Just when they were having a good time, no one noticed that there was a noisy bird hovering over the RV, and its mouth kept repeating, "I found it, I found it".

In the middle of the night, in the room where the girl was, Xiaoyao was sleeping soundly when the sea-blue Pokémon egg suddenly emitted bursts of light.

This light guides Xiaoyao into a dream, it is a pink ocean, and countless water-type Pokémon combine into a vibrant picture. Xiaoyao and many Pokémon play in the sea together until he sees a temple. .

A ray of light flashed, and a magical light and shadow flickered to Xiaoyao's side. It was enveloped in light, and it was impossible to see its appearance, but could only roughly see its outline.

It was a petite and cute figure, with two long tentacles, big eyes that blinked very cutely, and kept calling "Mana, Mana".

The figure gradually swam towards the temple, and Xiaoyao hurriedly shouted, "Wait a minute!"

At this time, a series of bubbles blocked her vision, Xiaoyao woke up from the dream, only to find that the sky was bright.

Chapter [*]: The Legendary Ghost of the Water People Strikes

Early in the morning, Xiaoyao got out of the RV after grooming. Everyone had already woken up, and Xiaogang had even made breakfast.

"Good morning everyone." Xiaoyao greeted and sat down at the table, holding freshly baked scones in her hand, but she had no appetite. She was still thinking about what happened last night, so she said, "Yesterday, I had a very strange dream."

"Dream?" Everyone was a little puzzled, what can be strange about a dream?

"Well, I dreamed of a Pokémon I've never seen before. It was very cute. It was playing in the sea with me, and it finally swam towards a temple-like building."

"Mysterious Pokémon, the temple in the sea?" Tian Lin touched his chin thoughtfully, "Xiaoyao, did you see a small blue Pokémon with two long sticks on top of its head? tentacles?"

"Yes, that's it, Brother Tianlin, do you know?" Xiaoyao stood up excitedly, she just asked casually, but Tianlin really knew.

"Well, if my guess is correct, that is the legendary prince of the sea, Mana Fei, is the legendary Pokémon believed by the people of the water in the past dynasties, and the temple should be the habitat of Mana Fei. I heard that the treasure of the people of water, the crown of the sea is enshrined there!" Tianlin replied.

Hearing this, Guangmei's family looked at each other in dismay, and grandfather sighed, "There are always special children in this world, I didn't expect you, Xiaoyao, to dream of the Temple of the Sea, and Tianlin is even more open to water. The legend of the people is so well known."

"There is a record in Dr. Damu's collection, and I only read it occasionally."

"Oh, so you are a student of Dr. Damu, no wonder you have such a wealth of knowledge!" Grandpa suddenly realized, "Actually, we are the descendants of the people of water, and now our family is - very rare."

"Then, the egg I saw yesterday, if I guessed correctly, is Manafi? Your purpose is to let it hatch safely and then send it back to the underwater temple, so the Pokémon rangers are also hiding their identities to assist you. "Tian Lin said and looked at the clown beside him, "I'm right, Applejack!"

"Haha, as expected of Tianlin, I'm too naive to want to remain mysterious in front of you." Ajie took off the clown makeup and returned to his original face, a handsome blond guy, "Actually yesterday, I warmly invited you to join us. On the road, I secretly asked Hiromi and the others, and I hope to use the power of you and Ash."

"With our strength?" Ash asked puzzled.

At this time, Guangmei walked out of the car with an egg in her arms, "Sorry, I kept it from you yesterday, because the stakes are very important, so we really dare not tell the truth prematurely."

"Tian Lin, you guessed right, this is Mana Fei's egg. My mission this time is to assist the people of water to return this egg to the Undersea Temple safely, but now there is a big trouble eyeing it. ' Applejack explained.

"Ghost, a notorious big pirate, powerful and ruthless, I managed to get this egg back from him, and now he is chasing me, unfortunately, my strength is not enough In order to fight against him, as a last resort, I have to let you join the team, hoping to use your strength to fight against him!"

"What, then just tell me directly, in order to protect Pokémon, I will not back down no matter how strong the opponent is." Xiao Zhi answered bluntly, he was not angry because of the other party's concealment, After all, he has experienced so many things, and he has matured a lot, and can understand the difficulties of Ajie and the others.

"Xiaozhi is right. As a high-level investigator of the Pokemon Alliance, it is my duty to rescue Pokemon and fight against pirates."

Hearing that Tianlin Xiaozhi both agreed to help, everyone immediately said gratefully, "Thank you so much."

"Okay, there's no need to say thank you now, the enemy is here!" Tian Lin suddenly looked up at the sky, and as soon as his voice fell, everyone heard the sound of the propeller not far away.

A large number of aircraft are approaching here.

On the largest aircraft headed there, the ghost's deputy held a telescope, and quickly locked on Applejack and the Pokémon egg he was holding, "The target has been confirmed!"

"It has been confirmed, it has been confirmed!" The noisy bird on the side kept repeating.

