Lila took out a gold battle pioneering emblem from her pocket and handed it to Tianlin: "Take it, this is the proof of winning the battle tower - a symbol of ability."

Tianlin solemnly took the ability symbol handed over by the girl, and he finally won these six battle development symbols.

"Tianlin, you did a good job. It's finally the last battle facility to fight the pyramid. Let's move forward towards the goal of fighting the pioneering area to dominate. I'm optimistic about you!" Yahida said with a smile while applauding. : "I have sent the information to your navigator, you can check it out."

When Tianlin heard this, he took out his navigator, only to find that there was a moving mark on the navigator, and the battle pyramid was moving at a high speed.

"'" In fact, the so-called battle pyramid is a flying fortress, so its address is not fixed. Now I have input the signal to your navigator, you can check the location at any time to challenge. ' Ahida explained.

"I understand, Mr. Yaxida, but I won't challenge it yet, it will take some time." Tian Lin said.

"Why? Are you going to do anything else?" Ahida asked in confusion.

"Yes, I have to go back to the Quartz Plateau first. Now the Quartz Conference has just ended there. The following large-scale festival in Kanto will be held there. I am going to win the title of top coordination trainer."

Yahida nodded, "So that's the case, then come on, the Battle Pyramid is always waiting for your challenge."

"I didn't expect (Li Hao) Tianlin, you are still a coordinator trainer. You can take care of both sides, but you can be so good. I seem to see a new star that surpasses Michael!" Lila sincerely praised.

"Thank you for your compliment, Lila, then I'll say goodbye, goodbye!" Tian Lin stretched out a hand and shook Lila's.

Suddenly Tian Lin remembered something and smiled at Lila, "By the way, Lila, I have something to tell you, if you have long hair, it must be very beautiful."

Tian Lin remembered Lila, who later became an Interpol, and the image with long purple hair was really beautiful.

Lila blushed again when she heard the words, lowered her head and didn't dare to look at Tian Lin, but Tian Lin didn't notice this at this time, he had already turned and left.

Lila looked at the hand she just shook with Tian Lin, and made up her mind to grow her hair long from today. The next time she sees Tian Lin, she must be completely amazed by him.

Chapter [*]: The Golden Legend of the Strange Tree

Aiming at the magnificent large-scale celebration and the final battle against the pyramid, Tianlin said goodbye to Mr. Lila and Mr. Yahida and continued his journey. Now he has left the capital waterfall for three days and is preparing to go back to the Quartz Plateau while training. Anyway, there is still a long time before the conference, he is not in a hurry.

Tianlin took out the Pokémon navigator to check the road. Next, he only needs to walk through this small forest for another kilometer to reach Bird Town. There are two roads from Bird Town, one leads to In the dark gray city, one leads to the Quartz Plateau.

Judging from the information on the navigator, the Battle Pyramid is staying on the outskirts of the dark gray city at this time. If Tianlin rushes at this moment, he will be able to challenge immediately, but Tianlin feels that it is not the time, because at this time the gods are in the hands of , there should only be two pillars. The last ice pillar, Regais, was conquered after he defeated Xiaozhi twice. Willing to wait.

Outside the town of Berg is the beautiful nature, the spring water surrounded by the forest, bathed in the soft sunlight, makes people want to sleep peacefully here and enjoy a comfortable forest bath.

"What a beautiful scenery!" Tian Lin was also infected, without the hustle and bustle and exaggeration of the city.Calm down and listen to the sounds of nature.He really likes this feeling very much. "


"Master, it's really comfortable here!"

Because it is deep in the forest, Canon and Dream can also play outside unscrupulously.

"In this case, let's take a rest here!" Tian Lin loves them very much. Since they like it here, they are not in a hurry anyway, so just stay here for a while.

Tianlin sat down with his back against a big tree, Kanon leaned on Tianlin's shoulder, and the dream was in his arms. Being with Pokémon wasn't necessarily only about fighting. It was really good to enjoy life like this.

"Whoosh!" Suddenly there was a shuddering sound in the bushes on the river bank, and a tree-like golden Pokémon burst out with arms that looked like bushes and waving branches like arms.

"Well, shouldn't this thing be a tree, right?" Tian Lin's eyes widened, what's the situation, the golden tree is the strangest, the Shining Pokémon?

Tianlin shook his head, "No, even the shimmering tree is not golden, this is a new species that has never been discovered before!" (aiea)

"Trees are strange, imitating Pokémon, their attributes are rock type, they often imitate trees to protect themselves from harm, and are often mistaken for grass type by trainers. However, their body structure is closer to stone or rock, and they are naturally afraid of water. , when it rains, it will disappear without a trace."

This is the first time Tianlin has taken out the illustrated book to look up Pokémon information. He wants to see if there is any information about the golden tree in the records of Dr. Damu's illustrated book, but the result is that he has never found it.

"It's really interesting, the tree with different colors is the reason why the branches of the arms are red, and this one is a local gold, I have to conquer it." Regardless of the combat strength, the color of the 24k pure gold alone makes it Bringing it around can definitely attract the attention of passers-by, Tian Lin secretly delighted, if he uses this guy to challenge large-scale celebrations, it will definitely amaze everyone.

