"Good chance, the golden tree is mine."

"No, it's mine."

"Hmph, we throw the Poke Ball at the same time, whoever gets it depends on luck!"

Under the dispute, someone suggested that they should be subdued at the same time, that is, let it be fate, but no one objected to this.

"Zero Five Seven"

But just like before Tianlin, because the tree was already conquered by Qin Ye, all those elf balls were bounced off.

This made everyone realize that what Tian Lin said before was the truth, and this tree is strangely owned.

While everyone was stunned, the tree strangely got into the water and shielded away.

Some people shook their heads and turned to leave. They still have a good conscience. Although it is strange to covet the golden tree, they will not take it by force.

But the rest can't handle that much.

"Who cares, this golden tree is the one who blames Lao Tzu for deciding. If its trainer shows up, it's a big deal to fight together!" I saw a few ferocious big men chasing in the direction of the tree.

"Huh! Huh!" The tree ran away with huge fear, and behind him, a pair of greedy eyes stared at it without exception.

"Hey, you can't escape, go, tyrannical carp dragon, stinger jellyfish!"

One of the big men threw out the Poke Ball, and a huge carp dragon and stinger jellyfish blocked the tree in front of the monster. After a while, with a few explosions, a raging fire ignited in the forest.

At this time, Tianlin and Qin had just arrived at the lake. After asking a few returning gold diggers, they learned that Shucaiguai was being chased and killed. The anxious Qin did nothing and just wanted to hurry up and save his partner.

This kind of desperate behavior for the sake of his partner made Tianlin slightly change his mind about it.

At this moment, the sparkling and beautiful lake had long been completely polluted due to continuous battles, and countless trees were interrupted and poured into the water.

"Too much!" Tian Lin clenched his fists angrily.

"Hahaha, don't struggle anymore, this is a specially made net. It's strange that the golden tree finally sees your true face, and now we have made a fortune." By the lake, Caiguai has been seriously injured by the Tyrannosaurus Carp Dragon. A few big men caught it with nets, "No matter where you escape, you are very attractive, just go with me, I will sell you a good price.

It was an electrified net, and ordinary gold diggers would not have such equipment at all, which meant that they were just among the many gold diggers, and their real identity should be poachers.

"You guys, just let go of my tree!" Qin Ye yelled angrily when he saw this scene when he arrived.

"Yours? Oh, it seems that you are the owner of this strange tree. You came just right, hand over the pokeball that is strange to the tree, or you will suffer!"

"Don't think about it, the tree is my partner, and I won't give it to you!" Qin also rushed towards the tree as if he didn't want to, and planned to break the net to save it.

A few poachers did not stop him, but instead looked at Qin Ye like a play. Electricity was already on the net, and it was not something that ordinary people could easily touch.

"Ah!" The moment Qin Ye held the net, his whole body was struck by the electric current, and he howled in pain.

"Damn, I won't give up!"

Recalling his excessive behavior towards the tree, Qin also resisted the pain and stood up, grabbed the net again, "The tree is weird, don't worry, even if you die, I will save you. ."

"Whoosh!" The tree in the net was strangely awake at this time, and kept shouting, signaling Qin to let go too quickly.

Qin also smiled slightly, "It doesn't matter what I do, as long as you are safe, I am very honored to be your trainer, and I will not hand you over to anyone!"

The tree "Huh" stared at the boy with scars all over his body in a daze, and the beautiful memories of He Qin Ye in his mind turned into waves of turbulent tides that impacted his heart.

"Hey, this guy is a lunatic, if it goes on like this, the net will really be torn by him, stop playing, solve him first, and take away his Poké Ball 0..." Among them said one of the poachers, and then he took out a Poké Ball and released a Tura.

Yan La raised her sharp claws and grabbed Qin Ye's neck with a splitting trick.

At the critical moment of "Huhu", Shucai's arms turned into sharp claws at the same time, and the net was torn apart in one fell swoop. Then, he stood up and fired his arm hammer, which smashed Zhu La in one move, and restrained him four times. , Yan La immediately fainted to the ground.

"Great, it's an imitation trick!" Qin also said happily.

It turned out that the tree just relied on imitation, and temporarily learned how to split, so that the net could be torn so easily.

"Damn, things that don't know good and evil, since you have to resist to the end, don't blame us." The angry poachers threw Pokeballs one by one.

Tyrannosaurus, Blue Emperor, Stinger Jellyfish, Big-billed Sparrow, and even Banjilas and other powerful Pokémon stood in front of Qin Ye and Shu Caiwei.

The tree strangely knows that he is not the opponent of these many Pokémon, but as a Pokémon, it is his responsibility to protect the master. It did not take a step back, and bravely stood in front of Qin Ye.