Two large needle bees flew out of the aircraft and attacked them. Seeing this, Tian Lin showed a smile, "Ajie, you all go first, there are only two bees, let me give the ghost captain a greeting first! "

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"Come out, wind speed dog, use hot air!"

The wind speed dog jumped out of the elf ball with a roar, and the scorching breath spurted out. This is a large-scale attack trick, and one move turned two large needle bees into black charcoal.

"Amazing!" Ajie exclaimed. Sure enough, only a powerful Pokémon trainer can deal with a wicked person like a ghost.

"What? I didn't expect there to be a high-level trainer here. If that's the case, let the uncle appear in person." The ghost jumped out of the helicopter and chased after everyone, shouting as he ran, "There are two kinds of people in this world. People, one is chasing people, and the other is being chased, this uncle is the one who chases people!"

"It's up to you, be a little more tender, Xiaozhi, let's go!"

0 ...... 0

"Okay, let's go, Pikachu, and Lucario!" Ash decisively threw out the two strongest Pokémon on him.

"Hmph, your opponents are not me, little ones, surround them with me!" The ghost gave an order, and suddenly a dozen little brothers surrounded Tianlin and Xiaozhi, and then released a lot of big needles Bees and bats.

The ghost took this opportunity to chase in the direction where Ajie and the others left.

"The big stinger and the big-mouthed bat are really standard villains, wind speed dog, another hot wind."

"Pikachu, one hundred thousand volts!"

The battle here started. Although the number of opponents was large, their strength was really poor. The wind speed dog went down with a hot wind, and a large number of large needle bees fell. What was even more surprising to Tianlin was that under Pikachu's thunder and lightning, The opponent's fallen Pokémon is more than Tianlin's side.

"I didn't notice it before, this guy Pishen has already broken through that bottleneck!" Tian Lin watched Pikachu smash a group of Pokémon into the water, and Lucario even only needed to swipe on the side without taking a shot. I couldn't help but use the system to investigate, only to find out that Pikachu has officially entered the level of the king, becoming a real powerhouse.

"Hey, how's it going, Tian Lin, my Pikachu is really good now!" Xiao Zhi couldn't help showing off to Tian Lin.

"That's right, very strong!" Tian Lin nodded without denying that with the Heavenly King-level skin god, the battle on their side would end in an instant.

Chapter [*]: The Birth of Prince Manaphy of the Sea

While the younger brothers were struggling to resist Tianlin and Xiaozhi, the ghost strode to chase the people who were running away. He knew that the egg was in Ajie's hands, and he ignored Xiaogang and grandpa who were running to the other side. Applejack and Haruka protecting Pokémon eggs.

"You bastard, don't run away, this uncle must add the word "abandonment" to your dictionary this time!" Although this guy is fat, his movements are very agile. It greatly shortened the distance between himself and Ajie and the others.

"How can it be so fast, Xiaoyao, you take the egg and go away, I'll block him!" Knowing that he would be caught up sooner or later, Ajie handed the egg to Xiaoyao, while he tried to resist the ghost, but unfortunately there was no one nearby. What wild Pokémon appears, he can't use the hunting cursor, he can only rely on himself.

""Zero Seven Zero" hum, is it just you?" The ghost showed an evil smile, then saw a huge rock beside the road, shouted loudly, and even lifted the rock in one breath.

"Take it, ranger, drink it!" The ghost threw the boulder at Ajie, but because Ajie was also very good at it, he avoided it with a jump.

"What kind of arm strength is this, no, strange strength?" Ajie said with lingering fears. He really couldn't believe that humans could have such strength.

Although Ajie jumped to avoid the stone's attack, the road that was originally blocked was left empty. The ghost's purpose has been achieved. He didn't bother to entangle with Ajie, and quickly caught up with Xiaoyao.

On the other hand, Xiaoyao, who was running away, suddenly found that the egg in her arms began to glow faintly. She knew that this was a sign that the egg was about to hatch.

"Give it to me!" Facing Xiaoyao with small arms and legs, the ghost caught up with her effortlessly, "That's something that belongs to Uncle Ben."

"Nonsense, Manaphy doesn't belong to anyone." Although Xiaoyao was afraid, he still strongly retorted.

"Hmph, something that doesn't belong to anyone means that it belongs to my uncle, hand it over to me!" The ghost grabbed the egg box and prepared to take it away, Xiaoyao hugged the box tightly, for some reason, she always felt protected The egg is her responsibility.

"No, it's too strong, Brother Tianlin, Xiaozhi, you two idiots, come and save me!" Xiaoyao cried and cried.

"Lucario, push yourself!"

Suddenly, a Lucario jumped out of the rock wall, and put his palm on the ghost's chest, and then the fighting energy burst out. Although the ghost has incomparable strange power with the help of the equipment on his body, he is still an ordinary human at all. He had no power to fight back against Lucario, who had reached the Heavenly King level, and was knocked far away with a single blow.

"Xiaoyao, are you alright!" Tianlin and Xiaozhi finally came over and looked at her worriedly.

"It's okay, thank you."

"How come you two guys?" The ghost stood up reluctantly and looked at the two of them in horror, "My subordinates clearly stopped you!"

