"Harry is unbelievable!" Harry screamed suddenly holding his head. He thought that as long as Tian Lin didn't use the huge blue dragon, he would have no chance of winning, but now that he sees Suijun, the odds of winning are not high. back to zero again.

"Brother Tianlin, it's really too strong, is the person we are going to fight with next?" Xiaoyao clenched his fists with a strong sense of fear.

Suddenly, a palm patted her shoulder, "Cheer up, Xiaoyao, no matter how strong Tianlin is, you can't give up, use your strongest strength to fight!"

I saw Xiaozhi smiling and standing behind her and encouraging her. Xiaozhi is indeed the most qualified person in the world to say this. From childhood to adulthood, the number of times he has lost to Tianlin has been completely innumerable, but no matter what. No matter how many times he loses, he will challenge him again with a stronger attitude than the last time, again and again, the more defeats he gets, the stronger he becomes.

"Well, thank you, Xiaozhi!" Xiaoyao nodded gratefully to Xiaozhi, he was right, if she gave up at this time, her experience along the way would be a joke, so she would never give up.

"Okay, then Sui Jun, it's time to start!" Tian Lin said confidently, his performance with Sui Jun will soon be shown to everyone.

Chapter [*]: Sui Jun's sacred performance battle group

"Suijun, use a mysterious guardian!"

Suijun's whole body glowed with light, and the original blue body was reflected like a sapphire at this time. Absol, who just flashed for a short moment, was already amazing, but compared with the current Suijun, the sense of sanctity is more than inferior. One chip.

Among the three holy beasts of the King of Phoenix, the images of Lord Lei and Emperor Yan are too serious, and only Suijun can show such a gorgeous posture, which makes people feel relaxed and happy.

"Okay, let's go surfing next!"

A huge wave rose from the ground, and Suijun rode on top of the wave. Tianlin continued to order at this moment, "The following is absolute zero!"

Suicune's Absolute Zero was stronger and faster than Saori Laplace's before, but in the blink of an eye, the surf turned into an iceberg.

On top of the blue-lighted Suijun and the iceberg, the noble demeanor of the divine beast is fully displayed.

"It's so noble, this is the legendary Pokémon, Suicune!" Lilian said excitedly.

At this time, Tianlin's performance has come to an end. The theme of his performance is to show the nobility, splendor and inviolability of the divine beast. There is still one last step, which requires the assistance of the audience. I saw him raise his arm, 'Clap' snapped his fingers.

"My friends, it's rare to see divine beasts. It's not good for you to just watch for yourself. Please let the trainers present also let their partner Pokémon together - enjoy it!"

"It seems to be the same!" Everyone in the audience nodded, and subconsciously took out their Poké Balls. For a while, there were many small Pokémon in the audience, including Pichu, Walking Grass, and Fat Ding. Wait, all of them are looking at Suijun with adoration.

"Brother Tianlin seems to like this interactive style of performance!" Xiaoyao laughed.

Shazhi on the side looked at Xiaoyao, "Don't underestimate this style, if you use it well, it can produce incomparably huge effects!"

"What do you mean?" Xiaoyao was puzzled.

"Hmph, I've already challenged two large-scale festivals in two regions, and I still don't understand this common sense!" Xiao Shun on the side gave her a white look and explained, "Although the judges of the gorgeous competition are indeed only those three people, but When we do gorgeous performances, it's for the whole audience."

"Tianlin interacts with the audience, follows them happily, and laughs together, so he can continue to get more and more support from more and more people. Those supports not only become the driving force for his growth, but also become a reference for the judges when scoring. Because the judges know that it is useless to get the approval of the three of them, only the performance that everyone supports can be regarded as a truly outstanding performance!"

"Can it be considered outstanding only if everyone supports it?" Xiaoyao muttered to herself after listening to Xiao Shun's words, she seemed to have learned something from it.

On the performance stage at this time, seeing that everyone released Pokemon as he said, Tian Lin nodded with satisfaction, this is exactly the effect he wanted. "Very well, Sui-kun, let's roar with maximum power!"


Suijun screamed in the sky, and the huge roar spread throughout the venue. Countless Pokémon turned into red lights, and even Ash's Pikachu was not spared, and Suijun roared back to the Poké Ball.

"What an astonishing roar, I see, this is the reason why no one has been able to capture Sui Jun for thousands of years, to be hit by such a roar, I am afraid that there is no chance to fight Sui Jun, it is really sacred and inviolable God beast!" Mr. Conkenstein commented.

"Sui-kun, I like this!"

"The sapphire-like body is so dazzling and beautiful!" Miss Joy's eyes were red and she looked at Su Jun with longing like a nun who serves the gods.

No doubt, "10, 10, 10"

Three 10 points, Tian Lin became the only full score in the audience.

"The above are the gorgeous performances brought by Tianlin and Su Jun. Please give them warm applause."

Under the warm applause that echoed from the audience, Tian Lin slowly walked out of the venue.

