Little Kirby successfully won the double kill.

"Tech ko, Mr. Harry's two Pokémon are all incapacitated. The winner of this game is Xiaoyao!" Lilian directly announced Xiaoyao's victory, and the audience cheered... ..

Chapter [-]: Meet Tianlin vs Xiao Shun

"Well done, sister!"

At the end of the battle, Xiao Sheng shouted excitedly, this battle Xiao Yao really played very well, both tactics and response were excellent, and at any time, there was no carelessness, showing the demeanor of a senior coordination trainer .

"Yeah, I'm so mad at me!" Harry roared unwillingly, but unfortunately it was useless no matter how angry he was at this time. Large-scale celebrations were as cruel as league competitions, and the losers could only leave the field sadly.

The next one is Miss Saori's battle.

"Laplace, use the blizzard, the blizzard, and destroy the dead light." Her battle was also very smooth. After Laplace used the blizzard to freeze the opponent's two Pokémon, the blizzard destroyed the dead together. The light completed the double kill, and in less than two minutes, the yarn weaving completed the technical ko.

In the third game, the battle between the two passersby was uneventful. After one of them won a difficult victory, it finally came to the main event that all the audience and contestants were looking forward to.

The long-established noble coordinator and trainer Xiao Shun vs. Tianlin, the favorite to win the championship.

"The fourth game, Tianlin player vs. Xiao Shun, is about to start. In the eyes of many people, this game is probably equivalent to the actual final. Who will be in the second round? We will wait and see!"

"Rainwing moth, Absol, go!"

"Ice and Snow Dragon, Shanaido, please!"

The two sides sent Pokémon at the same time. As expected by Tianlin, Absolu appeared, and Tianlin used the fairy-type Shanaido to deal with it, while his other was a rain-winged moth. Tianlin analyzed the little one. Shun found out after the other three Pokémon that Desert Dragonfly, Rain Wing Moth, and Rose Raydo were all restrained by Ice-type Pokémon, so he decisively chose the Snow Dragon to assist Shanedo in the battle.

The moment both sides send out Pokemon, the battle has already begun, and at the beginning, the four Pokemon characteristics are activated at the same time.

Absolu's sense of oppression caused Tianlin's Pokémon to consume more stamina when he used his tricks, thereby reducing the maximum number of times he could use his tricks.

The intimidation of the rain-winged moth also reduced the attack power of Tianlin's two Pokémon, but Shanaido also successfully obtained the intimidation by relying on the copy feature, which also reduced the attack power of Xiao Shun's side.

In the end, the hail of the ice giant dragon turned the venue into a snowy day.

The battle between the two sides has not yet officially started, and the score bars of the two have begun to decrease by the same amount.

"These two people are really scary, and before you know it, each has an opponent~'!" Xiaoyao looked at the opposing battlefield with lingering fears, but fortunately her opponent is Harry, otherwise even if she has improved a lot now, I am afraid she will be very It is difficult to be the opponent of these two on the field.

"Ice and Snow Dragon, use the aurora curtain, Shanaido, the magic shines!"

Tianlin took the lead in launching actions, namely group defense and group attack.

"Tianlin, do you think the methods used in Hollywood can still work for me, rain-winged moth, clear the thick fog, Absol, blizzard!"

This time, Xiao Shun actually used the snow day made by Tianlin in turn. The blizzard was also a means of attack. Xiao Shun used it for defense. There was no possibility of emptying under the snow. The blizzard completely blocked the attack of Magic Shine.

Moreover, the aurora curtain that the ice and snow dragon finally created was blown away by the clear fog of the rain-winged moth in the next moment.

In the first confrontation, Xiao Shun was slightly better.

It seems that compared to the unplanned battle last time, Xiao Shun has no doubt completely controlled his mentality now. What Tian Lin has to face now is him in the strongest state.

"Tianlin, don't use small tricks. I have been waiting for a long time to fight with you. This is for the sake of keeping it until now. Take it." Lu also revealed the super evolution stone hidden under the snow-white fur.

Finally, this conference ushered in the first super evolution. Absol grew a pair of wings in the light of evolution, the hair on his head covered his left eye, and the symbol on his head was "oval" It turned into a pattern similar to an inverted "triangle", which looked more beautiful than before, and its strength soared, reaching the peak of the quasi-king in one breath, becoming the strongest existence in Xiao Shun's hands.

"Oh my God, it's actually Super Absol, this is really amazing!" Lilian said excitedly, even in a gorgeous large-scale celebration, super evolution is very rare.

"Absol, let me see your evolved power, use your spiritual blade!"

"Come on, Shanaido, meet it with a hundred thousand volts!"

'boom! ! !

The aftermath of the battle between the spiritual blade and the [-] volts made the entire venue shake, and the strong impact made the audience unable to open their eyes.

The rest of the contestants were so angry that they wanted to scold their mothers. They suspected that they were not watching the first round of the gorgeous large-scale celebration, but the finals of the Pokémon League Conference.