"Are you talking about these wastes?" Tian Lin raised his fingers, his eyes released blue light, and he used his super power to float all the ghost brothers. I saw that they all turned into black carbon, some were electrocuted by Pikachu, and some were by wind speed. The dog burns, it can be described as extremely miserable.

"You want to stop me and Xiaozhi just because of this, you think it's too simple!" Tianlin said disdainfully, he is a trainer who has reached the high level of the king and is sprinting towards the championship level, and Xiaozhi's current The strength is also infinitely close to the heavenly king level. A bunch of guys who are not at the gym level, even if they plan to fight with more and less, it will be at least forty or fifty people. It is not enough for a dozen people to put a gap in their teeth.

"It's really worthy of being Samsung in Zhenxinzhen. This strength is really not built. Ghost, the one who should give up in the dictionary this time is you!" Ajie also ran over. With the reversal of the situation, he can easily relax. Played ghost jokes.

"Brother Tianlin, Xiaozhi, look!" Suddenly, Xiaoyao cried out, and saw that the egg in her hand began to emit an amazing light, the egg was about to hatch, and the prince of the sea was about to be born.

The oval egg swelled in a circle, unlike other Pokémon eggs that burst from the top, this egg extended two long tentacles with spherical ends in the strong light, and the soft light became brighter and brighter until It was so irritating that everyone's eyes couldn't look directly.The light dissipated, and a bubbling navy blue little guy slept sweetly in Xiaoyao's arms. Its pupils were bluer than the sea, the outer sclera was yellow, and two lines were derived from the eyelashes above the eyes. , connected with two yellow dots, its arms are longer than its body, its legs are thick and short, and there is a beautiful ruby ​​on its chest, which is very lovable.  …

The first thing Manaphy saw when she opened her eyes was Xiaoyao, then she called out 'Mana' and began to cry.

"Hatch, hatch, damn it, it should be hatched in the hands of this uncle!" The ghost said angrily, Manaphy has the habit of thinking of the first human beings as a mother, if it hatched in his hands, He can easily find the Temple of the Sea.

"Having hatched from your hands, can you be a mother with your virtue?" Tian Lin shuddered as he thought about the spicy eyes that he didn't dare to see, and forced his disgust to say, "Besides, you can't leave today, ghost. , I'm going to arrest you!"

"This uncle won't be caught so easily. If you leave the green hills without fear of running out of firewood, retreat!" It turned out that the ghost left a hand, and a rope was dropped from a helicopter in the sky. The ghost grabbed it and quickly started to escape. As for those little brothers, he can't handle it.

"Lucario, Bo missile!" Ash was unwilling to watch the other party slip away, and ordered to Lucario.

Lucario condensed the power of the waveguide, and shot a blue ball, which chased in the direction the helicopter flew away. This wave of missiles must hit skill 4.0. After a while, there was a ghostly sound in the sky. Screaming, although this move will not directly solve him, it must also make him slightly injured.

"Deserved!" Applejack said gloating.

Because the enemy had been repelled, after everyone converged, they returned to the RV and drove off. Manaphy was still crying, like a newborn human baby.

"Be good, don't cry, Manaphy!" Xiaoyao hugged Manaphy and kept coaxing.

Under her comfort, Manaphy actually stopped crying gradually. Because the first time she saw Xiaoyao, Manaphy had regarded her as her mother, and she would not be held by anyone except her. hug and cry.

In desperation, Xiaoyao had to carry it all the time.

Chapter [*] Xiaoyao and Manaphy, who are about to part ways on the sea journey

"I remember, this is the area."

As the remnants of the people of the water, the Guangmei family took Manaphy to the Temple of the Sea, which was their obligation. Under their leadership, they drove to an abandoned site.

Everyone got out of the car and walked into the depths of the ruins.

There is an underground passage to the Temple of the Sea, and only with the guidance of the people of the sea can we go smoothly.

After walking to a closed room, Guangmei's grandfather showed the bracelet on his wrist, verified his identity as a water citizen, and opened the secret door of the underground ruins. He asked Tianlin Xiaozhi and others, " Do you have any water-type Pokémon with you?"

Everyone nodded, this is natural.

"Then it's time for them to play!" Saying that, Guangmei's family took the lead through the secret door and led everyone to a pool below. It seemed that the road below was a waterway.

At the same time, everyone released water-type Pokemon, Xiaozhi's lobster soldier, Xiaoyao's jenny turtle, etc. Tianlin released Hakolong. Although it is a dragon type, it lives in the water all year round and carries Tianlin. Swimming is no problem.

Manaphy seemed to know that she was about to go home, and she was very happy along the way. What she liked most was to swim around Xiaoyao, like a child clinging to her mother.

The group crossed the waterway and came to a dimly lit hall. Guangmei's father walked to a pillar in the hall and moved it gently, and the entire hall instantly became brighter.

Tianlin raised his head, and there was a mural on the top of the hall, which was the Temple of the Sea that Xiaoyao had seen in his dream.

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