"Go, Hakolong, use surfing!" Since the opponent is a different-colored Pokémon, Tianlin also uses a different-colored Pokémon to fight.

Hackron made a huge wave, and the tree saw this and made an unexpected move. It jumped into the water and escaped the surf. The water system restrains the rock system. This is common sense, and this one The golden tree is strange, but it can dive into the water, it is not simple.

"I'm not afraid of water, that's even better, I want you more, Ha Kelong, use a tornado!" Tianlin ordered.

Hackron flew to the center of the pool and used a tornado to form a huge waterspout, and the Golden Tree was also affected. The waterspout completely restricted its mobility.

"Then go, high-level ball!" To subdue the golden tree is to blame such gorgeous Pokémon, Tian Lin certainly won't use ordinary poke balls, it's too low-level.

After the high-level ball hit the tree, there was neither a clear sound of subduing nor violent shaking, but a red glow from the golden tree's body, which bounced the elf ball back to Tianlin's body. hands.

"It seems that this golden tree is not a wild Pokémon, but a trainer." Tian Lin looked at it and said with disappointment. He didn't expect such a rare Pokémon to already exist. Lord, no matter how much he likes it, he can't do things like rob other people's Pokémon.

You can't smash someone else's Poké Ball, and it's weird to forcefully take down the tree. If you do this, you'll be like some one-ball superman.

It was strange that the golden tree saw that Tianlin no longer attacked it, and took advantage of this opportunity to run away without a trace.

Tian Lin saw the strange back of the tree disappear, and leaned back against the tree to rest again.

"Alas, my Big Festival Exhibition Pokémon ran away, disappointing."

"Dream!" Dream pulled Tianlin's clothes, pouted, and shouted in dissatisfaction.

"Master, you still have us, isn't it strange that we are not as good as a golden tree?" Canon also said with jealousy.

"Haha, of course it can't compare to you. After all, no matter how rare the golden Pokémon is, it can't be compared to your mythical beast." Tian Lin looked at the two small vinegar jars and hurriedly comforted.

After abolishing the power of nine bulls and two tigers, the two mythical beasts put away their small temper.

After a short rest, Tian Lin stood up and set off towards Bird Town again.

Although Bird Town is located in the Kanto Continent, it is a typical western style town. After walking a few streets, Tian Lin finally found a hotel.

Tianlin stepped forward and pushed open the wooden door and shouted loudly, "Good afternoon, I'm sorry, is anyone here?"

Tian Lin's voice was abrupt enough, and the twenty or so men in the hall all looked at him, and the waiter who served the wine was stunned and stood there watching.

"Damn, here comes another one, there are more and more competitors." I saw a group of people in the hotel grit their teeth and looked at Tian Lin with hostility, as if they regarded him as a competitor.

Although Tian Lin was puzzled, he was not afraid of them. He walked to the counter very naturally, "Hello, boss, please open a room for me, I want to stay."

"I'm sorry, this gentleman, we are already full. You must have come here because of the golden tree. To tell you the truth, we are the only hotel in Berg Town, and recently came here to get that Pokémon. There are too many people here, and there is really no extra room." The boss explained apologetically.

Tian Lin came to his senses when he heard the boss's words. No wonder the group of people were so hostile to him just now, apparently they also regarded him as a member of the competition for the golden tree.

Chapter [*] The truth is Qin also and the tree are strange

"It turns out that it's all because of the golden tree." Tian Lin suddenly said, "But I advise everyone not to waste their efforts. It's the golden tree that has an owner. Just now, my subjugation failed."

"What?" Some burly men stood up. "What did you just say, it's no wonder that the golden tree has already been climbed first."

"Yeah, so everyone should give up and go back to their respective homes." Tian Lin spread his palms.

"No, who knows if what you said is true or false, maybe it's just to deceive us, so it's weird to monopolize the golden tree."

"That's right, and even if it's true, we won't let it go, and we have to get that guy."

The hotel suddenly became noisy. Tian Lin's eyes gradually became sharp when he heard the words. He couldn't help but hear what he said just now. After listening to these people, he planned to rob other people's Pokémon. This is a serious violation. The behavior of the Pokémon League regulations.

"You kid, you just said that it's weird to see the golden tree. Say it, where is it? Otherwise, be careful that we'll be rude to you!" A big man raised a fist the size of a casserole with one hand and stretched the other hand into his arms. In the middle, he took out the Poké Ball, and started to fight if he disagreed.

He actually wanted to come at him, and Tian Lin was even more furious. Just as he was about to take action and teach this bastard a lesson, he heard someone suddenly shouting from outside, "It's the golden tree that appeared in the forest lake, everyone, go! "

Hearing this shout, the big man present couldn't care less about Tianlin, and rushed out.

After a while, a green-haired boy walked in and asked Tianlin, "Are you- are you okay?"

"It's okay, the shout just now - did you shout?"