With such strength, isn't it bad to go to the Alliance Conference to compete for the best? What kind of skill is it to bully and coordinate trainers here? It's too much.

"`" Sure enough, even if Absol mega evolves, the Pokémon of Tianlin still can't gain the upper hand in terms of power, so, Rain Wing Moth, show a bad face to Absol! "

"Ghost face, isn't that a move to reduce the opponent's speed, why do you use it against your own Absol?" Xiaogang wondered.

After the rain-winged moth used a ghost-faced trick against Absol on the field, it did not reduce Absol's speed, but his own speed began to decrease.

"So that's the case, Absol's feature is a magic mirror, which can reflect changes. Xiao Shun, what are you thinking about?" At this moment, Xiao Shun can't even see through Tian Lin. He seems to be preparing something." No matter what, just take the first step to defeat you, conduct a concentrated attack on the rain-winged moth, the ice and snow dragon, use freeze-drying, Shanaido, one hundred thousand volts!"

"The rain-winged moth, use the shadow clone, Absol, flash!"

While improving the evasion rate of Rainwing Moth, Xiao Shun also reduced the hit rate of Tianlin Pokémon. Under Tianlin's poor luck, both attacks were actually empty.

"Okay, now, Absol, use the Song of Doom!"

Absol sang the Song of Doom, causing all Pokémon on the field to fall into the Song of Doom state.After 3 turns including the turn in the Song of Doom state, a Pokémon in the Song of Doom state is in a dying state

"The tactic of perishing together, I didn't expect Xiao Shun to do this in order to defeat me!" Tian Lin said in surprise.

However, it is not difficult to crack this, as long as the opponent is completely solved before the time to destroy the song, the next Tianlin's offensive is bound to be even more violent.

Chapter [-] The Song of Destruction Wisdom Confrontation

"It seems that there will be no time for gorgeous performances. Since you want to experience my strength as a trainer, then I will let you see it, ice dragon, blizzard, Shanaido, magic shines!"

"Absol, Rain Wing Moth, at the same time defend!"

In the face of Tianlin's onslaught, Xiao Shun chose to retreat. Last time he was too aggressive, but this time he was very conservative. Judging from the fact that he just improved his dodge, lowered Tianlin's hit, and now has double protection, his The purpose is undoubtedly to delay the time, relying on the song of death to perish together.

Off the field, Xiaogang has also understood Xiao Shun's tactics, and is explaining to Xiaoyao and Xiaosheng on the side.

Xiao Sheng was puzzled at this time, "But if this happens, isn't Xiao Shun only able to draw a tie with Brother Tian Lin?"

"No, if it goes on like this, the winner is Xiao Shun!" Saori said suddenly, she now understands that the real purpose of the ghost face used by Absol is to greatly reduce the rain-wing moth's Speed, the speed of the rain-winged moth was faster than the ice and snow dragon, but now it is lower than it.

After the time of Song of Doom arrives, although all Pokémon present will lose their ability to fight, it is also in order. The faster Pokémon will be knocked down by the magic sound first.

The Gorgeous Tournament and the Alliance Tournament have a common rule. When the last Pokémon on both sides perishes together, the side that falls first is judged to be the loser. It is the rain-winged moth whose speed is halved by the reflection of the magic mirror, and it will be the last one to fall. According to the rules, the loser is the Tianlin side that loses the fighting ability of Pokémon first.

This is a tactic that uses the rules, and it is the only chance he has found to defeat Tianlin after several days of contemplation.

After Saori explained Xiao Shun's tactics, Xiaoyao was stunned, "Xiao Shun is so powerful, he actually thought about it so deeply."

"Xiao Shun, it's terrifying that you can actually think of such a tactic!" Tian Lin also broke out in a cold sweat, but he didn't panic. There was still a little time now. After thinking, he quickly thought of a breakthrough. "Ice and Snow Dragon, use electromagnetic waves on Absol!"

Tianlin also took advantage of Absol's magic mirror properties. The moment the electromagnetic wave hit Absol, it was bounced back, paralyzing the ice dragon. This time the speed of the ice dragon was also halved, and it was lower than that again. Rain-winged moth.

"It seems that the two sides are starting to seize the speed line. At this time, whoever has the slower speed will undoubtedly have the advantage. It's very interesting. It's the first time I've seen such a gorgeous battle!" Mr. Conkenstein Rao You said with interest.

"Absol, Ice and Snow Dragon, I like them all!"

"Tianlin, do you want to snatch the speed line? I won't let you succeed. The paralysis can only be used once, but my ghost face can be used continuously. Rain Wing Moth, use the ghost face on Absol!"

"It's now, Xiao Shun, you've been tricked!" Tian Lin actually had other intentions, "Xanaduo, mega evolution!"

Just as the rain-winged moth used a ghost face to reduce his speed, Tianlin completed the mega evolution in one breath, "Beautiful, maximum power, use [-] volts!"