"Hehe, it seems that your hearts are untied!" Tian Lin walked out with a smile behind a big tree. In fact, he had already arrived. The reason why he didn't take action immediately was to see Qin Ye's determination. , After all, to solve the bell, the person must be tied to the bell, and the key to solving the knot of the tree is the same.

Sure enough, Qin did not let him down. With his reckless behavior, he finally reunited with Shucaiguai 4.0.

Leave the rest to him.

"There's actually another kid, huh, let's get rid of them together!" The poacher looked at Tianlin with bad intentions, and several fierce Pokémon came slowly with a huge killing intent,

"I don't care if you want to fight. It's a pity that your opponent today is not me. Such a beautiful nature and such a beautiful lake have been destroyed by you like this. One guy is already angry!" Tianlin Jiang Reaching into his pocket, a blue orb was sparkling.

"Little devil, are you bluffing, is there a helper, who is it, come out for me!" The poacher heard the words, thinking that there was someone hiding in the dark, and shouted loudly.

"Want to know who it is, then, go and ask Beifeng!" Tianlin smiled.

Chapter [*]: Beifeng's Incarnation Suijun Reappears

"Hey, is there something wrong with this guy's brain, what is the North Wind?" A group of poachers were stunned by Tian Lin's question, and they all looked at Tian Lin with the eyes of a fool.

It is true that Tianlin now looks a little sick, but just after he finished speaking, suddenly, gusts of north wind began to whistle.

"Boss, look at the lake!"

Among the poachers, a younger brother pointed to the lake and suddenly screamed. The strong man at the head heard the words and looked at the lake, only to see that the lake, which had been completely polluted by them, was recovering at a speed visible to the naked eye, a poison attribute treasure. The venom of the dream is gradually disappearing.

"North wind, plus the lake's water being purified, it's difficult, isn't it?" As the leader, he seemed to have guessed something, and his eyes became a little frightened.

Tian Lin still stood there smiling, and a figure suddenly appeared behind him, a blue gem-like headdress, surrounded by white wind-like streamers, showing a light figure; his body was covered in blue and white The pattern reflects the image of water and wind.

"Sure enough, it is the incarnation of the legendary North Wind, Suicune!" The leader of the poachers widened his eyes. At this moment, he knew that he might have caused a lot of trouble.

When Tianlin saw the tragic state of the forest just now, he used the orb given by Suijun to call it out. Only its power can restore the lake to its original state.

"Lord Ruler, it's been a long time since the lake of life left, I didn't expect you to call me again, and you let me see such a scene, not only let me see the evil of human nature, but also let me witness the beauty of human nature !" Sui Jun said.

The meaning expressed by Suijun is very obvious. It is strange that poachers destroy nature and rob trees for their own selfishness. There is no uglier evil of human nature than this, but then Qin also sacrificed himself to protect his friends , but made him feel the beauty between people and Pokémon.

Witnessing whether human beings repent or not is an order given to it by King Ho. Today's scene makes it realize that although it is not yet time to fully recognize human beings, it will not give them a chance, because human beings are divided into good and evil. what.

"Those who do good should be rewarded~'!" Sui Jun looked at Qin Ye and the tree strangely, the streamer behind him fluttered, and a small piece of dust-like thing flew towards them.

After Qin Ye and Shu Caiguai, who had been seriously injured, got caught in this piece of dust, all the injuries on their bodies were healed in an instant.

"Is this, Holy Ash?" Tian Lin exclaimed. With such a powerful healing ability, there is absolutely no other item that can do it.

Legend has it that holy ash is what was born after the burning of the holy fire of Ho-oh's trick. It contains Ho-oh's powerful vitality. Even if all the Pokémon on the body are dying, as long as you choose one and use it, you can heal all the companions. Dream's near-death state and the removal of abnormal state, restore all physical strength, worthy of the name of the world's first magic medicine.

As one of Ho-oh's guards, Sui-kun was granted this magical medicine by Ho-oh as a matter of course.

After Suijun cured Qin Ye and Shucai, he looked at the group of poachers with a serious expression, "Those who are evil should be punished!"

"Boss, it's Suijun, this is more precious than the golden tree. As long as we catch it, we will be completely rich!"

The poachers showed greedy eyes, but the one who was at the head was barely able to maintain a sense of reason at this time, "Shut up for me, this Suicune is not easy, I am afraid we are not its opponents!"

"Oh, as expected of being the boss, he really knows a lot!" Tian Lin glanced at the leader a little, but he didn't expect him to realize the power of Sui Jun.

There is not more than one water monarch in the world. Although most of the water monarchs are powerful, they can usually be dealt with by a trainer who has reached the heavenly king level. However, this one next to Tianlin is different. It is one of the real three holy beasts. Affiliated to the Phoenix Guards, he occupies the second-level god position and possesses strength beyond the championship level.