"Okay, the next performance is the last coordination trainer today. She is the dancer from Fengyuan, Miss Xiaoyao!" Miss Lilian called Xiaoyao's name, which is also Xiaoyao's The beginning of the title of "Hoyen Dancer".

"Little Kirby, get on the stage!" The Pokémon Xiaoyao used this time was Little Kirby. Its small and heavy body was as light as it was lifting. After turning over in the sky, it landed smoothly on the stage. superior.

"Come on, let the sun shine!"

Now that Xiaoyao's acting talent has been fully demonstrated, the little Kirby beast gathers energy and launches a dazzling sunshine flame into the sky.

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 0

"Then use the True Qi Fist!"

Immediately afterwards, the little Kirby jumped up, and the fat body did not affect its jumping power at all, and jumped to the top of the sphere of light formed by the flames of the sun in an instant.

The fighting-type ultimate move with enormous power, True Qi Fist, smashed into the flames of the sun with one punch. Under the collision of the two ultimate ultimate moves, the light turned into stardust and scattered, and the entire stage actually sounded a pleasant sound similar to the ringing of a bell.

"What a beautiful tone, using the infuriating fist to smash the flames of sunshine and make this tone reverberate in the audience, this idea is really great, and the timing is just right. Just now, the roar of Tianlin player's Suijun is powerful and heroic, There is still an echo in my ears, but it seems to have gradually disappeared under the sound of the bell." Mr. Conkenstein commented while enjoying his eyes closed.

0 ......

The audience is also the same, there is a sense of peace of mind.

"Isn't Xiaoyao good? Even my performance was used, and it also affected the audience. This can be regarded as an interactive performance!" Tian Lin gave a like.

It seems that Xiaoyao understands the true meaning of performance. The so-called performance is to be appreciated by everyone, and only considering the preferences of the three judges, that is putting the cart before the horse.

Xiaoyao's final score was surprisingly high, 29.7 points, second only to Tianlin and Shazhi, and the third place in the audience.

"Okay, so far all the exhibition competitions are over. Now we will announce the sixteen contestants who passed the first review. They are..."

One by one avatars appeared on the big screen. Tianlin, Shazhi, and Xiaoyao occupied the top three positions, while Xiaoxun was ranked sixth because of a small flaw in the whirlwind knife. Harry also relied on his heroic dance in fire. Located in the middle reaches, exactly eighth.

"Then next, it's the grouping of the gorgeous battle, please don't look away!"

The big screen began to shuffle the numbers, and the first round of the battle was very unexpected. Xiaoyao met Harry as soon as he came up, and the avatar next to Tianlin was actually Xiao Shun. A few people inevitably started an infighting, only Miss Saori was lucky enough to meet a passerby.

Chapter [*] The Battle of the Rivals Xiaoyao's Growth

"I didn't expect that you will meet Tian Lin so soon!" Xiao Shun's tone was heavy, but he was not afraid, but as any trainer, he didn't want to face a top expert like Tian Lin as soon as he came up. .

"Xiao Shun, let's do our best to each other and have a good game!" Tian Lin said seriously, the last time he fought with Xiao Shun, because Xiao Shun's state was not right, he didn't have enough fun. This time it happened to be A good opportunity to make up for the last regret.

"Of course, this time I will not be the same as before, you are ready to meet my challenge!" Xiao Shun stroked his bangs confidently. In order to deal with Tianlin, he had already thought of countless countermeasures. Even if those tactics didn't improve his odds by much, he had to fight to the end.

At the same time, a similar conversation was being played out on the other side.

"Ala, Ala, Xiaoyao, we are destined to have such a fate!" Harry's expression was as expected and even as it should be, and his relationship with Xiaoyao should be ended.

"Mr. Harry, I won't lose to you again this time. I will fight in a way that only I can do." Xiaoyao did not show weakness. The side is much better.

On the second day of the game, everyone temporarily left the venue to prepare for tomorrow's game.

"Pika, Pikachu!" When they walked outside, Xiao Zhi and his party were already waiting. Unexpectedly, Pikachu complained angrily as soon as he saw Tianlin.

"Pikachu, what's wrong with you, how did I offend you, you look so angry?" Tian Lin squatted down and smiled and touched Pikachu's cute head.

"Isn't it your Suijun?" Xiaogang walked over and said, "Pikachu hates entering the Poké Ball the most, but he was yelled back by your Suijun, and of course I'm in a bad mood."

"That's right, I'm really sorry Pikachu, please forgive me this time!" Tian Lin apologized repeatedly.

"Pi, Pikachu!" Seeing Tianlin's apology, Pikachu waved his hand in a pretentious manner, indicating that he forgives him.

After parting with Xiao Zhi and others, Tian Lin returned to the room alone. Xiao Shun was not an easy person to deal with, even he didn't dare to be careless and had to be fully prepared.

Tomorrow's game, one of Xiao Shun's Pokémon Tianlin decided that it will appear, and that is Absol. Xiao Shun has secretly cultivated it until now, and he may still be in control of mega evolution. Xiao Shun can't let it go. Strong combat power is useless, the question is what will Xiao Shun be?