The super-evolutionary Shanaido's special attack is not lower than the king level, and the power of [-] volts is terrifying.

"Oops!" Xiao Shun realized something, Tian Lin was a conspiracy.

When the ice dragon paralyzed the slowest speed in the game, he had to reduce the speed of the rain-winged moth again in order to ensure victory, but this also meant that its rain-winged moth could not be protected this round, leaving it behind. He gave Tianlin a chance to attack.

And Tianlin seized this opportunity and increased Shanaido's power to the maximum by relying on mega evolution, I am afraid it is enough to kill the rain-winged moth in one blow.

Thunder and lightning ravaged half of the venue, and the rain-winged moth was shrouded in golden-yellow lightning, and after a while, it became pitch black and fell.

"The rain-winged moth is incapacitated!" Lilian said quickly.

As soon as her voice fell, the terrifying magic sound of Song of Doom suddenly fell from the sky. It seems that the time has come. The three Pokémon magic sounds entered the body. According to their respective speeds, Absol fell first, followed by Shanaido. , the ice dragon.

"All Pokémon lose their ability to fight (aiea). According to the rules, player Xiao Shun's Pokémon falls first, so the winner of this game is player Tianlin!" Lilian announced the rules of the game and judged Tianlin. Lin wins.

"Phew!" Tian Lin took a deep breath, this game was really dangerous, he almost lost.

Xiao Shun took back his Pokémon with some regret. It was just a little bit. The only flaw in his tactics was caught by Tianlin. Sure enough, in terms of battle strength, he was still a lot worse than him.

Tian Lin walked to Xiao Shun, "Xiao Shun, this battle is really thrilling, I told you before, except for Master Mikri, no coordination trainer can completely defeat my Pokemon, now I want to take back this sentence, because today, both of my Pokémon were beaten by you and incapacitated, you are very strong!"

"Thank you for your compliment. Next time, I will definitely think of a more perfect tactic to defeat you!" Xiao Shun smiled and shook hands with Tian Lin. Although he has regrets this time, he is not unwilling. He has already shown all his strength. There are not many people who can fight against Tianlin to this level, and look at the coordination training family.

There was thunderous applause from the audience. Although this game was different from the usual gorgeous battle, it was more inclined to the conventional battle, but the collision between the wisdom of the two sides still made the audience addicted.

The match between Tian Lin and Xiao Shun is over, and the list of the top eight has now been released. Except for the five passers-by, Xiao Yao, Sha Zhi and Tian Lin are the three.

After the group list came out, Tian Lin had a good luck fighting against a passer-by this time, while on the other side, another civil war broke out, Xiaoyao vs Saori.

On the second day, the second round of the game was held on time.

Today, Tian Lin was the first to play. Facing passers-by, in order to save time, he unceremoniously showed the combination of Suicune Galatias.

After this period of fantastic sparring training, Latias has broken through the bottleneck and reached the primary level of the championship.

In other words, in the opposite game, you have to face two Pokémon above the championship level.

The young man looked depressed. Although the Pokémon that Tian Lin used to deal with Xiao Shun was powerful, at least it was a normal Pokémon. How could it be his turn to send such a monster.

Seeing the other party's fear, Tian Lin said with a smile, "What's the matter, you should be happy, my combination against you is stronger than that against Xiao Shun, which means that I may attach more importance to you than Xiao Shun. Maybe!"

I believe you a ghost, the guy slandered helplessly, what is the importance, one can see that Tian Lin just doesn't want to waste time, and even if it is true, he would rather not receive such attention, even if it was a loss, he at least He can still struggle decently, but now, he doesn't even have room to struggle, and there is nothing to do except wait for death.

Facing the two mythical beasts, the young man's eyes were blank, it seemed that he was played badly by Tianlin, and he completely gave up hope.

Chapter [-] Xiaoyao's final determination was defeated

"The game is over, Tianlin contestant wins!"

This gorgeous battle was decided in less than a minute. Since the opponent had completely lost the will to fight, and there was no resistance at all, Latias and Suizun each made a move to win the game cleanly.

"This person is really unlucky, he met Tian Lin who wants to be lazy!" Xiao Gang looked at Tian Lin's opponent pitifully, hoping that he wouldn't be stunned by this.

In short, with the end of Tianlin's game, it was Saori and Xiaoyao's turn to play.

In fact, Tianlin is not very optimistic about Xiaoyao in this game. It is true that she is much stronger than the original book, but Sazhi's strength is not weak even compared to that Robert of Fengyuan. Now Xiaoyao has not yet competed with Robert- The ability to compete.

Although Tianlin hoped that Xiaoyao could give him unexpected surprises, the final result was almost exactly the same as what he had predicted. Xiaoyao was completely suppressed by Saori at the beginning. The score is less than one-fifth left, and the yarn is still more than half-, the gap is very large.

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