"Cool!" Shui Jun shouted loudly, setting off a huge wave, which swept through the poachers' Pokémon like a tsunami. With just one move, the poachers' Pokémon lay down in a large area. .

"Okay, so strong!" Qin also stared at this scene dumbfounded. Although he said that he transformed his tree into a type that is not afraid of water, if he encounters a surfing trick on the scale of Suijun, I am afraid it will be of little use. nothing.

Sure enough, when he encounters a real strong man, his cleverness will become useless. After seeing Suijun, Qin Ye's remorse deepened, and after he made up his mind to go back, he must try his best to help the tree to restore its original state. .

"No, we can't win against that monster, run!" the leader shouted, and the poachers fled in all directions immediately. This is their usual trick, so even if Tianlin chased, it would be difficult to catch everyone. .

As for those who were arrested, they could only admit that they were unlucky. Those who did their job were already ready to be arrested on the first day they came out.

It's a pity that their invincible method in the past can't work today, because Tian Lin is a superpower.

"'" You can't escape! "The blue light flashed in Tian Lin's eyes, and all the poachers were completely controlled by his super power.

"Spiritual shock!" Then Tianlin directly attacked their spirits, stunning all the poachers in one breath.

"Lord Ruler, I didn't expect to see you for a while. Your spiritual power has become so strong." Sui Jun said with deep admiration.

Tian Lin smiled and didn't answer. In fact, it wasn't just his mental power. He also borrowed the power of fantasy in the Poké Ball just now. Otherwise, no matter how strong he was, he wouldn't be able to stun everyone in one go.

Tian Lin walked to Qin Ye's side and said, "Qin Ye, the matter has been resolved (by Li Zhao), you're the one who brought the tree home, go home, and work hard to bring it back to its original state!"

"Yes, thank you very much for your help, I will definitely try my best." Qin also bowed and said with sincere gratitude, now that the knot between him and Shucaiwei has been untied, he only needs to put it into the Poké Ball. , you can take the tree home without attracting the attention of others, and then use the machine to restore it.

"It's nothing, then I'm leaving too, you take care." Tian Lin didn't plan to go back to the town, and Xiang Qin also bid farewell.

Before leaving, he explained that Qin Ye returned to the town and asked Miss Junsha to come and deal with the poachers. Anyway, they would not be able to wake up for a while, and they must have been at the police station when they woke up.

After saying goodbye to Qin Ye, Tian Lin and Sui Jun came to the depths of the forest together. Tian Lin thought that since Sui Jun had been summoned, the original agreement should be fulfilled. He had been waiting for this day for a long time.

Chapter [*]: Conquering Suicune and preparing for a gorgeous large-scale celebration

"Lord Ruler, you brought me here, are you ready to fight me?" Suijun could feel the rising fighting spirit on Tian Lin's body and asked.

"That's right, Suijun, do you still remember the promise you made with me? Don't use roars, don't run away, and fight me fairly." Tian Lin replied.

"Of course, Lord Ruler, please give me more advice. What Pokémon are you going to use to fight me?"

Suijun had already set up a fighting stance, and as soon as he finished his question, a Poké Ball on Tian Lin's body automatically opened, and the little cute thing Dream ran out.

"Hey, isn't this Suijun, long time no see!"

"Dream, Master Dream!" Sui Jun widened his eyes, but he did not expect that the dream, which was close to the strength of a first-level god, was subdued by Tianlin. No wonder he dared to propose a subjugation battle to it now. No matter how confident it is, it knows He is by no means a dream opponent, and it seems that he will inevitably be subdued today.

Seeing Sui Jun's self-deprecation, Tian Lin smiled and said, "Shui Jun, don't get me wrong, I won't send Fantasy to fight you. This little guy is just being naughty and doesn't want to stay in the Poke Ball and run out by himself."

"Aren't you using Mirage-sama?" Sui Jun asked in surprise.

Tianlin shook his head, "I won't be so ignorant of martial arts. It's too unfair to fight you with a little dream that is close to a first-level god."

"Lord Ruler, you are indeed an upright trainer." Suijun showed admiration on his face, as expected of a person recognized by Lord Hoo, this skill is absolutely incomparable.

It's a pity that the scene that appeared after that slapped it in the face fiercely. It can only be said that Suijun underestimated Tianlin's shamelessness.

After all, in the face of Suijun, who surpassed the champion level, if Tianlin does not use Fantasy, even if Tianlin sends out a giant gold monster, the chances of winning are not high, so in order to ensure victory, there is only one other guy who can be used.

I saw Tian Lin took out a green orb and muttered to himself, "The god who controls the sky, the holy dragon, is calling you in the name of your master, Tian Lin, and come here!"

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