It is possible for any of the three desert dragonflies, rain-winged moths, and Rose Leidor. These three are quite high-level, and they are good partners that Xiao Shun trusts.

"Okay, since that's the case, I'll choose them!" Soon, Tian Lin thought of a combination, and after Dr. Damu finished replacing the Pokémon, he waited for the start of the battle.

-Dividing line

"Everyone has been waiting for a long time. The gorgeous and large-scale celebration has finally entered the final chapter. The gorgeous battle match. The rules of the game are doubles. Within 5 minutes, the team with the highest score wins." Lilian announced the rules of the game, and then Xiaoyao and Ha Li went to the battlefield, and they were the first coordination trainers to appear today.

"Little Kabimon, Ibrahimovic, get on the stage!"

This time, Xiaoyao sent two normal-type Pokémon to play, as expected of the daughter of Mr. Qianli from the Orange Flower Dojo, with his style.

"Come on, my ruthless little rascal, Menggonia, Fat Keding!"

This time, Harry also played his newest partner, Fat Coding, but this Fat Coding looked extremely evil, not as innocent as normal Fat Coding.

Sure enough, it looks like a master, and it was carved out of the same mold as Harry.

"Come here, Xiaoyao, I will use my perfect combination move to make you cry!" Harry made a declaration of victory, and it could be seen that he had considerable confidence in his new Pokémon.

"It's not that easy to beat me, little Kabimon, use a true qi fist, Ibrahimovic, hit!"

With Xiaoyao's order, the little Kabimon and Ibrahimovic rushed towards the opposite side at the same time, and their momentum was quite strong.

However, in the face of Harry, who is good at using the characteristics of Pokémon, this kind of straight-ball attack does not work.

I saw Fat Keding standing in front of Menggonia, and suddenly inhaled air to greatly inflate his body. With the help of that soft physique, the impact of the little Kabibeast and Ibrahimovic was instantly invisible.

Fat Coding's Pokémon are classified as Balloon Pokémon, and Harry has undoubtedly played this feature perfectly.

"Fat Keding used the symbol of the body to completely block the attack!" In Miss Lilian's explanation, Xiaoyao's score began to decrease.

"Hey, it's time for us to fight back, Fat Keding, jump up!" Harry took the opportunity to start a fierce attack on Xiaoyao's side. Facing the sudden attack of Fat Keding, Xiaoyao was mentally prepared. In response, Harry smiled evilly at the moment when Fat Keding was closest to the two Pokémon, "Sorry, this is just a lie, the real attack is here, Menggonia, use the poisonous needle."

Fat Keding suddenly gave up the attack and jumped into the air, because of its huge size after the expansion, Xiaoyao didn't notice Meng Ge Naiya and followed behind Fat Ke Ding, and was immediately hit by Meng Ge Naiya's poisonous needle. Unprepared.

If Xiaoyao was in the original book, she might be helpless at this time, but now she is much stronger than the original with the help of Tianlin, Xiaozhi, Xiaoshu and others, even in the face of this kind of trick, she will not There is no fighting back.

"Ibrahimovic, spin the tail and use the iron tail trick!"

Ibrahimovic stood in front of the little Kirby beast, and relying on the iron tail of the steel type of immune system, like a windmill, all the poison needles were swept down.

"Little Kirby, right now, with the help of Ibrahimovic's tail jumping up and making a true qi fist!"

The little Kirby beast used the iron tail as a pedal, and jumped right above Menganaia in one breath. With the help of the falling force, the true qi fist greatly increased its power and knocked Menganaya to the ground with one punch.

"Mengonaiya has lost the ability to fight!" Lilian immediately judged.

063 Unexpectedly, in the face of the ultimate fighting technique, Mengge Naiya was killed in seconds. Although Harry has the upper hand in the score, the situation has become two-on-one. There is no doubt that Xiaoyao has a greater chance of winning.

"Don't be careless, Fat Keding is still on it!" Xiaoyao is really mature now, and he didn't get carried away because of his temporary advantage. He looked up on alert, and saw that Fat Keding was ready and had unparalleled power. The Taishan pressure top is about to come over.

"Ibrahimovic, take a step back and use the iron tail!" Xiaoyao calmly gave an order, Ibrahimovic moved back to avoid the attack, and then the iron tail of the steel type swept towards Fat Keding's stomach. For the fat Keding, the effect is very effective, not only inflicting heavy damage on Fat Keding in one breath, but also sweeping it out.

Due to the excessive expansion of Fat Keding, Fat Keding fell very slowly due to air resistance, which gave Xiaoyao more time to prepare. No, the little Kabibeast True Qi fist has been charged, and it is high again. jumped up.

Harry didn't expect that his carefully prepared tactics would have the opposite effect. Fat Keding was hit in the stomach again by the little Kirby beast, and the injury was further increased. Although it is a fairy type, it also has the attributes of a general type and cannot resist the real. Air fist.

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