"Yes, the purpose is to lure them away. In fact, I have a very important matter to ask you. Can you come to my house and discuss it in detail? It's about..." The boy whispered in Tianlin's ear.

Tianlin nodded, and under the grateful eyes of the young man, he followed him to a simple wooden house. In a small place of [*] to [*] square meters, all kinds of daily necessities were readily available, and there was even a set of research institutes to see them. precision laboratory equipment.

"No problem, no one is following." The young man carefully drew the curtains and introduced himself: "My name is Qin Ye, please give me more advice. This gentleman, is it true that you see the golden tree?"

"It turns out that you are also looking for me for the golden tree. I have already said that the golden tree has an owner. It is a shameful act to snatch other people's Pokémon." Tian Lin said solemnly.

"You misunderstood." Qin also waved his hands anxiously, fearing that Tianlin would misunderstand, then he took out a photo and handed it to Tianlin, "Look at this, to tell you the truth, in fact, I am the golden tree talent. Strange trainer! But it has been away from home for a long time, Mr. Tianlin, please tell me where it is?"

The people in the photo are Qin Ye and the Golden Tree. With Tian Lin's eyes, we can tell that this photo is not a synthetic product. So it is true that the young man in front of him is a tree-like trainer, but Tian Lin is right. It can be felt that the tree in the photo has no warm feeling with the trainer at all. Instead, it looks very sad, with hesitation and fear in its eyes.

"This is indeed evidence, but what did you do to the tree? Combined with the dissatisfaction in its photos and the behavior of running away from home, you must have done something that made it intolerable." Tian Lin asked.

"No, how could it be, there's no such thing. This tree is because I accidentally met and subdued it in the forest. That child's nature is like this. Every time a group photo is taken, he always has stage fright, and I'm also worried. Haha." Qin Ye was flustered and quickly defended.

"Tianlin, this guy is lying, and Xiaomeng can feel that his tone is extremely insincere." Before Tianlin could take the initiative to suspect, the dream hidden in the pokeball was transmitted to him, as a super-power beast , Dream has a very strong ability to perceive emotions, it is false, it is false.

Tian Lin's impression of Qin Ye plummeted in an instant, "If you don't tell the truth, then I can't help you, Pokémon has the right to choose its own life, if it doesn't recognize you as the master, then I won't hinder its will. "

After Tianlin finished speaking, he was about to turn around and leave. As soon as he walked to the door, Qin finally couldn't help but open his arms to stop him. At this time, he looked apologetic, "I'm sorry I just lied to you, it's actually like this..."

0 ・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・・ 0

Qin also slowly told the story of what happened. It turned out that in order to make the tree monster stronger, Qin also experimented with it. In order to make the tree monster's body endure the attack of the water-based trick, he used the knowledge he mastered to deal with it. It ran a series of experiments.It may be that there were some deviations in the calculation results, and the instrument exploded in the middle, so it was strange that it became a golden tree.

Qin also thought that it would be very happy at first, but did not expect the final result to be like this.

"Stupid!" Tian Lin shouted angrily, "There is only one way to make a Pokémon stronger, and that is the cultivation of it by trainers. It is a crooked way to rely on experiments, you and Team Rocket What's the difference between this evil organization, and do whatever it takes to become stronger, don't you feel it? It's the tree that blames its grief written under its body made of luxurious gold."

0 ......  

"That time was indeed an accident, I didn't do it on purpose." Qin also said with a guilt look on Tianlin's face, and said annoyed, "So then I have been doing research to restore it to its original state, and it's not easy. I learned the method from the book, but if you want to restore it, you have to take it home first."

"Tianlin, this is the truth, Xiaomeng can feel the remorse and guilt of this person!" Dream transmission said.

Hearing this, Tian Lin also slightly relieved his anger. Knowing his mistakes can improve a lot. Although Qin also used extreme methods before, he finally woke up in time. In this case, Tian Lin is willing to help him.

"Wait, no, it's over!" Tian Lin suddenly remembered that just now, Qin also seemed to blame the tree in the forest and lake in order to drive away those gold diggers. Maybe he just said it casually, but the problem is, Coincidentally, it happened to be the location of the Golden Tree.

"Qin Ye, let's go quickly, the golden tree is really there in the forest lake you mentioned just now, and now those gold diggers must have flocked here, we have to hurry over, otherwise the tree will be in danger. "

"What!" Qin also turned pale in shock, but he didn't expect that he would unknowingly trick his partner again.

Before they could think about it, the two quickly ran towards the forest lake and walked away.

Chapter [*] The knot of the heart is unraveled and the north wind blows

In the forest, the tree is enjoying the forest bath comfortably, and when he is happy, he will go to play in the beautiful lake. In a sense, Qin Ye's experiment is actually a success. In order to golden yellow, but really not afraid of water.

"Haha, I found it!" It was strange that a few gold diggers found the tree first, so they sent their Pokémon to attack it with all their might.

It's strange that the tree was caught off guard, and its two fists were hard to beat with four hands, and it was beaten all over the body in no time.

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