Okay, as long as I get the weather back, I'll win, Laplace, make a request for rain!"

"Wind speed dog, use it to burn out!"

It takes time to change the weather. In terms of the speed of the move, the wind speed dog is much faster than Laplace, so the power of this move to burn out is still multiplied by the weather.

The wind speed dog set himself on fire, causing Laplace the greatest damage.

After the move was over, the weather was changed by Laplace, the venue changed from sunny to overcast, and it started to rain.

Chapter [*] Top Coordination Trainer Tianlin

"Laplace, use the water cannon trick!"

Saori knew that Laplace was seriously injured, and immediately ordered a counterattack while the weather was changed by herself.

"Miss Saori, have you forgotten how you lost to me in the first battle?" Tian Lin smiled, "Fengsugou, use a flash charge to charge into the rain cloud!"

"Roar!" Wind Speed ​​Dog wrapped flames all over his body and rushed into the rain cloud.

The water in the rain cloud was instantly evaporated by the flames, so the rain disappeared early, and without the assistance of the weather, the power of the water cannons that had not been sprayed would be greatly reduced.

"Tianlin, I already guessed that you would do this, I won't lose to the same trick twice." Saori's beautiful face flashed an expression of control over everything, "The wind speed dog blasts away the rain clouds with flames. Its tactics are indeed brilliant, but at this time it is unprepared, and it will be hurt if it can't fly and jump into the sky."

Tianlin admitted that what Shazhi said was right. Water cannons were not a ground-based trick. Even if the wind speed dog could swallow back, he would not be able to escape. He was very clear about this, but he was not completely unprepared.


Under the impact of the water cannon, the wind speed dog was shot down from the sky, but the huge damage Saori imagined did not happen. The wind speed dog flipped several times in the sky and fell to the ground beautifully and steadily.

"Wind Speed ​​Dog, use the morning light trick!" 08

Because the rainy day disappeared, the wind speed dog's morning light recovery ability can also reach a normal level. Under the beautiful light, the wind speed dog quickly recovered from the injury caused by the water cannon just now.

"It's impossible, how can the power of the water-type trick to fire-type Pokémon be so little?" Saori said in horror, she didn't believe that her strategy would be in vain.

"Fire-type? Who told you that my wind speed dog is a fire-type Pokémon!" Tian Lin asked back.

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